Restless Spirits (6 page)

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Authors: Shyla Colt

Tags: #Contemporary: Paranormal, #Suspense, #Multicultural

BOOK: Restless Spirits
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“Uh-huh, that’s what the small percent who end up possessed tell themselves.” Pierce rolled his eyes.

“We’ll contain the energy in the locket to make sure she’s at peace, and then we’ll be 100 percent sure it’s over. I’ve seen it with a lot of haunted-items collectors. They encase the object in certain materials to keep the energy in check and the haunting spirit at peace.”

He ground his teeth. “Tell me what we need to do.”

Chapter Six

Pierce held the necklace swaddled in cloth out in front of him like a snake ready to turn and sink its fangs in. What began as a fun trip had taken a dark turn when they found more than they expected. Demi thought she’d helped the ghost. He wasn’t so sure. The feeling of eyes watching him persisted even now. His hair stood up on the back of his neck, and he fought the urge to look around. When they’d reviewed the footage the next morning, he’d been stunned. The apparition appeared as clear as day. The EVPs were equally incredible. They could hear the words “Bronwyn Brown” as clear as day. Research confirmed Demi’s theory. They needed to bind the locket’s energy and seal it tight or destroy it. A long talk with management had brought them to this moment. They were meeting with a local priest who’d bind the energy with a powerful blessing, and then the locket would be placed beneath a glass dome, where it’d be displayed in the hotel, an homage to the woman with so many unrealized dreams.

“It’s not going to bite you,” Demi said. The teasing lilt to her words made him frown.

“I’m not so sure.”

“Why won’t you let this go?” She sighed.

“Because it was too cut-and-dried. I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that’s how they lull you into a false sense of security.”

“Oh, come on.” She threw her hands up in the air.

“This isn’t like the show, Demi. We’re in way over our heads.”

“Which is why we’re passing it on to a higher power, literally.”

They reached the manager’s office and were ushered in by Gennifer.

“Please join us. We’re so excited about the things you uncovered and the mystery you solved. We’ve taken the liberty of checking records, and there was a Bronwyn Brown who lived and worked here in the mid eighteen hundreds. The death announcement of her fiancé was also found.” The salt-and-pepper haired petite woman in a sharp navy-blue dress vibrated with excitement. Her blue eyes sparkled, and a wide smile crossed her round face, showing off laugh lines around her mouth and eyes.

“We’re just happy she’ll be put to rest,” Demi said, taking the lead as Pierce tried his best not to show his irritation.
Am I the only one around her with a healthy dose of concern? She’s not a pet project. She’s a ghost who’s been around for a long time.

“I believe she’d like being remembered and having her story told.” Gennifer placed a hand on her chest and sighed. “It’s sad yet so romantic. She never loved again.”

Demi shifted her weight and remained silent. He could see the unease in the tense set of her shoulders and the dulled sparkle in her eyes.
She’s thinking about her parents
. He wanted to wring Gennifer’s neck as his hard work was taken down brick by brick. The past few days, he’d gotten her to step outside of her comfort zone and feel something more than friendship. If Demi freaked now, he’d never get a second shot.

“Well, here’s the necklace.” He thrust the cloth-wrapped bundle, and a weight lifted off his shoulders.
It’s all yours now, Gennifer.

“Thank you. We’ll be sure to credit you for the discovery.”

He held up his hands. “That’s really no—”

“Awesome,” Demi said, practically dancing beside him. He swallowed down his protests, happy to see she moved on to something happier.

“The clergyman will arrive around two. Would you like to wait for him and stay for the blessing and binding?”


“No, I’ve already said my good-byes to the spirit.”

“Very well.” Gennifer smiled. “We’ll be in touch as we prepare to display the locket. Enjoy the rest of your stay, and please, don’t hesitate to ask for anything. “

“Thanks, Gennifer.” Pierce wrapped an arm around Demi’s shoulders. She leaned against him, and he released a sigh of relief. They turned and walked out of the office. “It’s our last night. What should we do?” he said.

“No clue. Nothing can top what happened last night. I mean, we actually solved a case.” She peered up at him and grinned.

“So I guess we immerse ourselves in normalness now?”

“Well, in true case style, it’d be dive bar and greasy food time.” Demi batted her lashes.

“I think I can arrange that.” He smiled. “We wouldn’t want to deter from the cosplay experience of the trip now after we’ve gone through so much trouble to be authentic.”

She rolled her eyes, and he chuckled.

“Such an ass.”

He inclined his head. “You did want me to be Roman Stone.”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t a little bit hot.”

He guided her into the elevator and pulled her back against him, gripping her hips. “Only a little bit?” Nipping her ear, he nibbled his way down her neck. She shivered and rubbed her ass into his groin.

“Mmm. More than a little.”

“Much better,” he said.

He stepped away, and she huffed. A bell chimed. “We’re here, but hold that thought until we get back tonight.”

“Buzzed hot sex afterward?”

“Anything for accuracy.”

* * * *

Demi leaned against the pool table and watched the flex of Pierce’s firm ass as he walked over to pay for their table. The man made her dizzy. With his quick wit, insane sex appeal, and considerate nature, he was an unbelievable catch. She wanted things she thought long out of reach.
Can I risk it?
Love could be dangerous, even in the right hands. If you entangled who you were with that person and they were taken away. A battle began in her mind against what she once thought and a rapidly developing new reality.
With Pierce, you’d have it all. A best friend and a lover who makes you wet just looking at him.

He strolled toward her with fire and mirth in his eyes.

“I know you’re a good pool player, so how about a wager?” He set the rack on the table and began to pile in the stripes and solids.

“I’m listening.” She pushed away from the table and selected a pool stick, holding it parallel to test it.

“If I win, I get to tie you up.”

“And if I win?” She placed a hand on her hip and placed the stick on the ground in front of her.

“You tie me up.”

The imagery his gravel-laced tone dredged up made her mouth water and her pussy weep. Pierce had always been a bit of a control freak. The thought of having him under her command appealed to her and spoke volumes about his trust.

“You’d agree to that.”

“With you, yes.” He licked his lips. “I’ve always wanted to let down my walls and hand over control. But I couldn’t with anyone else.”

“Pierce.” She leaned in, cupped his cheek, and kissed him soft and sweet. Her toes curled in her tennis shoes, and she fell further from friendly love and closer to unfamiliar territory. Sliding her tongue inside his mouth, she took control of the kiss, setting the pace as she explored him thoroughly. They pulled apart, and he shook slightly.

“I hope you can take me, D. ‘Cause I’d really like to spend the night at your mercy.”

“That’s one hell of a motivational speech.”

“Good, you break.” He winked.

She walked over to the table, bent, and closed one eye, lining up the shot. The crack of the balls as the cue ball sent them into motion made her grin.
One stripe and two solids.

“I’m solids.” She put an extra roll in her hips a she moved on to her next shot. The battle got heated. People gathered to watch them as they carefully lined up shot after shot. In the end, it all came down to the eight ball. Heat infused her body as she bent down and struggled to focus.

“Eight ball in the right corner pocket.” Her hands shook. She inhaled, exhaling slowly. One final thrust of her pool stick, and the white ball rolled, taking her destiny with her. The black ball shot into the pocket as if it wanted to be home. A cheer rang out in the small crowd gathered around them.

Pierce pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple. “Good game,” he said.

“Mhmm. We’ll have drinks. Then you’re mine for the night,” she said. He gave her a squeeze and pushed her away as they shook hands with the crowd.

A number of shots later, they stepped out of the bar into the cool night. She welcomed the breeze on her flushed skin. Buzzed and excited, she imagined all the sweet torture she’d inflict on his body.

“You got the devil in your eyes, D.”

“My thoughts are wicked.” She gave him a slow once-over and leaned against the passenger door when they reached the car. “When do the games begin?”

“That eager?” he said.

“Oh yes, my control-loving friend. Are you sure you can handle it? Maybe we should switch the terms.”

“No.” His nostrils flared, and her nipples puckered.

“You want it as much as I do.”

He licked his lips. “I suggested it.” He swallowed. She rose up on her tiptoes and licked the bobbing ball of his Adam’s apple. He growled, and she grinned, resting her hands on his chest.

“I like the role reversal,” she said, pinching his nipples. He jerked against her. His breathing grew staggered. “You like it, don’t you? Not knowing what’s coming next?” She leaned in and sank her teeth into his pecs.

“Jesus, Demi.” The moan he released went straight to her core. A fresh flood of liquid dampened her panties.

“So hot, Pierce. I can’t wait to fuck you.” She let him go and stepped back. “I think it’s time we take this back to the room.”

“Shit.” He glanced up, exhaled, and opened the passenger door. She stepped up into the vehicle, rubbing her hands together as she thought of all the fun to be had on the fifteen-minute drive. Careful to keep her hands in her lap, she bided her time until they were on the road.

“Pierce. Do I get total control?” she whispered.

He swallowed. “Yes.”

“Keep your eyes on the road and your hands steady.” She unbuckled her seat belt and leaned over the console to unbutton his jeans and free his swollen cock.

“Demi.” His voice cracked.

“Oh, you did like what I did to you.” She gripped his base and took him in her mouth.
Talk’s overrated
. His muscles locked as she took him deep and retreated, almost pulling free as she twisted her hand around him. He grew larger, stretching to his full ten-inch glory. His hips moved in time to her rhythm, and she squeezed him harder, earning a throaty moan.

“Shit, we’re close to the inn.”

She lifted her head, giving him a few final pumps before she released him and tucked him back into his boxers, carefully adjusting him before she zipped him back up. His knuckles were white where they gripped the steering wheel; his jaw looked made of steel, and his body was stiff as a board. A surge of power filled her.
I did that
. They went through the motions of exiting the car and returning to their room as if nothing had happened. The hotel door closed behind them, and she flicked on the light and smirked.

“Strip, baby. I want you in nothing but your boxers.”

He nodded and swallowed. The nervousness bled into his eyes.

“It’s just you and me. I won’t push you any further than you’re ready to go. No judgment in our space.”

“Our space?” A wide-mouth grin broke out, chasing away his moment of fear.

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, are you happy?”

“For now.”

“Good.” She smacked his ass. “Now go do my bidding. I’m in charge tonight.”

“You like that far too much.”

She winked and slipped off her shoes, stripping down to her skivvies.

“Now what?” Pierce stood in front of her in a pair of navy boxer briefs.

“Lie down on the bed. We’ll start small, just your wrists.”

“You plan on doing this again?” He arched an eyebrow.

“Just leaving my options open.”

“Mmhmm.” He gave her a skeptical glance but did as she asked. She walked over to her bag and dug out her softest set of scarves.

“You sure you ready for this, lover?”

He glanced down at his tented boxers. “More than you know.”

“I think I can figure it out.” She sashayed to the bed and trailed her nails up his belly to his chest. With the other hand, she trailed the cloth over his skin. He shivered. “I like seeing this new side of you. Almost soft and a bit vulnerable.” She dragged the lightweight material up his arms and took his hand, lashing it to the headboard.

“How does that feel?” She tugged at the knot, testing the tightness.

“G-good.” His voice wavered, and his eyes looked unfocused.

A few minutes later, he was spread-eagle on the bed with both wrists restrained.

“Where should I start? So much beautiful skin to explore.” She bent down and flicked his nipple, pinching its twin. His hips shot off the bed, and she chuckled. “Like that, huh?” She added teeth, and he moaned.

“I like anything you do, Demi.” His whispered words were sincere and pierced her hardened shell, slipping under her skin and into her bloodstream. She’d been ensnared. The weekend wouldn’t be enough for all the things she wanted from him.

“We’ll see.” Recovering, she dug her nails into his chest. He sucked in a deep breath. Red welts popped up in her wake. She lowered her head to his smooth skin and tasted the salt flesh with her tongue, licking a path to his waistband. Body taut, he held still as she traced the patch of flesh above the elastic band. His cock twitched, and she palmed him, massaging him through the cloth. He ground his hips up to meet her caress, moaning. High on power, she paused, dipping her thumbs into his boxers and pulling them down his legs. She quickly shed her underwear and crawled up onto the bed, trailing her fingers up his legs. The hairs tickled, and his body jerked. She traced the sensitive flesh in the crease of his thigh and hip. His wrists flexed, and he strained against the bonds. Their gazes locked. The heat in his eyes burned her, and the trust humbled her.

“I want to make it good for you, Pierce. Tell me what you want.”

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