Restart (The Revival Series) (5 page)

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“Oh here we go, let’s start the water works. That’s your answer to everything isn’t it Leah. Let’s start crying to avoid the argument!” Grabbing a beer, Ryan left the room and sat himself down on the sofa.

Leah wiped her face with her hands, trying to compose herself, before grabbing the shopping bag with her candles in and leaving the room, going upstairs to hide in the bathroom.


Sitting in the hot water in the bath, Leah let the tears flow freely, all sorts of thoughts running through her mind. Was it her fault Emma had gotten hurt? Was Ryan right? Or was he being unfair? Would life be better off if she packed her things and left with the kids?

She needed space, she needed to get away and she couldn’t wait until she went to Devon, to Daniel and Carries for a break. She needed space to get her head together and she wanted advice from her best friend, advice she would never ask for over the phone.


Chapter 5


Monday morning came around way too soon and Leah found the events of the weekend, made it a struggle to pull herself out of bed. The fight she had had with Ryan had put her in a bad mood and all she wanted to do was ignore the world and crawl back under the covers and sleep.

Once the kids were at school, she flopped herself on the sofa, flicking through all the rubbish daytime television, before checking her phone, and noticing she had missed messages from Greg.


GregB: Hey Leah, it was great bumping into you. I plan to stay around for a few days. Are you free to meet up for a catch-up?


Leah ran her hand over forehead and fingers through her hair. Did she want to meet up? Did she want to bring back memories from the past? She had enjoyed seeing Greg briefly in the supermarket but blushed as she remembered her reaction to his kiss on her cheek.

Scolding herself, Leah laughed out loud. She felt so stupid, what a silly reaction to have from just a small kiss that meant nothing. It had been over sixteen years since she had last seen Greg prior to the supermarket, and she was now a wife and a mother.

Surely meeting for a quick catch up wouldn’t do any harm? At the end of the day, they were both adults and they knew each other’s circumstances. Before she could change her mind she had replied saying that she was free most days and didn’t have much planned this week.

It wasn’t even a minute before she received a reply.


GregB: Great, how about today then? At Hemmings?


Hemmings was a small coffee shop in the centre of town, it tried hard to be an upmarket version of Starbucks but with the obvious lack of budget, it didn’t do well at it.

Walking through the door, Leah took in a deep breath, butterflies floating through her tummy, making her feel very sick. Glancing around the tables, she couldn’t see Greg anywhere, and decided to order and grab somewhere to sit and compose herself before he arrived.

Taking a seat in a window booth, the only available table in the place, she sat picking nervously at her nails. Although she hadn’t had them done that long ago, the constant picking and biting she had done, from stress had made them look shabby and she knew she would need to get them redone again soon.

Stirring the cappuccino slowly, she stared out of the window at the people walking passed. Trying to imagine and guess what their lives were like and where they were going. Glancing at her phone, she noticed Greg was already over 10 minutes late. She firstly started to doubt herself on the time and location and quickly double checked her messages. Once she knew she definitely had it right, she slumped into the chair, assuming Greg must have changed his mind.

Two hands covered Leah's shoulders from behind her and gently squeezed, warm, masculine hands, and she jumped at the touch.

“I am so sorry I’m late, I had the letting agent on the phone about a flat and I couldn’t get rid of him. I was on the phone so couldn’t message you either.” Greg walked around in front of Leah and dropped his phone on the table, before slipping off a hooded jacket and laying it across the back of the chair.

“You don’t need to apologise, it’s totally fine,” Leah replied, which came out as barely a whisper.

“You need anything?” Greg asked, gesturing toward the shop counter.

“No, no I'm good, thank you.”

Greg went over to the counter and ordered himself an espresso and a chocolate muffin, before rejoining Leah at the table.

Leah glanced at her drink, and nervously ran her index finger around the rim, before licking the coffee foam from her finger.

“So how are things?” Greg asked, stirring sugar into his drink.

“Not that great, it’s been a very hectic weekend. I never told you when I bumped into you yesterday but my daughter Emma fell at ice skating, and we ended up spending the whole afternoon in A&E, as she has broken her arm.”

“Oh geez, poor kid, that’s rough. Not good for you either to see her in pain, I imagine.”

“No, no it wasn’t, but at least it wasn’t her right arm, so she can still go to school and do her work, although she had to nominate a buddy to stay with her, to help her with small tasks she can’t manage, and her teacher has moved her to another seat so she has no one on her left side that could knock into her. So how’s the flat hunting going?

“Better than I imagined actually. I found a really nice one bedroom, all newly decorated and for a decent price. Just trying to get it all put through now, hence the phone call. I need to pop in later today and sign the paperwork, but as long as my credit checks go through it all looks promising.”

Greg bent his head and took a bite out of the muffin, trying to be careful not to make too many crumbs, but failing.

“That’s great news. Not long then and you will be back for good.” Leah wanted to smile from ear to ear but held herself back. Why would she be so happy having Greg back in town? She really needed to stop acting like a teenager and pull herself together. Straightening up in her chair, she put the cappuccino to her lips and took a small sip.

“Hopefully not, no. To be honest, I cannot wait. I need to get away from my witch of an ex. Everywhere I turn there is something of hers, or some reminder of her and its driving me to drink. I feel like I’m running away from it all but if I don’t I think I will go mad.” Greg laughed, and dusted the crumbs off his hands, before taking a sip of his own coffee.

“I understand, what you mean. It cannot be easy.” Leah replied, feeling that their situations were very similar and she couldn’t wait to get away from Ryan, even if it was just to Carrie’s for a week.

They both sat and chatted for over two hours, reminiscing about old times and memories from school and filling in the blanks from the years apart. It was easier to say more face to face than over a message and Leah felt herself relaxing more minute by minute.

Time seemed to fly and it didn’t feel like long before Leah realized she needed to leave to be at home in time for Cara to drop the kids off.

Greg walked Leah to her car, and they both stood in an awkward silence, neither one of them really wanting to say goodbye.

“I’ve really enjoyed today.” Leah said shyly, whilst fiddling in her handbag for her keys.

“Me too. Would it be wrong of me to wish you didn’t have to go?”

Leah wasn’t sure how to take Greg’s comment, so just smiled and giggled.

“I would love to stay longer but I need to be home for the kids. I promise I will message you later.”

Leah leant forward and gave Greg a one-armed hug, and went to kiss his cheek like her had hers before. As she leant in he tilted his head slightly and she caught the edge of his mouth, Leah pulled away and she didn’t know how to take things. Had it been an accident or had he turned his head on purpose?

“Talk to you later on then Leah,” Greg said, smiling, before turning and walking away.

Pulling herself together, Leah watched as Greg disappear in the distance, the slight feel of his lips haunting her thoughts, as well as making the butterflies that had become dormant in her tummy, spring to life again once more.

Jumping in the car, she drove home in complete silence, all types of thoughts running through her head, as well as a huge feeling of guilt. But why should she feel guilty? She hadn’t done anything wrong, had she?




The rest of the week went by in a blur of school, kids clubs and the same mundane tasks as most of the week days. Greg and Leah had shared a few messages since meeting, but he had been busy, sorting out his move as well as, travelling to and fro and dealing will issues with his ex-wife and the divorce, and sleeping on his brother's sofa most nights.

Friday morning Leah got the kids to school and then drove into town to get herself pampered. Ryan had a posh dinner for work that evening and wives were invited, so as usual she had to make a huge effort not to let him down. He had given her his credit card and pin and told her to get her hair and nails done, have a facial and treat herself to a new outfit, shoes and handbag.

Walking around the town, Leah browsed the shop windows for something suitable. She hated these dinners with a passion. They were incredibly boring and she always had to make herself laugh at the jokes told by the executives that were not in the slightest bit funny.

She also had to put up with Ryan’s boss flirting with him, when she had drunk too much. Obviously, she had a crush on Ryan, and Leah had wondered many times if Ryan had ever done anything about that crush, or taken it further, always pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind, trying to dismiss them, although they always crept back.

Ryan’s boss was a lot younger than him, and it was well known that she was only in that position because her father was the company founder. She wore clothes that were way too short and way too low cut and saved nothing for the imagination.

Eventually, Leah settled on a burgundy red dress that went to just above her knee. It was tightly fitted and showed off all her curves in the right places, without being over the top. The straps draped slightly off her shoulders and emphasized her chest without showing too much. All in all, it was perfect for the evening.

As well as the dress, she managed to pick up a clutch bag in the same colour shade and material as the dress, and a lovely pair of black heels, in a satin material.

Afterwards, she visited the hair salon and had an inch cut off and had her locks, blow dried and straightened to perfection, before popping and having her fake nails removed and redone, having them painted in a matching shade of burgundy to match the dress.

Leah felt much better after a day of pampering and even though she never went for the facial as she felt it was a waste of money, she did do a moisturizing treatment herself in the afternoon at home.

Today felt strange, it was too quiet at home. Cara had picked the kids up from school and was having them overnight for a sleepover, stating that it would be good for Leah, and meant that she could let her hair down and have a few drinks. Leah had already decided though she wasn’t going to be having more than one or two glasses.

Ryan arrived home around five o'clock as usual and told Leah he had booked a cab for seven and then went straight into his office. Leah had a quick sandwich before going and getting ready, taking her time over her makeup and making sure her hair was still presentable, and that she looked immaculate.

Slipping on her new dress and shoes, she turned and looked into the full-length mirror in her bedroom. She had to admit considering her age she looked pretty good, and she planned to flaunt that fact tonight in an attempt to get Ryan’s attention, and to keep his boss away from him as much as she could. The thought of his boss Melissa, flirting and draping herself all over Ryan and bringing out the green-eyed monster in Leah.




Walking arm and arm with Ryan into his works function, made Leah feel self-conscious and a fraud. She was the girl who enjoyed times walking on the beach and having quiet meals rather than partying and putting on a front. She loved being pampered and looking good but the posh dresses and having to act like the perfect wife irritated her.

“Ryan! Leah!” An older man, in his late sixties, although well aged, embraced Leah and shook hands with Ryan.

“Cole, nice to see you,” Ryan replied, placing an arm around Leah’s shoulders. A sign of togetherness and protectiveness and Leah had to fight the urge to shrug his arm off of her.

“Such a beauty you have here, you are a very lucky man Ryan. Make sure you take good care of this one, Have you got a drink?”

Ryan left Leah and went off with Cole to fetch some drinks, leaving Leah feeling slightly abandoned amongst people she didn’t know. Leah quickly found a chair in a quiet corner and hoped the evening would go fast, so she could just go home and get into her comfy pyjamas and into bed.

Leah pulled her phone from her purse and quickly typed a message to Greg, needing a distraction and for something to do to make herself look occupied, and to put more of Ryan’s colleagues off from approaching her.


Leah1982:  Stuck at a boring function for my husband's work. Do you think they would notice if I hid in the corner all evening?


Feeling a shadow loom over her, Leah quickly locked her phone screen and glanced up. Standing above her was Ryan’s boss Melissa, looking as if she should be on a street corner more than at a works function.

Melissa was wearing a bright red belt that she paraded as a dress, much too short and too low cut, not leaving anything to the imagination. Leah felt herself pull back in the chair to try and distance herself for Melissa’s chest that seemed to want to escape out of the thin fabric.

“Not with hubby?” Melissa questioned, taking a sip from the wine glass she was holding, before flicking her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

“He’s just getting drinks,” Leah replied, hoping she would pick up the hostile tone in Leah’s voice and back away.

Smirking Melissa turned and surveyed the crowd, before spotting Ryan still talking to Cole by the drinks table, and without saying a word walking off in their direction and leaving Leah, staring at her fleeting form wishing she would trip over in those ridiculously high heels she was wearing.

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