Resist (London) (12 page)

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Authors: Danielle Breeze

BOOK: Resist (London)
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Then he left.

He just walked out. That mother fucker didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. He thought because I’d given him just the tip of the iceberg, that he had the right to judge me?

Well, fuck that.




People should never doubt me. My plans don’t fail.

I strolled back down the stairs, swinging my keys around my finger. I knew she’d flip when I turned up at her place again. But that was just fine, because she had the illusion of the upper hand, but it really was that.

Just an illusion.

I was mad at her, don’t get me wrong. I hated that she could make such a big deal out of ‘strict parents’. She sounded like a spoilt brat. Defence mechanisms though I’d say.
Making a big deal out of nothing because she was trying to keep herself safe.

Time to step it up a notch.
Phase two, my favourite phase, time to put the ball in her court.


Let’s see what you’ve got then Sunshine.

Chapter Nine



I needed a break, I needed to force him out of my system. I needed to get laid. It had been too long, months even of putting up with the same old bullshit with him and it was seriously starting to wear on me.

So I got ready, little black dress,
little black dress, strapless, slightly slutty, exactly what I needed. I wore emerald green stilettos and added a matching clutch bag, and I was ready to go.

I was on the pull. I needed a decent fuck
, who was
Mason fucking Brent and I was going to get one. Seeing as it was a last minute idea, Taylor couldn’t come, I figured she was probably with Jax so I didn’t bitch too much, I was happy for her. They’re had been a hell of a lot of drama with her lately and I just wanted her to have a bit of peace for a while.

Jase was ‘too tired’ apparently.
Which is ridiculous. I figured maybe he just wanted some peace and quiet from my bitching. Wouldn’t surprise me. I had been hell to live with, even I can admit that. I was just wound up, constantly.

So I went alone. Stupid thing to do, but I wasn’t exactly in a ‘rationally thinking’ sort of place. I actually thought I might have been losing my mind a bit.

Strutting up to the entrance of Blaze, I was praying that Mason wouldn’t notice I was there because I knew he’d fuck up my night. I just wanted to have a good time and find a decent guy without that asshole getting involved.

So go somewhere else? I couldn’t. Blaze was the best, but cheapest place around. I really didn’t have the money to go anywhere. Plus, it was in walking distance, no taxi fares!

I didn’t know how long I’d been dancing when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I whipped my head around, a little too fast it seemed as I stumbled sideways slightly and collided with another body.

Ahh crap!

“Hello Mason.” I breathed.

“Hey gorgeous.”

“What are doing here Mase?” I replied through clenched teeth. I did
need him intruding on my night. I wanted to pull...and not him!

“Well, for one thing, I work here...
” He drawled... “Then I saw you shakin’ your pretty little ass all over the dance floor, couldn’t help myself. You’re pushin’ me Sunshine, you should be careful with that. If I push back, I win.”

“Don’t talk in code pretty boy, what the fuck are you talking about?” I began, then changed my tone and breathed into his ear... “I’m
drinkin’, I’m dancin’ and I’m gonna find me a nice looking guy to take home with me and fuck him until neither of us can

I felt him stiffen behind me. But I was doing the right thing, it was for the best. He wanted something from me
that I could never truly give, or at least not for a very long time. He deserved better than that, even if he didn’t get it yet. He would.


“Not gonna happen beautiful. Try it. See where it gets you. You think I’m gonna let some grubby little prick put his hands on you?! You’re out of your fuckin’ mind if you think I’ll stand by and watch that happen.”


“Then don’t watch.” I replied, and sauntered away. I may have put a little extra swing in my hips for his benefit, but who the fuck did he think he was? Telling me I wasn’t allowed to fuck someone else, I refuse to do as I’m told...ever
. I thought I’d already established that with him. Stupid fucker just didn’t listen.

I spotted a tall, possibly a bit too skinny, clean-shaven, dark haired guy leaning against the bar on the opposite side of the room and made my way across to him.

Yeah, he’d do!

When I was a few feet away, his eyes swung to me and instantly lit up, it was almost too easy.  When I reached his side, I gave him my best ‘bedroom eyes’ and a flirtatious smile and watched as his tongue peeked out to wet his bottom lip. He straightened away from the bar slightly and squared his shoulders...yeah way too easy!

“Hey, can I buy you a drink?” He asked.

“Sure, I’ll just have a vodka and coke please”

“Cool...” He leaned over the bar, trying to get the barman’s attention. He received a nod from the closest one to us and shouted his order across. Still waiting for the drinks, he turned to me looked me up and down, bit the side of his lip and raised an eyebrow, he really couldn’t have been more obvious.

“So what’s your name?”

“Harper.” I replied. Rule, never give your surname. Surname’s mean people can find you, when you don’t want to be found!

“Luke.” He murmured,
then stuck out his hand.

Shaking hands?
Really? It wasn’t a fucking business meeting!

I edged closer to him and purposely rubbed myself against him when the barman placed our drinks on the bar and I reached for mine. I had my A game on for sure, and judging by the hard-on he was already sporting, it was working just fine.

A hard-on...from a smile and a bit of close contact. Aww poor man hasn’t seen anything yet!

He paid. I thanked him, then grabbed his hand and moved us towards the dance-floor.
He made general needless conversation and I gave him as little information as I could. I didn’t to fucking
. I wound myself around him and swayed my hips to the music. I was giving him some of my best moves, it was too obvious he was enjoying himself so I figured I wouldn’t waste anymore time so I stood on my tip-toes and pressed my mouth against his. It wasn’t a great kiss, it wasn’t even a particularly good kiss and it definitely wasn’t a ‘Mason kiss’, but I could work with it. I pulled back and then whispered in his ear.

“You ready to leave?”

“Damn right, let’s go.”

And it was that easy.

Or so I thought.

He was practically running out of the club and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his eagerness. He was acting like he’d never had a decent fuck in his life. Fuck, yeah I hoped he actually
fucked before!

We walked from the main room, to the foyer and I figured we were home free when the doorman put his arm across the door and asked us to wait.

Wait for what?!

“Hey man, we’re just leaving, what have we got to wait for?” Luke asked
, his tone edged with annoyance. But the doorman ignored him completely, not even an eye flicker. I sighed, my hand still in Luke’s, I leaned back against the wall. A feeling grew in my gut, that I really wasn’t going to like whatever we were waiting for.

I’ve never hated being right more in my life.

“Mike, this guy here was caught doing drugs on CCTV, could you please escort him from the premises and ensure he knows he’s no longer welcome here in future.” The voice from behind me sounded. It was grave and demanding.

That fucking asshole!

Luke tensed and stuttered, “What? Man, nah I don’t do drugs, I don’t!...” His voice faded as he was literally dragged outside by the doorman. I started to follow; we were leaving anyway so I wasn’t going to rise to Mason’s fucked-up challenge. But I didn’t get very far before I was grabbed by the shoulder and swung around. I stumbled slightly but he caught me and hauled me into his chest.

Wow, why does that have to be such
a firm chest.

told you not to push me Sunshine.” He growled.

I stiffened. Frankly he could take his stupid growl and
shove it where the sun don’t shine, I wasn’t gonna be intimidated. I tried to push away but he wouldn’t let me, no way in hell was I being restrained though.

I raised my knee as high as I could in my confined situation, and rammed my stiletto, straight down onto his foot. He released me so quickly that I wasn’t quite prepared and fell into someone behind me, sending her down with me.

He roared with pain and hopped around a couple of times, cursing up a storm. In my opinion, he was lucky, it wasn’t like it went through his shoe or anything.

I stood from the floor and brushed off my dress, then helped up the poor girl I’d knocked over. It must have looked ridiculous to everyone around us, but the fucker shouldn’t have tried to restrain me!





Swear on all that’s holy I had never felt pain like it. I had to take a good look to make sure her heel hadn’t gone straight through my foot.

Swear to god, nowhere, in any of my plans did I expect her to do that. I was seriously rethinking my
attraction to her, I felt kind of bad that she fell over, but fuck her! She caused it!

I grabbed her arm and ignored her protests as I dragged her through the foyer and up the stairs to the offices. It was harder than it should have been considering I still had a fucking limp. I didn’t speak to her until I pushed through the door and locked it behind me.

“What in the fuck was
” I asked, barely containing my fury.

“Well you shouldn’t have man handled me! No one gets away with that shit with me and you deserved it!”

“I fucking did not!”

“You did! If you don’t let go, I will hurt didn’t let go, so I hurt you. Simple.” She said.

“It’s never ok to do that Harper and you know it so fuckin’ apologise!”

She made a noise in the back of her throat like a half snort/scoff, but I just glared at her until she sighed and her shoulders dropped.


She mumbled something under her breath that I didn’t hear, so I asked her to speak louder. She did, but still not loud enough to hear her.

“Fuck sake, speak up!” I exclaimed. She jumped as if she didn’t expect me to raise my voice but I was pissed off so I didn’t care.

“I’m sorry okay! I didn’t think
, I shouldn’t have done it. But why did you do that? That guy hadn’t done anything wrong and you know it! So why get him banned? Just because you want to fuck me instead?!”

She was wrong, that guy actually was a dickhead, he may not have done drugs, or not from what I knew, but he was still a dickhead.
And really? She couldn’t say I didn’t warn her earlier.

She went further though.

“Why can’t you just back off? You just keep coming back for more and I just don’t get it! I’ve had enough of people telling me what to do for a fucking lifetime, now you’re trying to do it too! You have no idea what you’re up against Mason, I promise you! It’s never gonna happen!” She was almost screeching by the end of her speech but I’m clearly a sucker for punishment because I was undeterred.

“God you’re a pain in my ass! You think I don’t know
what I’m in for! I’ve watched and
what Jax went through with your girl. Might have been different circumstances, but you’re both so fucked up in the head, you’re fighting what’s good for you. And make no mistake babe, you really are fucked in the head. You fuckin’
Jax! Who’s helping me huh?
No one!
...But I don’t need help with you, the answers to all my questions are written all over your face! I’m not blind, I see it all...”




I was tired of listening to his shit...more than that...I was tired of listening to his shit, that was fucking
all the time, so I cut him off.

“You think just because Jax w
on over Taylor, you can win me? Grow up Mase,
not...” I spoke slowly, hoping, praying that for once he’d believe me and take the hint.

Don’t know why I bothered hoping, he’d never listened before, I pretty much knew that he wouldn’t start then.

“Sunshine, just keep pushing me away, doesn’t bother me...Well okay it bothers me that you won’t just speed up all this bullshit so we can get to the good stuff! But you won’t win anyway, and deep down you know that. Throw all the excuses at me you want. You’re my perfect girl and you were made for me, attitude included. You think I’m gonna let that go because you can’t pull yourself together enough to see it yet? I’m not. You’re already my girl, I’m just waiting for you to realise it!”

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