Resilient (2) (18 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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“Welcome, Ms. MacNamara. We have you scheduled for a pure balance facial and an hour hot stone massage. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right, I’m a little early. Have my friends arrived? Tristan Léon or a Charlie Barton?”

“Tristan is in the men’s lounge changing, but Charlie hasn’t checked in yet. Let me show you to the women’s lounge. Katrine followed her dutifully as they approached an unmarked door to the right of the counter. Their destination was a cozy changing room with two showers, a counter housing two square sinks, and a wall filled with large lockers. Katrine pulled open the bamboo door to her appointed locker and thanked the friendly girl.

“It’s my pleasure. My name is Denise. If you need anything, please let me know. Enjoy your treatments.”

“Thank you, Denise. I’m sure I will.”

There was a pair of slippers and a folded robe in her locker. She practically tore her clothes off, very excited to have the soft thick material against her skin.

“Mmmmm,” she sighed after smelling the clean scent of her robe. Katrine twirled her hair into a clip and went out to the communal area in the center of the spa. Tristan was sitting in an overstuffed chair with his slipper clad feet perched on a cushioned foot stool. The sun was shining in from the sky lights and there were several fountains trickling softly. He smiled as she approached and took the seat beside him.

She kissed his cheek. “Hello, handsome.”

“Well, hello, my beautiful girl. Are you ready to be pampered and polished?”

“Aren’t I always?” An attendant dressed in white came and asked them if they cared for a drink. They both looked at each other. Katrine winked at Tristan and they both ordered a glass of champagne. They had about 45 minutes to relax until their first treatment, so why not? They caught up on work, but that was just a short stop over to the real topic. He wanted to hear about her trip and of course about the sex.

“It was an amazing trip. And yes, the sex was amazing, too.” She went into a little detail, but kept what she could to herself, but that was difficult with Tristan. He could always get Katrine to give away more than she wanted too. His interrogation skills were superior to anyone she knew. He may be CIA, she still wasn’t sure.

“I knew he would be aggressive in bed, I knew it! Damn, that boy is so hot. He could tie me up and boss me around any…Oh perfect, now my robe looks like a teepee.” They both looked down and laughed.

“What’d I miss?” Charlie said, joining them. They pointed at Tristan’s elevated material and Charlie joined in the chuckles.

“Tristan, it’s a spa filled with half naked women, what could possibly turn you on in here? You are officially the horniest person I know.” They filled her in. “Oh wow,” she said, rubbing her neck. “If I had a penis I’d be popping a tent, too.” More laughter. “Sorry I was late. My pastor just went on and on this morning,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Charlie love, I’m surprised they let you inside. Your mouth is way too dirty for church, don’t you think?” he teased.

“Hey, Jesus was a sailor,” she said, like that totally proved a point.

Katrine laughed, then had to add, “He was a fisherman, Charlie.”

“Sailor, fisherman, same difference.” Katrine and Tristan shared a look and
shook their heads.

Now they all had a full glass and were quite comfortable on the cozy furniture. Katrine could just hang out here all day and save the two hundred dollars. But luckily Charlie and Tristan were treating her to a belated birthday spa day. She really had the best friends ever.

“God, I hate not having a bra on,” Charlie bitched as they waited for their second treatment to start.

“Why did you leave it off then?” Tristan asked, adjusting the cucumber slices he’d taken out of his water and placed on his eye lids.

“I was so relaxed after my massage that I forgot. Now my nipples are rubbing against my belly button.”

Katrine snorted, picking the wrong time to take a sip of her drink.

“Charlie, you always exaggerate,” Tristan sniffed.

“Exaggerate, you say? Last night was date night.” She rolled her eyes. “When I took off my bra, my left boob unfolded into Michael’s mouth. Yes, you heard me…unfolded.” Tristan sat up so fast his cucumbers fell off. Katrine’s shoulders were shaking as Charlie mimed taking off her bra and unrolling her boob.

“Your husband is loaded, Charlie. Just get them done if they bother you so bad,” Katrine suggested. Tristan nodded in agreement.

“Hell no! Then he’ll think he has the right to touch them all the time. You know how he is about his investments. He would work in some titty ownership clause. I can just hear him, ‘I paid for ‘em, I get to play with ‘em.’ No fucking thank you!”

“I guess it
convenient, when you think about it. He can play with your boobs from across the room. You don’t even have to get off the bed,” Katrine said with a straight face. That didn’t last long when they all started to laugh.

“So you and Ian, you two an official item now?” Charlie asked, adjusting her robe then taking a sip of her white wine.

“Yes, I believe so,” Katrine said with a smile.

“That’s good, you two seem perfect for each other,” Tristan said.

“Well, before I even thought of him
way, he’d become one of my best friends. And I loved him as a friend. So it wasn’t such a stretch to love him in a deeper way. I feel comfortable with him and we have so much fun together. He’s kind and loyal, keeper material for sure.”

“Kind and loyal? Are we talking about Ian or a golden retriever?” Tristan mocked.

“Oh, come on, you know what I mean. He’s hot and we have great chemistry, too.”

“But are there fireworks?” Charlie asked seriously.

“He definitely made me see stars a few times in Mexico,” Katrine laughed. “Seriously, there are sparks.”

“Good, I don’t want anyone getting hurt,” Charlie said in a way that made Katrine a little uneasy. She had the feeling Charlie was talking about Ian getting hurt, not the other way round.

“Hey, I don’t want anyone to get hurt, either, okay?”

“We know you wouldn’t hurt him on purpose, Katrine,” Tristan added.

Et tu Tristan?

How the hell did I become the heartbreaker in this scenario?

The massage therapist came for her and she was glad to get away from them. They were starting to piss her off. She didn’t say anything, she just followed her masseuse towards the door leading to the treatment rooms. As she walked away, Tristan called after her, “Trine, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Katrine just shrugged and hoped the massage would loosen the tightness that had just taken hold of her shoulders.

Okay, so my change of heart may have been a result of jealousy over Amber. And my declaration of love may have been spurred on by a fear of him breaking up with me. That doesn’t mean that I’m not serious about this. I’m not going to hurt him.

She almost had herself convinced,
almost, but not quite. The tightness had turned into knots by the time she laid on the massage table.

Damn it!

Katrine didn’t want to spend her hour second guessing herself. She wanted to relax and enjoy. But her stomach was churning a bit and she started to feel guilty. She cared about Ian and would do her damnedest not to hurt him. She had no precognition when it came to hurt. She would have sworn her husband would have never hurt her. And as for her affair with Xander, Katrine wouldn’t have predicted that outcome. Bottom line, no one knows how the story will end. Best to just enjoy the ride. Katrine was at peace with that, so she relaxed into the table just as the hot smooth stones were being placed on her back.

They hugged goodbye and Katrine thanked them for the wonderful day. Tristan apologized again, but she assured him that there were no hard feelings and gave him a tight hug.

“Hey, even I was worried he might get hurt somehow, but to hear you guys say it, too—it just upset me. But you were just being honest and I’m glad you guys are looking out for Ian, too.”

“I’ll see you girls in a few weeks. We’re still on for dinner, right?” Tristan asked.

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Katrine said as she made her way to the car.

“Like I’d let you bitches have fun without me,” Charlie yelled and slid into her white Porsche Cayenne.

“Until then, fruit roll-up tits,” Tristan called, blowing her a kiss. Charlie flipped him off and drove away.

Chapter 18

The next month flew by and Katrine and Ian slid into an easy rhythm. She was finally able to cross over to a place where Xander was a pleasant memory, but past tense. Her focus was on the wonderful man in her present and she found a contentment she hadn’t experienced in a very long time. Teddy was more than okay with the arrangement. In fact he seemed more excited than Katrine had expected. He said that it made him happy to see her with Ian.

“He takes good care of you, Momma. Someone should take care of you for once.”

“Sweetie, you take very good care of me.”

“I don’t do as much as I should,” he said, looking at the ground. Katrine scooted as close to him as she could and put her arms around his shoulders. “Baby, you take care of my heart and that’s all I need in this life.” He smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“I love you, Momma.”

“And if I loved you anymore, my heart would explode.”

“Hey, sis, what’s up?”

“You have a minute?” Maddie asked.

“I was in the middle of researching competitors, so yes I have a minute and then some.”

“Yuck, sorry to bother you at work, but I wanted to know if I could bring Shawn to movie night this week.”

Whoa, this was big. Maddie had never brought anyone to movie night. “Of course! That would be great. Ian will be glad to have some extra testosterone. Maybe he’ll even persuade Shawn to swing the movie vote his way.”

“Not if he wants to get any.”

“Maddie, you would manipulate your boyfriend with sex? I’m shocked!”

“I admit it with pride. One of the many things that makes us stronger than men is our vaginas. That bearded beauty puts them at a disadvantage every time. Men are ruled by their dicks and I plan to reap the benefits.”

Katrine chuckled quietly at her desk. “Let’s have dinner before, too. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, so we can cook out.”

“Sounds like a plan. Tell Teddy I’ll take him to the movies this weekend since he won’t be there on movie night.”

“Oh, he’ll be so excited. There are like four movies that he’s just dying to see. Also he has a soccer game Sunday morning.”

“Count me in. Love ya.”

“Love you, too.”

“Dude, you’re cooking the steaks too long!” Maddie whined.

“Mads, I know what I’m doing. Relax,” Ian said calmly, looking adorable holding the large metal spatula.

“Please don’t overcook my meat. It makes me grouchy.”

“Madeline, what doesn’t make you grouchy?” Katrine teased, handing her a cold beer.

“Baby, you can get grouchy all you want. As long as you take it out on me later,” Shawn said as he wrapped his arms around Maddie’s waist. She smiled and leaned into him. His voice was so smooth and deep it was swoon inducing. Katrine must have had a look on her face because Ian said, “Yeah, baby,” in a low, deep voice. “See? I can be sexy too,” he teased.

Katrine walked over to him and kissed him as thoroughly as she could while in front of company. “You are plenty sexy. Don’t you worry.”

Ian opened a bottle of Cabernet and filled each glass. Katrine made a cucumber and tomato salad, adding small ribbons of red onion for color. Beside that sat a platter of enormous loaded baked potatoes bursting at the skins. They moved around the kitchen liked a synchronized team and Katrine noticed Maddie smiling at them. Katrine winked and took the plates out of the cabinet. The girls had fillets and the boys had NY strips, all cooked perfectly. The conversation was easy and fun. Shawn was very intelligent and engaging. He had an easy going personality, just like Ian. They were definitely cooking up a bro-mance. If Maddie was looking to Shawn for movie back-up, she was barking up the wrong tree. She might have to service him right in the living room to sway his vote. But since Katrine had already picked up a movie at the box deal by her work, Maddie got a pass.

“I picked a movie I knew everyone would enjoy; it isn’t too chicky and it isn’t a mindless dude fest, either.” When she told them what she had selected, they all approved. It was a political drama with suspense and action. Featuring popular actors and a great director, so win win. The night had been a complete success. They all made a plan to go out to dinner soon.

Maddie and Shawn left hand in hand, warming Katrine’s heart.

“They are so great together,” Katrine gushed while washing the dinner dishes. Ian was clearing the table and putting things back in the pantry. “Yes, they are. Shawn is a really cool guy and Maddie is smitten for sure.”

She dried her hands and turned toward him. “I’m in deep smit myself… not only are you handsome, but you’re quite skilled behind a grill. Thank you for the delicious steaks,” Katrine complimented, throwing her arms around his neck.

“You think I’m skilled behind the grill, wait

til you see how skilled I am behind
,” he whispered into her ear and slowly flicked his tongue. She giggled and shivered. Katrine showed him how skilled she could be with her mouth. The kiss that started off slow and sweet ended up hot and handsy.

The rest of the dishes could wait…

Teddy won his soccer game. Katrine had to tell Maddie to zip it several times.

“Mads, don’t call the players on the other team losers. They’re just kids.”

“Hey, I call ‘em like I see ‘em, and those kids suck. Not our boy, though, he’s awesome.”

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