Resilient (2) (12 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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They pulled in front of Katrine’s place and Ian turned off the car. “Since Teddy isn’t home, would you like to come up?”

“I would. Then I can give you your gift.”

“Oh yah, I totally forgot about that.” Katrine shrugged and smiled at him.

“Please, I know how much you like presents, so just quit with the act, I’m onto you.” He smiled.

“I don’t think this is going to work out. You know me too well and it totally prevents me from pulling the wool over your eyes, not fair.”

“Oh, I’ll pull your wool.” He gave her a sideways glance.

“You did not just say that!” She pushed his shoulder, but couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re a pervert.” She jumped out of the car and waited for him on the curb. He was reaching for a box in the back seat. She loved that he wrapped it and it had a beautiful orange bow, her favorite color. He knew that, too. Ian was so observant for a guy.

It still took her by surprise.

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

“Katrine, could you come in here for a moment, please?” came a voice over her phone’s intercom.

“Sure, Nancy, I’ll be right in.” She grabbed a notepad and rushed towards her office. When the director of the department wants to see you, you hustle. Katrine hadn’t the foggiest what she could want with her, but there was only one way to find out. She took a seat in front of the large glass desk and waited.

“I’ve been watching you these past few months, Katrine, you have progressive and well thought out ideas. Your co-workers naturally defer to you for guidance even though you have less experience than most. I think your age gives you patience and wisdom some of these younger guys are lacking. Grant has only good things to say about your attitude and work ethic.” Katrine wasn’t surprised to hear that Grant, the manager over her group, had always been complimentary. She loved working with him and he always motivated his team with praise, not pressure or aggression. She was grateful for the praise, but all of the build was making her anxious. The point of the meeting, that’s what she really wanted. “With that said, Grant and I have discussed it, and we think you should take the lead on the upcoming Tabyr Alliance project. It’s small, but it’s a great one to cut your teeth on. I think you have real potential and I want to see how you perform. Of course, Grant will be at your disposal should you run into any problems. You’ll meet with him next week when he returns from his vacation.”

Oh vacation, I should bring that up.

“Nancy, I’m so honored to be given this opportunity. I won’t let you down. I have a trip planned for March, will it interfere with this project? If so, I can cancel.”

“Not at all, you can get to work on it after you meet with Grant. You should be able to knock it out by then. Katrine, don’t drop the ball on this. I’m passing over some people to give this to you, so the best way to show that you deserve the lead on this is to kick it’s ass.”

“Nancy, you can count on me. Kicking ass is the only way I know.”

Katrine was pumped. This was exactly what she wanted. It wasn’t a big promotion, but it was a start. This was certainly a victory for her, but the real test was to see if she had the acumen to pull this off. She wasn’t worried. It was in the bag.

“We’re totally watching
Pride and Prejudice
,” Maddie said with certainty.

“God no, not Keira Knightly again. Please anything but that,” Ian whined.


“My vote is for Angus MacFadyen, Rrrrrrrr. Best Darcy since Colin Firth. Sorry, Ian, you can use my sports bra if you start to grow boobies.” She pinched his side.

“Okay, everyone grab a drink, it’s time to get our Austen on!” Maddie said as she bounced onto the couch.

“Um, ya comfy, sis?” Katrine said, finger sweeping the whole couch which Maddie had commandeered.

“Snug as a chub on my nub,” she responded with a cheshire cat grin on her face. It took Ian and Katrine a moment to register what she had just said, but when it sunk in they cracked up.

“Oh my god, that’s classic, I want that on a t-shirt, Mads,” Katrine said, shaking her head and handing Maddie a glass of wine. She sat up for that and scooted to the end, leaving room for Ian and Katrine.

“You guys can keep your hands off of each other for a few hours, right? I mean really, just cuz you guys decided to start swapping spit doesn’t mean you get to ruin movie night for me,

“Next time why don’t you bring Shawn? That way if we start swapping spit, you can do the same,” Ian suggested.

“I may be ready to bring him to movie night, we shall see.” Katrine discreetly nudged Ian on the leg and they gave each other a high five with their eye balls. He grabbed her hand and she snuggled into his side.

Maddie and Katrine leaned in together with girly anticipation when Darcy started to cross the misty field, the sun spilling over the horizon. A sigh, then a squeak escaped their mouths when the couple finally embraced. Katrine snuck a sideways glance at Ian, who seemed to be equally invested in what was unfolding on the big screen. She had the sinking suspicion he didn’t mind this one as much as he claimed.

Katrine hugged Maddie good night, Ian hung back a little to give her a good night kiss. It was very thorough and had Katrine grabbing his shirt to bring him in closer. They had to leave it at that because Teddy was asleep in the other room.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.” He kissed her cheek. “I hope to see you very soon.” He kissed her lips. “Sweet dreams.” He licked her bottom lip and then sucked on it gently. One more light kiss then he walked away. Katrine was fanning herself all the way to her room. Damn, he had nice lips. And she didn’t even want to think about that tongue.

Buzz, we meet again…

“Sweetie, see who’s at the door!” Katrine yelled from her room.

“Okay, Momma!” Teddy yelled back as he made his way to the front door. “I can’t reach the peep hole yet, Mom!”

“Just ask who it is!”

“Okay, Mom, I will!”

“I can hear you, buddy. It’s me, Ian,” he said through the wood.

“Momma, it’s Ian!!” Teddy yelled.

“Okay, you can open it!” Katrine hollered as she pulled her shorts on.

Teddy unlocked and opened the door. “Mom said I could open the door, cuz it’s just you.”

Ian chuckled, “ Yah, it’s just me.” He walked in and ruffled the ten-year-old’s hair. “I came to see if I could take you and your mom out for some French toast.”


“Okay, okay, Teddy. No need to yell. I’m right here, baby.” Katrine made her way into the living room and absorbed her surprise visitor’s handsomeness. He wore a fitted red plaid flannel and a pair of worn jeans. He was like a figment of her perverted construction worker imagination.

My frame needs a steel rod, can you help me with that?

I need to get hammered and nailed.

She shook her head and cleared the horny fog that had descended. “Hey, Ian, what brings you by this morning?”

“I hoped I could take you guys out to brunch, or lunch if you’ve already had breakfast.”

“I had cereal, like ages ago. I’m starved! I could really go for some French toast. Can we, Momma?”

hungry. Just let me put my hair up. I’ll be out in a jif.” She smiled at her son and then winked at Ian, before she left the room.

“So you have a girlfriend yet?” Teddy asked Ian.

“Uh, kind of.”

“She pretty?”


“You kiss her and stuff?”

“A little bit.”

“Tate Jordan has a girlfriend and they hold hands.”

“Oh yah? You have a girlfriend?”

“No way! Girls are gross and they whine a lot.”

“Some do, I hear ya. But you’ll see, buddy, one day.”

“If you get a girlfriend, do you have to stop being friends with my mom? Cuz that would suck. My mom smiles a lot when you’re around. Don’t tell her I said suck,” he pleaded.

“My lips are sealed. And no, buddy, we don’t have to stop being friends. She makes me smile a lot, too.” He gave the manly one arm hug to Teddy as Katrine rounded the corner. “You boys ready for some brunch? Because I’m starving!”

It was a clear day. The air was cool, but it was evident that spring was on the horizon. They all jumped into the jeep. The top was down and “On your Side” by Pete Yorn started to play.

“All buckled up, baby?”

“Yes, I’m all secure,” Ian grinned.

“My other baby.”

“Yes, Momma, I’m buckled in.” Katrine looked back at her son and smiled. She slipped on her sun glasses and they were off…

Their stomachs were filled to capacity after their brunch.The boys had French toast, but Katrine opted for the eggs Benedict with crab meat. Teddy asked Ian if they could take Ruby to the park for a game of fetch. Ian said that was a great idea and they went to pick up their four-legged addition. Teddy was down by the pond throwing the tennis ball to a very enthusiastic pooch. Ian took the opportunity to grab Katrine’s hand, pull her in for a hug and a kiss on her temple.

“Do you know how hard it is for me to be this close to you all morning and not put my hands on you? I’m dying over here.”

“You poor thing, I commend you on your restraint. I’m just not sure we should tell Teddy, ya know.”

“I get it. But, this isn’t some trial run for me. It’s you that’s on the fence, I am over the fence and running down the street at this point.” He smiled down at her and tucked a fly away behind her ear, cupping her cheek. “I’m here to stay if you’ll let me. So whenever and whatever you tell Teddy, is up to you. But I think you underestimate him. He’s very mature for his age. I think he’ll understand even if we don’t end up together… That thought makes me sad.”

Katrine put her small hand over the large one cupping her cheek. She gazed into his clear blue eyes. “Hey, no sad face. You mean the world to me, Ian. First and foremost, you are one of my best friends. No matter what happens, I hope we’ll always be. I guess that’s what makes me so nervous. I don’t want to lose you.” A bothered look crossed his face and he started to say something, but stopped when he noticed her eyes teared up. She turned towards the water to see Teddy and Ruby rolling around in the dry grass. “I hope you brought Ruby’s brush.” They chuckled and walked down to join them. He never did respond to the losing him part and that only confirmed Katrine’s fears. If this didn’t work there was a good chance Ian would have to walk away, from her and their friendship. But was she willing to risk it? She needed to make up her mind soon. Their romantic getaway was right around the corner.

“In case you were hoping I forgot, I didn’t. Mid-terms are to be held right before the university shuts down for spring break. I’m having a special review session next Wednesday evening here in this room. I’m sure you all are making great progress on your projects. Resist the urge to procrastinate. The semester will end before you know it. That’s all I have today.” Professor Darwin pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose and shuffled his papers.

“Trent, how are the charts coming along?” Katrine asked as her group turned towards each other to confer.

“With the data I’ve received so far, done. I can do those in my sleep. All we’re missing is the social media strategy that Mila is working on, Hayden’s piece, and then I can add the final matrix chart. So guys, we are in great shape.”

“I can have my section to you by the end of the week, I believe. Sorry, it’s been crazy at work and I haven’t had as much time as I would like.” Mila shrugged her shoulders in apology.

“Mila, no sweat, we all have jobs and lives to juggle. We’re so ahead of schedule. I’m not worried,” Trent assured her.

“Hayden, where are we on the competitor analysis?” Katrine asked, going down her list of bullet points.

“Going well, I should be finished with my data in the next few weeks.”

“And I’ll be finished with the product positioning section by mid-terms, if not a little after,” Katrine added. “So Logan, that just leaves budget and resources.”

“I will have that by early next month.”

“Great, guys. Trent can then finish the charts and we can have a couple of meetings to finalize the project. Hopefully we’ll have a name by then so I can complete the branding piece,” Katrine said, giving a look to Logan, who had shot down every idea they had thrown out so far. She was about to just pick one and tell Logan to suck it.

“Well, I actually came up with one, if you’d like to hear it,” Mila said softly, adjusting her black oval frames. She was still rather shy when addressing the entire group. But to Hayden and Katrine, she was much more outgoing. Katrine smiled and nodded for her to go ahead.

“I was thinking about S.I.C, Software Integration Company. I think using the current slang colloquialism for sick would go over well since we’re targeting a younger demographic. I mean, think of the advertising and branding angles alone.” She spoke with enthusiasm. They all looked at each other for a moment and then even Logan was nodding.

“Mila, I think we have a winner! SIC it is.” Katrine laughed and patted her hand. Mila beamed, then tucked her hair behind her ears, suddenly uncomfortable with the attention. They started to pack up their things, the all around smiles were indicative of the positive progress the group was making.

Hayden still walked Katrine to her car. She had grown to care about her classmate. He made her laugh until her sides hurt sometimes. He was definitely in her friend for the long haul category. He seemed to feel the same about her.

“I totally met the woman of my dreams, Kat-nip.”

“I thought I asked you never to call me that!” she said, nudging him in his ribs.

“Ow, that hurt. Sorry, you’re just so darn irresistible, the name just fits.”

“Well, find another one. Or I will be forced to call you Edgar.”

“Oh god, anything but that, I should’ve never told you my middle name. It’s been in the family for generations,” Hayden groaned.

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