Rescue My Heart (14 page)

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Authors: Jean Joachim

Tags: #romance, #love story, #womens fiction, #contemporary romance, #pugs, #contemporary love story, #pug dogs

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Rory leaned up and kissed him on the
cheek. “They’re lovely. Let me get something to put them

I’ll help.” Hack reached
up to the top shelf of her cabinets and grabbed a small

Having a big holiday with
your family?” she asked as she arranged and watered the

Yep. My brothers, two
sisters-in-law, my cousin, Penn, parents. Big enough.”

And Miss

Oh, yeah. Almost

Maybe I wouldn’t want to be his fiancée. But maybe he’d be
different with me.
“You must have a big

We have a formal dining
room. My parents have an eight-room apartment.”

Eight rooms! Wow! No one
has that much space. No wonder you freaked out my

I didn’t freak out. Mine
is only two bedrooms.”

A ton of room compared to

You’re only one person.
It works,” Hack said, sitting down at the computer.

didn’t think you were coming today, so I didn’t prepare anything.
You don’t have to stay.”
Keep your

I’m here, why don’t I help with what you’re cooking? What

That veggie casserole.
I’m going to Shirley and Hal’s for Thanksgiving dinner.”

I’m glad you won’t be

smiled at him.
Wonder what it would be
like to be your girlfriend at your big family dinner. Damn nice,
I’ll bet.
She could almost smell the huge
turkey cooking. “Thanks. They’re good to me. Better than my

Hack eased the knife from Rory’s hand.
“Let me cut the vegetables.”

Okay, yeah. Last time, I
didn’t do so well.”

He chuckled. “How’s that

She held up her thumb. “No more

Hack stopped what he was doing and
took her hand in his. The touch of his warm, dry fingers sent a
little tingle up her arm. He inspected the small, red scar. “Looks
good.” He put her thumb to his lips.

Must have been your magic
kiss that made it heal so fast,” she whispered, cupping his chin.
Hack looked into her eyes. The heat of his stare melted the
coolness between them. He moved closer, and, as if by magic, she
was in his arms again.

The touch of his lips was gentle at
first. Her fingers closed over his biceps, pulling him closer. The
sweet kiss became hungry in an instant. His tongue pressed against
her lips, and she opened for him. His grip tightened, crushing her
to him.

The heat of his passion dissolved her
tenuous resistance. Rory shut off her mind and let her senses rule.
The taste of him, the scent of him, drove her wild. She wanted him.
His hard chest crushed against her breasts made the tips harden.
Desire grew in her, and she ached for his touch.

He raised his head. Heavy breathing
made speech impossible. Rory fanned her fingers over the back of
his neck and tugged him toward her again. In a breathy voice she
rasped out, “more.” Hack lowered his mouth, wrapping his arm around
her waist. Rory pressed her hips against his.

Control, rationale
thinking, and emotional brakes went out the window. Rory and Hack
gripped each other as if it would be their last time together ever.
A fire ignited between them. Hack grabbed the hem of her sweater
and yanked it up and over her head. She shoved his shirt up to his
shoulders. He unsnapped her bra. She unbuckled his belt.

Clothing went flying everywhere. A
belt was yanked from pants, leggings were stripped off in an
instant. The heat between them was like wildfire, filling the room
with warmth. Within a minute, Rory and Hack were naked,
skin-to-skin, prone on the sofa. Hack’s body pressed her into the
cushions as his hands and lips seemed to be everywhere at once.
Rory pushed her fingertips into his muscles, sliding her hands down
his chest and below.

She wrapped her fingers around his
erection, the hardest she had ever touched. He groaned when she
stroked him. “I want you, oh, God, I want you,” he whispered in a
raspy voice.

Do it, do it,” she
breathed into his ear, arching against him. He closed his fingers
around her breast, dipping his head to devour it while he moved his
other hand to explore between her thighs. Rory moaned loudly,
closing her eyes as need raced through her like a runaway

His gaze met hers.

She nodded. “The pill.

Beautiful,” he murmured,
staring at her naked breasts before nudging her legs farther apart.
Rory wiggled her hips then brought them up to meet his, trapping
his erection between them. Every touch of his fingertips was like a
stroke of fire, searing her. Feeling his muscles, her hands glided
up and down his sides.

If you don’t…I’m gonna,”
she said. His mouth cut off her words. Then, he raised up on his
knees, and before she could utter another word, he was buried deep
inside her.

Oh. My. God!” Rory’s hips
rose up. Heat built up inside her, coiling, ready to spring any
second. “Yes!” She screamed as an orgasm claimed her body.
Fireworks exploded in her brain and her groin. Her hips undulated
as release spread through her limbs. She opened her eyes to find
Hack looking right at her.

Wow,” he said. She felt
the rush of blood to her face. He sped up his rhythm, pounding into
her, grunting and groaning with every plunge.

Your turn,” she

Hell, yeah.” Hack eased
her knee up and pushed in deeper.

So good, God, so good,”
Rory said, heat filling every crevice of her body. He rode her,
increasing his pace as sweat broke out on his forehead. His eyes
closed, and he seemed to be in a zone. His thrusts were fast, hard,
and regular.

gripped his shoulders. Arousal took over, moving her in tandem with
him. His eyes opened again, and he smiled down on her. She touched
his rough cheek, her thumb resting for a second on his full, lower
God, I love this man. I love him.

Emotion blended with chemistry,
sending her over the top seconds before he climaxed. Satisfaction
at having what she had longed for filled her veins. The reality
trumped her dreams of making love with Hack.

He lowered himself into her arms,
slippery skin to slippery skin. He played with the ends of her hair
while planting tiny kisses on her neck. Exhausted, Rory tightened
her grip with her last ounce of strength, as if that would keep him
with her.

You’re an amazing woman,
Aurora Sampson,” he said.

Wow, Hack.

Good?” His brows

Don’t tell me you’re

Haven’t had any
complaints.” He blushed.

How does Miss Splinter
feel? I imagine you make her scream your name every

His face changed. His
loving look disappeared behind a mask. “Don’t talk about

I’m sorry. I
shouldn’t’ve…it’s my…my weird sense of humor.”

It’s not that…well, this
is between us.”

smile faded.
Only us. Yeah. You belong to
her. Now, you’ve already been unfaithful. You’re not even married.
And I’m the other woman. What have I done?
“Why are you marrying her, if you don’t mind my

It’s complicated.” He
pushed up on his arms, disconnected from her, and climbed

That’s no

That’s all I have right

You want to sleep with
me, but you’re gonna marry her?”

It’s not that simple.
She’s tied into my family and stuff.”

I’m not going to be your
mistress when you marry her.”

I wouldn’t ask you to.
That’s not going to happen.”

Good. Because I wouldn’t
do it even if…you begged.” She stuck her chin out as she arose,
grabbed her leggings, and pulled them on.

That’s fine, because I’m
not asking!” Hack picked his shirt up off the floor.

Good. Don’t! Then, I
don’t have to turn you down,” she sniffed, fastening her

I don’t have any problem
finding women to sleep with me. So, don’t worry your pretty head
about it.” He buttoned his shirt up wrong, tore it out, and

Fine. I won’t!” She spat
the words at him before yanking her sweater over her

Good!” he

Besides, aren’t you
sleeping with Miss Splinter, Toothpick, Needle, Straight Pin,
Ironing Board, Pancake, Spaghetti, Beanpole, Straw, Candlestick?”
Rory wiggled her rear with every name she called

Hack’s anger seemed to evaporate as he
bent over with laughter. “That never stops being funny,” he said,
struggling to catch his breath. Rory cooled down. He continued to
dress in silence. After slipping on his shoes, he approached her.
“I’m not sure where things are with Felicia. You’re…different,
special. You took me by surprise.”

You need surprise in your
life. You’re too settled.” She straightened his collar and tugged
on his lapel. “Need to rattle your cage a bit.”

He smiled. “You sure did that today.
You do that every day. Maybe you’re right. My life has been very

Too comfortable. I don’t
play second fiddle. You have to decide.”

And you shouldn’t. Anyone
of your quality…”

I need to be the Saturday
night date.”

If I was free…” He
stroked his thumb down her cheek as he spoke. Their gazes

obviously doesn’t love her, so why stay with her?
“But you’re not.” She stepped

He cocked his head. “But if I

you’re not.”
Not going to play the “if I
was free” game.
Her stare dropped to her

You’re fantastic, Rory.”
He lifted her chin with a finger. “You’re too tempting. I’ve wanted
to do that for the longest time. I couldn’t help

Thanks.” She smiled at him.
Me, too,
but I’m not telling you that. “
Thanksgiving,” she said, opening the door.

He shrugged his jacket on. “Happy
Thanksgiving to you, too.” He leaned down to plant a sweet kiss on
her lips.

She hugged the jamb as she watched him
slowly descend the steps. Heaving a deep sigh, she shut the door
and returned to the sofa. Baxter had taken up residence there again
and was snoring. She lay down, cuddled with her dog, and closed her

Chapter Seven



eagerly anticipated a great Thanksgiving Day with Shirley and
And the food will be
She popped her casserole into
the oven, took Baxter for a walk, and fed him. At noon, she packed
up and leashed Baxter. She crouched down in front of her

Baxter, ready for
Thanksgiving?” She rested her hands on her knees. He looked at her
and wagged his tail.

Turkey, Bax?” She smiled
mischievously. He gave a short bark.

Stuffing? No stuffing for
puggies. But turkey for Baxter? Yummy?” He barked twice and jumped
up on her, knocking her to the ground. Rory fell back, laughing.
Baxter stood over her cleaning her face with his tongue. She pulled
herself up, wiped her cheek with her hand, tucked the casserole
under one arm, and put the pie in a shopping bag.

Come on, Bax.” She went
into the hall, and the pug bounded out behind her.

No, no walk. We did that
already. Come on. Over here.” Rory stopped in front of Shirley and
Hal’s place. She managed to knock once. Baxter trotted over next to

smell of a roasting turkey drifted from their apartment to tease
and tantalize her and the panting pug.
Shirley’s so organized. She’s probably got everything
After hugs all around, Shirley took
the food. Baxter found his favorite spot on their wall-to-wall
carpet, curled up, and was snoring within

Guest’s choice today. You
pick, Rory,” Hal said, offering two jigsaw puzzles. Rory selected
one with an early American theme and sat down on the sofa. The
television was on. “Parade’s over. Football will be starting soon.
Maybe the dog show?” He emptied the box onto the coffee

Wiping her hands on her apron, Shirley
popped out from the kitchen. “Hungry, Rory?”

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