Rescue Me (Colorado Blues) (5 page)

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Authors: Ann B Harrison

BOOK: Rescue Me (Colorado Blues)
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blushed and risked a glance at Rory. His gaze was upon her and a small smile
creased the corners of his lips. She breathed a sigh of relief and sipped her
wine, savoring the deep hint of plum on the back of her tongue. When she put
her glass on the counter Gina looked at the meat trying to decide what else to
prepare for dinner. “So, salad or vegetables with this steak?”

eat anything I don’t have to cook.” Callie shrugged her shoulders, batting her
eyelids at her husband. “I can’t help it if I prefer to herd cattle than bake

the cook, do what you prefer.” Chance grinned at his wife. “I’ll eat anything
you put in front of me.”

here.” Rory put his glass down. “Can I help with anything; peel potatoes or
something for you?”

was lost for words. She’d never had anyone offer to help her before and she
didn’t quite know how to respond.

butted in. “I’m going to go and check the baby is sleeping. Chance, you can
come with me.” She grabbed her husband’s hand and the wine bottle. “Call us
when you want the table set.” They laughed and hurried from the kitchen.

that’s kind of awkward.” Gina could tell her cheeks were going red and kept her
gaze on the wine glass.

do it all the time. Guess it’s what happens when you’re newly married and head
over heels in love. I’ve pretty much gotten used to it.” Gina noticed a wistful
tone to his words. “I think they like to make out and most of the time it’s where
I can’t see them. I have to at least thank them for that. Don’t know if I could
live with the scars seeing my brother in a compromising position.”

really sweet though, the way they act around each other.”

walked back into the pantry and grabbed the bucket of potatoes, then put it on
the counter. She picked out four around the same size, dropped them into the
sink, and looked hopefully at Rory. “You could scrub these for me if you like.”

Rory put his wine down and reached for a brush and proceeded to scrub off the
dirt. Gina chose a few vegetables from the chiller tray in the fridge and
chopped them for a green stir fry. She turned the oven on and then looked for
tin foil to wrap the potatoes in. When Rory passed them over, she wrapped them
tight in the foil and popped them in the oven to cook.

a quick sip of wine, Gina checked the skillet and turned up the heat, wanting
it smoking before she put the thick steaks on it.

look like you’re in your element here.”

smiled. “If I could be anything I wanted to, I’d be a chef.” She looked up at
him. “I never had the chance to go to culinary school or anything, so I used to
make up recipes in my head, not that I got to cook them as much as I’d like to
have done.”

sorry I can’t give you a definite answer straight away, Gina. Please don’t
worry about your future. I’m sure we’ll work it out between us.”

hope so. I like it here. The snow is so pretty on the mountains and the air is much
cleaner than in the city. It’d be a nice place to bring up children.”

you think you could be happy with me?” He watched her closely, his fingers
wrapped around the stem of his glass.

seem like a genuine type of guy and I can understand why you’re doing things
this way rather than dating and all. You know I’m doing this for Fisher and I
don’t want to lose sight of that. I like you and I guess if we work on it, we
can make it happen.”

glad you decided to come here, I really am. I think you’ve done me more good in
one day than I’ve done for myself in the last few years.”

pleased to hear it. Now I think I can put this steak on. Want to set the table
for me?”

He put out placemats while Gina moved the slabs of steak onto the grill. The meat
making contact with the heat sent up a rush of smoke and the smell of sizzling
steak filled the kitchen. In a fry pan, she tossed some butter and a small
splash of oil. When it melted together she threw in the green vegetables and stirred
them while keeping an eye on the steaks. “Better call the others if they want
to eat. It won’t be long now.”

walked to the stairs and hurried up. She could hear the knock on a door and
then voices before he returned. “They’ll be down in a minute. Want me to check
on Fisher?”

shook her head. “He never wakes up once he’s down.” She mixed the vegetables
again before pouring them into a bowl. “Put these on the table please.” Rory
took them and did as she bid. The steaks were cooking well and Gina looked at
the color changing before turning them over. “Right, two minutes and then five
for resting and we’re done.”

collected the salt and pepper and hot sauce from the pantry, placed them on the
table, and then leaned on the counter watching her.



she’d finished her meal he could see her eyelids getting heavy and insisted she
not clean up the kitchen.

gladly wash up every night if you cook like this.” Callie chewed the last
morsel of meat from the t-bone steak and dropped it on her plate, sucking her
fingers clean.

was divine. I’ll second my dear wife’s idea. Keep her away from the stove and
we’ll clean up.” Chance ducked the swing Callie playfully sent his way. She
squealed when he grabbed her, trapping her hand in his.

me walk you up. You look all in, Gina.” Rory had held her chair out when she
stood up, swaying slightly on her feet. “It’s been a big day for you.”

it has. Thank you all for being so welcoming. I really do appreciate it more
than I can say.” She smiled and then looked at Rory who held his hand out to

she took it, he smiled and gripped her fingers. “Let’s get you tucked in.” Her
eyes widened and he kicked himself. “I didn’t mean I was going to tuck you in.
I mean you can do that.” He gave up and pulled her out of the kitchen and up
the stairs, ignoring the roar of laughter behind him.

okay, I know what you meant.” She held on tight as he helped her upstairs. They
stopped outside her bedroom door which was slightly ajar. Gina pushed it open
and glanced at her baby, fast asleep on his back, hands over his head and
blankets kicked off. His little mouth was working as he talked in his dreams.

is the sweetest little thing.” Rory couldn’t believe how attached he already
was to the chubby little boy.

he is. But I’m biased.” She wiped a hand over her eyes and yawned. “Sorry, it’s
been a tough couple of days and I’m bushed.”

rested a hand on her shoulder and glanced into her eyes. “Go to bed and don’t
worry about anything. I have to go to work in the morning but you can sleep in
as long as you like. I should be home just after three o’clock. If you need
anything call me or drive down to town. The sheriff’s office is easy to find.”
He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before stepping back. “Sleep tight.”

Rory, for everything.”

shut the door behind him and thought about going downstairs again but changed
his mind. His room was dark when he opened the door. He flicked on the light
and looked at the large bed. He’d slept alone for far too long. Today had been
hectic to say the least. Finding out his intended bride had a child had thrown
him for a six..If he was honest with himself, it had the potential to be a good

had blown him away with his admission. Rory wondered if the others knew what
his brother had gone through to make their lives easier. His father had never
said a thing about it. Catching up with the old man had been on his list of
things to do. Now it was top of the list. It was time for the truth and he
intended to get it.

stripped off his clothes, and left them on the bathroom floor before turning
off the light and sliding between the sheets. Sleep evaded him for hours. Was
it the woman sleeping in the bed next door, or was it the thoughts of a happy
home he had yet to make running through his head? It was almost dawn before he
dozed off. When the alarm on his watch jolted him out of sleep, he groaned and
rubbed his face. It was going to be a very long day.

was at the table sipping coffee when he got down to the kitchen. He looked up at
Rory and laughed. “What the hell happened to you?”

know what you mean.” He poured himself a coffee and drank it standing at the
counter looking out the window at the snow on the mountain. Rory wondered how
on earth he’d managed to stay away for so long.

you should just give in and admit you want to marry her and get over it. Having
a woman in your bed makes sleeping so much more fun. Look at me, rested and
fresh compared to you.”


waltzed into the kitchen with Fisher in her arms and grinned. “Gee, someone
didn’t sleep very well looking at that sulky face, and I’ll thank you not to
cuss in front of the baby.”

Gina?” He held his arms out for the boy and Fisher reached for him, snuggling
down against his shoulder.

like the dead. Figured she needed it. Poor thing has had a hard time of it so
when I heard this little munchkin gurgling I grabbed him.”

Wonder what I should give him to eat?”

a drink first then some cereal. Gina left the sippy cup on the counter, can’t
be that hard to heat up a bit of milk can it? Heck I can make formula for
calves, this should be a breeze in.” Callie went and grabbed a mug of coffee
and the bottle of milk from the fridge. “Simple.” I took her no time to warm
Fisher’s first drink for the day. When it was deemed to be the perfect
temperature, she handed it over to Rory and let him feed the hungry baby.

sat down on a chair and snuggled the baby in his arms. His little pudgy hands
wrapped around the bottle and he looked up into Rory’s eyes as he sucked the
milk down. “Hungry little man, aren’t you?”

reached up one hand and played with Rory’s chin, digging his fingers into his
lip. One day and he was hopelessly besotted with this baby. Who would have
thought it would be this easy.

cough broke him from the love infused daze he was in. Rory looked up and saw
both Callie and Chance gazing at him with a soppy expression on their faces.

suits you. You’ll make a great father, Rory.” Callie grinned. “You’re a very
lucky man.”

haven’t agreed yet.”

only kidding yourself and you know it. Put the poor girl out of her misery and
propose properly.” Chance stood up and dumped his coffee mug in the sink. “I’d
better get to work. I want to get those steers in and checked over. We have to
brand them before we let them out to graze in the forest next week.”

me make you some toast and then we can go down together.” Callie waltzed over
and took a loaf of bread from the pantry, then popped two slices in the toaster
before taking the peanut butter and jelly from the fridge.

cry from upstairs had Rory jumping to his feet, Fisher clutched to his chest.
Gina hurried down stairs and into the kitchen, holding her nightgown in front
of her. The look of panic on her face tore at his heart and he knew what she’d
been thinking. She’d woken up from a deep sleep, forgotten where she was, and
couldn’t find her baby.

hurried over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Shh, it’s okay.
You were dead to it and he was awake so Callie brought him down.” He rubbed her
back, trying to settle the sickening gasps coming from her lips. After a few
minutes, she managed to breathe normally and he released her.

Gina, I’m so sorry. I never thought you would mind if we looked after him.”
Callie wrapped her arms around her new friend and squeezed tight. “We made a
bottle and he’s been a little angel. I thought you could have a bit of a sleep
in. You were shattered yesterday.”

the one who should be sorry. I just woke up and panicked, forgetting where I
was for a moment. Sorry to make such a fuss.” She wiped her bed hair from her
face and gave them an apologetic glance.

worry about it. How about you go up and get dressed and I’ll make a pot of
fresh coffee.” Callie pushed her out of the kitchen with gentle force and
watched as she climbed up the stairs. When Gina was gone she turned back to her
husband and brother-in-law. “That poor girl has some major issues happening.
Might pay us to tread gently for a day or two, let her get used to us before we
start taking over her life.”

came from a really rough area. Almost had to give up Fisher because she
couldn’t afford to keep going any longer.” Rory kissed the baby’s head. “I’ll
look after them, don’t you worry about that.”

you’d see reason sooner or later.” Chance stood up and walked over to take the
almost charred toast from his wife. He glanced at it and frowned, his lips
turning down at the corners.

Stop being so critical. Didn’t you know charcoal is good for your teeth? Makes
them super white. Eat it and stop complaining.” Callie grabbed a yoghurt from
the fridge and stood at the counter eating it.

it’s so good then why aren’t you eating it?”

pointed her spoon at him and glared. “Watch it pal, or you’ll be out doing your
own branding.”

slightly more composed Gina came back down the stairs a few minutes later. She
was winding her hair up and tying it in a knot with a band. Fisher spat the
empty bottle from his mouth and reached for his mother.

Mama’s little baby boy?” She took hold of him and Rory felt the cold replace
the small warm body as she lifted him up. “Did you let me sleep in? Such a good
little man.”

sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you by taking him. It just seemed like the thing
to do considering you were so tired.” Callie poured her a coffee and placed it
on the table.

I should be apologizing to you guys. All you’re doing is trying to be nice and
I flipped out.” Fisher stood up on his feet and bounced on Gina’s knee.

have every right. If you see him missing again, you can guarantee it’ll be one
of us that has him. Nobody comes up here anyway so don’t go worrying about
strangers. Beside, Sherbet would have them before they could get into the
house.” She glanced at the dog sitting and watching every bite Chance took of
his toast, a hopeful look in her eyes.

know and I’m sorry I panicked. I’m just not used to having anyone help out.
Now, what can I do? I did promise you French toast for breakfast.”

it’s all good. Save that for tomorrow. We have to get to work or we’ll never
get done today.” Callie dropped a kiss on Fisher’s head before walking over to
the back door and taking her hat from a hook, plonking it firmly on her head.
“Come down to the barn later if you want a look around. In the meantime, make
yourself at home and do whatever you feel like.”

Chance dropped his cup in the sink and threw the last charred crust to Sherbet
before he joined his wife. Together they walked out with the dog hurrying in
front of them.

I’d better get to work too.” Rory pulled out his wallet and took out a credit
card which he placed it on the counter. “I want you to have this and before you
start protesting, stop. I pay the food bills here, it’s my contribution.” He
rattled off his pin number. “For now, your part in this house is going to be
the cooking if you can deal with it. You know Callie hates it and since I don’t
always get home early, it doesn’t make sense to rely on me.” He smiled and
walked over to stand in front of her. “If you need anything at all, for the
house or for yourselves, use the card to buy it. And it might pay to fill up
your car with gas too, next time you go into town.”


thank you for trusting me enough to come all this way with your baby on the
chance that this could work between us.” He leaned down and kissed her on the
lips. A soft kiss that barely touched her skin. “We’ll talk about the
renovations to the ranch tonight if we have time. You two have a good day now.”
Rory brushed his finger across Fisher’s cheek before walking out and shutting
the door behind him.




sat stunned at the table while her baby gurgled on her lap. What had just
happened? Rory had given her his credit card and told her to buy whatever she
or Fisher wanted. That didn’t sound a bit like the man who’d met her at the run
down ranch yesterday. What had she said to change his mind?

wriggled and Gina held him up. “Baby boy, this diaper is way too wet for my
liking. Let’s get you dressed before I give you breakfast.” She slipped him
onto her hip and hurried upstairs to change into clean clothes. When Gina finished
dressing her baby, she brushed her teeth and made the bed, letting Fisher play
on the floor exploring the room.

to go down to the kitchen and start cleaning up, she picked him up and they
headed back toward the stairs. When she passed Rory’s bedroom she paused, her
inquisitive nature getting the better of her. Opening the door, Gina glanced
in. The room was the same as hers without the clutter she already had spread
around. The woodsy smell she associated with him perfumed the room and she
closed the door, guilt chasing her tail all the way down to the kitchen.

found oatmeal in the pantry and decided that was a good start for the both of
them. She let Fisher play on the kitchen floor with a small pot and a wooden
spoon while she cooked their breakfast. Together they ate at the table, the
baby on her lap which made for a messy meal. Gina was used to it. She was becoming
a master at avoiding small busy hands that reached for her spoon every time she
tried to get something in her own mouth.

a quick clean up, she decided to do a load of washing and hurried back upstairs
to grab their dirty clothes bag, bringing it back downstairs. Fisher hadn’t
moved from his position under the kitchen table and Gina headed to the back of
the house and loaded up the washer. When she returned to the kitchen she had a quick
glance in the freezer, and pulled out big bag of steak for a casserole. She
left it in the sink to thaw out.

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