Requested Surrender (22 page)

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Authors: Riley Murphy

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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“Undo my pants and lift my cock out. Very good. Now let go, Lacy.” It wasn’t until she reluctantly did as he told her that he added, “That’s my special girl.” He started to stroke himself, and when her gaze dropped to watch, he took hold of the chain connected to the nipple clamps and tugged hard. “Eyes up and tell me again how bad you want my hard cock in your mouth.”


“Show me,” he growled. Figuring that he’d pushed them both far enough…for now. “Wrap those beautiful lips around my cock like you never want to let go of it.” Burying both hands in her hair when she brought her head forward, he sighed. “That’s right. Very good. A little deeper. Deeper. Yeah.” Without breaking her rhythm he found the switch to the Sybian, and when he turned it on low he smiled. “Feel good? Oh, yeah, that opened you up, didn’t it? Yes, nice and deep. Mm…”

She had a talented mouth and cock sucking was her kryptonite. He’d known it from the first time he’d ordered her to her knees. She was a woman who wanted to worship and that kind of woman was one a guy like him treasured.

His hands fisted in her hair as he drove into her mouth. Her sultry moans assuring him the Sybian wasn’t the only thing rocking her world at the moment. If her cries weren’t enough, the way she deep throated his length, begging for more of him as she surrendered her mouth for his use, certainly would have been.

As gently as he could, he removed the clamps, loving how stiff her nipples were. Hard and taut just for him. Raking his palm over one spiked peak, he paused to pay some serious attention to it when she groaned and dug her nails deeper into his thighs…but not deep enough. She needed something more.

“Here you go, angel.” He turned the Sybian to full power, letting her grind and ride as he rode the hot and welcoming velvet her tongue and mouth provided. Over and over he pressed into that warmth, enjoying the squeeze of her throat around him. The wet silk convulsing, opening and begging, wanting more, until his balls tightened and lifted, and when a raging tingle stole over his back and ass he gave into it, flexing his hips while she sucked him down deep and deeper still. “Damn.”

She worked him so hard that when the rush came he went with it. Pulse pounding, heart slamming in his chest, he pulled air into his lungs, filling them, feeding them as exhilaration built. Climbing. Cresting until he couldn’t hold it back. With one final thrust, the heat blasted out of him in a flash of sublime euphoria. That’s when he knew she wasn’t the only one who had their world rocked. “Very good.”

He massaged her hair. Petting her. Telling her without words how well she pleased him, and when she eventually settled and let go of him, he shut off the machine and brushed a hand down her cheek. “You’re not going to fall asleep on me, are you?”

She was still between his legs, her head resting on one of his thighs. “Almost. I don’t think I can walk.”

That comment made him grin. “I’ll carry you.”

“Where?” She looked up. “To bed?”

He shook his head. Hating to spoil the moment because he could tell she was going to be disappointed. “No, to your room.”

“We’re not sleeping in here?”

“No. We have adjourning rooms on the spa side of the resort. They’re nice. Great view.”

She sat up and lifted herself off the Sybian. Wincing as she did so. “I don’t care about the view.”

He looked right at her. “What do you care about?”

“Spending time with you.”

That answer pleased him. After he fixed his clothes, he helped her stand, only he refused to let go of her hand. Instead he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles and asked, “Would you like to have a bath with me?”


“In your room.”

“Yes, but what about all this? The clothes and stuff?”

He saw her eyeing those boots and laughed. “You can have the boots. Decklan will take care of the rest.”

She beamed and scooped the platforms up as if she’d won the lottery. Her curvy little ass became a huge temptation as she sauntered toward the dressing room. David didn’t mind. He tilted his head and watched the hypnotic swing of her hips, almost hating having to spoil her saucy exit. It couldn’t be helped though. When she was nearly to the door he called, “You don’t have any deep, dark secrets you’re keeping from me, do you?”

She nearly dropped the boots, juggling to keep them in hand as she spun around. “N-no. Why do you ask?”

He stood and walked to her. Tipping her chin up and taking note of her wide and worried eyes, he said, “A bath to me is like a baptism. You can come clean in body and spirit with the right words. Think about that while you get dressed.”

She was gone so fast his fingers were still positioned as if her chin were on them. He’d been right before. There was something she’d been holding back this afternoon. Hopefully she’d tell him what it was before he had to pull it out of her…because pull he would.

Chapter Seventeen

Lacy pretended to slip again just so she could feel the hard contours of his chest against her back.

“Careful.” This time when he caught her it was by his hand between her legs instead of his arm around her waist, and she wasn’t going to complain. “Did you soap your ass before you got into this tub with me?”

She didn’t really shake her head. More like dragged it back and forth over his pecks with eyes closed. “Nope.”
, she mentally sighed,
did his hand feel great cupping her between her legs.
She could stay this way forever.

“Are you going to tell me?”

Her lids fluttered open and she stared at the pebbled glass holder that glowed with a lit tea light inside it. “I already said I’m drawing a blank. I’m sure I have a deep, dark secret somewhere to share with you, but you’re making me nervous, putting me on the spot like this.”

Wasn’t that the understatement of the year?
Stupid shoebox

.” That sound came out so husky she probably would have slid under the heated water for real this time, if he didn’t have a hold of her. “Maybe we should play a game to relax you. Get your mind off of my question until you’re in a position to answer it.”

Right about now Lacy would agree to anything. She’d play anything so she didn’t melt all over him. That ache in her belly and lower was back so bad all she wanted to do was turn and straddle his lap. “I’ll play.”

Sexy. That’s what his low and deep chuckle was. All male and confident when he curled down and whispered in her ear, “I like a woman who’s game. All right. Let’s play word association.”

She rubbed her temple against his jaw and tried to ignore how he’d started to draw tiny circles with his thumb on her thigh beneath the water. “K. You mean like if you said hot I’d say cold?”

“Yes. Ready?”

She was trying to stay focused, but his hand between her legs and his voice rumbling in her ear were causing some serious problems for her. The ache. Her inner muscles felt all fluttery. Desperate. Wanting him so badly to do more than intimately hold her this way. “Yes.”

“You don’t sound ready.” But before she could answer that, he began. “Aching.”




He kissed her temple and murmured, “That was an interesting association. Are you sure you’re all right? Naked.”

“Bare.” She had to fight the urge to flex into his hand.


She let out a breath and closed her eyes. “Plump.”

“Creamy.” The way he softly purred this word against her cheek got her restless.



She was thankful for the water. Maybe he wouldn’t notice how hot she was for him. Licking her lips, she breathed, “Surge.”


She opened her eyes and grabbed the sides of the tub in attempt to sit up, but he didn’t let her go. “
Don’t say that word. I hate it.”

He gathered her back in and she heard the smile in voice when he asked, “Why? It’s a good word.”

Readjusting so her hair wasn’t stuck between them she sighed. “No, it’s not. It sounds horrible. Pick another word please.”

“I will if you tell me why you hate
so much?”

She stiffened. “I mean it, David, stop saying that word.”

“Give me a good reason and maybe I will.”

“Okay.” She dropped her head to the side and looked up at him. “If you insist, but don’t say I didn’t warn you because you’ll be stuck with the visual like me. Are you sure you want me to plant the seed?”

He gave her a lopsided grin that warmed her up so fast she nearly forgot what they were talking about. “I’m a big boy. Shoot.”

“All right. Think of a soda bottle that’s been shaken really well. Then imagine opening it only half way. You see how the soda sprays all over the place in every different direction and at different intervals? Sputtering like a sick car exhaust?”

That grin turned into a full-fledged smile. “Clearly you’ve done an in-depth study on this. Sure. I see it.”

“To me that’s what spurt is. That’s the visual I have in my head every time I come across that word.”

“What’s so bad about that?”

She scowled. “You’re really going to make me put it all out there, aren’t you?” He annoyingly stared so she huffed. “Fine. Now image you’re enjoying a steamy romance novel and you come across a line that reads, ‘Copious amounts of his come spurted inside her hot channel until she couldn’t think straight’. I know what I’m thinking of. I’m thinking of that soda bottle, or worse, a fire hose that’s mostly clogged” —she brought her hand up and flapped it around for emphasis— “snaking around inside her like Medusa’s snakey hair. Not good.”

He didn’t blink. “Yeah, pretty horrific. Consider the word stricken from my vocabulary.”

“Thank you.” She turned and settled back against him. Both of them quiet until he gave her a squeeze.

“How about squirt?”

She winced and shook her head.

“Spring? Spray?”


“Jetted. Jetted is a good word.”

“Agreed.” She laughed. “So is persistent.
persistent,” she added, as her eyes widened at his boldness. He was pressing his hand against her more intimately now.

“I love to hear you laugh. Are you more relaxed now?”

As to her laughing, she wasn’t doing that anymore. Now, for relaxed? Hell yes she was, now that he’d taken up making those circles on her thigh again with his thumb.

“Yes” She tilted her head to give him access to her neck. Sighing when he nipped and bit a straight line up from her collarbone to her ear. “I’m definitely more relaxed.”

“Good.” He bit her lobe and then whispered, “Tell me a secret.”

Maybe it was the warmth of the water. The heat of the moment. Or the possessive way he held her that made her answer before she could stop herself. “I respect you.”

She felt him hesitate and wanted to kick herself. There was nothing she could do about it now so she may as well finish what she had in mind to say, before things really got awkward.

“I like when you tell me no. I…I trust you to make the right decisions. I believe that you care enough to want to correct me.” She reached for his free hand and brought it to her lips. Kissing the back of each knuckle, before she said, “I want to matter to you.”

David’s heart pounded as he watched her press his hand against her cheek. He never expected this. Did she know what she was telling him? Was she even aware of the thousands of wants and needs she left hovering between the lines of her quiet admission? An admission he needed to capitalize on before the opportunity was lost. Even though instinct told him it was too soon, he waited until she let go of his hand and then he went after her.

“Hey.” Cupping her chin in his palm he forced her head up until she was looking him in the eyes. When he had her complete attention he purposely pressed his other hand, the one beneath the water, more intimately against her. Very intimately against her. “This is mine. You are mine. I want you to depend on me because I’m going to push you beyond the boundaries of your own limitations. You give me your trust and I’ll give you my strength and determination.”

She closed her eyes.

When she didn’t open them again he ordered, “Look at me. Good girl. Now listen very, very carefully.” He searched her face, giving her time to focus before his gaze pinned her, willing her not to close up on him again. “I see how special you are, but I know you don’t. Therefore you’ll see yourself through my eyes from now on. You’ll celebrate your sexuality because it’s mine. I own it and I want to explore it in depth. It’s not going to be easy, and most times you’ll think I’m not being fair, but always remember you’re my special girl and to be that, you’ll need a spine of steel and a will of iron. I expect nothing less. I know you couldn’t do it alone before, but I’m here now. Are you ready to walk through the fire with me and live your epic life?”

A single tear skidded down the side of her cheek and crashed into his hand. That’s when he realized she wasn’t the only one who needed a spine of steel, as he’d do anything—give anything—to wipe that moisture away and hug her up close. But he couldn’t. Not until she gave him an answer.

Another tear and then… “Yes.”

That was all he needed to hear. Now he wiped her tears away before he turned her in his arms and hugged the hell out of her. “No more plagiarizing.” He felt her shake her head and added, “And no more wandering. Just be honest with me. Share your thoughts and feelings, and above all, follow my rules so that fire I was talking about won’t burn you.”

She sniffled and leaned back. “What do you mean?”

One look at her tear-streaked face and he knew he was in trouble. There was a different kind of beauty in her shimmering eyes. The terrible kind that called to him and made him want to see more. “If you break my rules, you’ll be punished. If you lie to me, you’ll be disciplined. If you hold back what I consider mine from this point on, I will force you to relinquish it.” He didn’t add
by breaking you down one sensual inch at a time

She sniffed again and her shoulders shook with the action. That made him scowl as he gauged her body wasn’t comfortable with tears. Maybe not now, but soon it would be.

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