Repairman Jack [08]-Crisscross (60 page)

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Authors: F. Paul Wilson

Tags: #General, #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: Repairman Jack [08]-Crisscross
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"The DA managed to persuade the judge that you're a flight risk."

"Then it's your job to
persuade him. I am
a flight risk. I'm innocent and that will be proven in court!"

Flight risk… the Bronx DA had argued that since the Dormentalist Church was a globe-spanning organization, its leader might find shelter among his devoted followers anywhere in the world. Fineman had spoken of Luther's lack of criminal history, of his obvious ties to the city, even offered to surrender Luther's passport and post a two-million-dollar bond. But the judge had sided with the DA.

Luther was convinced now that someone high up was pulling the strings in this plot against him.

"We'll worry about that later. The first thing I want to do is have you held here pending our appeal."

"What do you mean, 'held here'? I want you to get me

"I mean that until I do get you out, I want you here as opposed to Riker's."

Luther's heart quailed. Riker's Island… home to some of the city's most violent criminals.

"No… they can't."

Fineman shook his head. "If you can't make bail or, as in your case, you're denied bail, that's where they put you."

"You can't let them!"

"I'll do my damnedest to prevent it."

"That's not saying you
, that's only saying you'll

Fineman leaned forward. "Mr. Brady, I'm going to be frank with you."

A sting of alarm raced through him—this couldn't be good—but he didn't let it show.

"I should hope so."

"They have a good case against you. So good that my contacts in the DA's office tell me there's talk of seeking the death penalty."

Luther squeezed his eyes shut and began again the mantra that had sustained him through the endless night in this concrete-walled sty. This cannot be happening… this
be happening!

"But before the DA does that," Fineman added, "you may be offered a deal."

Luther opened his eyes. "Deal?"

"Yes. Let you plea to a lesser charge that—"

"And admit I murdered a man I've never met or even heard of until after he was dead? No, absolutely not. No deals!"

A deal meant prison, probably for most if not all his remaining years. Prison meant that his life's work, Opus Omega, would remain unfinished. Or worse, finished by someone else… someone else would claim the glory that Luther deserved.

No. Unthinkable.

"They'll regret this," Luther said, anger seething through his fear. "I'll put thousands—
of thousands—in the streets outside the courthouse and outside this prison. Their voices will shake these walls and—"

Fineman raised a hand. "I'd go easy on the protests. So far the DA hasn't mentioned those photos. If you push him too hard, he might release them. Just for spite."

"No… no!"

"Look, Mr. Brady. I've already put someone on the dead man, to dig up anything and everything known about him. I've got to tell you, in just a matter of hours he was able to come up with whispers about blackmail. This plays right into the DA's hands."

"Doesn't it play into our hands too? If the man was a blackmailer, it means he had to have enemies. We can—"

"But your pistol has been identified as the murder weapon, and the victim's prints are on it; probably his blood as well. And the photos found in his home were of you."

Luther could take no more. "I didn't kill him!" he screamed. "Do you hear me? I didn't do it! There must be some way to prove that!"

Fineman didn't seem the least bit ruffled.

"There is. We need someone,
, who can vouch for your whereabouts at or near the time of the murder."

Luther thought of something. "My E-Z Pass! It will show my tolls to and from the cabin on the night of the murder!"

Fineman shook his head. "That proves that your transponder made the trip, not you. I need a person, a living, breathing person who saw you far from the crime scene that night."

Luther thought of Petrovich. Maybe there was a way to have him vouch for Luther's presence at the cabin that night without incriminating himself.

"There might be someone. His name is Brencis Petrovich. He, um, made a delivery to the cabin Sunday night."

"Do I dare ask what?" Fineman said.

Luther looked away. "I'd rather you didn't."


"What's wrong, Jack?" Gia said. "You're not yourself today."

His mood concerned her. He'd come in looking tired and worn-out but hadn't wanted to say much. She hadn't told him yesterday about the near miss by that truck; Vicky had been around and Gia hadn't wanted to frighten her. Considering his mood, maybe this wasn't the right time either.

He sat slumped in an overstuffed armchair before the TV. It was tuned to a cable news channel. He looked up and gave her a wan smile.

"You mean, not my usual life-of-the-party self?"

"You'll never be the life of the party, but you seem like you're a hundred miles away. And I know what that means."

"It's not what you think."

She'd seen him like this before and she did know.

"One of your fix-its isn't going well, right?"

He straightened in the chair and motioned her closer. When she got within reach he took her hand and guided her onto his lap. He slipped his arms around her and nuzzled her throat.

"I have no fix-its in progress."

His breath tickled so she pulled back a few inches and looked at him. "I thought you said you were running two."

"'Were' is right. They're done. It's just that things didn't turn out so good for one of my customers."

That had such an ominous tone. They had agreed last year that Jack would give her no more than a vague outline of what he was up to. He didn't feel he should name names or give specifics about what people had entrusted to him. And that was fine with Gia. She'd worry if she were privy to the details.

All she knew about these jobs was that one had to do with a blackmailer and the other with finding a missing son for his mother.

"Is he all right?"

"Let's not talk about it. It's over."

If it's really over, she thought, then why are you like this? But she knew better than to ask.

"At least we still have a healthy, thriving baby."

This morning's follow-up ultrasound had shown, in Dr. Eagleton's words, "a perfectly normal twenty-week fetus."

Fetus? She remembered thinking. That's no fetus, that's my baby.

Jack's arms tightened around her. "Wasn't that great to see him moving and sucking his thumb? God, it's amazing."

? They still don't know the sex."

"Yeah, but I do. I—"

She felt Jack tense. Without releasing her he reached for the TV remote. As the sound came up she heard something about a woman entombed in concrete.

confirmed the remains as those of missing New York reporter Jamie Grant. Sources say early indications are that she was buried alive in the concrete."

"Oh, God!" Gia said. "How awful."

Jack made no comment. His gaze remained fixed on the screen. He seemed hypnotized.

"Symbols molded into the concrete column have been identified as similar to those found throughout the world in temples of the Dormentalist Church, and the mold for the pillar was discovered hidden in a New Jersey concrete company owned by a member of the church's High Council.

Ms. Grant was a respected journalist and a fearless critic of the Dormentalist Church. Her murder has sent Shockwaves throughout the world of journalism. We mourn her passing

"Wait a minute," Gia said, straightening and looking at Jack. "Wait just a minute. Didn't you say that the son you were looking for was a Dormentalist?"

Jack continued to stare at the screen. "Did I say that?"

"Yes, you did. I remem—"

He tightened his bear hug. "Just a sec. Look who's doing a perp walk."

She turned back in time to see a vaguely familiar-looking man being led from a doorway to a police car.

In a related story that may or may not be coincidence, Luther Brady, head of the Dormentalist Church, is a suspect in the murder of an ex-cop in the Bronx. He has been denied bail

Gia swiveled to face Jack. "Did you have anything to do with this?"

It was the first time all morning she'd seen him smile.


"More bad news, I'm afraid," Fineman said.

Luther Brady lifted his head from where he'd been resting it on his arms, which were folded on the table. He was numb.

They'd found Grant's body. How? The news story said the Pennsylvania authorities had acted on a tip. From whom?

It had to be an insider, but that didn't make sense. Everyone high enough up to have known will be under investigation now.

Nothing made sense anymore.

Luther looked at Fineman, dapper as ever. "How could things get worse:

"Mr. Petrovich is not available, it seems. My investigator learned he drove off in his van and never came back. The van was found abandoned in Lower Manhattan. The police report mentions bloodstains on the front seat. Petrovich appears to have vanished."

Luther lowered his head again. What else could go wrong?

Petrovich had been a long shot anyway. A guy with his record probably didn't want to get within a mile of a police station, let alone walk in to swear to a statement.

"I've had feelers about a plea bargain," Fineman said.

"I will not—"

"Don't reject it out of hand, Mr. Brady. Give it careful consideration. You know what's going on outside. Your church is getting heat from all sides. It looks for all the world like someone in your organization killed that reporter to shut her up. That's not going to help you one bit."

He wanted to grab Fineman's silk tie and tell him that yes, he was part of the Grant bitch's death, a big part, and part of a host of others too, but he had nothing to do with this one. On this count he was innocent.

But he said nothing.

Fineman wasn't through, however. "Plus you've got to realize that if the

DA should go public and announce that he's seeking the death penalty, your chance for a deal will be gone. He'll be locked into that position and won't be able to let you plead down without suffering serious political fallout."

Luther didn't see that he had a choice. Making a deal meant losing his freedom but keeping his life. No deal gave him a shot at freedom, but the downside was death. Luther had decided he'd rather be dead than spend the rest of his life behind bars.

"No deals." He raised his head and looked Fineman square in the eyes. "An innocent man doesn't make deals."

At least the photos were still under wraps. He prayed to whatever power had guided him thus far that they'd stay that way.



!" Abe said as he studied the hot-off-the-press copy of
The Light

Jack had hung around the newsstand down the street, waiting for it to be delivered. He bought a copy as soon as the string on the bale was cut and walked directly to Abe's, reading it along the way.

Four words took up the whole front page.





The first five pages were filled with loving tributes to a fallen colleague. But starting on page six, the paper tore into Luther Brady, saying that even if he personally had nothing to do with Jamie Grant's death, he'd fostered the tactic of ruthless retaliation against any and all critics of the Dormentalist Church, creating an atmosphere of disregard for the rights and well-being of anyone considered an enemy of his church.

And then the piece de resistance: censored photos of an unidentified man—obviously Brady on closer examination—with the two boys. The paper said that it had received these photos the day before, with a note purportedly from the man Brady was accused of killing. The photos and the note had been forwarded to the police.

Abe looked up from the paper. "You're involved in this, aren't you?"

Jack tried for a guileless look. "Who, me?"

"You think I'm going to buy that Fm-so-innocent punim? I'm not. You promised me when I found you that Beretta that you—wait a minute. Wait just a minute." He narrowed his eyes and pointed a stubby finger at Jack. "Brady's supposed victim wouldn't happen to have been shot with a nine millimeter, would he?"

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