Renegade World: Future Past (29 page)

BOOK: Renegade World: Future Past
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So either they figured it was an easy target, or it has
some other strategic value.

Perhaps, but there is insufficient data to determine
that in the time we have. One of the messages indicates that the targets will
be attacked tonight beginning at midnight Eastern time.

Alert the FBI and Karl Hunter. Give them all of the

“Naami, you’ve been unusually quiet. Have you decided what
you want?”

“Sorry, Camila. I’ve decided on the bison steak.”

Abraham put together a document with all of the details.
After routing it through multiple computers, the document was uploaded to cloud
storage for an account that had been previously set up on a 30-day trial. The
short message to the FBI and Karl Hunter included the link and the password to
the document.

arl? Message from El Gato Renegado, Karl.

He groaned. “Implant, display the message.”

He read the message. “Implant, forward the message to
Rebeca Lee Johnson and Miguel Garcia. Mark as immediate attention required.”


“That substation is too close to their facilities. I
need to…”

Karl, connection request from Miguel Garcia.

“Miguel, that was quick. Hang on a second.”

“Implant, initiate plan SHTF2.”

“I’m back, Miguel.”

I’ve deployed both of my dragonflies.

As he saw the visual connect request, he said
. “
on, Miguel.”

“Implant, connect Rebeka Lee.”

“Hi, Rebeka Lee. Miguel was just saying that he had
deployed two dragonflies.”

I’m just sending up my two hawks.

“Your two hawks?”

They are equipped with video surveillance tech. I can’t
control them precisely, and they don’t like to stay out much past sunset, but
maybe we’ll get lucky.

“Miguel, is it safe for me to forward this information to
Rhett Johnstone?”

Yes, Karl. Our mutated virus is on the police department
implants, servers, and other devices. He can share the information with any of
them…assuming he trusts them.

Implant, forward the message to Rhett Johnstone.

“Miguel, I’m sending two of my security guys out to your
facility just in case the terrorists show up there, and Rebeka Lee, I’m sending
two of my guys out to your place too. Let’s stay alert in case the substation
isn’t their real target. According to the document, they’ve got RPGs,
explosives, and automatic weapons.”
He saw a connection request from
Rhett Johnstone. “I’ve got to go. Stay safe.”

“Hi, Rhett.”

Hell of a message, Karl. Islamic terrorist groups
working together with a Mexican drug cartel? Hell’s bells! If they damage even
four or five of these targets, big chunks of the US could be without power for

“I agree. Why the Basin substation, though? It’s of minor
importance compared to the others. I’m sure your boss will be briefed by the
FBI or Homeland Security real soon, but I wanted to give you a heads up. My gut
says there’s more in play here. I’m providing security for key employees

“According to Miguel, the entire police department is
covered by his software now. So at least you don’t have to worry about that. Be
careful who you trust, though. Someone in the department may have introduced
the virus.”

I trust my team, but I’m only going to share this with
one of them until word comes down from the chief.

Karl saw a connection request
. “
Got to go, Rhett.
Let me know if you need anything.”

Thanks, Karl. Bye.

“Good evening, Ben.”

I have two of your guys at my house. All they know is
that they are supposed to provide security until told to stand down.

“Perfect. If not yet, there will soon be teams with your
father, the Schmidts, the Carlsons, Rebeka Lee, and Miguel and Geoffry.”

What’s this all about?

“I received a warning about terrorist activity, some of it
in this area. ANT is not identified as a target, but I am taking precautions. I’ve
spoken with Miguel and Rebeka Lee already. Please let the others know. I’ve got
to go.”

ohn, are you one hundred percent sure? We can still
pull the plug on our commitment, and let the tacoheads and towel heads go it
alone. We—

Thaddaeus, take a breath.
Simon cut him off.
and I have got this. The plan is perfect. The cartel gets their revenge. The
towel heads get the blame. We kill the abominations. The Children of Abel make
the headlines, and our national movement will be able to recruit thousands of
new members. It’s a win-win and more!

I still don’t like it.

What don’t you like, Thaddaeus?
John’s voice,
normally calm and even, betrayed a hint of annoyance.

Too many pieces have to come together. Too many things
can go wrong. When it was just the tacoheads, it was bad enough, but working
with the rag heads? And that damn wall. What a joke! The politicos take credit
for cutting down the number of illegal immigrants while the cartels laugh at
them behind their backs.

John took a deep breath.
Thaddaeus, you’ve got to look
at the big picture. The terrorists will all be dead. President Arbustor gets
reelected with a mandate to take the fight to the damned Muslims. The wall will
be exposed for the joke it is. The Children of Abel will claim credit for
killing the terrorists.

You’ve always been an optimist, John. Have you
considered the worst case?

The worst case is that some of the terrorists escape,
they don’t take out some of their targets, and one or both abominations survive.
The wall is still exposed as a sham, and Arbustor probably still gets his

And you are sure that there is no possibility that this
can be tied back to me and my project?

None. The buck stops with me. We need the codes to your
five weapons caches right now. If you don’t give them to us, Simon and I are
going ahead anyway, but three of the targets will be aborted.

Fine. I just sent them to you. Please don’t screw up.
I’ll pray that your plan succeeds.

ive me a break!
He accepted Samael’s connection

Leandro, update me.

Everything is going according to plan.
He made a
quick decision.
The only unforeseen thing so far is that the FBI uncovered
the information we leaked an hour before Homeland Security, but they didn’t
inform Homeland Security until a few minutes after Homeland Security found it
on their own.

And John and Simon?

They will be dealt with.

Good. Make this work.

Yes, sir!



As you requested, Karl. I searched for contractors
you’ve worked with before who are currently in the immediate vicinity of Fargo.
The closest one, Jake Stahl, is currently forty miles southeast of Fargo. Do
you want me to connect you?


What’s up, Karl?

“I’ll put you on the clock if you can start right now.”


“Pack heavy if you’ve got it. Call me when you’re on the
road to Fargo. Put your foot down.”

Got it. I’m moving now. Bye.

“Implant, connect Charlie Means.”

Charlie here.

“Where are you?”

We’re on 94, just passing exit 176 for McKenzie. Garcia’s
doing about 85. Understandably, he’s a little uptight about his wife, brother,
and the kids. My brother’s already snoring in the back seat. We’ve got three HK
rifles and plenty of 30 round mags. For backup, we’ve got a 12 gauge and our
personal carry guns.

“Charlie, have your implant ping mine every ten miles. I’ve
got Jake Stahl coming from the other way, but he’s just leaving Fergus Falls, so
he’s got some serious distance to cut before he catches up.”

I worked with Jake twice. He’s young but solid. What did
he say when you told him we could be facing off against the cartel?

“I haven’t told him yet. I just told him to hit the road
and call me en route.”
Karl saw Jake’s connection request.

connect Jake Stahl.”

“Hey, Jake.”

Hi, Karl. Hi, Charlie.

“Jake. Charlie’s in charge of this security detail. I’ll
let him fill you in.”

I’m good with that as long as you’re paying my hourly rate
and expenses.

“You’re on the clock. Hopefully, this will turn out to be
nothing but a joy ride for you guys, but it’s worth it to me. Let me know when
you have Martinez in sight. Bye.”

he waitress had just cleared the dishes and left desert
menus. Naami scanned the deserts, but there wasn’t any yogurt, so she wasn’t
interested. Cake, pie, and cookies never appealed to her. She saw Joe tense,
lean forward, and rest his chin on his hands. He looked toward Camila, and she
saw Camila’s smile disappear. A minute later, Camila said, “If you two want
desert, we’ll get it to go.”

Naami shook her head no.

Raul pointed at the pecan pie. “I’ll take a slice of this
for the road.”

Camila signaled the waitress. “We’d like a slice of pecan
pie to go and the check, please.”

“Sure. I’ll be right back.”

She returned with the piece of pie in a cardboard box. “How
many forks do you want?”

“Just one, please.”

The waitress took one fork out of her apron and put it on
the box. She handed her small tablet to Camila. Camila read the transaction ID,
and about fifteen seconds later, she handed the tablet back to the waitress.

The waitress looked at the screen. “Thanks. Hope you come

Raul got up. “I need to use the bathroom.”

Raul’s mom pushed her chair back. “Can you wait a couple of
minutes and use the one at the service station?”


After Joe brought the car to a stop at the service station,
Naami and Raul went to use the bathroom. When they came back, Camila
said, “I’m going to use the restroom. Buckle up. As soon as I’m back, we’re
going to hit the road.”

Raul got into the car, but Naami walked over to Joe. “Are
we making a stop?”

Joe smiled. “You don’t miss much. We’ll stop at Valley City
and get more juice there.”

I don’t miss much, like the fact that he's carrying a
pistol underneath his shirt that wasn’t there before.
She walked around to
the car door without saying anything to him. Although she opened the car door,
she waited until Camila got close to the car before she got in.
Camila is
carrying too. The way she talks, I didn’t even think she knew how to use one.

Someone informed them about the cartel activities.
Abraham, connect me to Raul.

Raul turned and gave her a strange look. “What’s up?”

Don’t say anything. OK?

He nodded.

Be careful when you subvocalize. Something’s up.
Something not good. While we were in the bathroom, your mom and uncle put on handguns
under their shirts. Have you ever seen your mom shoot a gun?

He shook his head and then leaned forward and looked into
the front. Without moving his lips, he subvocalized, “My mom’s got a duffle bag
by her feet that's long enough to hold the short barreled rifle that my uncle
usually locks in the back storage box. I’m going to ask them what’s going

Wait, before you ask them, what else does your uncle
keep in the storage box?

“Usually, he has two 9mm pistols, some mags, some 9mm ammo,
the rifle, some 5.56 ammo, and two extra mags. He’s got at least 550 rounds of
22 ammo back there that we didn’t use at the match.”

OK. Go ahead.


“What, Raul?”

“How come you and Uncle Joe are wearing pistols?”

She looked at her brother.

“Well…” Joe looked at Raul in the rear view mirror as if
deciding what to tell them.  “I got a call from Karl Hunter, the head of ANT
security. He told us that there is a terrorist alert for North Dakota, and he’s
sent a protection detail to meet us just as a precaution. He asked us not to
tell you. Please don’t message anyone. The public hasn’t been told yet because
they want to catch the terrorists.”

Abraham, have Big Brother monitor all of the traffic
cameras on 94 between Bismarck and here. Find two or more vehicles that look
like they’re traveling together or any vehicles that change direction. See if
he can hack into any cameras in Valley City as well.


Camila looked back at them.

Don’t worry. I’m sure
there’s nothing to worry about.” Though she gave them a lopsided smile, her
eyes gave away her concern.

“I’m sure
that Mr. Hunter is being super cautious. Don’t you think, Joe?”
Before he could answer, Naami said, “I think it’s good that you and Camila put on your guns.
It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Joe glanced at her in the mirror. “Yes, it is.”

“Are all of your extra mags loaded? I think it would be
good to load them all, just to be safe. Don’t you think Joe?”

He glanced in the mirror again. “Alright, you two can load
the spares, but you have to unload them when we get home.”

Raul crawled back and opened the storage box. He handed
Naami two double stack mags, four single stack mags, and two boxes of 9mm ammo.
She opened the first box and started loading one of the single stack mags when
Raul connected.
Both Hi-Point carbines are back here.

I guessed that at least one was back there by the mags.
Throw our backpacks up here after you hand me the other mags.

After they finished loading the pistol and rifle mags, Raul
and Naami put the Hi-Point mags in their jacket pockets and handed the other
mags up to Camila.

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