Renegade Rupture (6 page)

Read Renegade Rupture Online

Authors: J. C. Fiske

Tags: #Young Adult, #harry potter, #Fantasy, #percy jackson, #epic fantasy, #anime, #super heroes

BOOK: Renegade Rupture
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“Sybil Shax, tell me, what did you see?” Sybil Honj asked. Shax placed his hands on his hips and began to pace and looked up at Rolce, then to Falcon.

“Perhaps we should speak in private, it’s quite . . .” Shax started and then Falcon stepped forward.

“It’s fine, Shax, I already realize what this might be about. It’s about Gisbo, isn’t it?” Falcon said.

“These visions that I’ve recently been having, they do indeed include your son, but more importantly, what your son is. Our Man-Phoenix, our greatest weapon and defense against Drakearon and his horde should he ever return. Before I speak on the matter, I would like to hear first what Sybil Shax saw,” Sybil Honj said. Shax stood staring at the ground, then he began to speak in a deep, scratchy tone.

“I saw death; I saw fire. I saw Heaven’s Shelter destroyed . . . burning, by the hands of . . . Gisbo,” Shax said. Falcon took in a hard breath, then let it out slowly.

“Wait a minute! Hold on! I . . .” Rolce started. Sybil Honj raised a hand for silence.

“Hold on a moment, Rolce. We shall get to you. Sybil Shax, I am not one to doubt, but please, I need to hear you confirm once more. Are you certain of what you saw?” Sybil Honj said.

“I do not wish to be. Truly I don’t, but alas, what I saw, I saw,” Shax said.

“Then it is true, for I have seen the same thing. As to why or how, I do not know, but the Farseer is the most accurate way to determine what is to come. Now, Rolce, what say you?” Sybil Honj asked. Before answering, Rolce looked towards Falcon with a somber glance.

“I saw Gisbo as well,” Rolce said.

“Then it is settled, we must . . .” Sybil Honj started.

“He was glowing in blue and white fire, radiating the power of the Phoenix. He was older, wiser. He had that, that stupid grin on his face. The one he gets when he’s facing down impossible odds and his life is on the line. He was laughing as if nothing was wrong, as if there was nothing to be afraid of, and he led the Renegades to a great victory against an unknown enemy. It was, it was incredible to behold. Inspiration and hope flooded out of him. It was infectious. Everyone following him, especially me, felt no fear,” Rolce said, smiling.

The room was silent.

“Are you certain of this? Perhaps your love for your friend is twisting your . . .” Sybil Honj said.

“I know what I saw and I’m not twisting anything or making this up,” Rolce said. “Gisbo is my friend, my very best. We’ve grown up together, we’ve seen war together, and I believe that he can overcome anything that comes his way. Including this Drakeness.”

“Then it is settled. Two out of three. None of our visions are certain, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be cautious. I put the block within Gisbo’s memory, the door that holds back everything. I should close it back up. It’s too dangerous.”

“Listen to yourself. This is Gisbo, this is my son. He loves Heaven’s Shelter as much as he loves his friends and everything in it! He would rather die than see Heaven’s Shelter come to ruin,” Falcon said. “I think that the boy should learn his past.”

“You forget the untapped power within him, Falcon, the Phoenix itself. You of all people know of the Drakeness’s addictive nature. This is a whole new predicament. We couldn’t have foreseen something like this! You were much older when the Drakeness infected you. This boy is still young, impressionable, and holds the power of . . .” Sybil Honj started.

“And he is my son! Whatever I have accomplished, he can do better,” Falcon said.

“I do not agree. It is not a chance worth taking. We cannot sacrifice the sake of many for that of one,” Sybil Honj said.

“You said yourself the vision is not clear. Perhaps by withholding this memory, he risks hearing the story from someone else, or perhaps what you say is true. Either way, we won’t know unless we try,” Falcon said.

“I sense that you want this to be shown more so than your son,” Sybil Honj said.

“We all need to move on, we all need closure, especially me. Even I don’t know what happened to her. Gisbo, he’s the only one who knows the truth, who saw him do that to her . . .” Falcon started, then stopped.

“Very well. I will discuss the matter with Chieftain Narroway. For now, we must be patient, place all our steps carefully. And . . .” Sybil Honj started. The elevator doors opened and in walked Narroway with a guest.

“Nina?” Rolce asked. Nina looked up, trembling and pale.

“It’s ok, my dear, you made the right decision coming to me. If anyone can help you, it’s someone like you. Tell them what you told me,” Narroway said as he ushered Nina forth.

“Nina, what is it? What’s wrong?” Rolce asked.

“Rolce, I . . . you know I see things, feel things. Well, not just things, a specific thing,” Nina said.

“Yes, you see Gisbo’s life, what could be,” Rolce said.

“The girl, much like the Man-Phoenix’s Sentry, sees the Man-Phoenix’s life. Obviously we are not alone in our vision. Come, child, tell us, tell us what you’ve seen,” Sybil Honj said. With tears in her eyes, Nina’s voice trembled as she spoke.

“I, I saw . . . I saw Gisbo . . . destroy Heaven’s Shelter and everyone in it,” Nina said.

There was silence.

“I’m sorry, Falcon, but it is already decided. The boy cannot know, cannot open up his mind to such visions,” Sybil Honj said.

“The block was put in place because the tragedy happened when his young mind couldn’t process it. It was supposed to be temporary, to be revealed to him at a time when he can. The time is now!” Falcon argued.

“But not while the Drakeness floods through him. It will destroy him from the inside. He is not ready and you know it. Drakearon, or Purah, could use the Drakeness within Gisbo to turn him against us! We cannot risk that!” Sybil Honj stated.

“It’s happening again, just like the last time. The Elekai’ Exhibition, the secrets, and once again, Lamik has the political ammo he needs. Except this time, he and his Strifes could take the King’s Band legally, rather than by force. No one beyond this room can know of this, no one. Understood?” Narroway asked. “And if word spreads of this, IAM help us all.”




Chapter Four:
The End of an Era

Gisbo sat in the courtyard doing his best to enjoy some sushi, but failing miserably. Everywhere he looked, he saw green cloaked figures eying him, as if they sensed something about him. Worst of all, Gisbo knew they did, and the growing panic and anxiety in his chest was getting unbearable. The heightened senses the Drakeness gave him were close to maddening. Every clinking glass, every whisper, every scrape of tooth across a steel fork set Gisbo’s own teeth on edge, but the worst was the laughter. Every giggle felt as if it were directed toward him.

Look at him sitting there, alone. Something must be wrong with him,
a voice said.

That’s him, the son of that traitor, Falcon. You know what they say, don’t you? The sins of the father always affect the son,
another voice said.

Gisbo snapped his attention all about, feeling cold sweat drip down his forehead. He wiped it away, scared to death it was the dark, black oil of his Drakeness mark, but it wasn’t.

“Shut up,” Gisbo muttered to himself as he dug back into his meal, feeling hot rage build as his cheeks flared with color.

Quiet, I think he hears us. We wouldn’t want to make him mad. You know how he can’t control that temper of his. He’s called Gisbo for a reason, you know,
a different voice spoke.

“I SAID SHUT UP! DAMN IT!” Gisbo screamed as he clobbered his plate with a fist, shattering it. Suddenly, all eyes were on him and the chattering stopped. Gisbo reared upon a random Strife.

“The hell you looking at? Huh?” Gisbo yelled, getting into the Strife’s face.

“I’d sit back down if I were you, boy,” the Strife said as two other Strifes got to their feet.

“You bozos want some too, huh? Well, let’s go! RIGHT NOW!” Gisbo screamed when he felt a soft hand touch his shoulder.

“I’m so sorry for this, folks. My manager informs me everything is on the house. My friend here, he’s just a bit under the weather,” Kennis Flora said.

“Three more beers and we’ll call this matter settled,” the lead Strife said. Kennis bowed thoughtfully.

“Right away,” Kennis said. “Again, so sorry.”

Kennis re-directed Gisbo out of the eating area and out back so they could be alone.

“We need to talk,” Kennis said.

“About what?” Gisbo asked.

“Really? You don’t know? Wait here,” Kennis said as she poured three beers from the tap, served them, came back, and threw off her apron. She opened the back door of Renegade Joe’s Steakhouse, punched out, and said her goodbyes.

“Come on, your tree house isn’t far from mine. Walk with me,” Kennis said. They walked out of the main courtyard of Heaven’s Shelter and entered the forest, alone.

“Mind telling me what this is about?” Gisbo asked.

“I’ve seen such an outburst before, but not from you,” Kennis said.

“Excuse me?” Gisbo asked. Suddenly, Kennis stopped walking and looked Gisbo right in the eyes.

“My brother. He had the same signs as you,” Kennis said. She grabbed his hands and rubbed his knuckles. They were patchy and lined with tiny white scars where the skin healed over.

“It started off with outbursts just like that, rocking back and forth, being unable to sit still, grabbing his head, lots of wincing. When he did move, he only put himself in danger; then of course, these scars along his knuckles,” Kennis said.

“What does your brother have to do with me?” Gisbo snapped.

“And then, an indifference to others. He was once a very kind, very compassionate guy,” Kennis said. “The Drakeness is in you, I know it. Gisbo, how, how on Thera did you . . .”

Gisbo went to open his mouth, but nothing came.

“Please . . . I want to help,” Kennis said.

“Why?” Gisbo asked.

“Because I don’t want to see what happened to my brother happen to someone like you,” Kennis said.

“Why someone like me? What happened to him?” Gisbo asked.

“He’s dead,” Kennis said. Gisbo’s eyes widened.

“I’m, I’m sorry,” Gisbo said. Awkward silence grew between them, then Gisbo found the courage to speak.

“It happened during the battle. Rolce and I, we split off from the group to face off against Narsissa. We, we did our damnedest, even in our weakened state. Rolce went down and I ran out of essence. My father, my two best friends, my . . . my aunt, they were all counting on me. Narsissa, she tempted me with the vial, the one that she had spent years gathering with her slaves. I figured the power burst would be enough to save them, so I did it. I injected myself with it, which was what she probably wanted all along,” Gisbo said.

“Gisbo, but why? Why you?” Kennis asked. Gisbo looked up at her, but didn’t feel like explaining his whole life story as the new Man-Phoenix and kept silent.

“You and I have never been very close, Gisbo, but Kinny spoke highly of you. I know what you did to help her against that awful Strife last year, and then there was what Kalloway told me,” Kennis said.

“Listen, I . . .” Gisbo started.

“Kalloway told me that you were special, told me that I needed to look out for you. I thought she was crazy, but then I saw what she saw when you lead us into a battle I never thought we could win. You not only lead us, you protected us, inspired us, and you smiled all the way through. You were actually smiling, like some kind of maniac, even though we were outnumbered on all sides. At least, that’s what I initially thought,” Kennis said.

Gisbo was silent.

“But I was wrong. You really believed in us, and because of that, you not only thought everything was going to be ok, you knew it was, and that confidence of yours, that stubborn, never say die attitude, it brought something out of us we never knew we had,” Kennis said.

“I . . .” Gisbo started.

“That Gisbo and the Gisbo standing before me now are two different people. We don’t need the Gisbo I just saw. I’ve seen what the Drakeness can do. What’s important is that, number one, you don’t distance yourself. Ok? I’m here for you, and so are all your friends. That goes without saying. You are a good person. If Kalloway and Kinny believed in you, then guess what? I do too,” Kennis said, smiling. “Just like your dad, you will beat it too, and I wouldn’t doubt if you go forward to win this Tournament for all of us.”

“Kennis . . . what, what was all this for? I hardly even know you.” Gisbo said.

“Well, about time we change that then,” Kennis said. “We’re all in this together, right?”

“Right. I . . . thank you,” Gisbo said. “You know, you’ve really lost a lot of weight. You’re like, you’re like a whole new person. I mean, wow! Look at your figure, your hair, your chest, it’s . . . ” Gisbo started, as he lifted his hands over his mouth. “That didn’t . . . I mean I . . .”

“I’m going to pretend that was the Drakeness talking,” Kennis said. “If Kinny can’t keep an eye on you, then I will. Take care, Gisbo, and train hard. I’m always just around the corner if you need me.”

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