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“Oh, God,” Maya said over the baby’s cries. “What if they’re at the ranch trying to take Evan?”

“We’re headed there now.” Slade had already considered this possibility, and even though the ranch was well protected, he didn’t want Maya on the road any longer than necessary. Once he had gotten her and the baby to safety, he could call the hospital and arrange for a doctor to check out the baby.

And figure out who the child was.

Slade was hoping it was either Will or Caleb because he didn’t want any other kidnapped babies added to this.

Declan’s phone buzzed, and he answered the call while he kept watch.

“Harlan says they made it into the barn,” Declan relayed. But then he paused, cursed. “And it’s not good. They found a dead body.”

Chapter Fifteen

The only thing Maya could do was wait and try to soothe the crying baby. His sobs tapered off to whimpers, but there was no tapering off of the emotion on Declan’s and Slade’s faces.

Declan stayed on the phone just listening to whatever Harlan was telling him, and whatever it was, it wasn’t good.

They found a dead body.

If that body belonged to the kidnapper, then they might have lost their main lead to the other missing child.

Perhaps Slade’s son.

Of course, the alternative wasn’t much better—that Randall, Chase, Nadine or Andrea was dead. Maya wasn’t especially fond of any of them, but if one of them happened to be the person behind the kidnapping, then the missing baby might be lost forever.

Mumbling profanity, Declan ended the call and looked over at Slade. “Andrea is dead. And the kidnapper got away with the money.”

Oh, mercy. Definitely not good news, and worse—if the kidnapper escaped, did that mean he was on the road behind them? It seemed a selfish thing, considering that a woman was dead, but if the man started shooting again, the baby could be hurt.

“Where’s the kidnapper?” Maya managed to ask despite the fact her lip was trembling.

“He got in the van and drove across the pasture. There’s probably an old ranch trail back there. But Harlan’s in pursuit while Wyatt and the deputy stay with the Colliers and Randall.”

Yes, because if the kidnapper returned, one of them could be shot, as well. Of course, that meant Harlan was headed right into the line of fire by trying to chase down this guy.

It seemed to take Slade several moments to get his jaw unclenched. “How’d all of this happen?”

Declan shook his head and continued his watch of their surroundings. “By the time Harlan and the others got to the barn, they found Andrea dead by the side of Chase’s car. A single gunshot wound to the head.”

The last time Maya had seen Andrea, the woman had been running for cover. With all those bullets flying, though, there’d been no safe place to hide. “What about the others? Were they hurt?”

Declan shook his head again. “Nadine’s screaming at Chase for not doing more to save her, and Randall’s riled that Wyatt won’t let him leave so he can go to Houston to look for his ex-girlfriend. Chase is demanding that he see the baby we have so he’ll know if it’s Will.”

It shouldn’t have surprised her that none of them had asked about the child’s condition. Or if he was safe. At least Chase was asking something about the baby, but that could all be for show. To make himself look innocent. The truth was he had just as strong of a motive as the others if he was trying to frame Nadine so that he wouldn’t have to split his vast estate with her.

“I’ll call Dallas and get him to send me a photo of both babies,” Declan offered.

Maya looked up at Slade at the exact moment he looked down at her. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to know how many bad memories that brought back for you, but I figure it was

She saw the worry and guilt practically weighing him down. Not for himself but for her. It was touching, and unnecessary.

“We got out with the baby,” she reminded him, and looked down at the little boy. He’d fallen asleep, probably exhausted from all the crying, but with his face relaxed she was able to look at it and compare it to Slade’s. She didn’t see any resemblance, but then, it was hard to tell with babies.

And the truth was, he looked more like Evan than this baby.

That was a bitter pill to swallow in some ways, but in others, sharing custody with Slade suddenly didn’t seem so bad.

If he shared, that is.

Maybe it was the fact they’d come so close to dying again, but she didn’t believe he would just take Evan from her. No. Slade cared. She cared for him, too. But it was worse than that.

She was falling in love with him.

Not exactly the best time for that to hit her, but there was no good timing for this.

“We’re on the ranch grounds,” Declan told her, and he helped her onto the seat with the baby just as the photos of the two missing children appeared on his phone.

Maya looked at both, then eased off the baby’s knit cap so she could compare him to the shots. “This is Caleb Rand,” Declan and she said at once.

There was no mistaking it. Of course, the photo was probably only a few days old since the adoptive parents likely would have taken many pictures of the child. Well, they would have if they were better parents than the Colliers.

Declan called Dallas and relayed the info so that Dallas could call the child’s adoptive parents. It was a relief to know the child’s identity, but there it was again. The questions in Slade’s eyes.

If this wasn’t his child, then where was he?

Slade pulled to a stop in front of the ranch house, and they all hurried up the steps. Slade’s family was there waiting for them, and even though the baby was sound asleep, Stella hurried across the foyer to bring her Evan. Caitlyn took the other baby so that Maya could take Evan.

Maya instantly felt her heart rate decrease, and even though it wasn’t, it was as if she’d stepped into her home.

She was clearly losing it.

This wasn’t her home, but holding Evan put everything in perspective. He was safe, thanks to Slade and his family, and for now she pushed all her other worries aside. Well, she managed it until Dallas finished the phone call he was making and gave his brothers a glance she’d come to know all too well.

He had bad news.

“Harlan lost the kidnapper,” Dallas said.

There was a collective groan in the foyer. Without the kidnapper, they didn’t have a lead on the other baby, and that meant the danger would continue.

“Wyatt and the others will get statements from Chase, Nadine and Randall,” Dallas went on. “They’ll take a look at their phones to see what time they got the ransom calls. And there’s a CSI crew on the way to the barn to collect any possible evidence.”

She could only hope and pray that the kidnapper had left something incriminating behind.

“What about the baby’s adoptive parents?” Slade asked. Because he was looking down at Evan, Maya moved closer and eased him into Slade’s arms.

Yet something else that felt like home.

“The Rands are on the way here,” Dallas answered. “Needless to say, they’re very happy about their son being rescued. I told them the doc would have to check him out first, and they agreed.” He glanced at his watch. “Dr. Landry should be here within the next half hour.”

“How is Mrs. Rand? I remember Slade said the kidnapper clubbed her when he took the baby.”

“She’s out of the hospital and well enough to travel.”

That was something at least. Of course, even a serious injury probably wouldn’t have stopped the woman. It wouldn’t have stopped Maya.

Caitlyn looked down at the sleeping baby she was holding. “Should I change his diaper or something?”

“Not yet.” Slade glanced at Declan. “Want to check the baby for any signs of...anything?”

Because of the fatigue, it took a moment for that to sink in, and then her heart went to the floor. Caitlyn had a similar reaction because the color drained from her face, and she hurried into the living room and eased down on the sofa. They all followed her, and Maya worked herself to the front of them.

She prayed the monster hadn’t hurt this child.

Caitlyn turned back the blanket and then lifted the baby’s loose blue top and tugged off the stretchy bottom. There wasn’t a mark on him, and the relief caused Maya to wobble. Since Slade’s hands were occupied with Evan, it was Stella who caught onto her.

“See,” Stella said in a soft, comforting whisper, “the little guy’s just fine.”

“We’ll need his clothes and diaper bagged,” Dallas insisted. “Especially that diaper. It’s easy to leave fingerprints on the adhesive tapes.”

That reminder sent them scattering. Dallas said something about getting an evidence bag from his truck. Joelle hurried to the kitchen to grab a fresh diaper from the supplies they’d gotten for Evan. There were extra clothes in that bag, too, and a blanket.

Stella gave Maya’s arm a nudge. “You look ready to fall on the floor. A hot bath will help. Some rest, too. And Joelle brought over some clothes and put them in your room. You two are about the same size.”

Maya shook her head. “I don’t want to leave Evan.” Or Slade.

“They’ll be just fine,” Stella said as if she knew exactly what Maya was thinking. “And if we hear anything about the kidnapper or the case, Slade can come up and tell you all about it.”

“She’s right.” Slade walked closer. “Get some rest, because it could turn out to be a long night. We’ll have to make our official statements about what went on in that barn.”

Mercy, she’d forgotten all about the administrative mop-up that’d have to be done. With Andrea’s death, this was now a murder investigation, and there was still one baby missing.

“I’ll have some food brought up in an hour or so,” Slade added, and he kissed her cheek. Pulled back. Stared at her. And then kissed her for real.

Just like that, her brain went hazy again, and it wasn’t from the adrenaline crash. One kiss from Slade could make her forget all about the fear, danger and uncertainty.

Potent stuff.

And the kisses played with her breath. She couldn’t seem to catch it, and when Slade pulled back, his eyebrow lifted.

“Rest,” he insisted. His voice was a whisper now. “Better go now before I change my mind about what you should be doing.”

She bit back a laugh and then remembered they weren’t the only two people in the room. Somehow she’d managed to forget that. But thankfully the others were all caught up in the things that needed to be done for the Rand baby and the investigation. Well, all but Stella, and she was trying not to smile.

Maya gave Evan a kiss and headed up the stairs to the guest room. Her legs got more tired with each step, and by the time she reached the guest room, she wasn’t even sure she could make it to the shower. However, she forced herself in there anyway. She stripped down, leaving a trail of clothes, and made her way into the steamy water.

Instant relief.

Well, sort of.

The heat relaxed her muscles anyway, but Slade’s kiss was still causing her body to ache for other things.


Sex would complicate things. Would blur lines best left clear and untouched, but still she ached. It’d been so long since she’d felt anything like this. And never had the ache been this strong and relentless. It was as if she needed him, and that worried her more than the ache.

When she finished her shower, Maya found the stack of clothes that Joelle had sent her. There was a gown, cotton and a little on the thin side. Since that would only make Maya think of Slade removing the gown, she went with a pair of jeans and a top. She dressed, made her way back into the bedroom and cursed when she felt the disappointment.

Slade wasn’t there.

So much for her insane fantasies of having him instead of a much-needed nap.

Maya dropped down on the bed and tried to sleep. She failed but tossed and turned while the bad part of herself wished Slade would appear at her door. She was so caught up in the fantasy of that happening that she gasped when there was a real, soft knock.

A moment later the door opened, and Slade peeked in. “Figured you’d have trouble sleeping, so I brought you something to eat.”

He had a tray with a sandwich and what smelled like chicken soup. It was probably delicious and she was hungry. But Maya stood and found herself going for Slade instead of the tray.

He stepped in, closed the door and set the tray on the dresser. “Stella says she’ll watch Evan for the night so we can get some rest.”

Okay, that brought her back from fantasyland. She hadn’t forgotten about Evan, but Stella’s offer was a reminder that her son would want to be fed soon, and he’d need to be bathed.

“Her offer’s not lip service,” Slade added. “Stella loves kids and wants to do this.”

Yes, but it was something Maya should be doing. Something she
to do. And she would.


But for now she accepted Stella’s offer of some time, and Maya knew exactly what she wanted to do with that time.

Before she could change her mind or remember all the reasons why this was a bad idea, she slid her hand around the back of Slade’s neck. Pulled him down to her.

And kissed him.

* * *


surprise Slade. He’d seen it coming. Hell, it’d been coming since the first time they’d laid eyes on each other. But he wasn’t sure he was ready for the timing of this. Clearly, Maya had other ideas.

Nothing about this was right, but it didn’t feel wrong. He should be backing away. Should give Maya a chance to catch her breath or think.

But Slade didn’t want her thinking.

He wanted her in his arms like this. Wanted that needful look in her eyes. Wanted the taste of her in his mouth.

He got all of those things.

And more.

She kissed him as if she had no doubts. But she had plenty of them, all right. It was just the fire that was drowning them out. The doubts would return, he knew that, and that should have stopped him, too.

It didn’t.

He was certain the only thing that would stop him now was Maya saying no. Judging from the heat of the kiss, no wasn’t going to come from her lips. So he just went with it and returned the kiss.

Man, did he.

The other times he’d kissed her, he’d tried to hold back. She hadn’t needed a full dose of a man she likely feared. But along with the doubts, the fear wasn’t there, either.

“Can you take this off?” She ran her hand over his holster and broke the kiss only long enough to ask the question.

Slade kept kissing her when he removed it and dropped it onto the dresser next to her tray of food. He cursed the rough way he pushed her against the wall. The need was burning him to ash, too, and he tried to stave it off with some deep kisses. It worked.

For a little while anyway.

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