Authors: Nicole Maddison

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“Everyone, please,” her uncle shouted across their conversations.

As the room quietened, all faces turned in their direction. She swallowed hard, uncomfortable with being the centre of attention. Something bright flashed before her eyes for a split second; she had to blink several times before her vision cleared.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, friends, may I have the pleasure of introducing you to my niece, Miss Austin?”

Everyone in the room either bowed or curtsied at the announcement and as Maria and her uncle took the last remaining steps down. One by one, all the guests came forward to greet her, taking her hand.

“How lovely you look,” one lady said.

“Oh my, haven’t you grown?” chirped another.

“Very pleased to meet you,” said yet another. The greetings went on and on.

Maria smiled politely, nodding here and there, even though her attention had been taken by a certain gentleman that stood back from the rest of the crowd. She noticed that he had made no attempt to move forward for an introduction. He was dressed in a very dark blue velvet tailcoat, with an embroidered waistcoat, and a cravat in a paler shade tied loosely under his chin. His ruffled blonde hair complimented the smooth features of his handsome face—and his eyes—she didn’t think she had ever seen eyes that blue before. Suddenly, she did remember those eyes.

But, who was this handsome stranger who had not taken his eyes off her from the first moment she had entered the room? Who was this man who had watched her graceful movements through the crowd, this man that sent her pulse racing and her skin tingling in awareness from his stare? She felt as if she should know him; there was something in the way he watched her that ignited something within her; something that she felt had been lost.

Thomas had been transfixed from the moment Maria had entered the hall; she was far from the young girl he had known as a boy. She had grown into this magnificent woman. He had noticed that she had caused quite a stir among Sir John’s guests, and he could hear the gossiping tongues of the people closest to him, which caused him to smile. Dudley, however, was salivating like a wild boar at his side. So much for the ugly duckling, Thomas thought.

His heart had begun to beat rapidly as he looked upon her. Suddenly, had started to feel quite sick, with the turmoil of emotions that were starting to surface—feelings that he had managed to contain for the past six years. He sucked in an uneven breath and tried to concentrate on the sparkling gemstone around her neck, while he regained some control. However, that only drew his attention to the creamy, silky texture of her slender neck, which then led his graze to drift to the white satin bodice of her dress, where a hint of perfectly formed flesh tantalised and tormented his eyes.

He felt 18 again, sensing his body pulse with life, hardening that part of him with desire he remembered feeling whenever he had looked at her.  

He wanted to go over to her, show her that he was unaffected by her appearance and make his introductions, as any sane person would do. However, he found that his legs had become weak, and they would not do his brain’s bidding.

He tried to focus without much success. Come on Tom, get it together! It is only M, he scolded himself quietly. After all, he was the Lord of Nedgely and he could control these emotions, or at least burry them away—conceal them so no one would know. He took a few shallow breaths and schooled his features, until he finally felt confident enough to open his mouth without the words sounding like gibberish. He turned to his friend.

“Close your mouth, Dudley, before you make a complete ass of yourself.”

Dudley shook his head and drained the contents of his drink, “What was I thinking? Ugly duckling! I should have made you stay at home Tom. Now, I’m never going to get a look in with you around.”

Thomas smiled. This was one of those times he thanked the Gods for the looks they had bestowed upon him. His perfectly shaped nose was framed by smooth cheekbones, subtly arched honeyed blond brow, a shade darker than that of his hair, and eyes so blue they could be compared to the colour of a summer sky. Women’s eyes were drawn to his uncommon handsomeness. At six foot two with broad shoulders, toned chest and slim waist, he was the focus of many admiring glances.

Still, he was aware that he was not to every woman’s liking, and that it would be just his luck if that were the case here. He stopped his train of thought with a harsh reminder that he was only here at his mother’s insistence. He did not come for personal gain and he certainly wasn’t going to embarrass himself by dribbling like an un-tried youth.

“Ah Thomas,” Maria’s uncle called out, “Thomas, my man, there you are!”

“Oh my God, Tom! They are coming this way. How do I look Tom?” Dudley stuttered.

Maria found herself being swept over towards the man occupying her thoughts.

“Thomas, you remember our Miss Austin?”

Thomas’s eyes never left her face, “Of course,” he said with a bow.

“And Mr Carlisle, how good it is to see you again. May introduce my niece, Miss Austin?”

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Dudley said smoothly as he bent over Maria’s hand.

Maria couldn’t help but smile at this young man’s advances. She noted that his lips hovered over her hand but never made contact. She was glad that he was here, though, for she was sure that she would never have conducted herself correctly with the distraction of his blond companion.

“Good, good. Well, then I will leave you to catch up,” her uncle said hurriedly. “Mind you, don’t keep her to yourself all night, Thomas!” he said laughingly, before his large body disappeared among the guests.

Left alone in the company of the two young men, Maria had found that her brain had become numb from being in the handsome stranger’s proximity. She stood beside him dumbly, not knowing what to say to break the sudden tension that was building between them.

“And how did you find school?” Thomas inquired softly.

Nervously, she raised her eyes to his face, noticing how the sensual shape of his mouth widened as he smiled. She found herself unable to take her eyes of the soft, and oh so kissable lips. She was suddenly very aware of his alluring presence; her senses had shockingly come to life and the slight scent of shaving soap, mixed with his natural aroma, reached her nose, causing her to lose the power of speech.

“Err… umm… you know… umm, it was school,” she stuttered.

“Really?” There was a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Yes really,” she returned his smile.

Dudley shuffled just out of the corner of her eye, taking her attention. “I went to Oxford myself, never really learnt a great deal while I was there. But the women...”

Thomas nudged him quite sharply in the side, “Don’t you have to be somewhere else?” he whispered to his friend.

Dudley looked at him bewildered, “Who me?”

Thomas raised his brow, “Yes you. Don’t you remember the two ladies you were telling me about?” he tilted his head.

Dudley, finally getting his meaning, stuttered, “Oh yes, I see an acquaintance over by the refreshment table… Em, so if you will excuse me, Miss Austin.”

“By all means, Mr Carlisle.”

Maria watched him walk away, unsure of his sudden departure and then turned back towards the God-like figure beside her. Boy, he was everything she could have envisaged her dream man to be. ‘Gorgeous’ was the only word that came to mind. Why they never made men like this in the real world was beyond her; even Richard couldn’t match up to this man. As she saw the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, she noted something very familiar about him, and she felt as if she had known him forever. An unexpected fire ignited within her, pulsing through every muscle. How could a man, any man, affect her in such away?

“Thomas Bradley,” she said teasingly, then halted! How did she know his name? Confusion formed in her mind—how did she know him?

“Ah, back to formalities I see, Miss Austin?” His voice was low, as he did not wish to draw attention of those around them.

“Formalities?” she questioned.

“When we are in company, remember?”

She didn’t remember, but she was saved from any response she might have given, as the small group of musicians strung their instruments very formally to signal that the dancing is about to start. Most of the guests took to the floor. The ladies swirled with their skirts about their ankles and the men moved straight-backed and dignified.

Thomas was aware of her discomfort; she had been out of this circle for a good number of years and he knew that it had to be very difficult for her to find herself thrown into the jaws of society on the first day of her return.

“Would you please honour me, Miss Austin, with the next dance?” he requested.

He had tried to make her feel more at ease, but seemed to have caused the opposite effect, as her pretty eyes widened in fear at his suggestion.

She shot him a scared look, “Oh no… please… I pray, do not make me dance. I am all feet and no grace…” She stopped, for she had noticed the way his one eyebrow had lifted quizzically.

His gaze absorbed the slender figure in the fine silk dress and the beautiful face of the woman that stood before him, “I really cannot believe that you, Miss Austin, have no grace.”

An incredible sensation invaded her body as he devoured her with his eyes, “No…I… I really can’t remember how,” she confessed.

“Come now, Miss Austin, they must have taught you a great number of things at that finishing school, including the art of dance?” The hint of mischievousness was back in his voice.

“I… err… please I beg you, I am truly hopeless.”

He leaned his face close to her ear. He was now so near that she felt the brush of his breath against her skin and thought that she might faint from the rush of blood that rose in her cheeks as she heard him whisper, “Let me guide you, M.”

Slowly, she turned her face to his and she found that she was only inches away from those oh so kissable lips, his breath mingled with her own. His irises were like the clearest lagoons; she had the feeling that if she were only to dip her toe in to their cool depths, the rest of her would follow. She would spend the rest of eternity wallowing in a fantasy of her own making. So effulgent were they that, for a split second, everything and everyone around them ceased to exist. In that moment, all was silent, except for the beating of their hearts.

“Miss Austin, Miss Austin,” the voice broke through into their world.

Dragging his eyes away from her face, Thomas corrected his stance and moved a step away from her as the young gentleman moved into their circle.

“Miss Austin, would you kindly give me the honour and have the next dance with me?” the young man requested politely.

Now, she was truly stuck, having already refused Thomas, who would have likely been less offended by it. She knew that to refuse this other man would be downright rude. She shot a glance at Thomas, who raised his eyebrow in wait of her reply to the young suitor.

“I’m sorry… Mr…. err?”

“Grainger, Alfred Grainger, Miss Austin,” he informed her.

“Pray, forgive me Mr Grainger, but I have already promised the next few dances to my good friend, Mr Bradley here,” she gave Thomas a knowing glare.

The young man looked quite put out, so she added hastily, “Maybe later, Mr Grainger.”

With that, he bowed and contentedly moved away.

Thomas leaned slightly towards her, before noting in a low teasing voice, “I see that you have made an impact with your beauty already.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she shot at him.

“Which part of that is ridiculous?” he asked almost innocently, as, once again, his eyes reflected his humour.

She couldn’t help but laugh, “The part about me being beautiful.”

He looked at her, amazed that this magnificent creature he had the good fortune to know could not see her own qualities. Was she completely unaware of the effect her loveliness—her golden hair arranged lightly about her creamy cheeks, green eyes framed with thick dark gold lashes and lush pink lips that beckoned to be kissed—had on all around her? He was sure there were a great number of gentlemen in the room tonight that would give their right arm to be standing where he was right now.

“Well, shall we see how graceful you truly are?” he raised his hand to lead her to the dance floor.

Reluctantly, she accepted and nervously took her place amongst the other couples.

She couldn’t remember the last time she had enjoyed herself so much as she whirled around the floor with her handsome partner. Being the gentleman that she found him to be, Thomas made no comment at the several mistakes she had made. Finally, as she regained her steps, she managed to relax.

“See, graceful as a swan,” he joked.

“But only because of my attentive partner.”

His radiant skin and his eyes shining with adoration—an aura about him—made her want to reach out and feel the soft texture of his face, and an incredible longing to feel the heat of his breath on her own. What was happening to her? How could a dream feel so real? Why was it that she felt as if she could lose herself in its void and live and breathe the sensation forever?

“I would gladly be your attentive partner for as long as you wish it,” he broke her train of thought with a reply to her last remark.

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