Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel (4 page)

BOOK: Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel
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One week later


Cody walked slowly through the apartment he'd been staying at this past week. Daniel and Melodie had graciously offered him the space while they were on the first week of their honeymoon. They'd rented a huge villa with several rooms so the bridal party and their family could join them in Cabo San Lucas the second week. He grinned. Daniel pretended to be tough, but he had a soft spot for Annie. Her adorable and nonstop pleas that everyone be a part of the celebration had worn him down in fairly short order. He was such a sucker for that little girl.

Thoughts of the cute little blonde beauty led him straight back to his current dilemma—another blonde beauty—Evelyn. Ms. Alexander as she'd demanded he call her during the final hours of the wedding celebration. Their words had been cold and distant, but their bodies… He could still feel every soft curve as they'd danced. There would be moments when he swore the ice in her veins melted. They had a connection, and the primal heat between them sent his libido into overtime.

He'd changed his mind a million times in the past seven days. Should he go to Cabo San Lucas and potentially put them in a difficult position for a whole week? It could be heaven, or it could be hell. He picked up a picture on the dresser in the spare bedroom, a younger Evelyn with her family. Those ice-blue eyes and that perfect body heated his blood like no one else ever had. Could he leave without giving it one more shot? She was single, and he wanted to prove to her the night they shared should be repeated. She deserved to find that hot, passionate woman he met halfway around the world. Decision made. He was going.


After serving two tours in Afghanistan, the sight of crystal blue water stretching as far as he could see provided healing to his sore eyes. Within an hour of touching down in Mexico, he'd changed into his trunks and hit the beach. His toes wriggled in the soft, white sand. This kind of sand a guy could get used to.
Like the sands of Marina Beach…

Desert sand consisted of a coarser texture and managed to find every crevice on the human body. The sand clung to your skin and wouldn't come off until patches of irritation surfaced anywhere the damn stuff could hide. Add to that the constant fear of being shot at or blown up and, yeah, this sandy beach would win every time.

A faint stirring, the desire to capture the beauty of this moment, tugged at his heart. It had been a long time since he'd drawn anything, even longer since he'd felt a creative urge. No desire to draw since he'd sketched Evelyn on the small pad of paper in the hotel room the morning after they'd made love. He kept the picture in the art book his sister insisted he bring to war. "A small light in the midst of darkness," she'd added to her request. Once the precious art found its home between the pages, he never went anywhere without it. Sentimental? Without a doubt. Sappy? Hell yeah, but that's what Evelyn had done to him.

Prior to his impromptu sketch of her, the last thing he'd drawn was the violin for his sister, Janice. It had been his gift to her before leaving for his first tour of duty. The image, an instrument that appeared to be melting and running down the page, was his creative contribution for her business, Music Without Measures. The corners of his lips turned upward remembering the pure delight on her face when he showed her the design. She'd hugged him tightly as her tears dampened his shirt.

"This is totally cool." A male voice possessing an odd combination of both high and low tones common to boys going through puberty pulled him from thoughts about his sister.

Cody turned to see a young man in dark-blue trunks admiring the view. Though his eyes were green, there was no mistaking whom he belonged to. "Michael, right?"

The young man turned and extended his hand. "Yes, sir, and you're Uncle Daniel's friend, Cody."

"Guilty as charged," he smiled.

Michael rolled his eyes and groaned. "You sound just like Mom. Are you a lawyer too?"

Cody laughed and shook his head. "I'm about as far away from being a lawyer as you can get. I've been in the army for the past several years. Before that, I freelanced as a graphic artist."

"Cool." The young man nodded his head as his eyes widened.

"Totally. So are your mom and little brother on their way down to the beach? I don't want to break up family time." He wasn't sure how Evelyn would react to his presence. As they said their good-byes after the reception, he'd told her he didn't think he'd join the rest of the wedding party on the combination vacation/extended honeymoon.

"Mom is unpacking and getting everything settled in. You know how she is."

No, he really didn't. Before the rehearsal and wedding, he'd spent about twelve hours with her. They hadn't talked much once he removed her clothes. Not unless you counted nonverbal communication. He'd made the most of his hands during their time together—that was for damn sure. Images of her body above him, blue eyes dark with unrestrained passion, resurfaced for the thousandth time since he'd seen her again, sending his arousal into overdrive. Not wanting the kid to notice…or Evelyn, he shrugged his shoulders. "Not really. I've only known her for a few days, but maybe we'll get to know each other some more this week. This water is too beautiful to resist. I'm going to go for a swim. See you around, and make sure you enjoy the beautiful beach." He smiled at the kid and then turned his attention to the water. His steps were slow, digging his toes into the sand. The contrast between the warm sand and cool water reminded him of Evelyn. She alternated hot and cold toward him. There was so much going on inside that beautiful head of hers.

As his thoughts moved to consider the rest of her sexy curves, he moved deeper into the water. The coolness eased the tightness in his trunks caused by thoughts of Evelyn and offered relief from the midday heat. Dunking his head, he dove under the surface again. Peaceful. Quiet. No enemy fire. No tearful faces saying good-bye. No women professing interest and then engaging radio silence. No one to share his life. Emptiness crashed into his heart like waves onto the shore. He surfaced just in time to see Evelyn and some other people from the wedding group laughing and talking. She ran a delicate hand through her youngest son's hair, earning her a big smile. Once again—on the outside looking in. Story of his life.

He started to swim toward shore. It was going to be a long week.



Lydia moved in a slow circle, her eyes wide as she took in the surroundings. "Can you believe how beautiful this place is? I mean, I researched it in the library before we came, but the pictures simply don't do it justice."

Evelyn grinned. "Well, we're always telling Mel you librarians really need to get your nose out of a book every once in a while and see the world for yourself."

Bruce, Lydia's husband, chimed in. "You'd think I never whisked her away for a vacation before."

Lydia stuck her tongue out. "If you count an engineer's conference in Pittsburgh a vacation, you have some research to do yourself, mister."

Laughter rippled throughout the group.

Evelyn was glad she'd let the kids guilt her into coming. Thinking of her sons, she tousled Jason's hair. "Boys, would you like Natalia to take you for a swim before we meet Aunt Mel and Uncle Daniel for dinner?"

Jason jumped up and down. "That would be so cool! I wish Annie were here already. When is she getting here?"

Michael rolled his eyes and then fixed his gaze on Natalia. "You'll have to excuse my little brother. He gets a little hyper sometimes. If you want, I'll help you keep an eye on him."

Did she hear correctly? Her son offered to help with his little brother? There was a first time for everything.

Lydia whispered in her ear, "I think someone has the hots for the nanny."

After Lydia's comment, Evelyn ventured a closer look at her son. Sure enough, he sported an almost goofy grin and glazed-over eyes. At sixteen, Natalia was too old for his mere twelve, but her dark skin, chocolate eyes, and long black hair made her a captivating and beautiful young woman.
Just like Monique.
Maybe the Walters men couldn't resist dark-haired beauties. Her husband…ex-husband certainly couldn't.

"I'll be happy to take the boys swimming, Ms. Alexander. What time shall I bring them back to the room?"

"Dinner's at six. If you could bring them back by five, that should give them plenty of time to get ready. The beach bag is just inside the door of our room."

The children ran off, Natalia leading the way, to secure the necessary bag. "Smart idea bringing along a nanny." Lydia said. "Where did you find her?"

"Her mother works at the firm, and Natalia has helped out a few times over the summer. She was very professional and responsible in all the dealings I've had with her, so I thought it would be a good idea." She stopped short of adding that since Michael wasn't her biggest fan right now, the nanny would serve as a nice buffer between them. She hoped the space would make him happier. If he was happy, maybe she could build on that happiness to repair their relationship.

Lydia's gaze bore into hers as though searching for something. The truth, maybe. Thankfully, Bruce saved her. "Well, this isn't Pittsburgh, and I'm the only engineer within miles, but I'm thinking a walk along this beach is in order. Will you join me, my love?"

Lydia turned to her husband and smiled affectionately. "You're such a charmer. You'll be all right by yourself, Evelyn?"

"Of course. You two lovebirds run along. I'm going to enjoy the view for a few minutes and watch the boys play. Then I intend to find a nice chair by the pool and read one of the fifteen books on the ereader Melodie insisted I bring on the trip.

"All fairy tales and romance, no doubt." Lydia took her husband's hand and winked.

"No doubt." If you looked up hopeless romantic in the dictionary, Mel's picture would undoubtedly be included in the details.

When the couple cleared from in front of her, she focused again on the beautiful ocean. The azure hue of the water mesmerized her and, for a moment, soothed away the complicated mess of her life. Placid and peaceful, two attributes the water possessed, which she longed to claim as her own once again. Chaos and disorder presently ruled her day-to-day decisions. If she didn't escape madness and find control again soon…

The water rippled as a body emerged from its depths.
Damn it all. Men were always the reason for the disturbance. In the water…in my life.
The sun backlit his body, casting him in silhouette, but she knew instinctively whom that body belonged to. Broad, chiseled shoulders led to a muscled chest. His waist, though not as thin as when she first met him, still narrowed to hips that fit perfectly against her body. She wet her lips. An image of Cody using his tongue to lick beads of water from her skin drenched the memory with heated arousal. She imagined the taste of the salt water as she slowly licked each drop from his tanned chest.

Her internal temperature continued to rise with each step he took, bringing him closer to her. Her sunglasses camouflaged the intensity of her stare as she watched his approach. His body pushed every sensual button she owned, a picture of temptation wrapped in a mouth-watering package. Droplets of cool water hit her skin as Cody shook his head and grabbed his towel. A cold shower she needed at the moment. A quick check revealed her tongue had covertly reverted to the proper position in her mouth. Echoes of their time together whispered in her ear. She needed a distraction from her wayward thoughts. "I see you're late to the party again. Everyone has already come and gone." She didn't need him realizing she still went weak in the knees at the sight of his body.

"You should go for a swim. The water's perfect." Cody continued to towel himself off, ignoring her reference to their time together.

Stop looking at him.
Why couldn't she control herself? There were plenty of men crossing her path every day at work or on her jog that were far more handsome.
Not even close.
What was it about this man? "I'm sure it is. I'm going to go relax by the pool in a few minutes. I will still be able to see the ocean, and the shade will make it easier to read my book."


One syllable from him cooled her ardor and fired her temper. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Nothing." He flapped his towel in the breeze before laying it on the sand. With a dramatic stretch, he moved to a sitting position and looked out over the water.

Blood heated in her veins, and she moved to stand in front of him, blocking his vision. "It wasn't nothing. Now tell me what you meant."

His muscles rippled as he shrugged his shoulders and lay back. "Just trying to figure out why you'd sit by the pool when you have one of the most breathtaking beaches right under your feet. I know how much you love being at the beach. You can sit by the pool at home. You do own a pool, don't you?"

Her blood reached a boiling point, and months of repressed anger surged through her and erupted before she could stop it. "You son of a bitch. How can you say that to me? Unbelievable."

The walls around her heart crumbled a little. His innocent question unleashed a barrage of bullets that penetrated another layer of her control. Without another word, she stepped around him and began a fast pace up the beach. She fought the urge to run. Running would be undignified in her current attire. The last thing she wanted to do was draw unnecessary attention. She just needed to make it to her room. Once there, she'd have some time to herself before Natalia brought the boys back. Time to give in to the negative emotions she fought on a daily basis. Time to be human.

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