Remember Me (23 page)

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Authors: Priscilla Poole Rainwater

BOOK: Remember Me
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Entering the large suite, Granger locked the door behind him and went in search of what he needed.
Finding the bottle in his overnight bag, he popped the top off, shook out four tablets, popped them in his mouth, then swallowed the Excedrin PM’s, hoping they would relieve the coiled pain that ran across his tense shoulders and up his neck. Running has hands over his face, he wiped away the sweat from his four-mile evening run. He had hoped jogging would help ease the tension and sexual frustration he was feeling, but no such luck. He felt like he was on an emotional roller coaster ride from hell, one moment hopes riding high, the next moment, falling. Cassandra’s emotions seemed to run from hot to cold. When he had kissed her and she had ran off to her room after his mother’s call, she had remained there, locked in, until Jocelyn and Cynne’ had returned. Only after a great deal of pleading from them had she came out. Afterwards, as they were eating the dinner Joyclyn had prepared, she had refused to even make eye contact with him. But thanks to Cynne’, she did converse with him for a bit before they all left.
His head fell back and he pinched the bridge of his nose, then released a tired sigh.
I feel like the Sword of Damocles hangs above my head. How many times did I swear I would be a better man, a better father, than my own father? Yes, he put that Sword over my head all those years, and I now know I did no better than him. All I did was take on his demons and add my own, and the woman I love almost died. And more than likely my mother had a part in her disappearance..
Going into the large bathroom, he removed his sweat-drenched workout clothes, turned the shower on, and stepped inside. Squeezing a blob of body wash onto a washcloth, he began
soaping the hard planes of his well-defined body, wondering what Cassandra would think, or do, if she saw him right now. Would it trigger a memory, or desire?
She used to love touching my body, before things went bad…
he thought. Remembering the feel of her hands on his body and how he reacted to her nails running through his hair, he shivered underneath the hot stream of water.
The hot water reminding him of a hot summer night the year before Cassandra had disappeared, he closed his eyes, and his thoughts, along with his hand, began to drift:
They had been driving back to the estate one evening after attending a benefit, when a sudden thunderstorm had struck. Cassandra had always loved the smell of the rain soaking into the earth, and she had rolled her window down. Sticking one arm outside, she had released a pleasurable sigh as the rain soaked her arm.
He had never been a spontaneous person, that had always been her, but when he had seen the peaceful, beautiful smile on her face, he had immediately pulled the car over, killed the engine, then turned to her excitedly, “Care to play in the rain?” he had asked suggestively.
His suggestion had been rewarded by a sexy laugh as she kicked off the high heels she was wearing, threw her door open, and dashed out into the pouring rain.
And right there, on the remote mountain road that led to their estate, they had made love in the rain, on the hood of the car.
Neither caring that their expensive clothing was ruined, nor that someone would drive by and see them.
When they had arrived home they looked a complete mess as they ran into the mansion soaking wet, giggling, ignoring Grace’s rant as they dashed to their own wing. That night they had made love again, in front of their fireplace, as they listened to the rumbling thunder and still-falling rain. Afterwards, they had quietly discussed having more children, and possibly moving from the estate.
The memories of the passion they had shared making him hard with excitement, he began stroking his long, throbbing flesh, feeling the fire build in his belly. Starting out slowly, he mentally pictured her on the hood of the car, looking wild, untamed, legs spread wide, waiting for him. The feel of her as he had slid inside her, how hot she had felt.
The steaming spray of water intensifying and adding a touch of realism to his fantasy, his strokes became more urgent, and a moment later he groaned loudly as his pent up desire exploded from him. Breathing heavily, he opened his eyes and found he could hardly see, the steam from the shower had filled the entire room.
Turning the cold water up a little higher, he finished soaping his body, rinsed, then stepped out and grabbed a towel. As he dried his hair he couldn’t help but think that despite the physical release he had just experienced, he still felt unfulfilled.
It’s not just the sex, although I’ve certainly always enjoyed that. I just miss HER…
he thought.
Hearing his cell phone ring, he ran into the bedroom, still soaking wet, and snatched it up without bothering to check the caller ID.
“Yeah?" he answered.
“Hey, dad!” his son’s eager voice chirped.
Hearing that sweet voice was like a salve to his shredded and tired soul. Smiling, he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Hey there, how‘s my main man?”
“I’m Ok. Dad, grandma said you found mom, is that true?” the boy asked.
Gritting his teeth, he cursed his mother silently. “Yes, I found your mom.” he answered after a long pause. “Hang on just a second, son.”
Putting the phone down, he quickly donned his bathrobe, picked the phone back up, then walked to the balcony doors and opened them wide. Inhaling the cool mountain air, hoping to calm his nerves, he spoke. “Sorry son, had to throw my robe on.” “Listen, what else did grandma tell you?” he asked, dreading the answer.
In a small, forlorn voice, Regan replied, “Well, she said mom never loved us, and she doesn’t want to come home. But Pop Edoardo said he knows mom loves me, and wouldn’t just leave me.”
With considerable effort he managed to control his temper, and suddenly found himself struggling to find the right words. Answering slowly and deliberately, he said, “Son, your grandmother is wrong. Listen, your mom was, well, hurt. She suffered a bad head injury, and when her head healed, she couldn’t remember how to find her way back to us, that‘s all.”
“So mom didn’t stop loving us, she just didn’t know I was waiting for her to come home?” the child asked hopefully. “Do you think she’ll like me, since she doesn’t know me? When can I see her?”
Feeling trapped, he replied desperately, “Yes, of course she’ll like you! Her love for you runs so deep, after she heals and comes home, she’ll never, ever let you out of her sight again!”
“But when can I see her?” the voice begged.
Feeling the noose tighten, he answered in a choked voice, “Soon, son, very soon, I promise.
But first, I need to see to it she gets the help she needs, Ok?"
Please, God, please let me give my son his mother back…
he prayed silently.
“Really?” Regan squealed with delight. “Ok, if you say she loves me, then I believe it!”
“Yes, believe it.” he chuckled with momentary relief as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Now, how’s about you tell me about what you’ve been up to?”
“Ok, dad." he replied, and for the next half hour, filled him in on schoolwork and activities, the baseball team, and things around the estate.
By the time the conversation had ended, Granger was more determined than ever bring his family back together. Briefly, he thought about calling his mother and finally putting his foot down, but an inner voice whispered,
No no…just wait until after you speak with the lawyer.
But at least the day hadn’t been a complete bust. Earlier, he, Cynne’ and Jocelyn had managed to talk Cassandra into seeing a specialist, one he was having flown in from Europe. The man was supposedly the foremost authority on head trauma and memory recovery. Amazingly, Cassandra had also agreed to spend a little time alone with him the following morning. Smiling to himself, he wondered what she would think of his little pre-dawn surprise. With renewed energy he grabbed his phone again and dialed Malcolm’s number.
“Lo?” a sleepy voice answered.
“Malcolm, it’s me, sorry I woke you. Listen, I just wanted to know if you were able to rent what I needed in the morning.” he asked as he walked to the small bar, opened the refrigerator, and grabbed a Samuel Adams Boston Lager.
“Got everything Chief. I still think you’re crazy, but I got it. The hotel assured me everything would be ready for you, including the directions to the park. Oh, and sunrise here is 6:48 am.” he mumbled, then yawned.
Chuckling excitedly, he committed the information to memory, even though he had already left a 5 a.m. wake up call. “Yeah yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but the old Cassandra would love this, and I’m hoping she still will. Anyway, don’t forget you have to pick the lawyer up at nine in the morning.”
“You bet.
Night, Chief."

Rest well, old friend." he answered as he broke the connection, opened his beer, and headed for the balcony again, intending to enjoy the crisp night air and the view of the lake.
A sudden knocking at the front door stopped him in his tracks.
“Who could that be?" he muttered as he turned around, went to the door, threw the lock, then snatched it open.
Eyes widening in outrage, he sputtered, “What the hell are
doing here?”



                                                         Chapter 21
Taking an involuntary step backwards at the look on Granger’s face, Martina’s
already-pale skin went almost transparent as the confident smile slid from her red lips, and her green eyes went wide with shock and uncertainty. She was honestly surprised at such a negative reaction to her surprise visit.
“I asked you a question!” he demanded.
Swallowing with some difficulty, she answered in a small, feeble voice, “I came to offer you support, and comfort. I thought you may need it.” Reaching out to touch his face with a hand that shook ever so slightly, she gasped as he seized her wrist in a painful grip.
“How did you know I was here Martina?” he demanded in a belligerent voice as he slung her arm away from him roughly. “Let me guess, mother dear sent you to give me that comfort and support?” he sneered.
Ok, looks like it’s best I let him believe Grace sent me…
she thought. “She only told me because she knows we’re meant to be together.” she replied, and actually flushed.
“Is that so?” he laughed harshly.
Reaching her hand out one more time, then snatching it back at the last second, her voice became desperate. “Granger, I love you, I’ve always loved you, please don’t shut me out! I have always been there for you, whether you realized it or not! And I want to be the only one for you. Cassandra can never….” she trailed off as his eyes narrowed and he took one step forward menacingly.
“Just shut the fuck up, and don’t you dare go there!" he seethed, nearly at the end of his rope.
His menacing voice frightened two blue-haired old ladies in the hallway, who happened to be passing by at that moment. Looking at him timidly, they averted his gaze and scurried away, looking nervously over their shoulders at him.
Looking back down at the object of his wrath, he continued, with a heavy dose of bitterness and sarcasm. “What the hell do you know about love?” Before she could answer he rubbed his chin for a moment, as if in deep thought, then snapped his fingers. “Right! You love my money! You love my social standing! Martina, Cassandra loves me for ME, not for what I can do for her. That’s the difference between you and her. “
“Granger, I know you don’t mean that, I know you’ve been under a lot of stress, and…”
“Just shut up.” he cut her off in a suddenly tired, miserable voice, then ran one hand through his damp hair. “Just leave. I don’t know what you were thinking, or what the hell you expected.” he said as he looked her up and down. Skimpy red dress, expensive, upswept hairdo, expensive perfume, everything about her screamed seduction. And indeed, she had always been, and still was, a beautiful woman, but all he wanted was to go to sleep and see his wife in a few hours. “I don’t want your support, or the comfort of your body. I
don’t want
, Martina. Just go.”
Her brow creasing with worry, she couldn’t understand why he was being so cruel. There could only be one explanation.
Cassandra did this! The bitch has turned his life upside down with her crazy antics, whining, and leading him on! My darling wouldn’t be acting this way otherwise!
thought. Smiling, she took a tentative step forward anyway, determined to ease her way inside the suite and shut the outside world from them. She was confident that from that point she could seduce him. “Granger, darling, we were so good together when Cassandra first left. Don’t you remember how good we were? Don’t you miss how we made passionate love? How I did anything you wanted, whatever you wanted, however much you wanted? I’ll still do it for you. ”
Taking another step forward, this time a decisive one, she stopped in her tracks as he stepped in front of her, blocking the entrance. Shaking his head, his handsome face contorted unpleasantly. “Passionate love?” he snarled, then laughed mockingly. “We never made love. Here’s reality check for you, sweetheart. We
If you want to know the truth, I got bored with your clinging and begging, quick, fast, and in a hurry!”
Watching her flinch as if he had delivered a vicious slap to her face, he suddenly felt guilty about the shoddy way he was treating her, so cold, callous, and cruel, but he was determined to make damned sure she didn’t create
any more
problems between him and his estranged wife. He also wanted to make it crystal clear to her that they would never have a snowball’s chance in hell of being together. As tears began rolling down her pale cheeks, his guilt deepened.
Don’t get soft now, she’s part of the problem, not the solution…
he reminded himself sternly.
“Granger, you just don’t know, I really do lov…”
Steeling himself, he interrupted her plea in a ruthless voice. “Martina, I’ll say this one last time, and you really need to listen. I’ll never be with you again. Ever. When Cassandra first disappeared, I slept with you because….because I was hurt. I was feeling rejected, and I needed to be comforted. But to be honest with you, anyone woman would have done the trick, at the time. You just happened to be there. I’m sorry if that hurts you, Martina, but I think you deserve the truth. And the truth is, I love my wife. I always have, and always will, and nothing will ever change that.
will ever change that.”
Reaching out in desperation, she sobbed forlornly as he put a hand on her shoulder and gave her gentle shove back out into the hallway.
“Just go home, find someone who really wants you, who really loves you.” he said in a soft voice as he closed the door. Sighing, he closed his eyes as she began banging on the door and begging. But the only answer to her pleas was the sound of the deadbolt lock being thrown by him.
Turning, he began walking away as her assault on the door became more frantic. “I know you love me, Granger!
” he heard her scream, sounding
completely hysterical. “We’re soul mates, you’ll see!

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