Read Remedy Maker Online

Authors: Sheri Fredricks

Remedy Maker (7 page)

BOOK: Remedy Maker
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He caught himself before the lewd suggestion popped out of his dirty mouth and got him in trouble.

“You can thank me by helping out in return.” Her chin rose along with her brows, playing wishful emotions over her pretty features, lending color to her otherwise pale face. Hope shined, making him feel like a whole Centaur again. “I need an experienced arbitrator with the capability of bringing two sides with deep grudges to work together . . . but there’s more.”

Rhycious took a sip to fortify his confidence, and then placed his cup on the coffee table. Glancing down, he sighed before meeting her eyes. If there were another other way but this, it’d be nice for the gods to step in and tell him. “I’d like
to help me enlist the Wood Nymph community in capturing those responsible for instigating the potential uprising against Queen Savella.”

There, he’d said it. Now it was up to Patience. Elysium help him, he hoped this was the right thing to do.

Her expressive eyes held his gaze. . . and blinked. Her optimistic smile remained frozen in place. “When you said I could help you out,” she paused and huffed a small laugh, “I figured you meant pick some plants or square-up your house.” She wiped a finger across the end table, showing him the dust that covered the tip.

Frowning, Rhycious kicked himself for thinking his idea would pan out. While he was developing counter-revolutionary defensive measures, she was thinking about dusting his damn house. Not only were they
on the same page, they weren’t even in the same genre.

“Well, thanks anyway.” Angry with himself for not having a Plan B, he pushed to his feet and went to move past her. “I’ll think of some other way.”

Her hand shot out and caught his wrist before he’d taken two steps. “Now before you go
on me, don’t flip my script.” Her cup joined his on the table.


“Don’t start jumping to conclusions and change the meaning of my words. I’m good at what I do professionally. Damn good.”

Using his arm, she pulled herself off the couch to stand beside him. Her fingers only wrapped half way around his wrist and the top of her head reached the middle of his chest. A powerful desire to hold her in his arms came over him. He fought to quell the yearning need.

Large turquoise eyes laughed into his. A teasing smile flitted over her upturned lips. “I never said I wouldn’t help you, stud muffin. I happen to admire Savella very much.”

Relief coursed over him as if he stood under a waterfall, nearly drowning out her endearment entirely. Releasing a breath he didn’t know he’d held, Rhycious grinned and gave in to impulse. He wrapped his arms around her slim woodland body and hugged her tight.

 “Stud muffin?” he said, into her mane of hair.


*    *    *



The first thing Patience saw when she walked out of her room was Rhycious being deliciously domestic. Her gaze drifted up his tall body, taking in all his handsome male visage. Tied back with a simple strip of leather, his long damp hair curled at the ends. His well-worn, gray t-shirt magnified his bodybuilder arms and chest— he looked more like a linebacker than a remedy maker.

Need thrummed in her Nymph body, demanding she call upon her seductress ability. She’d never chosen, or wanted, to use her talent in the past. Nor would she exploit it now. If he should become attracted to her, she wanted that interest to be of his own free will, not mystically enthralled. 

After admiring the faded material showcasing his perfect ass, she wanted to throw her arms around his neck. She imagined getting a grip of his thick ponytail and wrapping her legs around his middle.

Desire won out and she gave up the ghost to fight her attraction. There were worse things in life than a bi-racial affair.

Patience smiled with what she hoped would appeal to his participation. “I hope we can help each other out.” She feigned a thoughtful pose. “Hmm. A Wood Nymph and Centaur working together. What a concept.”

Her hold on his rock hard shoulders invited an opportunity to touch him further. Her hands roamed his deltoids. So big and muscular, tall and handsome, the testosterone needle pegged the red where Rhycious was concerned. Patience never noticed her petite figure until she compared her height and size difference with Rhy’s. The man was positively old growth redwood to her slight willowy stature, though the taproot tree of her heart was
platanus occidentalis
, the sycamore.

“Our alliance could work.” He held her gaze, and in his eyes, he seemed invincible and more than capable of handling a few rebellious Centaurs looking to stir the pot. If Queen Savella appointed him to lead the investigation, he must also have the backing of the royal guard—with all their amenities at his disposal.

Why would he need her?

Without a doubt, Rhycious could find Serenity. He had the manpower, the expertise, and the courage. And what a package it came in. All tough, sexy male.

She wet her lips and moved a step nearer. “We’d have to work closely together. You cool with that?”

Unveiled hunger smoldered in his eyes. She took a chance. Patience did something so far out of character that she even surprised herself. Lifting to her tiptoes, she turned her face up to his.

Heat sizzled from his arms and soaked into her body. His hot look of surprise was followed by an even hotter response. The moment he lowered his head and took her lips, broiler fans set on high blew over her.

With a subtle shift of his legs and wicked ass, he burrowed her tighter against him. Apparently, it wasn’t close enough, because his hand slid over her hip and pulled her closer into him. His palm continued to move lower, shaping a butt cheek through the thin t-shirt she wore.

Dampness saturated her bikini panties—she shivered, realizing how unconcealed that sign of arousal was.

Rhycious chuckled in a low tone, rubbing his hardened pelvis against her. “As far as working together, I’d say we’re off to a great start.” He let her feel his cock in its engorged splendor, and moved with sensuous play against her mound.

His teeth nibbled and soft lips worked their magic down the side of her neck. She dropped her head back to give him further entrée. “We’ll be totally teamed up. I’m game if you are.”

“Should we practice our joint effort,
, and see how good we can be together?”

How much hotter could they possibly get? Much as she hated flames, her body burned hot enough to internally combust.

“Rhycious!” she cried out, going for a scolding tone. But it came across like a sensual invitation.

His arm tightened around her waist, drawing her the wasted millimeter of space nearer. Patience’s mind spun. A man who wanted her was holding her in his arms. She closed her eyes. His mouth traveled up her throat, licking and sucking, until he settled over her lips once more. Persistent and demanding, his tongue slid along the seam until she complied and opened.

He charged right in like a Centaur warrior would, drawing her tongue into battle with his. Feinting and parrying, they slid sensuously against one another.

“My gods, Patience. You taste so damn good.”

And Rhycious tasted of pure Elysium, sending a tingle of exquisite warmth to a spot deep within her. A breathless tension coiled. “Your coffee tastes better than mine.”

His hand cupping her bottom alternated between kneading the cheek and rubbing sumptuous circles. The clench of desire increased between her thighs. She moaned her approval. His other hand traveled upward from her waist and settled under the heavy fall of hair, massaging the base of her skull.

Rhycious backed her up until her knees hit the couch, and buckled. He followed her down, arranging her body to stretch out beneath him, his hips spreading her thighs wide. Leaning on one elbow, he used his free hand to push the hair off her face. His feral gleam intensified, and his tawny eyes bore into hers.

“Rhycious.” She was drunk with longing and unable to string words together—but she didn’t want to talk anyway.

“Yeah, sweetheart. I’m here.”

Through his shirt, the contractions of his back muscles splayed and moved under her fingers. The scent of clean, warm male filled her senses. His bulge rubbed over her panties, stoking her raging fire, and his massaging hand moved from her neck to cup a breast. He plucked at her nipple with a thumb and forefinger.

Patience whimpered her thirst for him. Goose flesh exploded over her body, and slammed into her pussy, causing it to seep with need. Reaching up, she drew his head lower to kiss his lips and slipped the string of leather out of his hair.

“You feel incredible,” she said. His shoulder length strands slithered through her fingers—smooth and silky. “Your hair is so soft.” He evoked emotions she’d never felt before, and she dared herself to discover more with this man.

Taking possession of his mouth again, she had just found his tongue when she abruptly arched her neck and broke away to gasp. His cock rode her, building the pressure below. “Touch me more,” she said. “I love the way your hands feel on my skin.”

Insistent lips burned a path to her ear. A wet swirl traced the curved shape. He nipped her neck, and then licked the sting, all while pushing against her, simulating the love act.

His hard breath came fast, matching hers in tempo. She spread her thighs wide and raised them higher on his waist, tilting her hips to receive maximum stimulation. Behind the zipper of his jeans, his erection hit her clit and she cried out.

“Gods, I want in you so bad, Patience,” Rhys voice rumbled, adding to her sexual tension.

“I—I don’t know…” She didn’t know how to talk anymore; coherent thought became impossible. Flames burned a path that followed his traveling hand. His fingers were taking a walk, heading south, past her waist and up her splayed leg. A light stroke skimmed over her knee and down the inside of her thigh.

Carried away by the fire coursing through her veins, Patience gyrated her hips toward his seeking fingers, not knowing what she needed, but moaning her frustration at his lack of speed. The tension within her grew. Her hands caressed his back, touching every available inch.

When he finally made contact with her damp panties, Rhy groaned and leaned to the side, making room for his hand. Up and down, he stroked the material over her slit before cupping her tight. Then he slipped his fingers under the elastic edge.

He played so close to her core. Craving blasted her into an orbit around the planet. Curious about foreplay she’d only whispered about with Daisy, she burned for the intimate details now.

Lightly, he skimmed her outer folds.

Patience lifted her eyelids halfway, arousal weighing them down. Stark desire flamed in Rhy’s eyes, his features drawn tight, pained. She could barely breathe.

“I feel so . . . hot inside.” She managed to rasp out.

“Gods, woman. Don’t say shit like that.” No sooner had the threat left his mouth, when his slick fingers breached and entered the slippery realm.

Euphoria of him fondling her in the one place she needed it most, drove her hips to wriggle. A moan formed deep in her throat. He leaned back to shove her t-shirt into a wadded mass above her breasts. Excitement and cool morning air tightened her nipples. She welcomed his crushing weight, feeling secure and safe beneath him.

Rhycious’s eyes locked on his latest discovery; his mouth hung slack. “Patience—” His words broke off and he came down on her breast. His warm lips took a distended point deep into his mouth. The heat and sucking motion moved in time to the fingers pushing insistently between her legs. She almost cried from the want of him.

 Pressure gathered deep inside. Patience curled her hands on his shoulders, and then in his hair—both pushing him away and pulling him tighter to her. He plunged in and out, rubbing the lust-laden juice over her clit, murmuring to her in a language she didn’t understand. Moving his lips back to her mouth, he thrust his tongue deep and worked his magical massage faster.

“Come for me, baby . . . let it go.” His breath rasped in her ear, his heart pounded against her side. “Let me feel you fall apart on my hand.”

With a firm push, Rhycious drove his fingers deep inside her. Before the pain hit, she knew what had happened. A sharp prick, and he had broken through her innocence barrier. The sting was momentary, but enough that her body’s
reaction stilled his fingers.

“What the hell?” He leaned back far enough to see her clearly. Confusion creased his brow. “You should have told me.” He moved to withdraw, but she reached down and held his hand in place.

“Please. Don’t stop. Rhycious, please—”

She moved his palm to cover her center once more. His cheek muscles clenched a few times before he took over, nudging her hand out of the way.

“We’ll talk about this later,” he ground out.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t talk—couldn’t think.”

She thought she detected a male smirk while Rhy kissed her mouth, cheeks, and nose. He worked his soft lips down the column of her neck, latching onto her breast. Inside her, his fingers moved quickly, his thumb flicking over her hypersensitive clit. The bonfire inside her blazed, the crescendo came to a peak.

“Rhycious. I’m . . . I’m—” She grabbed his wrist, holding him with perverse pleasure as he dealt his magic, pushing her toward the edge.

Come for me.” A fine sheen covered his brow, working her to total abandon. Her body’s lower half shook with his efforts. Strong fingers buried within, his thumb circling her nub.

The tightening within came to a breaking point, and she exploded with a scream. Her back arched, impaling herself firmly onto his hand, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Warmth spilled from inside her, wetting the insides of her thighs, creating erotic sounds with Rhy’s fingers.

Every stroke of his thumb caused luscious aftershocks to rock her body. Her inner muscles clenched and held, tightening when he shifted to withdraw. Slowly, her body relaxed, and he moved his hand away.

“Mmm.” Rhycious chuckled at her body’s response. He alternated between kissing her lips and licking her nipples. “You were very naughty not to tell me—”

BOOK: Remedy Maker
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