Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) (16 page)

Read Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) Online

Authors: Francis Ashe

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf erotic romance, #werewolf menage, #vampire menage, #Gay Romance, #gay werewolf romance, #gay werewolf erotic romance, #first time gay romance, #gay vampire romance

BOOK: Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)
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Where his words convinced Adria to relax ever so slightly, the heat of his palm closing around her throat did the opposite. Four fingertips pushed on one side, thumb on the other. He stroked her neck with slow, languid curls of his fingers and moved his other hand along one arm, then back up to her face and down her chest.

A tiny fraction of Kathos’s strength shoved her backwards against the wall.

“Ow! Hey! Stop!”

Three hard, short tugs yanked her tunic away from her chest.

“Why are you tearing my clothes? Stop!”

Her tunic’s rough fabric gave way with a long, sickening rip straight down the middle. The beast lowered his head, kept her held still against the wall and sniffed down her body, between her breasts. Goose prickles crawled down her flesh, which drew a “Mmm...” from deep inside the monster’s chest. He took a step closer, and Adria felt something very long and very thick push against her fur-wrapped leg.

She again remembered her dream from the night before – if it really had only been one night. A terrible beast, just like the one on the pillars she’d seen, flinging her around, impaling her on his enormous cock, and driving it so deep inside her that it ached, so that it hurt. With her one free hand, Adria rubbed down the beast’s chest to the strange, hard hair that started where his legs did, and felt around for the tree-trunk pressing against her belly.

“Oh,” she gasped, “I’ve never touched... it’s just huge.”

What is happening, Adria? What are you doing? You’ve got to run, got to try and get away. Dreams are one thing, but this is most certainly not a dream. Get away before it’s too late!

She turned her hand around the smooth, hot flesh that seemed to grow larger as she stroked. “It’s just so big, I never imagined...” She couldn’t help a little grin, thinking about how it would feel to have the rod she twisted her hand around over and over, how it would feel to have that jammed inside her.

Kathos snorted a furious, confused sound and lifted her off the floor by the neck, his hand so thick and powerful that she didn’t even feel like she was choking, just stretched. All the same, she started to kick, started to thrash around. He dragged her, thrashing and gasping, away from the wall and tossed her to the floor.

She landed hard, bounced off the floor and skidded a few feet before coming to rest on something that felt like a bench, or a chair. Adria groped for a handhold and tried to pull herself up. As she crawled along, hopelessly searching for a crack or a crevice, or anything at all to get her up, one of those giant, awful hands closed around her ankle and dragged her back.

“What have I done? Why are you doing this?” Again she tried to scrabble away, clawing the floor until her fingertips finally caught on a crack. As hard as it was, she tugged herself, gasping for breath, just a little further from Kathos’s grasp, at least for a moment. He squeezed harder on her ankle, but she kicked backwards, driving a heel up where she thought she might find a face. Her foot whizzed wide and Kathos snatched it as it passed.

“Hnnng!” She groaned, trying to strain against his immense power, but it did no good. The monster pried her off the ground with an effortless tug, and held the princess aloft. She swung just slightly, back and forth, like a pink-skinned pendulum. Adria reached out to steady herself. Her hand first brushed across the top of a hoof, fringed with long, gnarly hair, and then a hard calf muscle. A little higher up, she managed to brace herself against the monster’s enormous thigh.

With both hands on Kathos’s rippled, muscular knees, she was finally able to hold herself still and take a second to calm down. Just as her heart began to slow to something resembling a normal beat, the giant thing hanging between the monster’s legs thumped up against her.

What are you doing? This is the craziest...

Her hands slipped easily around the rock solid shaft dangling inches from her face. When she put both of them together in a circle, her fingertips touched, but just.

“Oh, I don’t... I’ve never touched a man. Aside from in my dreams, anyway.” Adria gave him a squeeze and then pushed her hands down the smooth, hot, increasingly hard cock.
All I know about coupling is what I learned from that strange book Derik showed me when he was trying to teach me how to please a husband. I didn’t really understand it then, either, but that never stopped me from wanting to try.

She stroked harder, fists pumping downward. The angle she hung at only allowed her to get a small stroke on his cock, but she continued anyway, pulling him upward and letting the girth rest against her face.

The monster unleashed a terrible roar, a strangely contented one, she thought, and slipped his hands down her legs, holding her by the knees.

“Oh – oh what are you – ohhhh...” she moaned as the beast’s tongue moved from the inside of one thigh, across the cleft of her legs, and a bit up the other.

His cock was hard, thick and hot against her lips. Adria stroked him, squeezing the base of his prick and letting her hands slide. Kathos’s tongue slid back and forth over the crotch of her furs.  So wet, so wet and so slick and warm, Adria arched her back to try and get closer to the massive chest and get that unbelievable tongue further between her legs.

“Why don’t, mmm... yes...” She moaned. “Yes, yes, yes!”

The monster’s tongue worked around the inside of her thighs again, down one, up the other. He drew a long, hard, deep breath, inhaling her scent and then dragged a lick almost to her knee.

“I...” he said.

“What? Whatever you want, I can’t – I don’t want you to stop.”

With one ankle in hand, the beast released her other one and hooked two of his huge fingers inside her waistband, tugged twice, and on the third pull, broke four of the leather strips at the tops of her thighs. With a grunt, he slid his fingers underneath the two strips of cloth covering her spit-soaked pussy and yanked until they broke.

Kathos took another deep inhale of Adria’s sex, tasted her again, and allowed his giant head to relax as her mouth opened and the tip of his prick disappeared inside with her tongue swirling around him, taking away his confusion, his pain and his sorrow with a couple of sucks and a hand squeezing from his balls all the way to where her lips.

He groaned a deep, rumbling sound, drove his hips forward, pushing his cock inside her mouth so deep that his tip slid over the back of her tongue and rammed against the entrance to her throat. Adria choked, then coughed, and then started gagging as the monster rammed himself against her again and again.

So deep, so deep, what is happening to me? Adria, what’s happening? It feels like... it feels...

A finger then dragged along pussy’s slit. Hot air from the monster’s nose caressed her there. All at once his steaming breath dried the juice welling up on her lips, sending a cool shiver up her back. In long, massaging strokes, Kathos dragged two fingers along the sides of her folds, pressing hard all the way around, from the very top to the very bottom. His tongue never stopped moving between her lips, inside her pussy.

“Mmm...” Adria moaned, trying not to lose her grip on the enormous cock. With all the sputtering, and trying to catch her breath – aside from the pleasure she felt sliding up and down her sex, it was hard to focus. In her mind she had constructed an image of the creature with his great horns, his snout and muscular chest, thick arms, and fur covered legs. She knew he was something similar to the terrifying images in the frescoes near the entrance, but somehow, now that she experienced him, there was a lot more thrill and a lot less terror.

A Minotaur or the only Minotaur? Are there others? Doesn’t matter. Nothing does. Nothing matters except how this feels, how his tongue and his cock and his hands... oh Adria, what’s happened to you?

The battle she waged with herself was long since lost. She wanted, more than anything, for this monstrosity to claim her innocence, to take her virginity. But, Adria knew she was helpless to do very much, dangling as she was, by her ankles. She was always in control, whether than meant nagging at Derik until she got what she wanted, or teasing the boys in the castle. She decided then to just let go, to just let the beast have his way.

She sucked hard on the tip of Kathos’s thick cock and let her lips slide up him until she tasted a drop of him on the back of her tongue. She squeezed her hands, pumping them one after the other from the fur-covered sack between his legs all the way to her mouth. Harder and faster she went, twisting her hands, rotating them around his shaft and swirling her tongue all over him, especially on the part on his underside that she found made him groan.

“Oh! Yesyesyesyes!” She cried, muffled by the cock plunging deep inside her throat, as he released an ankle, put his arms around the small of her back and pulled her close, driving his face hard between her legs. He stuffed his tongue inside her soaked cunt at the same time as he bucked his hips forward, driving deeper and deeper inside the princess’s throat.

Adria gripped him and wrenched her head in such a way that she was able to swallow the tip of his prick past the back of her tongue while still breathing through her nose, still inhaling his overwhelmingly virile musk.

“Unnng...” she heard from above, the first sound he’d made since she began pleasuring the giant. He shook his mighty head back and forth, letting his tongue whip against her sensitive, aching slit, and the button at the top she thought only she knew about.

“Feels good! So good!” She cried out, scratching a hand up one of his thighs before returning her full attention to his rod.

Slowly, Adria worked his cock further down, deeper inside her throat. She massaged the underside with tiny, hard pushes of her tongue – the only kind she could make, with so much of the bestial cock jammed in her mouth – and dropped one of her pumping hands to squeeze the hot, thick sack hanging underneath.

When she touched him there, the skin contracted tight around his balls, and the Minotaur let out a soft, but still quite terrifying roar that echoed off the walls and shook Adria’s chest.

“You,” he groaned, as he pushed still deeper, “you feel... good. Good.”

That modest statement was all Adria needed to hear. It was, to her, as good as a howl or a pleasured scream. Both of her hands went to the Minotaur’s hips, where she tried to grab handfuls of his fur. The thick, stiff hair circling his body was hard to grasp, but she managed to pull him closer. She relaxed her throat and dragged her teeth gently at first, and then harder, along his shaft, letting him drive as deep as he wanted. To feel her throat stretched around a cock – to taste one at all, for that matter – was something Adria had begun dreaming about, but never thought would actually happen.

His tongue pushed deep again and then drew out, making her gasp for breath around the thickness driven into her throat. Adria gave him one final suck and then pulled away, still pumping, still nibbling on his tip and sucking kisses on that little place underneath his prick’s head that somehow made the terrible monster shudder.

And then, just as she began to miss the fullness she felt, the wonderful stretch of his cock in her mouth prying open her jaws, he slipped a thick, rough finger between her lips and just inside her virginal pussy.

“Taste,” he moaned. “Taste so sweet. So sweet.”

Just half his fingertip went inside, but that was enough to send tingles charging up Adria’s spine all the way from her head to her toes, which curled as she squealed out her pleasure. Kathos’s rough, rasping, hot, wet tongue moved along the sides of her pussy, going up the left side, then the right before settling down on her clit for a moment where he rubbed it across the top and then massaged in a circle.

The strange texture of his tongue caught the tiny hairs around her, and added prickles and tugs to the already overwhelming sensations that the monster caused between her legs. His finger pushed just a little deeper, stretching her more than she had ever stretched herself during late night play sessions.

One of his is just like three of mine! I hope he...

Suddenly, Adria realized that as big around as a finger was, the tree-trunk that she had sucked stiff was far, far thicker.
To have that driven inside me, I just don’t know, I just don’t know.

Fretting turned to worry turned back to fear – the same fear she had when she encountered the beast. Adria momentarily forgot all that when he turned his finger in a slow rotation, drilling it deeper inside and making sparks in her pussy that dripped out and ran down her belly in a warm trickle. Red heat and goose bumps followed the wet warmth dripping up her body, bouncing over and around every fold, every line and crease.

The Minotaur’s tongue made another lap, down one side, then the other, and back to her button, where he licked until Adria’s breath turned hot, and she gasped “mmm! mmm! mmm!”

Just as slowly as he pushed it in, Kathos pulled his finger back and joined it with a second. He stroked them back and forth inside her, dragging the tips along her front wall, then deeper, and then back out. Her breath came in short, hot bursts, and another chill crept up her back, making all the tiny muscles around her ass tighten up and release.

Soft, milking squeezes along the fingers pumping ever harder inside Adria’s sex warned her that those feelings she enjoyed so much in her dreams, and when she was alone with only herself for company, were going to come. She wanted him, so badly, to shove in deep, to grind against her and bruise her insides, but every time she tried to speak, to beg him for more, he did something else, a twist or a turn or a lick, that made her suck another breath.

“Please,” she finally managed, “please don’t stop, I feel so... I feel... Ohhhh, no! No! Yes!” Her pussy squeezed, then released, squeezed then released. Each time a pulse moved through her, it was harder and tighter than the last one. Every second, it seemed, she was breathing harder, yanking more on Kathos’s fur. His cock bounced off her cheek as he pumped his fingers up and down.

She managed to open her mouth at exactly the right time, and as she lost herself, Adria sucked the Minotaur’s tip as hard as she could until her gasping breaths made her drop it again.

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