Relentless: Three Novels (13 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Stiles

BOOK: Relentless: Three Novels
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She was way too terrified and shocked to even try to call that phone number, even on a toy telephone. In the moonlight that streamed in through the window, she looked at the phone number written on her hand and shuddered.

That’s where Daddy is…

She almost screamed again. It took all of her strength not to.




Chapter Nine



Nikki woke up early the next morning.

The toy telephone was nowhere in sight. Brad must have hidden it. She was miffed, but not miffed enough to call him at the hardware store and make drama. Wherever he had hidden it, she’d find it, or they would talk about it later, when he got home. For all she knew, it was with him in his truck.

She went into the kitchen and poured cereal for herself and Katie. The two of them sat down to eat and afterward, Nikki was relieved to see that Katie was playing with her old dollhouse and dolls, something that Tara had never cared to play with.

While Nikki had her cellphone in her hand, Katie was amusing herself nicely. Nikki tapped on the web search icon. She typed in the name of her local county police station. She was determined to solve her mother’s murder and she took the first step by contacting her old friend. She found the number on the website and pressed the icon to dial the phone number. The phone rang a couple of times and someone answered.

“May I please speak to Detective Don Allen?” Nikki asked.

“I’ll connect you.”

Nikki waited for a few seconds until she heard the phone ring once more.

Don picked up the other end and said, “This is Detective Allen.”

“Hello, Don. It’s Nikki Thomas.”

“Nikki, hello. Long time no talk to. How are you?”

“I’m good. I just need your help on something.”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“Well, as you know, my mother was murdered when I was a kid.”

“Still a cold case, and still looking for your father as the prime suspect. I remember.”

“I know that the police department had a strong suspicion that my father did it, because he disappeared after the murder. However, as far as I am concerned, the case was never solved. I wanted to know if maybe I can look into it myself?”

“I don’t see why not. You are her daughter and you have access to the files, though, off the top of my head, I don’t think there has been a new lead for years.”

“Thanks.” Nikki smiled to herself. “I was wondering if maybe you could help me go through them?”

Don paused for a moment. “Yeah, I have some free time this afternoon if you want to stop by. Say 1 p.m.?”

“That works perfect for me. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” He paused. “Nikki, you haven’t ever heard from your dad, have you?”

“No. I swear, I haven’t.”

“Okay. You tell us if he contacts you or Tara. He’s wanted for murder.”

“I know. It’s just the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mom’s death and it seemed like a good time to ask you to revisit the case with me. I still don’t think my dad would have done this.”

“Understood,” he said gruffly. “I know you’ve said as much when we spoke about this previously.”

“Yes. Goodbye, Don. See you later.”

Nikki hung up the phone and dialed Tara’s phone number. She knew it was her sister’s day off and she needed a favor.

“Hello, little sister, and this better be very important,” Tara said very sleepily. “Like a stiletto sale at Macy’s.”

“Very funny. You know I don’t wear that kind of stuff. Tara, I need a favor. Actually, two favors.”

“Nikki, it’s 9 a.m. on my day off.” Tara yawned. “Tomorrow, I have to bake three wedding cakes, plus my regular baking.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of work. I’m sorry for waking you up. I just need you to watch Katie for a couple of hours this afternoon.”

Tara sighed. “What time?”

“I can drop her off a quarter to one.”

“I guess so, Nikki, but it can’t be for too long. Ted and I are going out this evening.”

“I will pick her up at 3 p.m. sharp. I promise.”

“Okay, but I don’t do diapers and you know this.”

“Well, it just so happens that Katie’s potty trained now and has been for more than two years.” Nikki realized the last time had Tara watched her daughter was when she was only a few months old. Nikki had had to have her gallbladder taken out and Tara was the only one who Nikki could trust to watch her at the time. Brad had been out of town on a business trip that was so important that Nikki had asked him not to fly back, that she would be fine. And she had been.

Tara was not the least bit motherly and Nikki would normally never leave Katie with her unless it was an emergency, but it had been an emergency. Katie was older now and was a lot less reliant on Tara. All Tara needed to do was put on
Spongebob SquarePants
and give her some crayons and a coloring book and she would be good for a couple of hours. Nikki thanked her sister and hung up the phone.

Nikki dropped off Katie and Tara’s place and arrived at the police station at exactly 1 p.m. She checked in with the receptionist and told her she was there to see Detective Allen.

“He told me you were coming. May I see some ID, please?”

She showed her driver’s license and the receptionist printed out a visitor’s badge to clip to her shirt collar.

The receptionist led Nikki into the detective’s office and told her that he would be with her momentarily. Nikki sat down on the visitor side of Don’s desk. She looked at his family pictures. He had married Tammy Rogers, a girl from their class. They had been together almost as long as she and Brad. She glanced at the pictures of their children. They had two boys, and they looked to be around six and seven. There were pictures of them in a Christmas setting, and one that was taken at a beach. They seemed to be a very happy family.

Don walked in and gave Nikki a hug. “Nikki, it’s so good to see you.”

“Hi, Don. Good to see you, too. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to help me.”

“No problem. Anything for an old friend.” They smiled at each other. Don sat down at his desk and opened up an old file. “I took the opportunity to go over your mother’s file at lunch.”

“Thank you for that. Did you find anything out of the ordinary?”

“I wish I could say that I have. Everything looks pretty legit. Your mother was killed by a single stab wound. There wasn’t any of the killer’s DNA found on the knife. Then again, that was 25 years ago and forensics technology has advanced a lot since then.”

“So, do you think there’s a chance that some DNA can show up? Or some other sort of evidence?”

“There may be. I can’t make any promises, but it’s definitely a possibility. I can order another test on it.”

“Yes, please. Hopefully, we can find out something.”

“Well, we might not.”

“Why not?”

“The killer could have been wearing gloves.”

“Gloves? What kind of gloves?”

“Any kind.” He shuffled through the papers in the file. “In this case, there were some fibers found on the knife handle that did indicate that gloves may have been worn by the killer.”

“So, not latex gloves or surgical-type gloves?”

“No, fiber.”

“Like wool or something?”

“No, cotton, probably from gardening gloves. And there were traces of peat moss and cow manure. Grass clippings.”

Nikki froze. “Oh, okay.” She cleared her throat. “Like potting soil sort of stuff?”

“That’s right. You look like a deer in the headlights. Scared.”

She nodded. “You do know my dad never did yard work, right?”

“No, I didn’t know that. Why not?”

“He had bad hay fever like Tara has. Someone else had to care for our lawn and yard.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“I guess I was not able to articulate too well after it happened and so many police officers were asking me questions. Mr. Matthews down the street ran a lawn care service in the neighborhood, if that matters.”

He made a note on a Post-It and stuck it in the file. “I’ll check him out.”

“Thanks, Don. I would appreciate it.”

“Nikki, you were five years old when it happened, right?”


“Is there anything you remember?” he asked.

“No. I just have a vague memory of Mom taking my sister and me to the city bus stop, but when we got to the bus stop, my mom realized she forgot her bus pass and we had to go back home to get it. As soon as we walked in the door, something happened, but I can’t remember it. Like a fight of some sort.” She paused and suddenly, things were coming back to her and she felt as if she was going to vomit. “You’ll…you’ll have to forgive me, but something happened that I didn’t understand at the time. I think I do now, though.” She took a deep breath and let it out. She gripped onto the arms of the chair where she sat. “I’ve never asked this before, but was my mother…sexually assaulted?”

“Yes,” he said quietly.

“Oh, my God,” Nikki said. “Why wasn’t it in the file or ever discussed with me?”

Don blinked and checked a sheet stapled to the back of the file folder. “That part of the report was checked in and out many times by various detectives who were investigating.”

“Was a DNA test done on…what happened internally to my mom?”

“Yes. It was not sophisticated testing like we have now, though.”

“But you have the results, right?”

He looked in the file. “Right.”

“I brought something.” Tara opened her purse and took out something in a plastic bag.

“What is that little leather case?”

“It’s my dad’s manicure kit. Nail clippers, beard trimmer, that sort of thing.”

“You gotta be kidding me.”

“He didn’t do it, Don. I was a little girl, but out of all the people in the world that I knew, which wasn’t many, granted, I trusted my dad the most.”

“Fine. Hand it over,” he said and pulled a form out of his drawer. “Did you open the kit?”

“I unzipped it and looked inside, but I only touched the outside. I noticed little hairs and tiny fingernail and toenail clippings. I feel sure that if you compare his DNA with the DNA inside my mom from the crime scene that it will clear my dad of the sexual assault, at least that.”

He sighed. “Anyone else use this manicure kit?”


“Okay, we’ll give it a comparison with the bodily fluids from your mom’s sexual assault and I’ll let you know what turns up.”

She sighed in relief. “Thank you for believing me about my dad.”

“I don’t believe anything until the evidence speaks for itself.” Don frowned. “Why are you digging into this now, Nikki?”

“I went to see my old house on the twenty-fifth anniversary of my mom’s death and my dad’s disappearance.”

“And it started churning in you again?”

“Of course, but I can remember so little.”

“What about Tara? Does she remember anything?”

“Tara won’t talk about our mother’s death.”

“I see. It looks like there was a man that came into the house around 8:15, plus or minus a half hour as the witness wasn’t near a clock.”

“I never heard that before.”

“It says right here on the file. The neighbor who saw him said that a man and your mother were fighting. And later, a man ran from the house.”

“What? Can I see?”

Don handed the file to Nikki so she could see.

She read the part he pointed to.

“I was very young and perceptions can be altered by age, my therapist says. We begin to undersand the things around us at a much older age than five. Is it okay if I review the file in depth?”

“Yes, go right ahead. While you’re doing that, I will be right in the office next door, working on another case. Let me know when you’re done and we’ll talk.”

“Thanks, Don.”

Don got out of his seat, took away the manicure kit in a chain-of-custody plastic bag and patted Nikki on the back before he headed to the next office.

Nikki went over the file and didn’t find anything that really caught her eye. It was basically the same information that Don had told her, the same information that she remembered her whole life. Except for the man. But who was this man? Why would he come over to her mother’s house so early? She knew she needed to talk to Tara. She might have some kind of information for them to work with.

Nikki put the file on Don’s desk. She left a note for him that she would call him later that evening. She picked up her purse and headed out the door.




Chapter Ten



“Nikki, why are you doing this?” Tara yelled at her little sister.

“Because Mom’s killer needs to be found. It’s been too long, Tara.”

“I know. That’s why you should just let it be. Let go of the pain.”

“She was our
. Don’t you think she deserves justice and, at long last, the truth?” Nikki could see her sister was feeling very uncomfortable. Tara was playing with her hair the way she did when she was nervous. “Tara, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just leave it alone. It’s been twenty-five years, so it’s not going to matter much now if you find him.”

“Him?” Nikki was confused.

“Yes, the killer was probably a him, right?”

Nikki got a bad feeling in her stomach and she knew her sister was hiding something from her.

“Oh, my God, Tara. I know that look when you are not telling me everything. You
You know who might have murdered our mother.”

Tara collapsed on her gray recliner chair.

“Tara, tell me what you know. It’s cruel to keep this secret from me!” Nikki began to get extremely angry and was shouting at her sister.

Tears streamed down Tara’s eyes. “I don’t know for sure if this man killed Mom. I know that they were having an affair around the time of her death.”

“A what? I can’t even believe you would say such a thing. Mom would
do that!” Nikki replied.

“I saw her!” Tara cried.

“Who was it? And what exactly did you see?”

“Do you remember the couple that lived down the street? The Matthews? They bred German shepherds?”

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