Relentless Rhythm (Tempest #4) (26 page)

BOOK: Relentless Rhythm (Tempest #4)
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“Eyes on me, Kitten.” His voice was the only thing that could compel me to look away from that spot where the two of us were almost finally joined. The moment he had my gaze, I felt him enter in one smooth stroke.

“Dizzy,” I moaned eyes closing. It felt so good, so right, even though I knew it wasn’t.

“Keep your eyes open and on me, babe. I wanna see it in them when you come.” He slid his warm palms under my ass, lifting me so he could go in deeper. Then he pulled practically all the way out. His rhythm was slow at first, gliding back and forth, the friction perfect over just the right spot.

I felt the tension building, coiling tighter and tighter. I moved with him. His face was tight with his own need, but his eyes remained on mine. Then he picked up the pace, pounding hard and delectably deep. I felt him stiffen, perceptibly harder inside me, and then it happened, the delicious wave that swept that safe shore completely out of sight.




I ran my hands along her naked curves staring into her beautiful passion hazed eyes. Her skin seemed to leap to my touch as if I were its master.

I smiled at that idea. She had certainly mastered my heart. It was so full of things I needed to say. But there seemed to be a clock ticking in the background creating a sense of urgency, that the time to say them might be all too short.

“April,” I began, propping myself up on an arm and gazing at her for a moment drinking her in knowing I was never going to be able to get my fill of her. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. I’ve got to tell you right now that I…”

“Don’t.” She cut me off. “Please don’t say the words. I feel it, too. You’ve got to know that. My heart beats for you. It races whenever I’m with you. I feel like I can’t catch my breath. That’s what scares me. I feel like every time we’re together will be our last. The people I care most for seem to be snatched away from me. First my stepfather, then my beautiful ba—” Her jaw clamped shut.

“I know about your child.” I ran my thumb softly down her creamy cheek. She started to turn her head away, but I stopped her with my fingers curled around her chin. “Why don’t you ever talk about it?”

“It hurts too much.” Her eyes got glassy. “It was so hard for me to get pregnant in the first place. The doctors said it was doubtful that I could again.”

The devastation she felt was written all over her face. My heart ached for her.

“We probably didn’t even need to use protection.” She made a strangled sound. “But then I guess with your history…”

“Stop.” My eyes hardened. “Remember, it’s just you and me here. You don’t have to lash out at me. I’m sorry that you can’t have any more children of your own. Especially when I think about all the women like my worthless mother who never even care about the kids they have. But you should know better than anyone that it’s not the name on a birth certificate that makes someone a parent. It’s love that binds people together in the way that really matters. Like you and your stepfather. Like us. I don’t want you to be scared. I don’t want to take your breath away. I want to give it back to you. I want to be the reason you breathe, and the reason you finally breathe easily.”

“Dizzy,” she said my name with a look of awe on her face, her eyes filling.

“Hey, don’t cry. That’s the last thing I wanna see from the first woman I’ve ever made real love to.” I traced a silky lock of her hair down from her scalp to her shoulder. “And you don’t need to be afraid of my past, either. We don’t have to do the condom thing if you don’t want to. There’s been no one for me since that night in Whistler. I’ve been tested since then. I’m clean. I was hoping that if I ever got you to say yes that it’d mean something to you to know that. Might make me seem less, I don’t know, less

“You’re not, Diz.” She put her hand on my chest and lifted her gaze. “We all have things in our past that make us feel unclean.”

“That’s the thing about you, April. You don’t look at me as some sort of reclamation project. You understand pain. God knows you’ve experienced more than your fair share of it. You know some things just aren’t fixable. But I think we can help each other climb over all that broken stuff. Start fresh on the other side.”

“Diz.” She stared at me as if she couldn’t believe her good fortune. I certainly hoped that was so.

“April,” I replied, attempting to infuse those five letters with all emotion swirling around in me. I wanted to possess and dominate her and make her mine. I wanted to make love to her again. And again. I wanted to tell her with my body the things she wouldn’t let me say with words.

“You’re incredible,” she said, and I lifted my gaze from her luscious tits, cupping my hand around her cheek. Her mouth parted.

“I need to have you again,” I told her flat out.

“I have to go. I need to get to work,” she protested.

“You’ll just have to be a little late then.” I threw a leg over her and pressed our lips together the way I planned to fuse our bodies soon.

“Dizzy.” She turned her head to the side, gasping for air, the motion of her chest making her hard nipples score my skin. It felt fantastic. My dick approved, getting hard as granite. Trying to slow things down, I brushed soft kisses across her cheek, down her neck, making my way toward the tits I wanted to taste again. I latched onto one and sucked it in deep, grinning when I felt her fingernails digging into my scalp and noticed that my woman’s breathing wasn’t slowing down.

My woman. Hell, yeah
I loved even just thinking that.

“Don’t hold back, babe,” I encouraged, my voice a husky rumble as I stared down at the flushed skin beneath me. “Let me know what you like, and I’ll give it to you.”

“Well, I certainly like what you’re doing right now,” she replied between pants, peering up at me through her thick lashes.

“Good. So do I.” Watching her, already addicted to her abandoned responses, I lightly swirled my palm around the breast I’d just sucked on and blew a hot, wide, open mouthed kiss on the valley between both of them.

Her breath caught. I heard the hitch, then she turned, offering me the other one. I took it deep, and she arched her back completely off the bed as I sucked on it. Hard.

I felt her hand slide down between our heated bodies, and I knew what her urgent fingers were searching for. I tensed expecting the usual cold sweat, but felt only a bolt of hot lust when her hand closed around my dick. I released her breast with a pop and captured her mouth thrusting my tongue in deep while I moved against her hand.

She started making sexy needy sounds that told me what she wanted. I broke the kiss. “You make me crazy,” I told her without bothering with pretense. She blinked up at me totally and completely with me. I touched her face first, then her breasts, then I glided lower stopping just above her mound. Her breathing hitched again.

“Dizzy, please.”

Hell, yeah.
She gave me just what I wanted, so I gave her just what she wanted, sliding my fingers softly over her swollen nub. She grabbed my arms and rotated her hips under my teasing fingers. I was about to blow. “You’re soaking my fingers, babe.” I continued the sensual torture, enjoying watching her body tightening and her skin flushing.

“I’d prefer to soak something else,” she said brazenly, arching beneath me, like a pornographic dream.

I pulled her hands over her head, trapping them against the mattress as I shoved my dick into her. She felt even better than before. I could feel her inner walls squeezing me. “April, don’t,” I warned her, but it was too late. I couldn’t hold back so I pounded into her harder, her name becoming a chorus.





He lit me up so fast. So well. As he chanted my name, I was near the point of no return. I just needed a little more to tip me over the edge. He told me to let him know what I liked, but with my arms pinned, I couldn’t show him.

“Dizzy, kiss me, please.”

His sexy mouth answered my plea, his tongue plunging between my lips in and out as fast as he was fucking me. I crested the wave again, hot pleasure flooding my body. Stars burst behind my eyelids. He pounded once, twice, and three times in rapid succession then groaned, collapsing heavily on top of me, releasing my hands as he released inside of me.

Blissfully limp, deliciously sated, I started to reach for him, but paused once more for permission. “May I touch your back?”

He grunted his consent. So I wrapped my arms around his damp muscular body and hugged him tightly, pretending that he truly belonged to me.

I was so fucked. Literally and figuratively. Because though I knew it was impossible, I wanted to stay like this in his arms forever.

My phone was a gong that brought me crashing back to reality. Dizzy rolled off me and handed me my jeans. I pulled my cell out, exhaling with relief that it was neither my mother nor James.


“Where are you, darling”?” My boss’ gruff voice barked in my ear.


I scrambled off the bed and tried to get my legs in my jeans without falling over while heading toward the bathroom. “I’m sorry, Tan,” I told him. “I’m running a little late.”

Dizzy stalked after me, his amber eyes intent, in all his naked glory. He grabbed me, pulled me into him, and nibbled on my neck. “Can you cover for me?” I asked Tan distractedly. “Just for a few minutes?”

I tried to shrug out of Dizzy’s grasp so I could get a quick shower before I lost my job.

Strong hands clasping my upper arms, he gave me a quick but devastating kiss. “I’ll take you in the Panamera. I’ll bring it up to the front circle. It won’t take me any time to get you there. No worries, babe.”

True to his word, Dizzy was waiting in the driver’s seat when I came downstairs a short time later. The valet held the passenger door open and as soon as I had my seat belt on, he took off. He steered the Panamera through traffic like we were in a Grand Prix race.

When I commented on his driving prowess, Dizzy grinned. “A car like this demands to be driven.”

“It’s pretty sweet. It’s a V8, isn’t it?”

He turned to look at me, brow raised. “You know cars, too?”

“Yeah,” I admitted. “George has always loved them. He has a ’96 Chevy Impala SS. It’s very responsive.”

BOOK: Relentless Rhythm (Tempest #4)
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