Read Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Ryan,Eve Cassidy

Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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Chapter 11


Pulling the door closed behind me I stomp past the bunks and rummage through the draw to find my body wash and hair care products.

"Ava is that you?"

"Yeah, sorry. Did I wake you Em?"

"Yeah, but that's okay. You sound angry are you all right?"

"Ugh, I just have no idea what his problem is but he thinks he has a say in what I do."


"No Brody."

"Why? What happened?"

I hear Tori's voice from above Emma's bunk. "What are you two talking about at this time of the morning?"

"It's a long story. How about breakfast and I can fill you both in." Emma finally opens up her curtain and speaks to me.

"Yeah and fill me in on last night too."


Both girls start laughing as they realize from my short "oh" that I had forgotten about last night. Picking up my stuff I rush to the bathroom.

Turning the taps on I undress myself and quickly step in. Adjusting the water I wash my body all over as I recall the events of last night. Dancing with Jeremy was hot and I wasn't just dancing, I was grinding on him. I can't believe I straddled him in front of other people and I was even moaning. I must have looked like the biggest slut ever. I can never face the band again. No wonder Brody was a jerk this morning he probably thinks I'm a huge skank. That is not me, I never do that. Well I have once or twice but I was super drunk both those times. Suddenly, a pounding on the door brings me from my thoughts.

"Hurry up and get out of the shower, otherwise, by the time we are all ready it might be lunchtime."

"Sorry Tori I'm all done."


Finally after two hours the three of us are walking down the streets of San Francisco to find a nice café to have breakfast in. We have walked past three cafés so far; each of them looked extremely busy and we need some quiet after suffering a headache from last night. Stopping outside of a café we look inside.

"It looks good, not too many people inside."

Looking at Tori I smile "Yeah I think this one will do." Walking in, we find a table and each grab a menu. After ordering three coffees, three waters, two French toast and fruit salad I tell the girls about this morning.

"He was just being caring Ava. After all he was right you shouldn't be running around by yourself. Wasn't it you that "welcomed the mass murders" to our parking lot".

Feeling really stupid I look at Tori.

"I know, but running when I feel crappy makes me feel better. I just needed to run this morning he didn't need to be such a jerk and besides that still doesn't explain why he has hardly spoken to me since we got here."

"Ava this tour is huge for them he is probably just nervous or stressed."

Laughing Tori looks to Emma.

"And he told you that last night, did he?"

"Umm, no."

"So you're just an expert on him now you got to know him." Tori raises her eye brows at Emma. I know what she's referring to; Emma got to feel those lips. Pushing down the feeling that is surfacing I look Tori dead in the eyes.

"What happened with you and Hunter last night? You came back looking like you had just done it in the bathroom."

Tori's smile broadens "We just made out around a corner, hands were roaming but nothing else happened. I'll have to pick my game up."

"Didn't take you long, what was the go with you and Jeremy, you almost had sex on the dance floor."

I knew this was coming. "I was drunk we had a few rounds and a few shots. That is not me. I wouldn't normally do that." Picking up my water and taking a sip I hear a voice behind me.

"Nice to know I'm an exception Dundee."

Coughing I try to force the water further down my throat. Jeremy just heard what I said. A pat on my back has me turning around, frowning at the touch I see Jeremy smirking at me.

"You were choking."

Just then I hear Brody's voice "Did you ask Jeremy if he could go sightseeing with you today?"

There is no way in hell he can come and look at the sights with me today. Nudging Emma I hope she gets my cue.

"No she asked us to go instead so we are having a girl's day."

Relaxing, I look back at Jeremy and Brody and shrug. Needing to distract them I ask about the show tonight.

"Is the show going to be the same as last night?"

"No we like to make them all a bit different."

"Okay well have fun." Hoping they get my hint I turn back to my French toast and pop a small piece into my mouth.

"Have fun girls we will see you tonight." Jeremy smiles at us, nodding I wave and watch them walk out of the door. Damn Jeremy has a nice backside.

"When did we make plans?"

Smiling, apologetically "Just now, do you mind? Thanks for the save Emma."

"No it sounds fun."

"That's what friends are for. So, where are we going?"

"Well I was thinking Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park and Alcatraz Island."

"Pier thirty nine is amazing as well we have to go there and you have to go on a cable cart"

"Sounds great, Tori have you been?"

"Yeah I have been with my family. Let's get going then we have a busy day ahead of us."


Kicking my shoes off, I lie back on the couch and relax. Today was amazing; I had so much fun with the girls. San Francisco is such a beautiful city. Tori was right we did have to go to pier thirty nine, the shopping was fantastic. There was no way I could go to the concert tonight after such a day I'm exhausted. Hearing the muffled noise from inside the arena I change channels and there's is nothing on TV at all. Giving up I go back to my bed and lie down, I might go to sleep.


Hearing the door bang I groan, rolling over I see Tori looking in her draw.

"Hey Ava sorry did I wake you."

"Yeah but that's ok I was only having a little nap."

"Emma and I are going out with the band do you want to come?"

"I'm feeling a bit tired and I don't think I can deal with the guys yet. I'm still cranky at Brody and the way he was this morning and there is no way I can repeat last night so I'm just going to stay in." Giving Tori some privacy I go and sit with Emma at the table.

"How was the show?"

"Great they did a good job, you skipping tonight?"

"Yeah I don't feel like it; just tell them I'm home sick or something."

"Sure. What are you going to do?"

"I might watch a bit of TV and I missed dinner so I might make a sandwich."

Tori's long legs appear out of the curtain, she is wearing a red dress tonight and black heels.

"Your turn Em."

"I won't be long"

Getting up to make my sandwich Tori fills me in on the night and how busy the show was. It sounds like it was bigger than last night. Emma appears wearing a royal blue dress and black heels.

"I'm ready. Are you sure you don't want to come, Ava?"

"I'm sure, I'm home sick okay." Giving air quotes around home sick I watch the girls stand up and move to the door.

"I'm fine, now go and have fun and try to be quiet this time when you come in."

Tori looks back at me and smiles as she shuts the door I hear her mumble sorry. A few minutes later a knock at the door startles me, the girls just left so who could be here?


Chapter 12


As I tap on the door of the bus, I run my other hand through my hair. I hope Ava doesn't mind me stopping by like this, but when Tori told me just now that Ava was home sick, I suddenly didn't feel like partying any more. I told the guys to go on without me so I could keep her company, receiving some very shocked expressions all around.

The bus door opens to reveal Ava standing there looking so sexy in a pair of light blue pajama shorts that barely cover the tops of her thighs and a light grey, very nice, very fitted tank.

"Um…hey, Ava. Tori mentioned that you weren't feeling well, so I thought I would come and keep you company. If you don't mind, that is?"

She stares at me for a few seconds.

"Oh…you don't have to do that. I'm sure you'd have much more fun going out with the band. I'm only just going to be watching a movie, boring." She seems to be nervous. I wonder if it's at the thought of spending time with me.

"Cool, I love movies. Plus, I'm a little tired after the show and didn't really feel like partying." I was actually looking forward to going out, but only when I thought Ava was going to be there. I step up onto the bus and ease past her letting my shoulder gently brush past hers. "What are we watching?"

I sit down on the black two seater couch opposite the wall mounted flat screen and watch her slowly close the bus door and make her way over to me. Fuck, those legs! I tear my gaze away from them as I start to picture them wrapped around my hips, or straddling me like they were at the club last night. She sits down on the couch beside me and tucks her bare feet up under her as she presses a button on the remote control that was sitting on the small coffee table in front of us.

"I was actually going to watch a chick flick." She glances at me, I'm guessing to see my reaction to the fact we are watching a girly movie.

"Which one?"


"Cool, I love that movie. It's really funny."

I turn my body so I'm facing her and look into her eyes to see a look of surprise. "What? You don't think a guy could like that movie?"

"You just don't seem like the type of guy that would like a chick flick. Let alone one that's all about weddings." She glances down at the remote on her lap and fidgets slightly.

I lean in closer to her "Dundee, you seem nervous around me tonight. If you're uncomfortable with me here, I can leave."

She lifts her chin up to stare into my eyes and seems deep in thought for a few seconds before shaking her head. "No, I'd like you to stay." I can't stop the massive grin that spreads across my face as the trailers finish and the movie begins.


Two and a half hours later, the movie has finished and we are still sitting here chatting, only now we are sitting a little closer together than when the movie started. Speaking of the movie, we didn't really watch much, we were too busy talking and getting to know more about each other. At first Ava had seemed a little reserved and let me do all the talking, but as the night has gone on she has opened up a little more and has shared quite a lot of stories with me about her childhood and her life back in Australia and now seems quite comfortable around me. Not quite as comfortable as she was at the club, but we'll work on that.

"So, how are you enjoying the touring lifestyle? Are you sick of it yet?" My question makes her smile as she gets up and walks over to the fridge coming back with two more sodas for us.

"I am enjoying it. Emma and Tori are great girls and we all get along really well, so that has made the experience a lot easier."

"I'm glad. How was your sightseeing trip with the girls today?"

Her face seems to light up as she tells me all about where they went and what they saw, but one thing has been on my mind since this morning and I have to ask. "Why did Brody ask if you had asked me to take you sightseeing?"

Her eyebrows seem to draw together as she glances down at her lap "Oh, I asked him yesterday if he would give me a tour around the city to see some sights and he uh…he told me to ask you."

"Why do you think he told you to ask me?" She seems to be getting nervous again as she starts twirling her hair around her finger.

"I don't know, I guess he thinks that we have uh…some kind of connection." Her eyes slide back up to meet mine and I lean slightly closer to her.

"And do you think we have a connection, Dundee?" Her gaze drops to my lips and in particular my lip ring. I love it when she stares at my mouth and I love it even more when she reacts to me flicking my lip ring, so I do it now to see what happens.

The air is electric between us as her eyes follow the movement of my tongue and I reach down and grab hold of her hand. Using my thumb to trace small circles on the back of her hand I wait for her reply.

"I um…I feel that um…" She stammers over her words as I lean in closer again and our faces are only inches apart as I whisper.

"I feel a very strong connection between us and I'm pretty sure you feel it too, Dundee."

She nods her head slightly so I lean in and press my lips gently to hers in a short but sweet kiss. As I pull back from the kiss her eyes stare deeply into mine for a few seconds. All of a sudden, she places a hand on the back of my head and her fingers tangle in my hair as she pulls me back toward her, her soft lips crush mine. Her tongue runs along my bottom lip and then she sucks it into her mouth. Fuck, this girl can kiss. Her tongue slips into my mouth and tangles with mine as she moves her hands to my chest. Gripping onto my shirt, she pulls me down so that she's lying back on the cushions and I'm hovering over her. I drag my mouth from hers and gaze down at her face. She has never looked more beautiful than she does right now, lying beneath me, face flushed, her hair loose and wild and that gorgeous little mouth smiling shyly up at me. "You are so beautiful, Ava." My mouth nuzzles at her delicate neck as I gently lower my body down on top of hers, being careful to rest on my elbows and not crush her. Her hands trace along my abs and reach around to my back, pulling me closer as my hips rest between her legs. This movement causes a soft moan to escape her mouth, which spurs me on and I gently move my hips and grind up against her. Her hands trail down my back to the bottom of my shirt and a few seconds later I feel my shirt slowly inching up my back. I help her pull my shirt over my head and toss it onto the floor as her eyes roam over my shoulders and chest, her hands following the movement of her eyes as she traces over my tattoos.

"I'm not going to have sex with you, Jeremy. I'm not that kind of girl. I just want to… touch you." Her hands run slowly down my chest again.

"Baby, I would never expect you to do anything you don't want to do. I really do like you, Ava."

She smiles up at me "I just don't want to rush into anything. I still feel like we hardly know each other. But, I can't help myself. For some reason I feel drawn to you and all of my inhibitions just fly straight out the window when I'm around you."

This admission from her makes me so happy. "Baby, let's just get to know each other better and we'll see where this goes."

I suck in a sharp breath as her soft fingertips glide over my nipples and up around my neck pulling me back down to her mouth. Kissing her tenderly, I reach a hand down and run it gently across the bottom of her tank, lifting the thin material slightly so I can feel the soft flesh of her abdomen. My body reacts so strongly to the feeling of her skin on mine and I'm sure she feels it too as her hips rise up beneath me and she moans again.


Suddenly I hear a noise at the front of the bus and as I look up to see Tori and Emma, Ava gently pushes me off her and quickly sits up while straightening her top.

"Oh shit. We're sorry. Um… do you want us to come back later?"

I grin at the two clearly embarrassed girls and shake my head "No, that's fine. We were just watching a movie."

Tori glances over at the TV, which was switched off quite a while ago, and the corners of her mouth twitch as she glances down at Ava. "Oh, a movie? Okay." She grabs hold of one of Emma's hands and starts leading her up the bus. "Well, we're just going to go…up here and let you get back to… watching your movie." Tori drags Emma to the back bedroom and quickly slams the door shut as I hear both girls burst into giggles.

Smiling, I glance down at Ava and catch her watching me with a small frown on her face. Reaching down to brush a few wild strands of hair from her face I whisper "Hey, Dundee. What's wrong?"

"I'm so embarrassed. We were practically having sex."

My dick stirs again at the thought of that, but I reach across and throw an arm around her shoulders.

"No we weren't. Besides, it wasn't much different to what we were doing at the club last night. The only difference is this time I was on top of you." Smiling at the memory of her hot little body straddling mine, I watch the blush rise on her cheeks again as her eyes drift slowly down over my chest. She runs her fingers over my shoulder and seems to be tracing the outline of my bald eagle tattoo.

"I suppose I'd better go and let you get some beauty sleep. Not that you need it." She smiles up at me and I lean in for a brief, tender kiss. She reaches her arms around my neck and hungrily kisses me back so I know she doesn't regret what was happening between us. Before the kiss can lead to something more, I drag my mouth from hers and stand up. "I had a lot of fun, Dundee.’ Bridesmaids' is now my favorite movie of all time." She giggles and rises to her feet.

"Mine too."

Chuckling softly, I bend down and kiss her lips softly again. "See you tomorrow, Ava." Placing one last kiss on her forehead I head toward the front of the bus. Glancing back at the last second I see her standing there with a huge smile on her face, looking so sexy and I have to stop myself from going back to her. I give her a wink and climb down off the bus.


As I stroll back toward my own bus, I can't wipe the smile from my face as I remember the way Ava felt and looked laying beneath me on the couch, the desire so evident in her golden eyes. My body shudders a little, and I don't know if it's from the hot memories or the fact that there's a cool breeze tonight. Glancing down I realize that I have left my shirt on Ava's bus. Oh well, another excuse to see her in the morning.


The next morning, I wake to the sound of laughter and loud voices coming from the front of the bus. Rubbing my hands over my tired eyes, I stretch out lazily. I don't think I got much sleep last night with my mind solely focused on memories of Ava's soft little moans and the touch of her fingers on my body. The cold shower I took when I got back last night didn't work at all because my mind just kept replaying everything all over again. I stand up and pull on my black jeans that were sitting on the end of my bed where I left them last night and head down to the front of the bus where the boys are sitting around the table having breakfast.

"Hey." I say as three pairs of eyes look up at me.


I copped so much shit from the boys last night when I walked in without my shirt. They had returned from the club and were sitting around playing some kind of drinking game when I walked in. When I realized that Ava and I would be the topic of discussion I went and had a shower and went to bed. Hopefully they got the hint that I'm not going to reveal all the details of our night and don't continue with all their questions this morning.


I walk over to the fridge and take out a bottle of orange juice. Just as I pop the lid and take a mouthful I hear a soft tap on the door. No one makes a move to get up and answer it so I make my way over to the door and throw it open to see Ava standing there looking cute in light blue jeans and a black tank, her hair swept up in a high ponytail. As my eyes roam over her body and appreciate every little detail, it seems her eyes are doing the same to me. Our eyes meet and as I step down off the bus I realize she is holding my shirt.

"I thought you might need this." Reaching out my hand like I'm going to take the shirt, I grab hold of her hand and gently pull her into my body and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Thanks, Baby." I stare down into her eyes and wonder what is going on in her head today. Does she regret anything that happened last night? She came to me this morning though, so probably not. She gazes into my eyes and grins as I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips.

"I couldn't care less about the shirt, but I'm glad you brought it to me." She grins up at me and nervously chews on her bottom lip.

"So we're heading to Portland in about an hour and it's roughly a ten hour drive. Do you want to travel on our bus with me? Maybe we could watch another movie?" I watch a couple of different expressions pass over her face as she comes to a decision.

"Sure, I'd like that. But are you sure I wouldn't be in the way?"

"Hell no, the guys all love you. They will be happy to have you on the bus with us."

"Okay, come and get me when you're ready to go." She pulls out of my arms and heads back toward her bus, flashing me a sexy grin as she disappears behind the door. Normally, ten hours of travelling would bore me out of my mind, but this trip is going to be fun.

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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