Relentless (Elisabeth Reinhardt Book 1) (34 page)

BOOK: Relentless (Elisabeth Reinhardt Book 1)
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She sat in silence staring out her living room window at the scene before her. Snowflakes as big as quarters descended from the sky coating the Windy City with 11inches of immobilizing beauty. Nothing was moving. Not even a snow plow could get through the streets. She wished Gil had been able to stay with her, she felt so alone and frightened. She was upset about that reporter coming up and getting a close up of her face at the press conference. She had tried to avoid it but was told she had to be present; she hadn’t been able to come up with a viable excuse to avoid it. She certainly couldn’t have said a serial killer is after me and I don’t want him to see my face on TV. She had been staring at the news coverage of the Pittsburgh Airport scene. He’s getting closer to me. I can feel it. His buddy who he shot was some kind of computer whiz and the FBI was not answering questions about why Jake was after that guy. But Gina knew. She knew it was about her. What else would Jake want with a computer whiz?

Gil was in the building, her doors were locked and her alarm system was on. Gina
kept thinking about the news reports, about her father being dead and her mother in the ICU. She wept for them and for herself. The weather gave her no choice. She would stay in her condo, check all her security systems and contact Gil every 15 minutes. Chevra Hatzollah decided it was not the best use of resources, for someone to remain with Gina. For the moment, she was safe and being monitored 24/7. There were several monitoring systems engaged. Gil had a bank of monitors in front of him watching feed from cameras installed in several locations inside and outside Gina’s condo. He had a view of the 8
floor hallway, her condo door, three views of the elevators, four views of the front and rear entrances to the building and of the door to his condo on the 2
floor. And then there were her shoes. Every single shoe transmitted a tracking signal directly to their computers.  Every shoe sat safely in her closet insuring Gina was safe in her condo.

tella kept in touch with Hatzolah branch offices, monitoring the witness rescue process and the Raines family situation. Simon monitored all the staff tracking devices while Reina tracked down the Ruff connection to see if other inmate resources might be available to the killers. Elisabeth set up a conference call to make sure all team members were informed and coordinating their efforts.

“When this storm clears, we should be ready for a bigger one,” she informed
the team, “The Ohio State Police just reported finding a woman matching Monica French’s description lying in the snow outside of Steubenville. The woman is barely conscious, but alive in a local ICU.”

Sammy added “P
olice report says the killer told her ‘she wasn’t the right one’ and ‘I don’t have to accept substitutes anymore, when I can get the real thing,’ so he let her go.”

Gil moaned audibly.

“Well that confirms our suspicions about all this,” T-Max added. “They’re about 500 miles out,” he said, “On a good day it would take about 8 ½ hours. The snow will slow them down, but road crews are out there so they’ll be on their way here.”

, monitoring stolen vehicle reports from around that part of Ohio, said, “A report just came in on a dark grey 2008 Jetta, stolen a few hours ago. Want to intercept them? Might be worth getting a chopper in the air for a look.”

Gil thought the FBI would already be up there.
“That’s not best use of our resources. Let the cops search the skies we’ll move in and intercept them when they get here. In the meantime, our best bet is to increase our presence at the hospital and to continue to watch our

“What about our contacts with officials?” Elisabeth asked, “Gil, are we in the loop with CPD and getting read into their updates?”

“Yes. If they have it, we have it,” Gil answered.

Reina spoke up, “
I may have another lead on a possible connection for the gang. Jake had another cellmate in Pennsylvania after Teddy was released. His name was Raymond Fisher. He’s a 48 year old Caucasian, convicted on a ‘murder for hire’ and served 15 out of 20. He was in with Aryan Nation and the rest of the skinheads, has Nazi tats all over his body and guess where he’s from?” she asked provocatively.

“Ahhh, Chicago?” Sammy quipped.

“Right you are little brother,” she answered, “right here in the Windy City. Man’s got a brother; Joseph R. Fisher got a record for petty stuff. They’re living with an aunt in Bridgeport on the South Side. Word is that Raymond gave that as his intended address when he was released last year. Don’t know if he’s been in touch with Jake, but we can’t discount it.”

Pablo spoke up, “Got some contacts over there, I’ll follow up on this one, Sammy you work on tracking their calls and I’ll start tramping through the snow.”

“Stay in touch, everyone.” They clicked off.



Children were scattered around the large room on the floor, in wheelchairs, high chairs and on laps. They were excited to watch the play. And what a play it going to be! Full of fun and surprises! It had become an annual tradition for the staff to put on plays for the children at Christmas time. Ranging in age from 10 months to 10 years, children cheered and clapped in delight. This year, the staff decided against a traditional Christmas theme, choosing instead to create a winter wonderland version of
The Wizard of Oz
.  There were odd looking friends helping a little girl and her dog, played by the Medical Director’s Cairn terrier, there was a mean witch and a nice one and a special wizard who could grant wishes. It was a perfect play for sick children. A holiday spirit filled the air; there were bright lights and costumes, characters acting silly and talking in funny voices and all the children got presents. Parents, children, staff and guests roamed freely about in costumes and party hats. The Wizard, wearing a tall green pointed hat, wandered about talking and joking with the children, making funny faces and handing out balloons.

Gina glad
have escaped her condo was back at work, but could not shake off her anxiety. She watched the play and chatted with the children, their families and staff, but mostly stood on the outskirts of the activity watching the crowd. She was watching a little girl squirm on her mother’s lap when she felt something brush up against her arm. Turning quickly she saw Tanya had joined her. She tried to cover up her anxiety but it was too late.

Tanya put her arm around Gina’s shoulders and teased, “You have too much caffeine, lady doc? You’re awfully jumpy tonight. Come on let’s get you something
sweet to eat.”

She led her away from the crowd as Gina laughed, “Oh great
, sugar is just what I need to send me over the edge. A caffeine high and a sugar high? Really? And you call yourself a nurse? I need some protein, that’s what I need!”

“Let’s go find you some,” Tanya shrugged as they wandered toward the staff lounge.

They just settled down with little platters of treats when
flashed across the screen and a somber looking announcer reported that there was a news update on the Parkland Killers just coming in from Pittsburgh Airport with Shana Robertson on the scene. The scene on the TV changed to a shot of airplanes landing and a sign saying Pittsburgh International Airport as Shana Robertson reported that the FBI was about to make an announcement in the Parkland Killer case. Two men and a woman stood on at podium facing three mounted microphones with lights flashing and reporters yelling questions up to them.

“Ladies and Gentleman, may I have your attention, please. My name is Lou Fairmont of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis
Unit; this is Hurricane, West Virginia Police Chief, Chester Rugger, and my colleague from the FBI, Marie Del Monte. We have an announcement to make. We are asking for the public’s help in locating these three men.” The screen flashed sketches of Jake and his two friends ‘Slim’ and ‘Custer.’ “These men are wanted in connection with the kidnapping and rapes of 5 young women and the kidnapping, rape and murder of additional 8 young women.  This is now a nation-wide manhunt. We have reason to believe they may be headed toward Chicago. Anyone recognizing any of these men is asked to contact us at
. Our phone lines will be open 24/7. Anyone with information is asked to contact us as soon as possible. These men are armed and extremely dangerous, do not approach them or make contact with them in any way. Thank you. We’ll answer your questions now.”

Blood drained from
Gina’s face and she was frozen in place. Tanya gasped, hands flying to her mouth, eyes wide in fear. “You were right!” she gasped. “You were right all along!”

The two women grabbed for each other’s hands as they stared at
the television screen. They both jumped when they heard a deep voice asking, “What’re you two doing in here while the party’s going on out there? Busy eating all the snicker-doodles?” Then catching sight of their faces, Goeff asked, “Hey, what’s wrong with you two? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He was greeted with silence so he pulled up a chair and asked “seriously are you two ok?” then he looked at the TV. 

A middle aged woman’s face appeared in the lower part of the screen as mug shots featuring pictures of three men flashed across the screen with their names and ages and the FBI agent was saying “…we have reason to believe that the killers are searching for a specific woman who is their next intended victim we have reason to believe she may be living in the Chicago area. We have forwarded all relevant information to the Chicago Bureau of Investigation and the Chicago Police Department and urge residents to cooperate fully with local law enforcement agencies so that a peaceful ending can be brought to this most dangerous situation.

The CNN anchor’s face appeared on the screen saying that Chicago is now being hit by a snow storm of epic proportions which is threatening to drop a
nother 5 inches of snow on the already beleaguered city. The anchor continued summing up the FBI reports as yesterday’s scenes from the Pittsburgh Airport were flashing across the screen. Gina’s heart was thumping, she felt faint, the room spun around her. Goeff was saying, “Wow that’s really terrible news about those guys.” Inside her head she heard Jake’s voice calling ‘
Come out come out wherever you are

He’s coming’ she muttered, “This is my fault, all those girls are dead because of me, I’ve got to get out of here. I’ve got to run…”

I’ve got to call Gil,’ she thought reaching into her pocket for her cell phone but it was gone, lost in that restaurant. Without taking time to stop and call from the unit, she stood and walked robot-like toward the doorway. Her weeks of training disappeared as trance took over.

Faintly s
he heard Tanya calling “Wait for me, girl! I’m going with you….”

Far in the distance s
he heard Goeff calling, “Gina, stop, what’s the matter, do you want me to go with you.”

he television faded as she rushed from the room; dimly she heard the announcer’s voice repeating ‘these men are considered armed and extremely dangerous…” And my face has been all over the TV, she thought. He knows where I am. He’s coming for me.

On auto-pilot, she
grabbed her coat and ran down the hall. ‘He’s coming for me. I can’t stay here. I can’t put these people in danger, these babies… he knows where I am. I’ve got to get away from here, he can’t be here.’ Encased in a bubble of terror, she raced toward the elevators. She didn’t hear her name being called over the loudspeaker. “Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Gina Reynolds, report to the NICU immediately. Dr. Reynolds, NICU stat.” What she heard were voices from the past ‘
Reggie Lee, we’re coming for you….’
She told herself.
And she did. Like an Olympic sprinter she tore down hallway after hallway; the sound of her heartbeat pounded in her ears. ‘Run ... Get away as fast as possible. Don’t let him get in here. Don’t let him hurt these babies, these people, my friends. All those girls were hurt because of me. I can’t let him hurt anyone else. The whole country is in an uproar and it’s all my fault. Oh my G-d…’

Sobbing she rushed
into the elevator, her head filled with thoughts and memories, her eyes blind to her surroundings. She pushed the down button repeatedly. It took forever for the doors to close, but as soon as they did, she realized she was not alone. Glancing over her shoulder she saw the Wizard of Oz leaning against the back corner with his painted smile and his big green hat.

“Hi,” she said limply making an effort to be nice, “you put on a really good play tonight.”

“Thanks,” a gruff voice answered, “but that wasn’t me.”



Pablo Ruiz was in the garage when he got the call. Sammy’s voice sharp and fast said, “She’s in the west elevator moving down from 4
floor. Intercept.”

“Roger,” was the only answer.

The GPS sensor inserted into Gina’s shoe had sounded an alert when she started to run. Sammy tracked her location and alerted all team members to her location and that she was running fast, status unknown. Reaching for his gun, Pablo, closest to that location raced toward the elevator just as the doors opened. Ducking behind a truck, he saw Gina face white with terror. Behind her, his arm around her neck, a green painted man in a green costume was propelling her forward. Gina was struggling and kicking at the man’s legs, but he held her tight.  He could hear the man talking to her. He could not make out his words, but his tone was threatening. He couldn’t tell where they were heading, but he assumed there was a get-away car close by - probably with the rest of his gang. Taking the man out would be easy, but not with the rest of his gang hiding nearby. His priority was saving Gina, not catching the whole gang and so he stepped forward, punched the man in the face grabbed Gina and ran toward the exit sign. As they ran he heard car doors banging, abrupt shouts, and feet scrambling, running behind them. He pulled out his cell phone, pushed a button and yelled, “back-up,” as he pulled Gina down the stairs. They raced down the first flight and pushed through the metal door onto the floor below. Turning quickly, Pablo pushed an empty stretcher sidewise in front of the door before they raced down the hallway. He hated leading armed killers into a hospital, but he had to save Gina. He knew the police and the rest of his team would be on scene in minutes to apprehend them.

Sammy manning the
Chevra Hatzolah computers, alerted the police. He hoped that their locators would get them back-up in time. Gil and T-Max raced up the garage ramps. On the third floor, they found an empty van without any plates parked sidewise with two of its doors open. This is it, they thought, and raced toward the stairs. Pulling out their cells they saw that Sammy sent them Pablo’s co-ordinates. They motioned to each other exited carefully on the second floor. Maneuvering around an overturned stretcher, they walked steadily, guns straight out scanning from side to side, alternating positions at hallways and doorways clearing space as they went. There was no sign of the killers. No sign of Gina or Pablo. An orderly walked by on a nearby hallway and they motioned him to get back. He nearly tripped over his feet as he raced backward down the hall.  Two uniformed nurses were exiting an elevator on their left; they too jumped back when they saw men holding guns. They were motioned into silence. Stopping briefly to listen they heard shuffling and murmuring in a patient room with a partially closed door. After a moment they decided it was a nurse coaxing an unhappy child to take his medicine. At the end of the corridor they saw another situation developing in the nursing station.

Several staff members were talking about seeing men with guns on the unit,
they called 911 and were waiting for help. As they approached the nursing station, they put their guns down and announced that they were working with the police and were part of the hospital security team. The nursing station was set up in a circular arrangement, counters around the periphery and a windowed room for the head nurse in the center of the circle.  White venetian blinds shielded the inside room from view and nearly obscured Pablo’s face as it stared out at them.  Wordlessly he indicated Gina was with him. The two were trapped in the center room and could not get out without being seen by the nurses, police or the gunmen.  Creating an escape plan, Gil and T-Max asked the staff members to come with them and show them exactly where they had seen the gunmen. Suggesting it was best for the group to stick together, they walked en masse to each spot where the gunmen had been seen. As Gil scanned the area and communicated with headquarters and T-Max took detailed notes of everything the nurses said, Pablo wearing an orderly’s uniform pushed a gurney down the hall toward them. Gina lay quietly under the sheets trying not to shake.

Once t
he police arrived they took over the scene. They locked down the hospital and established a systematic room to room search.  Gina lay curled under a tarp on the floor of Gil’s Bronco as he turned onto the snow packed city streets. Dialing a pre-programmed number he said, “I picked up the pizza.”

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