Relentless (18 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Smith

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Relentless
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Chapter Twenty-four

The clerk in the telegraph office looked up at the Ranger after he finished sending his message. “I’d already heard the news about your bringing in the Jackson gang. Word travels fast here in Gold Canyon. Good work, Ranger Spencer.”

“I’m just glad they’re not running free anymore.”

“So is everybody else in Texas,” the clerk told him.

“Thanks. I’m staying over at the hotel if you hear back.” Grant gave the man his room number.

“If I get a response, I’ll run it right over to you.”

“I appreciate that. I did have one other question,” Grant began.

“What can I help you with?”

“Is there a justice of the peace in town?”

The clerk looked a little puzzled as he answered. “Yes, right down the block. His name’s George Arnold.”

Grant smiled for the first time. “Good. I’ve got a wedding to plan.”

“You’re getting married?”

“As soon as I can arrange it.”

“Congratulations. You’re a lucky man.”

Grant went quiet for a minute, thinking of how close Dusty had come to being killed by Les Jackson at the hotel. He said, “Yes, I am.”

Grant left the telegraph office and headed down the street to meet with the justice of the peace.

As soon as Grant had left her, Dusty thought about taking a bath, but since she would have to put her dirty clothes back on, she decided to wait. She would get cleaned up after she went to the store. She did take the time to wash up a little and make herself presentable. She hoped she looked a little more like a girl now.

As ready as she would ever be to pick out a simple dress for her wedding, she left the hotel room. It wasn’t going to be a white gown, but in her heart that didn’t matter. What mattered was that Grant loved her—he’d proposed.

Dusty knew Francie was going to be surprised by her wonderful news, and so was Miss Gertrude. The thought of their reactions made her smile as she started from the hotel.

The only store in town was the general store, and Dusty wasn’t sure how much clothing would be available there. She thought of the evening she’d spent with Francie when her friend had loaned her the fancy gown and helped style her hair. She wished Francie was with her right then to help her get ready.

The woman behind the counter looked up and smiled when Dusty walked in.

“Afternoon,” she said pleasantly.

“Hello.” Dusty returned her smile as she came up to the counter. “I need your help.”

“Of course, I’ll be glad to help you. My name’s Kate. What can I get you?”

“I need a dress—to get married in,” Dusty explained, and she grinned at the woman’s complete look of surprise.

“Oh, my—”

“I know. What I’ve been wearing lately isn’t quite what I planned for my wedding day.” Dusty gestured toward the pants, shirt and boots she had on.

“How soon is the wedding?”

“Grant’s checking on that with the justice of the peace right now.”

Kate came around the counter with a determined look on her face.

“So you don’t have much time. Come with me, dear,” she said, taking Dusty by the hand to lead her to the back of the store. “I have a few dresses that might work for you.”

Half an hour later, Grant stopped by the store to see if Dusty was there, and she spotted him right away. She quickly hung up the dress she was looking at and went to talk to him.

“I spoke with the justice of the peace, and he said he can marry us at five o’clock. That’s right before he quits for the day,” Grant said.

Dusty knew it was close to four already, so she had just an hour to get ready. “I’ll hurry.”

“I’ll be waiting for you at the hotel,” he told her.

Grant made arrangements to pay Kate and then left Dusty to finish her shopping. He returned to the hotel and ordered a bath, taking the time to shave, too. He had a clean shirt and pair of pants with him, and knew they would have to do.

With Kate’s help, Dusty picked out a simple day gown that flattered her slender figure, as well as a chemise to wear with it and a pair of shoes to match. Dusty thought about buying a ribbon and trying to fix her hair the way Francie had, but she decided against it. She thought it would take too long to recreate the style, and Grant would be waiting for her.

She hurried back to the hotel and ordered a bath to be brought up. It didn’t take long. Once the tub and water were brought to the room, she wasted no time getting undressed and scrubbing herself clean.

Though the heartache of all that had happened was still with her, knowing Grant loved her was enough to get Dusty through these hard times. The thought that he wanted to marry her—tonight—left her almost breathless in anticipation. She knew little about what went on between a man and a woman, but she was sure he was going to teach her all she needed to learn this very night. She smiled, feeling both eager and shy.

After washing her hair, Dusty got out of the tub and dried herself off. It didn’t take her long to put on her new clothes, and then she set about trying to make her short hair look feminine. It was one of the few times in her life that she appreciated having
a little curl to her hair for the pretty waves covered the mark she still bore from her head wound.

It was only a short time later that Grant knocked on her door. She quickly went to open it and let him in.

Grant stepped into the room and stared at her. His gaze was warm upon her as he took in her demure gown. There was no mistaking Dusty for a boy now. She was a gorgeous woman, and she was going to be his. He went to her and took her in his arms to kiss her.

Dusty responded eagerly to his kiss, looping her arms around his neck and pressing herself against him.

He broke off the kiss and grinned down at her. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted another woman. “I think we’d better leave for the justice of the peace right now, or we might not make it at all—”

“Oh—” Dusty actually felt herself blushing. “But you know—the thought of staying here and kissing you some more is tempting—”

Grant actually groaned and put some distance between them. “Let’s go. When we come back here, I’m not even going to think about leaving this room for the rest of the night.”

“Sounds good to me—” she purred. She went to him and drew him down to her for one last kiss. Dusty had never in her life been so bold with a man, but she couldn’t resist. “Are you ready?” she asked when they moved apart.

“I’m ready,” he answered, and gently took her arm to usher her from the hotel room.

A short time later, Dusty and Grant stood before the justice of the peace and his wife in Mr. Arnold’s small office, taking their vows. His wife was serving as their witness.

“Do you, Grant Spencer, take this woman, Justine Martin, to be your lawfully wedded wife?” George Arnold asked as he looked at the Texas Ranger who was standing before him.

“I do,” Grant answered solemnly as he looked down at Dusty standing by his side.

The justice of the peace turned to Dusty. “Do you, Justine Martin, take this man, Grant Spencer, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do,” Dusty said, gazing adoringly up at Grant.

“Do you have a ring?” he asked Grant.

“I didn’t have time to get one,” Grant explained.

“All right, then I now pronounce you man and wife,” he pronounced, smiling warmly at them. “You may kiss your bride.”

Grant didn’t need to be encouraged, but he was respectful as he drew Dusty to him and kissed her chastely.

“Congratulations!” Mrs. Arnold said.

“Thank you.” Dusty was smiling brightly as she and Grant started from the office.

They hadn’t eaten since their meager breakfast at the campsite, so they stopped at the small restaurant in town for dinner. They ate quickly, hardly able to keep their eyes off each other. It was just sundown as they returned to the hotel.

The clerk saw them come in and did an actual double take when he caught sight of Dusty in her dress. He’d had no idea she was a girl when the two had checked in, but he knew she was one now.

When they reached the hallway, Dusty stopped Grant in front of her room.

“Let’s stay in my room tonight—” She slowly unlocked and opened the door, then turned to look up at him, a tempting look in her eyes. “When you found me in here the last time, you were expecting trouble—What are you expecting tonight?”

Heat flared in Grant’s regard and he swept her up into his arms to carry her across the threshold. “From you? Still trouble—and lots of it.”

His voice was low and sexy and sent a shiver of sensual awareness through Dusty. She linked her arms around his neck and pulled him to her for a hungry kiss.

Grant kicked the door shut without ending the kiss. He didn’t want to break it off, but he had to in order to lock the door and draw the shade so there would be no interruptions.

He turned back to find Dusty just standing there watching him. She looked a little bit lost, and he smiled tenderly as he went to her and drew her close.

“You are a beautiful woman, Mrs. Spencer,” he said, claiming her lips in a hungry kiss.

Just hearing him call her “Mrs. Spencer” sent a thrill through Dusty. She returned his kiss, wanting him as she’d never wanted any man before.

Instinctively, she needed to be close to him.

She needed to be one with him.

Dusty didn’t feel any shyness when Grant began to work at the buttons on her dress.

Grant managed to free her quickly from the garment and then looked down at her as she stood before him clad only in her chemise. He smiled again as he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid Dusty there and stepped back to strip off his shirt and boots. He thought about taking off the rest of his clothes, but hesitated. He knew she was an innocent and he didn’t want to do anything to make her uncomfortable right now. He wanted this night to be perfect for them. Joining her on the bed, he moved over her and kissed her.

Dusty was on fire. Passion unlike anything she’d ever known burned within her and she held Grant close, thrilling at the touch of his bare, hard-muscled chest against her. She caressed his back and shoulders and shivered and arched against him in love’s age-old invitation as his lips left hers to trace a heated path of kisses down the side of her neck.

“I love you, Dusty,” Grant whispered as he rose up over her.

She smiled up at him, an innocent yet seductive smile. “I love you, too.”

With infinite tenderness, he helped her slip out of her chemise and then left her side just long enough to shed the rest of his clothes. There were no barriers between them as he returned to their marriage bed. With gentle yet arousing caresses, he ignited the flames of her desire, and they came
together in a surge of excitement that left them both breathless with its splendor.

Grant was careful as he taught her love’s ways, showing her how to move with him and making her fully his own. When ecstasy claimed them, they collapsed together, holding each other tightly as they cherished the beauty they had just shared.

“I never knew—” Dusty whispered to him, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder as she lay against him.

He cradled her to him, never wanting to let her go. He realized as she slowly ran her hand over his chest that she had no idea just how seductive her actions were. He pulled her beneath him and met her in a hungry, devouring kiss.

Dusty surrendered to the magic of his loving, cherishing each moment that they had together, and knowing she never wanted to be apart from him again.

It was much later in the night that an exhausted Dusty lay sound asleep in Grant’s arms. He looked down at her as she slept, and was certain he’d never known another woman like her. She was amazing, and he wondered now what the future held for them. As a Ranger he would be moving around a lot, and his wife couldn’t travel with him. That troubled him. He didn’t want to leave her alone for extended lengths of time. He wanted to know she was safe and protected. And he wanted her with him.

For a moment he considered leaving the Rangers, but he knew he couldn’t quit right now. First,
he had to find out what had happened to Frank. He planned to ride out with Dusty in the morning and search for the answer to his friend’s disappearance.

Grant closed his eyes to rest, treasuring the memory of the loving he and Dusty had just shared.

Chapter Twenty-five

It was before dawn when Dusty slowly awoke to find herself nestled against Grant’s side, her head resting on his shoulder. He was still asleep, so she took the time to just watch him, loving this moment of complete privacy.

He loved her—

They were married—

A part of her still couldn’t believe that her whole life had changed so quickly. One moment she’d thought she was looking into the abyss of what her future was going to be without her father, and now, she was married to the man she loved.

Her gaze went over him. Relaxed in a deep sleep, his tanned, ruggedly handsome features were less hardened, and he looked younger. She honestly believed he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Her gaze swept lower across the broad width of his powerful chest and arms, and she remembered just how wonderful it felt to be held in those arms, cradled against his chest.

Dusty found herself wondering more about him. She realized she knew very little about
Grant’s past or his family. She didn’t even know why he had decided to become a lawman. The mystery intrigued her and she was determined to find out about his past.

She lifted her gaze to find he had woken and was watching her with a heated glint in his eyes.

“You’re awake—” she said in a soft, husky voice as she rose up on her elbow and leaned down to kiss him.

When the kissed ended, he smiled at her.

“If I wasn’t before, I am now,” he growled seductively as he brought her beneath him.


Grant needed no more encouragement.

They made love quickly, each kiss and caress arousing them to new heights as they strove for the fulfillment of being one again. When at last they reached the pinnacle of their passion, they lay together, glorying in the aftermath of their love.

When they’d both caught their breath, Grant knew he and Dusty had to decide what she was going to do while he went in search of Frank.

“You know that as soon as I hear back from my captain, I’m going to ride for Eagle Ridge—” he began.

Dusty was all but holding her breath as she waited to hear what he was going to say next. Her heart was aching at the thought that he might tell her she had to return to Canyon Springs by herself and wait for him there. She didn’t speak, but waited in silence for him to go on.

“And I want you to ride with me,” he finished.

“You do?” Her spirits lifted at his words.

“Yes, love. I want you along,” Grant said seriously. He saw the tears in her eyes and didn’t understand why she was crying. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Dusty managed in a choked voice as she leaned close to kiss him. “I was afraid you were going to send me back to Canyon Springs on a stage and then you were going to ride off by yourself to try to find your friend. I want to go with you. I want to help you while you’re doing this. I am your partner, you know.”

“In more ways than one,” he said as he kissed her.

Nearly an hour passed before they finally got out of bed.

“When will we be leaving?” Dusty asked as she watched him get dressed.

“As soon as I get a wire back from my captain,” Grant answered, smiling as he looked over to find her still sitting on the side of the bed with the sheet wrapped demurely around her. He was more than tempted to make love to her again, but he knew if he got her back in bed, they might not leave the room all day. The promise of being locked in the privacy of the hotel room with Dusty was exciting, but he knew it was important they ride for Eagle Ridge. The sooner he got there, the better. “Why?”

“Well, I was wondering if you wanted Justine to go to breakfast with you or Dusty?” she asked with a grin.

“This morning, I definitely want my bride to have breakfast with me—and it doesn’t matter to
me what she wears, although I have to admit I do like what she’s wearing right now.”

Dusty was laughing as he came to stand before her and gave her one last quick kiss.

“Turn your back while I get dressed,” she said, feeling suddenly a little shy now that it was daylight.

Grant chuckled and did as he was told. Although he did appreciate catching sight of her reflection in the mirror as she put on her dress again.

They went to the restaurant to get breakfast, and it was there the clerk from the telegraph office found them.

“I figured you hadn’t left town yet, Ranger Spencer,” the clerk said as he gave Grant the message from his captain and the money he’d been wired.

“No, I was waiting to hear from you,” Grant told him. “Thanks.”

Grant quickly read his captain’s short message.

“What did he say?” Dusty asked.

“He was glad to hear about Jackson and the gang,” Grant began, and then his mood grew more solemn, “and he said he hadn’t heard from Frank at all. That I should go see what I could find out in Eagle Ridge.”

“Good. How soon are we riding out?”

The serious Grant she was used to dealing with was back as he looked across the table at her.

“Right after we eat and get the supplies we need.”

“I’ll be ready when you are,” she promised.

They quickly finished their meal and went back
to the general store. This time Dusty got herself a new pair of pants and another shirt, along with food and ammunition they would need for the trip. They returned to the hotel to pack up.

Knowing it would be quite a while before they had the chance to share a comfortable bed again, Dusty didn’t hesitate to take advantage of this—their last moment alone in the hotel room.

“Could you help me out of my dress?” she asked.

Considering how modest she’d been earlier, Grant was surprised by her request, but he wasn’t about to turn her down. As he came to unfasten the buttons for her, she quickly reached up and kissed him.

“I thought you needed help with your dress,” he said with a slight smile.

“I do,” she said a bit breathlessly, “and it seems like you’re moving awful slow this morning.”

Grant quickly proved her wrong.

It was an hour later when they rode out of Gold Canyon.

It would take at least four days of hard riding to get to Eagle Ridge, so they didn’t waste any time. They maintained a steady pace and rode until sundown before stopping to make camp for the night. With the morning light, they were on their way again.

It was late that afternoon when a storm came through, and they had to stop and find some shelter under a rocky outcropping to wait out the downpour. Dusty huddled near Grant as the storm raged across the land.

“I’ve been wondering—” she began. “When did you decide you wanted to become a lawman?”

“My father was a sheriff, so I’d thought about it growing up, but I guess I was fifteen when I made the final decision.”

“Why then?”

Grant looked over at her as he told her the story of that fateful day when his father had been gunned down. “The Gradys took me in, and I stayed with them until I was old enough to become a Ranger. It’s what I’ve been doing ever since.”

Dusty put a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry about your father.”

“So am I. He was a good man. He didn’t deserve what happened to him.”

“I understand.” Her heart was heavy as she thought of her own father.

Their gazes met.

“I know you do,” he sympathized.

“I’m sure your father would be proud of you,” Dusty said.

“I hope so. I’ve always tried to do my best.”

They fell silent again as they waited for the weather to clear.

Almost an hour passed before they could ride out again, but when they stopped for the night, they were glad to find the nearby creek had water.

After two days of travel in the heat, the creek looked very inviting to Dusty. Grant was busy building the campfire, so she went down to the water’s edge to look around. The water looked tempting, and since there was a little sunlight left, she quickly took
off her boots and socks and rolled up her pants’ legs to go wading. The water felt wonderful. When Grant came to see what she was doing, she couldn’t help herself. She bent down and splashed him.

“Are you looking for trouble, woman?” he asked.

“Why? Have I found it?” she laughed, deliberately splashing him again.

“Oh, yeah.” Grant paused only long enough to toss his gun belt aside, and then he went in after her.

Dusty squealed in delight at his pursuit. She tried to escape, but he was too fast for her. He grabbed her up and dropped her in the water, soaking her thoroughly. She came up drenched, but laughing.

“Join me—” she invited.

She was more than a little disappointed when he walked out of the water, but her disappointment didn’t last long. In one smooth movement, he pulled off his shirt. She joined him on the bank, and they quickly shed their clothes and ran back into the water to enjoy the moment.

With the waist-deep water swirling about them, Grant held her close to kiss her. Dusty responded fully, thrilled to be in his arms. Desire flooded through them, and Grant knew he had to have her. He carried her back up to the campsite and laid her on his bedroll. They came together in a rush, their passion driving them on.

Later, their desire sated, Grant smiled into the darkness as he murmured, “I like going swimming with you.”

“I like swimming with you, too. I think we’ll have to do it more often,” Dusty teased.

At peace, they slept through the night and were again up and ready to ride early the next morning. They still had a long way to go.

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