Release the Stars (24 page)

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Authors: Harper Bliss

BOOK: Release the Stars
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Sometimes, she’d come down from the room Ava had set up as an office for her—a temporary room at first that soon became Charlie’s primary place to write—and sit with her laptop at the outside table where she and Ava had shared their first dinner. It had been an experiment at first. Charlie had been convinced she wouldn’t be able to write a decent sentence with Ava so near, but Ava had insisted, claiming it would be excellent foreplay, so Charlie had, of course, given in. To her surprise, Ava’s presence—as long as it was non-intrusive—didn’t bother her. Instead, it made her tap the keys even faster, because she knew what that furious pace did to Ava.

“This is news to me, too,” Ava had said, after she’d gotten up from the sun lounger she’d been relaxing on. “But the sound of you typing has made me incredibly wet.”

“Come for me, Charlie.” Ava was never the best at keeping her requests silent. She really did love the sound of her own voice. Charlie could hardly hold that against her. The pressure of her thumb grew more insistent, and that familiar quick rush of blood through her veins hit Charlie, that tingling sensation underneath her skin, that burst of joy emanating from where Ava’s fingers worked inside her.

Charlie took a deep breath and sagged against the wall, while Ava let her hand slip from her pants. The skin of her wrist was red because of the friction with the leather, and Charlie brought it to her mouth and kissed it, smelling herself on Ava’s fingers.

“You have no impulse control,” Charlie said, in between pecks.

“Why on earth would I control myself when it comes to you?” Ava dug her knee between Charlie’s legs.

Charlie didn’t know what to say to that. Instead, she shook her head and chuckled. Then her eye caught the clock on the wall. “Shit. You’d better really let me get dressed now.”

“Leave the top button of your blouse open,” Ava said. “So I can dream a little when I look at you on stage.”

* * *

The turn-out for Charlie’s book launch was much bigger than anything she’d experienced before. Underground had started airing three weeks ago to great critical acclaim. Talks were already under way for season two, with a positive decision from the network deemed imminent.

“My favorite person on the planet,” Estelle said. She was Charlie’s LA agent, the one dealing with all things TV rights.

“You’re only saying that because I made it rain for you,” Charlie quipped. She hugged the tiny woman, and continued to work the room, Ava safely by her side. Charlie reveled in this moment. All her LA friends were here, and even a few select ones from New York had made the trip. Nick and Jason, in impeccable suits as usual, stood beaming in Elisa Fox’s spotlight. Charlie had never exchanged that many words with the A-lister, and she doubted the actress had read anything else by her than
, but the network had considered it a good promotional idea to have Elisa make an appearance at Charlie’s book launch. Charlie was glad it diverted some of the attention away from her.

For her, this was a celebration. A gathering with her nearest and dearest to acknowledge the birth of her new book and all the things it stood for. “Charlie Cross 2.0” Nick had called her a few weeks ago, at the premiere party for
, where he had also remained no more than three feet away from Elisa Fox at all times. “Not that different, just with a few necessary bug fixes,” had been his exact words. Charlie had only been slightly offended.

“Congratulations, Charlie,” Nick said, after finally extricating himself from underneath Elisa Fox’s halo. “I can’t wait to not read it.” Nick only read magazines and TV scripts. Perhaps that was why he had become one of Charlie’s closest friends. What she did professionally didn’t matter to him. At the
premiere party he had also been caught saying, “So glad to finally be able to read one of your books, Charlie.” Although he’d been the first to organize a viewing party every Sunday evening when a new episode was on.

Charlie accepted his embrace, and he pulled her a little closer than he normally would.

Behind them, Jo and Christian stood chatting with Liz and Sarah.

“The way you carried on, I believed your ex was a monster, and her boyfriend the embodiment of Satan on earth, but they’re actually lovely people,” Liz had said after Charlie had introduced them to each other. “You and your flair for the dramatic.” What Charlie would miss most about the writers’ room, were her chats with Liz during breaks and going for after-work drinks.

“Charlie.” Christian extended his hand as usual. Charlie swatted it away and opened her arms for a hug.

“How very LA of you,” he said to her when his mouth was closest to her ear.

“I didn’t really mean it, you know,” Jo said after they’d greeted each other. “You didn’t really need to dedicate a book to me.”

“I did.” Charlie looked at Jo, at this woman who had changed her life—twice. Of course she didn’t have to dedicate
Release the Stars
to her, but she had wanted to.

The next cluster of people consisted of Charlie’s softball team members.

“Way to get off your high and mighty pedestal,” Tiff joked. Now that most of Charlie’s days were made up of writing and more writing, she’d had plenty of time to make every single game and training session of the season. Ava had even come along a few times to cheer her on from the sidelines and drink a few beers with the girls, but it hadn’t influenced Charlie’s batting average in a positive way at all.

Josie stood to the side of the circle, to Charlie’s right. Charlie found her gaze and smiled. Josie smiled back and lifted her eyebrows, as if to repeat what she always said to Charlie when they saw each other, which was often now that Charlie was a team regular. “Don’t forget. You owe me one most spectacular date.”

Charlie bowed her head in acquiescence. Josie winked at her.

Behind Josie, in the furthest corner of the room, a tall grey figure skulked. Charlie turned to Ava. “Is that Eric?”

Ava craned her neck, which wasn’t really necessary seeing as she towered over most people present. “Do they let any B-lister on the guest list here or what?” she said.

Eric and Ava’s friendly relationship had cooled down considerably since Dallas. In the hiatus between seasons, Ava hadn’t socialized with him at all—much to Charlie’s relief.

Charlie glanced at Eric again. He had a copy of her book in his hands. When he noticed Charlie looking at him, he held up the book and made a signature gesture with his finger.
The nerve of this guy
. But Charlie wasn’t in the mood to give him a piece of her mind. Eric could go fuck himself royally. He brought his hands together now, in a pleading gesture, and took a bow.

“You don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to,” Ava said. She’d started pre-production for the next season of
Knives Out
already, and had to deal with Eric in a professional setting. “I’ll go. You should enjoy your evening.”

Charlie appreciated Ava’s protective instinct, but she’d sign Eric’s book if that was what he wanted. She knew just what to write.

“It’s okay.” Charlie pressed her way through the crowd swiftly, until she stood face-to-face with the man who had found her biggest weakness and shamelessly exploited it in Dallas.

“Charlie.” He paused. “I won’t stand here in front of you and pretend an apology can ever be enough. I know it can’t. Nevertheless, I would like to tell you how sorry I am for the things I said. Obviously, none of it was true. I was jealous and being an asshole. I’m old enough to know when I’m wrong and out of line.” He shuffled his weight around a bit. “Oh, and by the way,
is my new favorite show. Best thing on TV in ages.” He glanced at Ava. “Apart from our show, of course.” The smile he gave them appeared genuine enough.

“I’ll sign your book,” Charlie said and held out her hand.

Eric handed it to her. Charlie took it and a pen from her blazer’s front pocket, and signed it.
Charlie Cross, Ava Castaneda’s lesbian lover.

She gave the book back to Eric. “Enjoy.”

Eric read her inscription and grinned. “Good one. Thanks.”

The sound of a finger tapping on a microphone relieved Charlie of having to engage in conversation with Eric much longer.

“Looks like things are about to kick off,” Eric said. “Thanks again, Charlie. I’ll leave you to it.” Just like that, he disappeared into the crowd.

Charlie didn’t have time to discuss this encounter with Ava, because Andrew, her publisher, had taken the stage. A word of warning would have been nice, she thought, as she made her way to him.

“Charlie? Charlotte Cross? Where are you?” Andrew said, casting his gaze over the crowd. “Ah, magnificent.” He’d located Charlie, who was making her way to the podium. “Welcome, distinguished guests and Charlie Cross readers. Charlie will say a few words now, and perhaps do us the honor of reading a few pages from her new masterpiece, after which there will be a signing session. Drinks will be available aplenty throughout. Enjoy.”

“Go kick some ass, baby,” Ava said. Charlie turned around and kissed Ava on the mouth before taking the stage.

“Hello all,” she said. A spotlight blinded her—just like it had done the night of the auction. “Let me tell you a few things about how this book came about.” Charlie cleared her throat and started at the beginning.



Endless gratitude to you, my reader, without whom I wouldn’t be living my dream of waking up every day to write more stories. To my wife, whose crazy idea I once was. To my editor Jove Belle whose knowledge, skill and tough love made this book a much better read. To my Launch Team for the boundless enthusiasm and loyalty.

Thank you.


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Hired Help
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Summer’s End
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3. You’ll have to wait and see, but I may have a nice surprise up my sleeve… ;-)

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Harper Bliss is the author of the novels
Once in a Lifetime
At the Water’s Edge
, the
High Rise
series, the
French Kissing
serial and several other lesbian erotica and romance titles. She is the co-founder of Ladylit Publishing, an independent press focusing on lesbian fiction. Harper lives on an outlying island in Hong Kong with her wife and, regrettably, zero pets.

Harper loves hearing from readers and if you’d like to drop her a note you can do so via
[email protected]

Reviews are also greatly appreciated (and help the author as well as other readers.) If you can spare the time, you can find links to
Release the Stars
on Amazon and Goodreads here:







For a complete list of all Harper Bliss titles, please visit

At the Water’s Edge

#1 Bestseller in Lesbian Romance on Amazon

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