REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel (6 page)

BOOK: REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel
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“I…” I started to say, wanting to apologize before I made a total fool
of myself.


“Please, stop talking,” he said, moving across the room towards me,
the look in his eyes silencing any thoughts that could have come tumbling from
my mouth. His hands came to my shoulders and he looked down on me, as though I
was the only thing he’d ever wanted. I shivered under his touch, under his
gaze. “Sit down.”


I did so, without thinking, not taking my eyes from him. I was
eye-level with his crotch, and automatically reached out to undo his belt and
jeans, thinking that it was blowjob time. That’s how Jeremy always started


I was surprised to feel my hand swatted away, surprised to see Reign
drop down before me, crouching in front of me, so that we were eye to eye.


“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured, his hands coming to my
shirt and rolling it upwards.


“Please, no,” I said, suddenly shot through with another rush of shame
over my body. I didn’t move to stop him, but felt like crying as he exposed my
small but wide stomach, my large breasts, all the parts of me that had brought
me so much shame. His eyes darted towards mine, almost seeming angry, then


“You don’t even realize,” he said, a hint of astonishment in his
voice. At the same time, his hands came to my hips once more, tickling up my
sides, making me close my eyes and moan in pure ecstasy. I leaned backwards
automatically, my body delighting in his touch even as my mind tried to make me
feel bad about my body.


I barely felt as he unclasped my bra and threw it to the side, his
hands now coming to my breasts and fondling them gently, much more gentle than
Jeremy ever did. Unlike my husband, who just pawed at my breasts like they were
pillows that needed fluffing, Reign’s hands massaged them, a growing warmth in
my stomach as he gently pushed me back further onto the bed, rising even as my
back fell, leaning over me.


Finally, I was lying on the mattress, eyes closed in bliss as his
thumbs grazed my nipples, now erect. I shuddered, then moaned as I felt one of
his lips come gently to my nipple, sucking it in slightly, his tongue rolling
over it while his hand favored my other breast, tweaking the nipple between his
thumb and forefinger.


I could feel my slit flowing with juices, my body turned on in a way
that hadn’t happened in years, and I squirmed underneath him, a low-level
frenzy developing in my mind as he teased my nipples, moving his mouth from one
to the other, blowing over them in between, the chill feeling making me arch my


I almost cried out in desperation when I felt his head move from my
breasts and begin to trail down my stomach, which fluttered under his lips, my
nerves alive and aching for him. His hands settled on the top of my leggings
and he yanked downwards.


No. No way. This is not happening,
I thought when I realized he was making right for
my wet, aching sex. Jeremy never went down there. No one else had, either. A
part of me cringed, screamed for me to stop him, that it was wrong, dirty,
gross. Another part of me wanted to push his head faster, to feel his tongue
against my aching clit, now swollen and straining for stimulation. I pushed
myself up onto my elbows.


“You don’t have to…” I started to say, wanting to give him an out, my
two personas fighting to the death over whether or not I wanted him to. His
eyes flashed up into mine and he reached out, pressing me back down on the bed,
just forcefully enough to tell me that he wasn’t going to invite any argument.


Oh god, oh god, oh Jesus,
I thought, my mind in an utter frenzy as he drew
closer and closer to my now-exposed slit, his fingertips tracing up and down my
thighs as he lingered on my tummy, his mouth promising delights that I could
never dream of even as his fingers drove me into a whirlwind of sensation, up
and down, up and down, my inner thighs starting to quake now as he let his
fingers draw just slightly nearer with each stroke…


“Oh, holy fuck,” I screamed, piercing the night, as his tongue flicked
over my clit, suddenly, strongly, unleashing a flood inside me as I tried to
contain myself. The sensation was unbearably delicious.


I grasped at his head automatically, running his soft, dark hair
through my fingers as he lapped at my swollen clit steadily, his tongue stiff
against it, then soft, then circling it, then flicking over it, a pattern that
held me in a suspended state of unbearable tension. He was playing me like a
master, my body a finely-tuned violin, his tongue the bow. My legs wrapped
around his head of their own accord, pulling him in closer.


“Oh, holy shit, shit, holy fuck, Reign, shit,” I moaned, over and
over, his name tasting like nectar in my throat as he licked my pussy
methodically, masterfully. My whole world was narrowed and narrowed to an
ever-shrinking point, my clit the center of my own personal paradise, a fire
rising in my face as a pressure built inside my pussy.


His tongue flicked and circled and flicked and circled so warm, so
warm, so soft, and my clit, his tongue, my body stiff like a board, my legs
like tightly wound coils around his neck, my hands pressing his face forward,
wild abandon taking control of me as he brought me closer and closer and closer
to some destination, someplace I’d never been, some shining moment, that point
growing smaller and smaller as he flicked and circled and flicked and circled
and tore me apart with pleasure until finally


I exploded, juices streaming from me, body nearly breaking from my
muscles snapping in sacred release. My pussy clenched and released, over and
over, again and again, my teeth gritted together as I tried to make sense of
the sensations taking over my body, my first climax coming so hard and fast
that I almost couldn’t believe it was happening at all.


My fingers buried themselves into Reign’s hair, clutching desperately,
my toes curling tight to themselves. My hips bucked under his mouth, and my
legs were like a vise around his head. He hadn’t stopped licking at my clit
even as it sent shockwaves of pleasure through my body, and as I began to sway
gently down from my peak I panted, releasing him, his warm tongue still dancing
over my slit, now lapping at my juices


I lifted myself up once more on my elbows, panting and goggle-eyed,
head spinning with the enormous pleasure I’d just experienced for the first
time ever.
I can’t believe I waited so
damn long for that.


Reign looked up at me, his come-hither eyes now smiling as he pulled
away from my tender mound.


“I’ve never…I mean…that was…” I tried to speak, but couldn’t make
sense of my own voice, my own thoughts. Reign wiped his mouth and stood above
me. My hands came automatically, desperately, back to his belt, wanting to
repay him. He let me pull his jeans down, exposing a cock that put Jeremy’s to
shame, massively erect and throbbing before my flushed face.


I gripped the base, my hand stroking up to the plushy head, looking up
at him with gratitude. In a single motion, he’d removed his leather jacket and
shirt, revealing a body that was sculpted from marble, covered in tattoos, with
just a spattering of chest hair crossing his broad, steely


I leaned in, wanting to taste him, but felt his hands on my shoulders,
keeping me at bay. I looked up, confused, to see him smiling wickedly, a
crooked grin that only rekindled the flames inside me.


“I want to feel you,” he said, pushing me back even further, coming
between my legs once more as I let my body fall to the mattress. No one had
ever been inside me besides Jeremy. My heart was trapped in my throat, each
beat vibrating through my body, as I closed my eyes and prepared myself. “Is
that okay?”


He was asking me permission? After what he’d just done for me?


“Please,” I moaned, reaching out to grab him closer, his hard cock now
pressing against my gushing slit. Even with just a centimeter of it inside me,
I could feel how huge it was, how it stretched my slit to its limit.


I kept my eyes on his as he knelt onto the bed, and I pushed myself
back further until we were both laying down, the weight of him against me
thrilling and new. His cock returned to my slit and he pressed inside slowly,
slightly. I gasped, my pussy stretching to fit his girth, a new heat rising to
my cheeks.


I grabbed his biceps, stroking his skin, wanting more. He looked at me
with eyes like a wolf about to take his mate, and I felt lost in his gaze,
tumbling through nowhere, the only things in the world our two bodies bound
together in bliss. I cried out, throwing my head back and closing my eyes, as
he suddenly thrust into me, his cock sliding easily into my wetness, tearing my
pussy in two in a delicious moment of combined pleasure and pain.


He throbbed inside me, holding still for a moment, my body beginning
to glow in some inner place, previously unbeknownst to me. My fingernails dug
into his biceps as he began to thrust into me, slowly, gently, each pump
driving a cry from my mouth as he filled me entirely with his hardness,
lighting up parts of my deepest self that I’d never even felt before.


My nerves were sparking like fireworks, my face turning to a fan of
flames as heat coursed through me with each stroke, my eyes popping open to
meet his. My hips automatically began to work with him, rising and falling to
meet his pumps, my pussy gushing around him as he drove deeper and faster into


Suddenly, he pushed one arm underneath me, raising my lower back, and
with his next stroke I felt him hit some tender button inside me, some field of
untapped energy, my mind sparking with electricity as he pressed hard into it.
My nails dug into his flesh, my free hand now coming to his lower back and
pulling him in, my body only knowing that it wanted more of what he was giving


My legs clenched tight around his waist as he thrust into me, each
time pounding into that same spot, a hot air balloon of pressure rising in my
stomach once more as my eyes closed and my mouth opened in a soundless cry,
muscles dancing up and down with ecstasy. He began to fuck me harder, no longer
holding back, his massive cock driving into my body almost violently, his hips
working at a breakneck pace, his breathing growing labored.


Turning my head to the side, I could see his fingers clenching the covers,
feel his body on top of me tense and begin to shake. That balloon of pressure
was rising inside me, rising, quickly, too quickly, my eyes clenched shut, my
toes wiggled frantically, my grip on his bicep almost painful, lights dancing
before my eyes as my body relented, surrendered to him, melting into a soft
puddle of shimmering pleasure, my second climax making me feel like I was
levitating off the bed, entering an intoxicating dream world, my pussy milking
his cock as he thrust it once more into me with a shudder.


I barely registered the bursts of cum that spouted from his cock,
massaging my pussy walls as they clenched around him, my body tingling all over
as I collapsed in an exhausted puddle underneath him, feeling him pulse inside
me with each burst of hot cum, filling me entirely until he finally slid out
with a wet plop, his cock trailing gooey white cum down my thighs.


Jeremy, fuck you,
I thought, lazily, almost giddily, my body now
freed of the last thing he held over me, another man’s cum dripping from my
gushing slit, my entire being a singular pillar of dizzy bliss and ecstasy.
Reign slid onto the bed beside me, our bodies too overheated to even touch,
both spent and panting beside each other.


“Thank you,” I murmured through closed eyes. He turned to me, opened
one eye in a slit, chuckled.


“Sure, anytime, beautiful. Holy shit,” he said, letting all his breath
out in a rush and shaking his head. “I can’t remember the last time I came like


“Really?” I said, lifting my head in bafflement. Surely he had girls
by the dozen lining up to experience a taste of that amazing cock.


“You’re something else, that’s all I have to say,” he said, and I
detected something strange in his voice, almost wistful. I turned onto my side,
looking at his profile. My eyes fell on a tattoo on his bicep, a Celtic cross
that wound around a supplicating angel. I brought one finger to it, tracing it
gently, and felt his skin react to my touch. He turned to me once more, no
longer smiling, his eyes fixing on my face like I was the finish line of a


“Can I stay for a while?” he asked. He sounded embarrassed, like that
wasn’t something he usually did. I nodded. He turned on his side. I thought,
briefly, that my little belly was probably in an unattractive roll. But the way
he was looking at me I knew it didn’t matter a single bit. He stroked my cheek.

BOOK: REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel
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