REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel (27 page)

BOOK: REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel
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“You spend a little
longer in there with her every day, Gunner,” Ace noted when Gunner returned to
the bar. They both looked out towards the shed where Serena was being kept.


“Yeah, well, we
return her in good health. That means mental health,
too. You can’t keep someone in solitary like that. Not a spoiled little girl
like her, anyway. She’d break like a china doll.” Ace narrowed his eyes as Gunner
spoke. They were alone in the bar, the rest of the Rattlesnakes off on a ride.


“Just don’t you go
getting your heart mixed up. Few days now, she’s going home to her Daddy and
you’re staying right here. She’s a pretty thing, sure, but she
pretty enough to get you all heartbroken when she
leaves,” Ace said. Gunner turned to him quickly and shot him a glance that
meant business.


“You don’t go
around telling me what to do, Ace. I didn’t become president here for nothing.
I know what I’m doing,” Gunner growled. Ace threw his hands up in surrender.


“Just some advice
from an old man.”


Gunner stared off
at the shed. He could feel his heart tightening as he thought about releasing
Serena, sending her back to her lonely life in the city. Losing her. The pain
of the thought turned quickly to anger. Who was she to make him feel any kind
of way? Just some bratty little bitch with a fat wallet. She had no claim on
his heart.



The next day,
things were different when Gunner came in with the camera. He wasn’t smiling,
he wasn’t talking, he just threw the paper at me, turned the camera on, and
then turned the camera off. As he picked up the tripod, I stood up.


“What’s wrong?” I
asked, wondering if things had somehow gone sour in the situation, if it meant
something…dangerous for me.


“Nothing’s wrong,”
he said, making his way towards the door.


“Is it my father?
Did something happen?” I asked desperately, needing something to go on. He
dropped the tripod and spun around, staring daggers at me.


nothing wrong. I told you that. Don’t ask me
questions. You
in charge here,” he growled,
anger emanating from him. I withdrew slightly, then felt my own will push me


“You know, you
don’t have to be so mean like this. I don’t know what happened between
yesterday and now, but…” I was in the middle of speaking when Gunner rushed me.
I screamed as his body hit mine, sending me backwards towards the wall; I had
no choice but to fall backwards towards it.


Gunner slammed me
against the wall, hard enough to make the metal shelves quiver slightly. He
grabbed my wrists in one time and held them above my head as I struggled; his
face was inches away from mine, and I could feel his hot breath on my cheek.


I could also feel
the heat radiating off his tight, muscled body as he grabbed my hip to stop me
from struggling. Looking into his eyes, which were clouded over with anger, I
felt that wild, raw desire throbbing in the back of my head once again. Not
wanting to bring myself to admit it, I took the opposite route by spitting in
his face.


“What are you going to do now, hurt me?”
I spat. Gunner was unimpressed by my bravado; he let go of my hip just for a
moment, to wipe my spit away from his face. When he put his hand back to still
me as I fought, I realized (with disdain) that I’d missed the feeling of his
skin against mine in the brief lapse.


“I don’t need to
hurt you, doll. I don’t need to do a damn thing to you. I just need your
Daddy’s money. That’s all I need you for, all I want you for, and once I get it
you can go back to your rich bitch lifestyle,” he said in a low, grumbling
voice. Despite myself, I felt my heart falling as he spoke.


I was enraged, of
course, by the whole situation, but I’d hoped, somewhere deep down in myself
where I could barely even admit it to myself, that Gunner might feel something
more for me than just being his captive for ransom.


I turned my face
away but he showed no signs of releasing me, even though I’d stopped
struggling. I could feel his body pressed against mine and noticed with alarm
that I could feel a hard bulge against my flesh. The feeling frightened me, but
it also incited that strange desire that I’d been trying to fight. I felt my
heart begin to speed as he remained close to me, the feeling of his breath
tickling my neck, my body responding to the sizable hardness I could feel
against my thighs.


“Then let go of me,
and leave me alone,” I said, turning back to him, hoping that he couldn’t read
my face.


“I can’t,” he said,
his voice strange and somewhat strained, as though he were trying to hold the
words back but couldn’t.


“Why’s that, Gunner?” I said, still
trying to put up an angry front even though I was slowly getting lost in his
intense stare, which no longer looked as cold as it had at first.


“Because that was a lie,” he said sharply;
I barely had time to process the words before I felt his lips on mine. My eyes
opened wide in surprise; his lips were chapped from riding, and I could feel
the scrape of his stubble against my chin. But my surprise faded as I felt
myself melt into the kiss, giving in to the desire that I had fought against
for so long.


His tongue probed
my mouth, dancing with my own tongue as I kissed him back. His grip on my hip
increased and I felt his body pressing against mine. I could feel his hard cock
through his jeans as it pressed against my exposed thighs and was amazed at the
length; I couldn’t see it, but boy could I feel it.


Gunner broke away
from the kiss and began kissing my neck, tracing his tongue along my skin and
making me moan. I wrapped my leg around his, wanting to feel him even closer. I
could feel my pussy growing wet as he released his grip, pushing my dress up
around my hips roughly.


He tugged on my
panties and I unwrapped my legs, letting them fall to the floor. He was still
holding my wrists above my head, but I felt his other hand gently trace my
thigh upwards towards my exposed pussy. I moaned as he found my wet, dripping
slit and press a finger inside me.


“You’re so wet,” he
whispered in my ear, sending shivers through my body as his hot breath snaked
around my ear.


“What’re you
do about it,” I said in a low voice that I could
barely recognize as my own; I was amazed at my own response to the crass
statement, and it seemed to surprise Gunner, as well. He pulled back abruptly
and looked me in the eye. His blue eyes were wild with desire as he held me
against the wall.


“I’m going to fuck
your brains out,” he said, snarling. The animalistic look on his face turned me
on even more than the bold promise.


“Prove it,” I said,
matching his stare, still amazing myself with my own bravado. I’d never been a
big fan of sex, and never felt a desire like this before. There was something
in the way he looked at me, how much he wanted me, the fact that he was so
wrong, that turned my will to jelly and drove me to the brink of sanity.


Gunner pulled my
crossed wrists down over his head, so that I was holding him by the neck.


“Hold tight, doll,”
he growled, then suddenly I felt myself lifted into the air. With my back
pressed against the wall and my arms around his neck, Gunner supported my
weight with just one hand, using the other to unzip his jeans. I wrapped my
legs around his waist; I could feel the head of his throbbing cock around my
slit and my pussy was actually aching from need. I moaned and grabbed him
tighter, pulling him towards me by his neck, as he slipped into my soaked


I could tell he had
a long cock from the bulge I’d felt, but I’d had no idea just how massive it
was. I could feel my pussy stretching around it as he pressed into me; it was
like nothing I’d ever felt before. He slowly began thrusting into me, holding
me with two hands now as I clung to him and tried to comprehend the sensations
pulsing through my body. I could feel his cock deep inside me, penetrating me
farther than I’d ever been before, hitting something deep and low inside my
pussy that felt like heaven with each thrust.


I felt my face
beginning to burn as he pumped into me, each stroke causing my heart to race
faster and faster. I couldn’t help but cry out each time he pierced deep inside


“Oh, oh, fuck, oh
fuck Gunner, fuck me, please, oh god,” I groaned with each thrust. I could feel
the heat radiating throughout my body and a rising pressure inside me as he
began to thrust faster and faster. Each stroke was building the pressure more
and more, and I opened my eyes wide in disbelief. Gunner was grunting and
pressing into me quickly now, his huge cock stretching my pussy to its limits.
I clenched him tighter to me.


“I want to feel you
come on my dick,” I heard him whisper into my ear, but could barely process the
words before I felt a strange tension take hold of all my limbs. I was burning
up at that point, and I felt like I was going to explode from the pressure
emanating from my pussy.


“Gunner, I…fuck….I
think….I think I’m
-” I started to say but never
managed to complete the sentence as the tension in my limbs turned to waves of
pleasure. Like a fever breaking, I felt all the blood in my body cool suddenly
as I shuddered and cried out in ecstasy; my pussy clenched and pulsed around
Gunner’s cock as he slammed deep inside of me, holding me tightly to him as my
body shivered and shook on his dick, ripples of electricity flowing through me
as I came. I dug my nails into his back through his shirt, unable to do
anything but clutch him to me and pray that the feeling would never end.


As the tide of
pleasure began to ebb, I felt my body relax and I realized I was panting
heavily. I could still feel my pussy vibrating slightly around Gunner’s
still-hard cock as he held it deep inside me.


“That’s a good
girl,” he whispered into my ear, then suddenly released his grip on me. I
stumbled as my feet hit the ground and landed crouched down, Gunner’s massive
cock gleaming with my own juices right in front of my face. I looked up at him,
still enflamed with desire. He began slowly stroking his cock and I realized
that he wasn’t finished with me.


Looking at his
engorged dick, I knew what he was expecting. I was struck with fear; did he
really expect me to be able to take all that in my mouth? Even as the thought
went through my head, I felt myself gravitate towards his cock, the thought of
his dick in my mouth turning me on in a way I’d never known before. I hated
blowjobs, usually, but something about the idea of licking my own juices off
Gunner’s cock had my heart racing once more.


I raised myself on
my knees and looked up at Gunner as I slowly took the head of his cock in my
mouth. I rolled my tongue around it slowly; he groaned and when I looked up I
saw his head thrown back. His pleasure inspired me and I took more of him into
my mouth, running my tongue along the wide vein on the underside of his cock as
I slowly bobbed up and down.


I took a little
more each time, but I wasn’t even halfway down when I felt his cock hit the
back of my throat and make me gag. I grabbed the bottom half of the shaft and
started pumping slowly, using my own saliva to lubricate his dick. I began
sucking what I could of his cock earnestly, taking in as much as I could and
rolling my tongue along it as I moved back and forth.


I felt his hand on
the back of my head, controlling my pace. The whole sensation, Gunner’s cock in
my mouth, his hand on my head, drove me crazy, and I found myself grabbing at
my own pussy as I sucked him off.


My fingers found my
clit and I began rubbing it wildly, making fast circles around it. Each circle
incited miniature shocks of pleasure throughout my body. I’d never masturbated
before, but it came as naturally as my first orgasm had moments ago. I found myself
torn between my own pleasure and giving Gunner’s cock proper attention. Looking
up at him, I saw that he was looking down at me and smiling. He lowered his
other hand to my head and grabbed it roughly.


With one hand on
the base of his cock and one hand rubbing my clit, I was actually grateful when
Gunner started mouth-fucking me, using me as a toy, thrusting his massive dick
into my throat. I could feel that same tension beginning to rise in my body as
I rubbed my clit faster and harder, relishing the feeling of Gunner’s cock in
the back of my throat and his strong, rough hands guiding my head up and down
his shaft.


After a few
moments, I could feel a change in his pace, and could feel his dick throbbing
and straining in my mouth. I closed my eyes as he pumped into my mouth, holding
my head halfway down the shaft. I could feel tears form as I gagged on his cock
but it only served to make me even hornier as I felt heat flowing through my


He pumped his hips
against me, the head of his cock entering my throat again and again as I began
to shake. I could feel myself getting tense all over and knew I was going to
climax soon; suddenly, Gunner pulled my head even farther down the shaft.


“Fuck yes,” he
moaned, and I felt hot spurts of cum hitting the back of my throat. That was
enough to send me over the edge and I resisted the urge to bite down as another
orgasm ripped through me, sending jittery bursts of energy and pleasure to
every inch of my skin. My clit jumped and throbbed underneath my fingers as
Gunner unloaded what felt like gallon of cum into my willing and eager throat.


I swallowed
heartily, lost in my own climax, and could only gasp when he finally pulled
out, trailing a few drops of cum onto my face and cleavage. I collapsed onto
all fours, still shaking slightly. It wasn’t even two seconds before I felt
Gunner pulling me to my feet.


“That’s the only
time you should kneel before me,” he said, his eyes piercing mine. If I had had
time to worry about being used for a one-time lay, the way he looked at me then
would have chased all those fears away.

BOOK: REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel
12.98Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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