Regression (28 page)

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Authors: Kathy Bell

BOOK: Regression
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Monetary for some,
for others just knowing their genetics will be available in the
future for use. The regular charges associated with collection,
freezing and storage of the gametes was prohibitive for most
breeders, cryotechnology was not well developed in the first
timeline. Offering the owners the chance to access those genetics
for one future breeding was very inviting to most of them, ensuring
they allowed us our sample as well as the one stored for them. Our
development of the technology has advanced the use of cryogenics in
animal husbandry beyond where it was in the original timeline.”
Deborah had left by this time, so Adya and Peter were able to
discuss sensitive topics.

I want to see if we
can pin your little friend down for a look under the electron
microscope I have here, it’s cutting edge technology and is likely
more advanced than the ones used ten years ago to investigate. We
have also further developed the cryofixing process.” Peter
collected a cheek swab then prepared the sample for mounting and
viewing with the E.M. The molecule disintegrated even faster during
the preparation process for the E.M. than it did for regular

I might try again
using a different preparation procedure tomorrow. I think I’ll want
you to come most days. I also want Wally and Fred to begin working
on the sequencing with their agarose gel electrophoresis

I really look forward
to working with you on the project, it has always been a mystery to
me why I have this abnormality and I would appreciate discovering a
reason for it.”

I’ll bet. I’m going
run some tests on the other samples, just boring routine stuff. You
don’t need to wait around watching the tests run, why don’t you
explore some of the other levels.”

Adya was tempted to ask to stay to
satisfy her interest in the actual testing process but decided it
was not the right time to make the request. “See you tomorrow. Do
you want me to just come right here?”

Yes, that’ll be fine.
I usually like to start at oh nine hundred, although if I have
found something exciting the day before I might come in later after
working all night on the discovery. I’ll let you know if I end up
needing to change the time.”

Thank you Peter, it
was an interesting day.” Peter immediately became absorbed in his
testing process as she left.

* * *

When Adya returned to the lab the
next morning at nine, Peter had already started entering his
observations from the day before into the computer.

I like to jot things
down the old fashioned way before entering them into the system.
Sometimes I write stream of consciousness and need to organize
before making them available for others to see. I’ll be just a
moment longer and then I can take you on the full tour of the

Deborah entered to complete the
sample collection, Adya slightly more relaxed this time as the
nurse had demonstrated her competency the previous day. The flow of
the blood into the vial mesmerized her. Was the answer to the
problem of November 11, 2011 to be found in that blood? It was so
frustrating to know something was coming, but have absolutely no
idea what that might be. She could only imagine how the group of
scientists must feel having worked on their respective projects for
years, even decades, in an effort to stave off some unknown future

The collection finished, she
crooked her arm while holding the cotton puff to her elbow crease.
Peter looked up from the keyboard he was methodically punching with
two fingers.

What would you like
me to do during my time on PN3?”

I never seem to have
the time to make a complete catalogue of the specimens, there are
lists in the database but not all of the data has been transferred
from the binder to electronic files. I think it would help
familiarize you with the animal samples, the data process and some
of the terminology if you were to enter the data for my specimens.
Ever worked with database software?”

Yes. Are these files
to be sorted?” She inclined her head toward a messy stack of papers
sitting on a shelf in his office, the top one a picture of an
Arabian horse.

Yes,” Peter, flushing
in embarrassment, “I’m not the neatest, but I always know where
everything is.”

My husband was like
that, with a filing system no one else could ever possibly
understand but ask him where something was and he could produce it

Babak said your
husband was a biological anthropologist? What was his

Daniel Davies.” She
felt a twinge of pain at the past tense referring to her husband.
Daniel’s image was hard to capture in her mind.

Yes, that’s right. I
actually used some of his research when we started up the genome


Interesting theory.
We’ve catalogued the DNA in mitochondria and verified the most
recent common ancestor per his work. Almost finished the entire
human genome, another year and we’ll be done.”

Almost finished means
one more year still.” She shook her head.

Yes, well, speed is
relative. When you’ve worked on a project for almost a decade, one
more year seems short. I overestimate timelines to be pleasantly
surprised when we finish early not frustrated when we finish later
than an optimistic timeline.”

A very good policy.”
She entered data for the organisms in storage, becoming familiar
with which genetic markers were used by the researchers, which
traits were selected for in each species or breed, and also which
organisms were stored in what locations. The genetic library was
considered to be about half capacity, with rare organisms added
first in case they went extinct in the meantime. No bacteria or
viruses were stored on this level due to biosafety risks. They were
stored on the microbiology level, PN5, which had greater biohazard
safeguards. All microscopic organisms were being catalogued and
stored at Sanctum as well as larger, more complex, organisms. Each
species could hold importance to future survival on the planet
ensuring even samples deemed biohazardous were collected and stored
for future use.

Are you storing any
samples of diseases like HIV?”

An odd look on his face, he
hesitated before responding, “We did not allow the development of
that particular molecule in this timeline.”

What do you mean,
allow? Wasn’t it a natural mutation?”

No. My team
discovered that fact a few years ago as we were preparing for the
virus. There were no natural occurrences to begin with. HIV and
SARS both arose in laboratories. Biological weapons.” Disgust
darkened his face. She touched his hand.

You’re responsible
for preventing millions of people suffering through the agony of
AIDS. Even if we don’t find the answer for November 11th, you must
feel incredibly gratified to know those people, all those lost
lives, have been saved.”

It disturbs me, the
things we humans do…”

I think you are
changing that, too, through the actions of Three Eleven. Making a
better world.”

He nodded his agreement, “You’re
part of it too, now.” He returned to his laboratory. She continued
entering specimen information, making some headway into his large
pile of files.

* * *

Aside from the time spent with
Peter, Adya found herself very alone her first week at Sanctum.
When she ate in the dining room, the men generally ignored her
presence. She could feel the heat of their eyes upon her as she ate
by herself. Peter made a point of joining her when they happened to
eat at the same time but he frequently took his meals at irregular
hours. She had to eat on a consistent schedule or risk feeling
faint, the foetus already increasing her energy

She took to exercising again,
early in the evening when the weight of loneliness bore down on her
the hardest. These were the hours previously spent with her family
as family time. Memories of games played with laughing faces,
movies watched by excited youngsters, and trips for ice cream with
all of the children, were most clear and painful at that time of
evening. Even though Sanctum did not have day and night the
lighting changed in the commons areas to simulate a diurnal
schedule and Adya’s own internal clock told her the passage of

I have to look at the sketches now
to properly remember my children’s faces. They no longer instantly
come to mind. Daniel’s too. Each day, I lose a little more of them.
What am I doing this for? Who am I doing this for? Do they know the
price they ask of me?

* * *

A large stack of specimen data
remained at the end of Adya’s week on PN3. She fluttered the pages.
“That’s quite the stack of work, I entered as quickly as possible –
I can type 100 words per minute, you know – and still only managed
to put about two thirds in.”

Wow, I didn’t expect
you to even get that far so I must thank you profusely. Data
crunching. Barbecuing. Any other hidden talents?”

She smiled faintly. “You should
see me do birthday parties. Or fundraisers.”

How about I take you
to the movies tonight? They’re screening Back to the Future, one of
my favourites. Oh, perhaps you don’t like the genre?”

That would be fun; I
haven’t seen a movie in years. And isn’t it ironic to view that
particular one. Thank you for asking.” She shook her head ruefully.
“I wish they had quit when they were ahead, though, and not made
the subsequent ones. Where is the movie and what time should I get

On the recreational
level. A movie was showing when I toured you through so I didn’t
take you into the theatre. Why don’t I meet you at your quarters at

Sounds good. Are
there refreshments or should I eat first?”

Classic theatre
fare−popcorn, chips, chocolate bars, pop and all the other goodies.
That’s the only location where you can get those things, and it’s
only open once per week right now. It’s like a reward to everyone
for surviving another week down here. I expect if Sanctum ever is
initialized, reservations’ll be required but for now there are
enough seats for everyone who wants to go.”

I look forward to
it.” She paused. “Thank you for making this first week down here
easier. I appreciate your effort to act as a buffer for my
reception, and cannot thank you enough.”

He blushed, modestly turning his
eyes from hers. “It’s nothing. I just regret things haven’t gone
more smoothly for you. You’re an intelligent person and once each
meets you they’ll come to that realization. Until then, just be
patient. For some of them, it is hard not only that you are a
woman, but you are…well…” Peter turned an even deeper shade of red.
“Umm, you’re a very attractive woman so it’s difficult to get past
that point to find the brain beneath. Okay, I’ll see you at seven.”
He beat a hasty retreat into his office.

* * *

Peter arrived early to find Adya
not quite ready. She yelled from the bathroom for him to enter and
her disembodied voice continued, “Sorry, Peter, I didn’t mean to
make you wait.” The extra time getting ready, feeling girlish and
giddy although she knew it was not a date was rewarded by the
admiration in Peter’s eyes as she emerged from the

Wow, you look
incredible. I don’t know if I’m worthy of the honour of escorting
you tonight.”

A dubious honour you
are more than worthy of. I want to thank you again for inviting me.
I didn’t even realize there was a show. Don’t feel obliged to take
me, though, if you have someone else you’d rather go

He led her out the door and toward
the elevator bank. “It’s my pleasure, Adya, it’s not a chore to
spend time with you. I appreciate all the work you did for me this
week, I looked over the files and you did an excellent job. I like
what you did with the cross referencing. I didn’t realize you knew
how to code.”

I did some
programming coursework over the years. I’m relatively intuitive at
it, very logical and organized in my thinking. Genetic sequencing
is fascinating as well, coding for life is so much more exciting
than coding for a simple program.” She angled a sidelong glance at
him. “I would’ve liked to see more of your day to day operations in
the department. I also did some genetics coursework.” Leaving it
wide open for Peter to ask more about her educational background,
he did not take the bait.

Oh, I’m sorry,
perhaps you can see more after you’ve finished with the other
orientations. I didn’t realize your interest. I put you to my own
uses.” He blushed, the double meaning obvious in his statement.
Adya did not want to put him at his ease at that moment, angry with
him for not giving her the benefit of the doubt when it came to
being able to understand the projects he was working on. She looked

I, uh, that is…well,
you have been a huge help to me, thank you again.” They walked into
the elevator in silence. Adya finally gave ground, and changed the

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