Regression (10 page)

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Authors: Kathy Bell

BOOK: Regression
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The technology,” the
teacher droned, “allows users to communicate with other users
around the world in an instant, creating a global communication
network which has revolutionized commerce, education and research.
Industry and governments all rely upon the technology and so the
Corporation is the most influential, powerful and wealthy entity on
Earth. It has the equivalent gross domestic product of an entire
country at its disposal and not a small country at that.” The
teacher’s tone implied he had some concerns about the power of this
entity. “As much as I would love a computer of my own, they do
limit access to all of their products on what they consider an as
needed basis.” He sat down behind his desk.

When you log in, you
will find an information screen requesting your user name and
password and also offering information about Three Eleven. Don’t
worry about that, you’ll hear enough about them outside of my
class. Perhaps one of you will end up there; they like to purchase
all of the most brilliant scientific minds then hide them out of
sight.” He looked around the room. “Then again, maybe not.” His
head lowered to the newspaper spread out on his desk.

Powering up her computer with
shortened breath, Adya logged in. Her heart pounded as the welcome
screen invited her to find out more about the company which donated
the machines. The link for the Three Eleven Corporation blinked
brilliant green which turned to orange as she clicked it. A window
popped up.

What does 11,11,11
mean to you?” She paused for a moment, hands shaking, before typing
the date November 11, 2011 in the form field provided.

The computer screen lit up with
simulated fireworks and an announcement scrolled across the

Please call this number to claim
your prize. 800-555-5555

She quickly wrote the digits in
her binder before raising her hand, the teacher approaching her
desk with concern. “Mister Simmons, I need to be excused. I’m not
feeling well and would like to call home.”

Yes, Adya, go right
ahead. Do you need someone to walk with you? Are you feeling

No, I don’t feel
dizzy, I just have a headache.” She left the classroom and headed
to the pay telephones at the side entrance to the

* * *

Three Eleven
Corporation; please hold while I direct your call.” The female
voice at the receiving end did not wait for a reply before putting
Adya on hold. A male voice came on the line.

Hello, I am sure you
have many questions for me, but please begin by telling me your

She was startled into responding
“Adya Davey…I mean Jordan.”

There was a lengthy pause. “How
did you get this telephone number, Adya?”

I’m at Stamford
Secondary School in Stamford, Ontario, Canada. One of the school
computers gave me the number when I answered the question on the
welcome page.”

What relevance does
11,11,11 have for you, Adya?”

She paused before tentatively
responding, “A day I will never forget.”

What date
specifically, Adya?”

November 11,

Who do you think will
be Prime Minister by that date?”


What sort of
newsworthy events do you think will happen that year?”

Global cooling will
pervade headlines. There will also be a food crisis precipitated by
the demand for ethanol produced from food grains. The world will be
in a recession. A series of magnitude 8 earthquakes in China will
disrupt the economy and infrastructure, leading to political
turmoil and a collapse of the current regime. And…my world

Thank you for sharing
your thoughts with me, Adya. I have the same predictions for the
future as you do. As you can imagine I need to verify the interests
of the person I am speaking with before really getting to know
them. My name is Abraham Fairfield and I would very much like to
meet with you.”

I would appreciate
that. I have a lot of questions for you, Abraham. Do you know where
Stamford is?”

Ontario, correct?”

Yes, where are

Don’t worry about
that. Adya, I assume you need someone’s permission for us to

Yes, I live with my
parents right now.”

Three Eleven offers
internships regularly for promising students. I expect you fit into
that category?”

Hmm, close enough. I
haven’t had a chance to demonstrate much at my age. I am fourteen
going on forty.”

I know that feeling,
Adya. Tell your parents you have won a tour of the Corporation
through our high school network program and we are making
arrangements to pick you up tomorrow with the opportunity for a
full scholarship and internship. I will need to speak to your
parents. ”

Okay, this is our
number.” She gave him the number with country code. “I will lay the
groundwork, when can they expect your call?

Seven local

What time is it where
you are?”

I’m on Atlantic

OK, seven my

I look forward to
meeting you.”

I can’t wait.” She
hung up the receiver before picking it up again to dial her
mother’s work number. “Hey, Mom, I’m feeling really tired, can you
come pick me up?”

* * *

Adya clambered into her mother’s

Is everything okay?”
Her mom reached over and felt her daughter’s head.

Yes. Actually, it’s
awesome. I just won this trip to visit with Three Eleven. Have you
heard of them?”

Samantha stopped the vehicle,
nearly shouting. “Three Eleven. Really? How did that happen?
They’re just huge.”

I answered a question
on the computer and apparently the prize was a tour and possible

I’ve heard of their
intern program; they take one high school student each year. You
mean you might have a chance?”

Yes, Abraham
Fairfield, the president or CEO or whatever is s’pose to call you
tonight to talk more.”

Abraham Fairfield is
going to call our house tonight? Oh my goodness, your father will
be over the moon. He has always wanted to know more about the
company; he’ll be thrilled if he gets the chance to see

Adya paled. “Oh, I didn’t get the
impression family was invited. I think it’s more of a ‘winner only’
thing. You’ll have to ask him when he calls. But, Mom, don’t make
too big a deal of it. I don’t want to miss this chance.”

I don’t want you to,
either. This might be your way out of this dead end town. A real
opportunity to make something of your life, honey. I’m so excited.”
Samantha’s eyes glowed as she drove home.





Early the following afternoon Adya waited in the school
foyer, eying the approaching limousine with trepidation. Abraham
Fairfield was not as expected. Handsome, about forty, he greeted
her with a practiced smile. His red hair hinted at Celtic ancestry,
with pale blue eyes. The well-cut suit fit his solid shoulders
closely. He was in good physical condition.

Hello, Adya.” Abraham
extended both his hands to shake hers. “I would like to introduce
you to my assistant, Jennifer Carter.” He indicated the attractive
dark-haired woman in her early thirties who also shook her

Nice to meet you both
under these…interesting circumstances.” She gave him a pointed look
as she spoke.

Jennifer is familiar
with our situation. I think our conversations need to wait as this
is neither the time nor the place. Let’s take care of the paperwork
first. I assume the school office is this way?” He indicated the
doors to the school.

They accompanied Adya into the
administrative office to explain the details of the journey. The
principal appeared flustered to have such an illustrious person on
the premises, Abraham Fairfield being one of the most influential
people on the planet.

Mister Fairfield, if
only I had known you were coming I’m sure we could have made
arrangements for a tour of the school. Sir, I must say, it is an
absolute pleasure and honour to meet you. I don’t want to impose,
but do you think you have the time to speak with students in my
business department? It would be an incredible experience for them
to meet someone of your…stature…first hand.”

Abraham looked to Jennifer who
then referred to the planner in her hands before nodding. He eyed
Adya. “Adya, since we still need to wait on your mother’s arrival,
would you mind?”

No, as long as I can
sit in−I myself would love to hear more about how Three Eleven came
to be.”

* * *

Abraham presented a very well
prepared and practiced statement, explaining the operations of
Three Eleven to a quickly assembled student body. The company had
been founded twenty-five years earlier, when Abraham was sixteen
and business partner Mordecai was fourteen. Their fathers backed
the endeavour financially. Three Eleven cornered the market on
electronics, developing not only computers but telecommunications
technology and equipment, space exploration initiatives and
advances in medicine and medical procedures. Their geology division
moved into the Canadian North and established lucrative diamond
mines among other ventures. Abraham finished his presentation,
identifying Adya as the newest prospect for their world-renowned
internship. All eyes turned to her.

I appreciate the
opportunity, Mister Fairfield.” She faced the students and
teachers. “I’ll be sure to fill you all in when I

Mister Simmons voiced an opinion.
“We don’t expect we’ll see too much of you; Three Eleven doesn’t
seem to change their minds once a person has joined the company.”
Abraham was saved from responding by Jennifer tapping her

The principal approached him.
“Mister Fairfield, we’re honoured you could find the time today. Do
you have any parting advice for our student body?”

Thank you for the
opportunity to address your school. I suppose as last words, I can
just state critical thinking and productivity are the two
attributes we value the most at Three Eleven.”

* * *

Abraham, Jennifer, Adya, and
Samantha met in the conference room in the school Guidance

I’m sorry my husband
isn’t here to meet you,” Samantha stated as she shook Abraham’s
hand, “Matthew planned to come but got called away by a city
emergency. He’s a building inspector. I’m just so amazed; it’s such
a wonderful opportunity you’re offering Adya and we are incredibly
pleased. Thank you so much,” she effused.

We are equally
excited to be hosting Adya’s visit. You might not be aware, but our
corporate headquarters is located off-shore and we will need you to
sign temporary guardianship for us to travel with her.”

Samantha looked distressed. “But,
she’s only fourteen…I don’t know, this is unexpected. I thought you
were going to stay in the country.” She turned, reaching a hand
toward her daughter’s shoulder before dropping it to her

Mom, I’ll be fine.
You know it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Yes, dear, I know.
But, you’re my baby and you only just recovered from−”

It’s been almost two
months since the accident Mom. I’m all better. This is just for two
weeks and I really, really want to go.” She used the greatest
degree of wheedling she thought she could get away with.

Well, I wish I’d
known it involved going out of the country with strange people,
dear. But, I trust you to call me every day?” Her finger emphasized
each of the last three syllables.

You know I

Abraham intervened. “Jennifer will
act as a chaperone and companion for Adya during the entire visit,
Mrs. Jordan. You needn’t worry for her safety or education. We will
make sure she gets the best tutoring while away.”

Samantha signed the requisite
paperwork with a sigh and gave her daughter a tearful hug. Slipping
the suitcase from her mother’s hands, Adya carried it out the door
and away from the school, the clothing from the attack earlier in
the summer discreetly tucked into the side pocket.

* * *

Once they were in the car headed
toward the airport, she turned expectantly to Abraham.

I imagine you would
like to know how you came to be here…or, more appropriately, how
you came to be now?” She nodded. “Unfortunately even I don’t know
the answer to that and neither do any of the others−”

She jumped forward in her seat.
“There are others.”

We should to start
with your experience Adya. I will fill you in on my story and the
others afterward. We have a long journey to the Three Eleven
offices, plenty of time. Jennifer will record your story – she
isn’t one of us, but is aware of the special circumstances of our
lives and is trustworthy. Please begin with your area of
specialization in research.”

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