Reeve (The Phoenix Boys #3) (6 page)

BOOK: Reeve (The Phoenix Boys #3)
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“Well, I had a new tattoo done and this …” she says, then lifts her shirt up to reveal her flat, toned belly button. Last night there was nothing there, but now. Fuck me, now she has her belly button pierced with a very decorative belly button bar. It’s silver with a very sexy pair of red sparkly lips hanging from the bottom of the bar. Fucking love it, it suits her to a T. I run my finger around her belly button and she shivers, goosebumps cover her skin and I wink at her. I notice that she has a bandage around her left wrist. She hinted that she got new ink as well.

“Baby, what did you have done?” I ask, wrapping my hand gently around her wrist.

“The wrap can come off now. Do you wanna help me?” She looks around, her eyes landing on Skeet, “maybe Skeet as well. So we can have a chat.” She gives me a shy smile, which is totally not her, but it proves to me that she is really nervous about this situation. I nod and look over to Skeet, who is chatting with the boys. I give him a chin lift and he gets my meaning. I catch Juicy looking at me but I smile my best Phoenix smile and tell her with my eyes that I will look after her little Welsh Cake.

We walk into the kitchen and I take three beers from the fridge and hand two of them to Lipsy and Skeet. I rest my hip against the unit by the sink. I crook my finger at Lipsy with a smirk on my face. Yeah baby, get your sexy ass over here. She walks towards me with just an extra bit of sway to her hips, sexy as sin. Skeet follows and stands behind Leah, resting his hands on her slender hips while I reach for her wrist. I turn the faucet on and let the water warm up so I can remove the wrap currently covering her new ink. I gently remove the wrap and she winces a little and as I peel the last bit, Skeet hands me a cloth. I dampen it with the warm water and gently wash around her tattoo, removing the dried blood and extra ink.

The tattoo is beautiful.

I bend my head and kiss the inside of her left wrist over the tattoo. Lipsy has a music bar perfectly wrapped around her wrist. She has a clef note on the inside of her wrist and the bar wraps around, meeting a bass clef treble heart. She also has a quote running around the music bar, “Life is tough, but so am I.”

Like I said, fucking beautiful.

I add a kiss to her wrist and I see Skeet closing in with his lips on her neck and as soon as he makes contact she shivers. Leah melts back into Skeet’s body and I close ranks at her front. I bow my head and capture her lips, which she licked just seconds ago. She licks my lips with her hot wet tongue and I open for her, our tongues dancing in a wet beat that is making my dick hard again. I mold my body to her and slant my head, deepening the kiss. Shit, she tastes better every time; she tastes like caramel, sweet. I open my eyes and see she is lost in the kiss as much as me. I make eye contact with Skeet and he smirks at me; fucker knows what I am thinking.

Lipsy breaks the kiss yet again and a growl slips from my throat. She smiles at me before sliding out from between Skeet and me. She picks up her bottle of beer and downs it; wow what a woman.

“Damn, baby. It is sexy seeing you down a beer like that,” Skeet’s pipes in and we laugh.

“I’m Welsh, what did you expect, mate?” She winks at Skeet, who takes a step towards her but she hold her hand up to stop him. “We need to have a chat, babe. I know that this is something that you both really want but I have a shit load of things running around in my head. It’s hard knowing how many girls you have been with, knowing I am not like them. I am an All-In-Kind-Of-Girl. I don’t shag around for the sake of it; once I am with someone I am with them one hundred percent.” She takes a deep breath but I am losing focus, her words spinning around in my head.

“What do you mean, like us and the girls we have been with? Fucking explain, Leah.” Skeet goes to speak but I beat him to it. “No, dude. Shut it. I wanna fucking know what she meant.”

“I mean how you can just fuck and run. You show no feelings towards them, you treat some girls like they are shit, I have seen it, and Reeve, it scares me. I…” I cut her fucking lipsy mouth off.

“That is total bullshit and you know it.” She flinches from my tone; it comes out harsher than I expected but fuck, she is gripping my shit right about now. She knows that all the girls that we have been with know that they are only getting one night.

“They know what they are getting Leah, me and Reeve and always make it perfectly clear that it is what it is, a single good night between us. We never lead them on to more. And we most certainly don’t treat them like shit. What you see at Max’s is a few girls who want more but can’t take no for an answer. So we get a bit hard on them to get our message through.”

“And besides, Leah,” I sneer her name, “you don’t seem to have a problem with other men like us. How many times have you had men hang all over you at the club? Huh? Yeah, not so lipsy now, are you? Fucking hell, I have never disrespected a woman in my life but you already have a bad vision on me in that pretty little head of yours, so what it the fucking point in my trying anymore?” Leah goes pale and tears fill her eyes. My stomach drops into my Chucks as Leah turns and runs from the house, straight out the front door.

“Priceless, bro, fucking priceless. Ten minutes ago we were wrapped up in her, and all she wanted to do was express her feelings and you get all defensive on her again. Way to fucking go. I will go after her and see if I can calm her down and maybe see if I can get to the root of her issues with us. But then again, she fucking loves me and really fucking hates you more now. You just gave her every reason to hate you. Fuck dude, I pray that she will come around, or you are going to regret making her run.” He shakes his head and follows out the same door as Leah ran through. Shit, did I really just totally run her off?

Well, fuck my life.











Chapter 6



What a total dick Reeve just was. I love Reeve like a brother, he is such a good friend, always there when I need him. He is always there whenever his family or friends need him; he is loyal to a fault. I get the way he reacts towards Leah but he also needs to understand, that she hasn’t done anything like this before so she is nervous and scared. Hell, even I can see that.

After following Leah for about ten minutes, I follow her into a children’s playground. She sits on a swing; she pushes off the ground and starts swinging back and forth. Her hair flies around her, following the path of her motions. She looks beautiful sitting there, lost in her thoughts. I know that she thinks that Reeve hates her but she couldn’t be more wrong, he has deeper feelings for her then he is letting on. I walk over to where she is swinging gently. She has removed her sandals and her slender legs make my dick tingle, but I know that I need to keep Mini Skeet under control for now.

“Hey, beautiful,” I say in a hushed tone, trying not to scare her but I fail epically and she jumps and screeches.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Skeet. Why the hell would you do that? Bloody hell, my heart is in my throat. Shit,” she says with her hand on her heart, as if she is trying to keep it in her chest.

“Shit sorry, babe. I tried not to scare you but that didn’t work.” I laugh.

“Obviously,” she replies. I kiss the top of her head and take the swing next to her. She gives me a small smile and turns to look forward, looking out at the lake that is near the playground.

“He hates me, doesn’t he?” She dives right in.

“No, beautiful, he doesn’t. Reeve is very defensive about the way he treats women, he treats them good and goes off the deep end when someone says different. Some things happened with his sister Ren and you know the thing with Lucy. What I said back at the house, I meant every word of, Lipsy. The girls know what they are getting into.” I take a deep breath and stare out at the lake, the sun is setting and the colors are mesmerizing. All the pinks, oranges and purples make for a perfect night.

“Leah, he does feel for you very deeply and that scares him but that’s for another time and for you two only. Let’s just say it goes back to his dad’s death and things he used to see while on tour with Black Angel. I understand that you are scared about being with both of us but, baby we will take care of you. We will never force you to do anything that you don’t want to do. We will maximize your pleasure limits and you will want more I can guarantee it, babe,” I say.

I wink at her when she turns her head towards me with a raised eyebrow.

“I am sick of all the hot and cold moments, it’s fucking with head, Skeet and to be honest I don’t need it in my life. Too many men have walked all over me and I am not about to let Reeve bloody Phoenix do the same to me. I can’t, just can’t.” She covers her face with her hands and I move off my swing to stand in front of her. I pull her to stand in front of me and hold her close to my body, kissing her soft lips, dipping my tongue into her wet sweet mouth.

“Baby, why don’t we go back to the house and enjoy the good food and the very good company. Maybe have a chat with Reeve, just the three of us. I know that if you want to see where this goes, whether it’s with the two of us or just Reeve, then you will need to have a chat with Juicy as well. She needs to know where you stand, with Reeve or between us.” I wink and lean in and kiss her lips; she moans and I deepen the kiss. I know I should stop but fuck she tastes and feels so fucking good. I run my hand down her body and cup her firm tight ass and squeeze and she fucking laughs into my mouth. Not moans or growls at me, but honest to God laughs. Chicks are weird.

“I’m sorry, love. But you grabbing my arse tickled me.” She stops laughing and pulls me out of the playground and towards Lucy and Rafe’s place.

“We need to have a talk with Reeve, which I agree on babe. I will deal with Juicy if Reeve wants to go ahead with this. A lot has to be discussed before the next level ok?” I nod and we walk hand in hand.

We arrive back at Rafe’s place and we are laughing so hard from a joke that Leah has just told me that I stumble right through the side gate. I feel as if I am going to piss my pants if I don’t get to a bathroom or stop laughing. Everyone stops what they are doing and looks in our direction. Oops.

“We’re back. Did you miss me?” I ask as I drag Leah over to where everyone is sitting. I see Reeve watching us from the corner of his eye; he doesn’t know what to make of any of this yet. He doesn’t know what Leah and I have talked about. As we get closer to Reeve, I feel Leah’s hand clamp around mine tighter. I squeeze back and give her a reassuring smile, which she returns.

“Where the hell did you run off to?” Juicy asks Leah.

“I needed some air, I needed some time to think about something I’m sure will royally piss you off but I feel I need to do this for me,” she says then turns and walks over to Reeve. He sits up a little straighter and Leah sits her ass right in his lap, in front of everyone. Good girl. Reeve wraps his arm around her waist and smiles at her.

“We should talk, Mr. Phoenix. I’m ready when you are.” She winks at me and settles back into Reeve’s chest. I bend to kiss her lips but Reeve growls. Territorial bastard. I kiss her anyway and I hear Lucy gasp.

“My choice, Juicy. But the boys and I will talk before anything happens. I promise you, ok?”

“Ok, Leah. But I swear to God, Reeve Phoenix and Skeeter Reynolds, I will hunt you down, pregnant or not, and cut off your balls and feed them to you. You get me?” Reeve nods and I follow suit.

“Fuck me, Juicy. You are all preggo scary right now. But I will not hurt her, I really fucking love my balls attached to my body, thank you very much.” Everyone laughs.

“Oh for the love of God, will everyone please stop with all the swearing, my daughter is like eight feet from you, hearing all this shit you are spouting. Rein it the fuck in,” Ryder shouts at us. Letty, bless her heart, is covering her mouth trying to stifle her laugh. Gunner and the boys burst out laughing at Ryder.

“Dude, you do know what you just did, right?” Gunner asks Ryder, who shakes his head. Letty stands next to Ryder and pats his head like a dog.

“Baby, you just told everyone that they had to rein in their swearing while actually swearing at them,” Letty explains to Ry.

“Oh, well hell,” Ryder looks to the floor and shakes his head, which makes us all laugh harder.

Leah stands from Reeve’s lap and offers her hand to him which he takes, she looks at me. “Let’s talk boyo.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” I salute her and follow her into the kitchen but she doesn’t stop at the kitchen, she walks straight to her bedroom. I look over my shoulder to see Reeve eye Leah curiously, I am not sure what is running through that pretty little head of her's but I sure hope that we will like it.

“Ok, I know that you two are very experienced in the threesome world but I’m not. I have never been into it to be honest, but since Lucy told me that it is what you two do; I will admit that I looked into it.” She takes a deep breath, “It turned me on, but only certain things. I know that you both like anal play but I don’t; that doesn’t interest me at all, so if that is a problem then this will end before it even starts. What I am afraid of is wanting more but I know that you only shag girls once. Reeve, you have been hot and cold with me and I don’t know where I stand with you; do you want there to be something between us or just a one-time thing? I know that there is chemistry with us but I’m unsure what you want with me and I have to know before we get this moving.” She looks down at her hands in her lap, tracing the music bar on her wrist. Reeve speaks before me as he closes in on Leah on the bed.

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