ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4] (30 page)

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Authors: A.M. Hargrove

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4]
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Many of the surviving humans had banded together to fight back and the rebels had gained ground, with the help of the Guardians of Vesturon. The Xanthians, not to be outdone, had enlisted the aid of several other unsavory species to combat the rebels, and war was still underway. Sarah had grave doubts of whether Earth would ever be returned to its rightful inhabitants again.

She remembered the dirt hole that their dad dug under the house. She and Tommy lived in that hole with their parents until January and Rykerian had come and taken them to Vesturon. They’d been so young then, and it was such a scary time. They had very little food and water and they lived in fear that someone would discover their hiding place and try to kill them while they slept. That was eighteen years ago, but even now she had nightmares about those days.

Where could Tommy be? Her mind kept replaying their last conversation for hints or clues of any kind. He said things had been busy lately with more fighting than usual. The Xanthians had several teams of mercenaries that were causing skirmishes everywhere, but nothing extraordinary.

In a blazing moment of clarity, Sarah knew what she had to do.

Her mission began to unfold in her mind. She knew that Shandro would fight her every step of the way, but if he didn’t assist her she would just find someone else who would.




“You’re insane Sarah Liana St. Davis. And not just a little.”

“Shandro, there is no other way. It’s a sound plan.”

“Sound? What part of this plan has any semblance of ‘sound’ to it? It’s insane, exactly like you!”

“It’s the only way. I have to go to Earth to find him.”

“You have no idea what you are saying. You claim to have nightmares of the Earth you remember, but that was Eden compared to the Earth of today! I’m not exaggerating. It’s completely out of the question. If you go there, you’ll never come back here,” Shandro insisted.

“You don’t seem to understand Shandro. That’s exactly the point. I go to find him or die trying. That’s what he means to me. The Tommy I know would do the same for me and you know damn well that’s the truth.”

“Sarah,” Shandro said, his voice edged with pain, “the Thomas I know would gut me alive if he knew I consented to this ridiculous scheme of yours.”

Sarah chewed her bottom lip before launching into her rebuttal. “It doesn’t matter what the Thomas you know would do because he’s not here to do anything, is he? Shandro, I have to do this. You, of all people, should understand this.” Her eyes darkened with pain as she pleaded with him for his understanding.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his belly clench. “Sweet Deity Sarah, the thought of you on Earth with all those barbarians, sickens me.”

She stood before him and cupped his cheeks with her hands. “I know Shandro. But I can’t sit here anymore, thinking there might be something I could do. Please help me. You know he’s everything to me. I’d gladly give my life for his.”

“He feels the same for you. He still bears great guilt you know.”

Sarah nodded. “I wish he didn’t. We were stupid kids. Please help me Shandro.”

“You know I will but I’ll do it against my better judgment. Sarah, I swear if you don’t come back to me alive, I will go down to Earth, hunt you down and make you pay somehow.”

The corners of her mouth turned up in the barest hint of a smile as they began their preparations for her journey to Earth.



*****Dark Waltz, A Praestani Novel
is an
adult novel
and not intended for younger readers





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