Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Yes. A glass of water please, and can I please use your restroom? If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, can I get my clothes to put back on?”

“Your clothes are not quite dry. You were sopping wet when we found you. I’m Evan Storm, by the way, and this is my younger brother, Tanner.”

“Thank you, Evan!” Evan was the one she noticed had the sea-blue eyes and was doing most of the talking. She looked to the other brother and said, “I also want to thank you, Tanner, I don’t know what would have happened to me if you men had not found me in the blizzard. If you will get me some of your clothes, I will change and be out of your hair as soon as possible.” She then remembered her car on the side of the road. “What happened to my car? Where is it?”

“Ma’am, I am afraid you won’t be going anywhere for awhile. We have a major blizzard outside right now. It has all the roads closed for a couple days. No one is going anywhere. It seems you are stuck here with us for at least a couple days till the storm blows over. Now, we answered some of your questions. What can you tell us about yourself?”

“Oh my, how rude of me. You both have been so friendly to me, and you don’t even know my name. My name is Tabitha Stewart, and I last remember walking through this snow to get to your cabin through the storm after my car died on the side of the road. I must have collapsed along the way. It was so cold, and I was having trouble walking to your home. The wind and the freezing temperature got the best of me, I believe. Thank you for your help, Mr. Storm.”

“Please call me Evan.”

“Very well, thank you!”

“Well, we can help you with the change of clothes, Tabitha, but the phone lines are down everywhere. We don’t have any phone service till after the storm blows over. We’ll just have to wait out the storm for a couple of days. Then we can get a doctor out here to check you out if you need it.”

“No, I won’t be needing a doctor, thank you, just a little rest. Thank you. But what do you mean? I can’t possibly stay here that long! I have a job waiting for me in less than a week, and if I don’t get on the road, I will lose it!”

“Well, you aren’t going anywhere till this storm blows over, Tabitha. I’m sure your boss will understand once you explain what happened. We will call a tow truck as soon as possible to see what is wrong with your car. Why don’t you go shower and get cleaned up? We’ll get you some clothes to put on. They will be a little big, but they will work. Meanwhile, Tanner and I will make some food for you. You must be starving.”

Tabitha couldn’t keep her eyes off these two sexy men. She would catch them both staring at her when they thought she wasn’t looking. Tabitha could feel their eyes on her any time they were in the bedroom checking on her. She felt as though she was blushing like a teenage school girl. They made her wet from those sexy blue eyes they both had. Tabitha would bet every penny in her bank account that those two men would drive her crazy in bed if she got the chance.

“Yes, I am actually. That would be very generous of you to make me some breakfast. I will try not to be too long! And once again I want to thank you both, Tanner, Evan. I appreciate your hospitality very much. I will try not to get in your way for the next couple days, I assure you both, and you won’t even know I am here.”

* * * *

Tanner closed the door to the bedroom and asked to speak to Evan in the hallway as they walked away from the master bedroom. “Is she crazy? How could we possibly act as if the most beautiful woman in the world hasn’t been dropped into our hands?”

“I know. I felt the same way when she made that comment. But we have to be cautious and careful with her right now and not frighten her. She is in an unfamiliar atmosphere, and she’s probably skittish. We just have to keep an eye on her for the next couple days till the weather passes. We’ll just enjoy each other’s company in the meantime.”

* * * *

Tabitha stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. “What in the world am I supposed to do?”

Tabitha felt like she was still dreaming. This had to be a dream. There was no way she was stuck in a cabin in the middle of a storm with the best-looking men she had ever seen in her life. God must be playing tricks with her because there was no way someone like her could be trapped in a blizzard with them. This was going to be torture! The way they looked at her, like they wanted to devour her. Evan was doing most of the talking while Tanner just stared at her with lust in his eyes.

“Oh my god, what am I so worried about? They are just helping out a damsel in distress. Why would they be remotely attracted to me? And besides, I will be out of here in a couple days, and they will forget I was even here in a week.”

She quickly showered and got herself put together with what she had to work with. Good thing she had long, straight, brown hair. Tabitha didn’t have to do anything special to it. She brushed it and used their hair dryer, and then she put on the sweats and flannel shirt they had left at the door for her before they went into the kitchen.

“This will have to do!”

She was attractive, with big, beautiful eyes people always commented on and a body she was blessed with. She was lucky to never have to work out and still maintain her body. Her friend, Sarah, was always saying how lucky she was that she could eat anything and not gain weight. Tabitha always thought she should lose ten pounds. She didn’t like to work out. Her boobs were still perky, which was a good thing because she couldn’t wear her bra until it dried.

“Oh, well, this is as good as it gets, Tabitha. Now quit stalling, and go face them finally!”

Tabitha walked down the hallway and toward the voices she heard in the kitchen. Along the way she noticed how beautiful their home was. The floors were a dark wood, and the colors on the walls were a neutral tone. She noticed the dog, Emma, was following behind her as she made her way to the kitchen. She stopped to pet the dog on her head.

“You are a sweet thing, aren’t you, Emma?” The dog just wagged her tail. “Well, shall we go see what your masters have made for us to eat?”

Chapter 4

“Tanner, if you keep staring at her like you were when she woke up you will scare her away.”

“Is she crazy or something? How in the world are we supposed to act as if she isn’t here? That woman is like a moth drawn to light. I cannot help but know she will be here for the next two days. I can’t help it, Evan. She is so beautiful. I want to kiss her, and I think I’m going to die if I don’t do it soon!”

“I know what you mean. I feel the same way. She doesn’t know a thing about us, and nor do we know anything about her. Let us take the time to get to know her in the next couple days. God knows we aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Okay. Okay. Big brother, I hear what you are saying. I just can’t help staring at her.”

“I hear you, Tanner! Now, I’ll go get her while you pour the coffee.” Tanner and Evan looked toward the doorway in the kitchen as Evan heard her coming down the hallway with Emma on her heels.

“Good morning, darlin’. I see the sweats and flannel shirt are as big as I thought they would be on you.”

“Yes, well, you two aren’t exactly small men.” In fact, they were both about the same size. Evan was about an inch taller to Tanner’s six-foot-three stance. Tabitha could see that Tanner and Evan were both large men that had wide chests and filled out their jeans nicely, from what she could see.

They both had dark-brown, thick hair. However, Tanner’s was a little shaggy around the ears compared to Evan’s clean cut. They both appeared different on the outside, but both had the erotic passion in their eyes when they looked at her.

“What can I do to help?” Tabitha asked while wringing her hands together.

“Don’t be nervous around us, Tabitha. We won’t harm you,” Tanner said as he helped prepare breakfast.

“We have everything ready, sweetheart! Just have a seat.”

They had made her a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast, with a cup of coffee next to her plate.

“I’m starving. It all looks delicious! Thank you. I can’t remember the last time I ate. I’m not even sure what day it is.”

“You only slept most of the night. You haven’t lost more than a day. It was kind of nice holding a woman in my arms last night. I almost forgot what it felt like,” Tanner said.

Tabitha just chalked it up to them nursing her back to health, and why would two gorgeous men make a comment about holding a woman in their arms all night? Tabitha just assumed they had a warm body in their beds every night.

“So tell us, Tabitha Stewart, you mentioned a job in
that you were headed to before the storm brought you to us?” Tanner smiled.

“Yes, my best friend, Sarah, got me a job at her work as an assistant in her accounting firm, so I was on my way to
before I got caught in the storm. I planned on driving there and starting my new job and life in a week till my stupid car died on me in this weather. I should have paid closer attention to the weather forecast along the way. The man at the gas station tried to get me to get a room in town, but I told him I was too eager to get to Atlanta, and I paid him no attention.”

“That must have been Steve that tried to warn you about the storm. He owns the garage in town. He will be the one who comes out when the storm passes to look at your car,” Evan said.

“Oh, I don’t know, sweetheart. I’m kind of grateful for that stupid car breaking down and sending you to us.” Tanner winked.

Tabitha swallowed her food then took a sip of her coffee and stared at the men from across the table.

“Sorry I can’t stay here and talk to you more, but I have to go out to the barn and check the animals right now,” Evan said. “I’ll be back in a while. Tanner will stay here with you to keep the fire going and make sure the power doesn’t go out. We are glad you are here, sweetheart. You’re making this storm seem much more pleasant than we’d ever thought it would be.”

Evan put on his thick sheepskin jacket and boots before he stepped outside. As Evan walked to the barn, all his thoughts were on the beautiful Tabitha and how he wanted so badly to hold her and help her feel more comfortable around them. More than anything he wanted to be in bed with her and Tanner as they made sweet love to her. He could tell Tanner felt the same way about her as he did.

Evan walked into the barn and checked on the horses and cows. Their ranch wasn’t a big one. They inherited it when their parents died. They were raised on this very ranch and knew every hiding spot there was.

Evan was lost in thought when he remembered the reason for being outside in the first place. Evan made sure the animals had water and food for the night. He took a walk around the farm to make sure everything was secure for the night before he retired for the evening. Evan couldn’t wait to get to know Tabitha better. He wanted to know everything about her. If she had any siblings, how old she was, what she sounded like when she came? That made his hard-on even tighter in his jeans as he walked. Evan had had one ever since they found her. Evan was quickly running through his chores just so he could go inside to enjoy the fire with this amazing woman who he planned to get acquainted with real soon if he had any say in it.

Chapter 5

Tabitha was sitting in the big, comfortable living room after she helped Tanner with the breakfast dishes. She was just looking around when Tanner entered. He seemed to suck all the air out of the room whenever he walked in it. Tanner appeared to be the playful one of the two. He was always joking around with her and Evan. Tanner had the sexy bedroom eyes. Evan, however, seemed the more male dominant of the two, the head of the household, and he was the one she didn’t want to piss off.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, thank you, Tanner.”

“Make yourself comfortable. The shelves are filled with a variety of reading materials especially for days such as this. We also could watch a DVD if you would like. We have a pretty good collection of movies when we are stuck in the cabin with a storm like this. This is when we are able to catch up on our movies since we are always busy outside on the ranch. Would you like me to make you some coffee or hot chocolate?”

“No, thank you. I’m fine.”

“Feel free to take a look around the house. I’m going to go bring some more firewood in and stock up for the evening. If we don’t keep the fire going, it gets real cold in here, and we don’t want you getting sick again on us. Although I did enjoy having my arms around you while you slept,” he said with a smile.

Tabitha looked around. The living room was big. A large, comfy couch sat in front of the fireplace and two leather recliners surrounded it. There was a big-screen TV off in the corner. There were few pictures on the mantel of two boys and what looked to be their parents. She also noticed other photos of them as children and teenage boys. Tabitha could tell by looking at their pictures that Tanner and Evan probably drove their parents crazy. She would bet everything she had that they were always getting into trouble when they were younger. Tabitha was a good girl growing up. She never gave her parents grief. Even when she was a teenager, she stayed out of trouble. Tabitha missed her parents.

After a moment or so, Tabitha stood up from the couch and walked down the hall to what she thought was their bedrooms, but she noticed a closed door. She opened the door and noticed the bedroom was big and beautiful! She wondered which of them slept here.

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