Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (66 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Reece grinned.
That must be the boy... he's got good taste. Wait a second!? Can dogs be gay? Cuz I think it was a girl...

"Hon? Whatcha thinking?" Reece raised an eyebrow in amusement and then chuckled softly, "You truly don't want to know." She shook her head and returned to the kitchen.

"Oh, Auntie Reece loves you, don't you worry, babies."

Reece groaned out loud.

"Hey babe? What are we going to name them? We have to get them some food and some toys. Oh, and maybe we can find some cutie little sweaters and matching collars..."

The club owner banged her forehead on the table and slid down.

"Do you think we need three beds or they'll share one? Maybe they'll sleep with us, that would be so precious."

Reece aimed a pretend gun at her temple and pulled the trigger.

"Oh, and wee wee pads. This is so much fun! It works out just fine that I'm on hiatus now, I can take care of these little babies..."

"Faith, you do realize they're going back with Vi and Cori when they get settled?"

"Of course I do... Reece? Why are you sprawled out like that and halfway under the table?"

"Get that rat off my counter. I make food up there," the tall woman crinkled her nose.

"Oh, really, Reece," Faith shooed the club owner away and poured herself a cup of coffee. "If you're so concerned, then you'll come with me while I take them to the Vet."

"Aw, Faith. I don't do doctors."

The actress turned around to look at her lover. Reece sounded pitiful and she had to see it for herself. "Why?"

"I just don't. You go on and take them."

"I need help with them, babe, at least until I get something to carry them in."

"Take my old gym bag." Reece offered.

"Ew, baby. I'd like them alive, please. Oh, there's that pet shop on Christopher Street. Why don't you go and get them something to travel in and some food, too."

"Yeah, whatever," the tall woman grinched her way upstairs.

"Oh, and Reece," Faith called up after her, "some bowls, too."

"Good grief, Faith!" she slipped on her gym shoes and frowned.

"You want to stay and look after them while I go?" Faith snickered.

"I'm going... I'm going," Reece put on her jacket and pinched up her face when Faith shoved a puppy at her.

"Kiss Auntie Reece goodbye, Thelma."

"What?" Reece practically leaned over backwards as a tiny tongue traveled the length of her cheek.

"This is Thelma, that's Louise and that one, is Smudge."

"Oh, boy. You won't mind if I just address them as 'hey dog'," Reece grimaced again. "Would you stop licking me?!"

"Oh, I never thought I'd hear you say that," Faith chuckled. "Hear that, Thelma?"

The tall woman wiggled away and left Faith to romp and frolic with her puppies.

*  *  *


The man behind the counter at the pet store sensed Reece's confusion, but with the pained look on her face, he was wary to ask.

The tall woman wandered around the small store with no idea in the world what to buy. Finally, she came to a stop in front of the counter. "Hey, I have three dogs, about the size of rats," she declared.

"Uhm... and?" the clerk cocked his head.

"I need dog stuff," Reece folded her arms.

"No kidding. What 'stuff' do you need?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Bowls, food, something to carry them in, something to pee on..."

"What kind of dogs do you have?"

"I don't know," she began to get frustrated. "They're tiny little things with toothpick legs. I told you, they're the size of rats."

The man came out from behind the counter. "Follow me, please."

They came to a stop at the window full of tiny puppies. Reece made a face at the pug.
Ew, it's so ugly, it's almost a pity.

"Any of these ring a bell?" he asked sarcastically.

"Don't patronize me," she growled. "Like a Taco Bell dog with longer legs."

"Oooohh. I think you have Min Pins."

"No, I have dogs."

"Right," he grinned. "Okay, I'll get you some things. Any color preference? Girls? Boys? Puppies? Adults?"

"Puppies. Two girls and a boy."

He disappeared behind a display and Reece picked up a doggie T-Shirt that said, "Gay Dog".
She picked through the shirts and things, grinning and snickering at the sayings.
Might have to come back here and pick up some of these.

"Here ya go. Two bowls, puppy chow, wee wee pads, a floor tray to put them in and some treats. I need you to take a look at the carry cases we have, you may want to go for some of the soft bags. Would you like some collars?"

"Crap. I don't know. Look, hold these things here. I'll have my girlfriend come in and pick everything out," she hung her head and left.

"The poor butch, not a clue in the world what she's gotten into," he snickered.

*  *  *


"Hi, I'm Faith, my girlfriend left some things here..."

"Yes, I've been expecting you," he smirked at the cute little blonde.

"Well? What are you looking at?" Faith asked defensively.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry. It's just..." he shook his head, a look of surprise on his face. "How do you walk around with the weight of that one wrapped around your finger?" he blurted.

Faith laughed loudly.

Relieved, the clerk joined her.

"I apologize for her behavior. I guess her attitude wasn't pleasant, huh?"

"She's a bit much," he made a tiny gesture with his fingers.

"I really am sorry," Faith hung her head.

"No apology needed, she's very easy on the eyes," he winked and came out from behind the counter. "I made four sales from the women who followed her in."

Faith giggled. "Okay, whattya got?"

"She bailed on the carry cases. They're over here. I suggest with Min Pins you take a soft case, they're very fragile as pups."

Faith nodded.

"And you'll need some sweaters, they're too small for a New York winter."

"Okie Doke. Point the way, my good man," Faith's nose crinkled as she smiled.

"Well, I can see what that big one sees in you, you're quite charming."

*  *  *


Reece was sitting on the floor in the living room, staring at the puppies. At first, she was crawling all over the floor chasing after the errant pup, but got annoyed when she realized she was on her hands and knees. If she was going to be crawling around in this position, she better damn well be getting something, other than rug burn, in return. Fed up with trying to corral the tiny dogs, she constructed a fort out of the couch cushions and pillows. The little dogs were shivering, so inside she spread out the blanket from the guest room. "If one of you pees on my blanket, I'll squish you," she warned. One pup yipped and she picked it up. "Rule number one, no talking back. Hey, I'm talking to you, look at me," she brought it to her face. Its little tongue snaked up her nostril. "Oh, man, that's disgusting."

Faith bustled in the door with a load of bags. She raised an eyebrow at Reece's appalled expression. "Reece? What's wrong? Are they okay?"

"It picked my nose!" she looked absolutely horrified.

Faith dropped the bags and broke out in laughter.

"I'm glad you find that amusing! It was gross," she placed the puppy back in its makeshift pen and gathered the bags.

"Oh, Reece, I love you," Faith wheezed between laughs.

"You're just lucky I love you, Faith Ashford, these things have tried my... Shit! It crapped! It crapped on my blanket! Great!"

Another burst of hysterics escaped Faith as Reece held the dog at arms length with two fingers, her nose was so scrunched her eyes nearly disappeared.

"God! What the hell did they eat!? For a rat, you goddamned stink!"

"Oh god... oh... Reece... give it to me..." Faith gasped. Faith held the pup up to her face and it licked her whole face. "Louise, that was a bad girl. No poopydoops on the blankie."

"Poopydoops?! Faith, it's a crap and it stinks!"

"Oh, you big fat baby. Go empty the bags and I'll clean up. Nice playpen, by the way," the actress teased.

"It was either that or I locked them in the closet. They're fascinated by the tree." The club owner rooted through the bags. "Faith, this is a bit excessive."

Faith looked at the three tiny coats her lover was dangling off her finger. "They're tiny dogs, Hon, they get cold."

"No, a Rottweiller is a dog, a Pit Bull is a dog... those are rats," she made squeaky noises.

"You're going to give them a complex."

"I'll bring home a real Doberman and give them a heart attack," the tall woman brought the dog bowls into the kitchen and laid them on the new placemat.

"Reece, that's not nice... they're precious," Faith grinned. Reece was definitely warming up to them. She watched as her tall lover filled the bowls and selected a place for the "bathroom".

"In this case, size matters, Faith," Reece teased.

"Don't you listen to Auntie Reece..."

"Oh, that has got to stop," Reece crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

Faith raised an eyebrow in defiance.

Reece cocked her head and aimed a narrow-eyed glare of intimidation.

Faith mimicked her move with a wagging finger.

Reece let out a frustrated growl and flung her arms in the air, returning to the safety of the kitchen, mumbling under her breath.

"Yes, how do I walk around with her sitting in the palm of my hand?" Faith snickered.

*  *  *


"Reece, stop it!" Faith smacked her lover's hand again. "We're in the doctor's office!"

"I was just trying to pet Thelma," she feigned innocence. "Is it my fault she's in your coat?

"It's Smudge and yes, it is your fault. If you didn't scare him to death he wouldn't have thrown up in the carrier." Faith was livid when she found Reece swinging the carrier around in a circle.

"It was a gravity experiment. Their feet never left the bottom of the bag."

"Well just for that, Sir Newton, you have to hold Thelma and Louise on the way home."

"It wouldn't be so bad if it were Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon," Reece pursed her lips.

"I hope they pee on you."

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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