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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (56 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"Where was your mom?"

"Oh, she was always running somewhere with the girls. The only quality time I spent with her was when we went to the stables. Mom loved to ride the horses. We did that once a week, but we never talked much about anything."

"Marsha on a horse. Now there's an image," Reece chuckled.

"She really was good. She even won some ribbons when she was younger. She also had a crush on her female instructor."

"What?!" Reece laughed.

"No, she told me this recently. It's true," Faith laughed with her.

After some quiet nuzzling, Reece kissed her lover's ear and smiled. "Thank you Faith."

"Anytime, baby," she turned in her lover's arms, surprised at how strongly Reece was clutching her. "Are you ok?" she asked, feeling the tall woman's grip loosen slightly.

"Now I am. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself for a while there," Reece admitted.

"And that's understandable. You missed out, Reece, and it must be hard to deal with it. I couldn't imagine living your life. I'm just glad that you survived it."

"Sometimes I don't think I did. Sometimes I feel like I'm so empty, like I have nothing left to give. Nothing to draw from when I need to... and it makes me so angry to feel so useless."

"I know, baby. I'm so sorry you feel like that."

"I have you, why should I feel so useless?" Reece wondered, a touch of anger seeped through her frustration.

Faith kissed her eyelids and then her lips. "I can't make everything go away, Reece. God, how I wish I could. Some things you have to do by yourself and sometimes they never get better, but you'll never be alone anymore."

"Promise me, Faith. I need to hear that you aren't going away. Please tell me," Reece's voice was so urgent and her eyes so full of fear.

The actress knew that this was the most important thing in Reece's world right now. She was more than happy to oblige. "I promise, Reece. I promise you that I'll never go away."

Reece was so relieved, so overwhelmed with emotion that she felt like screaming. She held onto her lover until she successfully fought the urge. Suddenly aware of the warm flesh under her hands, her eyes narrowed. Staring into Faith's deep green eyes, a completely different urge thrummed through her body.

Uh oh.
Reece breathed in deeply, trying to fight the shaking in her hands. Seeing Faith's lips part and a short gasp escape them, she knew the actress had read her expression and she regretted her unguarded moment. A nervous sheen of sweat appeared above her upper lip and she swiped it away with her tongue.

You had a feeling this was gonna happen,
Faith thought nervously, but it was brief. Once that tongue came out, her body reacted on its own accord. "Yes, Reece... I'm all yours," Faith shivered, tilting her head up and closing her eyes in acceptance.

Reece blinked a few times in disbelief. Faith was offering herself.
she shouted in her head.

Reece kissed Faith so hard and with so much emotion, the red head's heart felt like it may explode.

Good god!
Faith felt all the hairs on her body stand on end. Reece's whole body trembled with restraint; her long fingers clutched her shoulders tightly.
Ohh, this is soo good,
the actress wrapped her arms around Reece's neck and struggled to keep up with her starving lover.

The kiss was endless and hungry, sloppy and forceful. Faith felt her lips swelling, bruising and welcomed it with gusto. It felt as if Reece was feeding off of her, and it was setting her whole body on fire.

Reece pushed her body forward and the chair closed with the momentum.

Faith instantly wrapped her legs around her waist and her arms tightened around Reece's neck. She dug her fingers into the long black tresses and groaned deeply into her lover's mouth.

Reece slid off the chair to her knees on the floor. She wrapped her arms around Faith's back and squeezed her impossibly close. She felt like she'd die if she let go. She whimpered uncontrollably, deep within her throat.

The actress heard the barely audible sound and she braced herself. Her lover needed to release all the emotions raging through her. The energy had been building all day, from the club to her father and finally the triumph of knowing that she was hers to possess. Faith knew Reece was only capable of two such releases: fury and sex. The thought of her lover taking her with this much pent-up energy made her head swim and her sex throb.

Reece needed Faith; she needed to give her the only thing she was confident she had. However, she was past the point of control and giving Faith what she had to offer was not a choice the actress could make anymore. It was a necessity on Reece's part. She couldn't speak, so she grunted helplessly into Faith's mouth.

The actress nodded, she wanted this as much as Reece did. Sucking the thrusting tongue into her mouth and holding it with her teeth, she released Reece's hair and pushed her shoulders. The tall woman arched back enough for Faith to tear off her shirt, while Reece ripped her own right down the middle.

The actress threw herself at her lover's bare chest and the tall woman fell backwards, reaching an arm behind her for support. Reece's other hand was pawing and groping everywhere, nothing was untouched, Faith's shoulders, her throat, her bucking hips, her backside. Reece's hand was roaming up and down, scratching marks down her twitching back, digging into the sides of her breasts.

Faith whimpered from the nails digging into her and squirmed against her lover's damp body. Reece's breasts crushed her own, the nipples poking rigidly into her flesh. The desperate way Reece was touching her caused great floods of arousal to pour between her legs.

The club owner lurched and arched, following Faith's every move, not wanting to lose contact. The urge to possess was quickly becoming a need. She bit Faith's lips, pulling them, sucking them.

Faith bucked erratically as the sensations from her mouth traveled with lightening speed to her sex. The feel of Reece's skin, slick and hot, combined with the trembling in her barely controlled muscles, drove Faith insane. She ground herself fiercely into Reece's body, leaving trails of arousal on the club owner's already wet skin. She was panting into Reece's mouth; she wanted to feel the weight of the woman on top of her. She wanted to look up into those wild blue eyes as she gave her the ultimate pleasure. Faith groaned loudly and tugged at the strong shoulders until they lowered, pulling the long body on top of her.

Reece reached behind her and held Faith's legs in place as she stretched out her own. She fell heavily onto her lover and growled as strong legs clenched around her waist. She drove her body hard and fast into the smaller woman relentlessly, overwhelmed by her need to hear Faith scream her name. She swallowed a loud cry as Faith's nails broke the skin on her shoulders. Fearing she hurt her lover, Reece pulled her mouth away and breathed heavily, "I'm sorry... Oh god, Faith..." she grunted and clenched her teeth. Sweat dripped down the sides of her face.

"No!" Faith groaned. She was just about to explode when Reece had pulled back.

"I can't control... I don't think I can..." she panted even as she resumed thrusting into Faith.

The actress was astounded that Reece would apologize for her lack of control. While certainly a nice gesture, now was not the time. Faith grabbed Reece's chin and forcefully pulled her face to hers. "Do it... prove it Reece..." Faith could barely speak as the thrusting against her continued.

"I need to... "

Faith squeezed her chin, pulling their lips together, cutting her off. "Make me come..." the actress demanded and bit down on Reece's bottom lip, then sucked it into her mouth.

The club owner attacked Faith's mouth, not surprised when she tasted her own blood. She got up on her knees and leaned over further, her hands braced way over Faith's head. The smaller woman's knees were practically touching her own shoulders as Reece thrust into her.

Faith cried out, half scream, half whimper as her mound ground into the hard muscles of Reece's abdomen. In her current position, she was wide open, her aching need escalating quickly. She reached over her head and grasped Reece's forearms, grounding herself for the explosion.

Reece had her lips curled back, her teeth tightly clenched. Looking down into Faith's face, she reveled in the intensity of her eyes and growled at the rush she received, acknowledging that she made her feel this way.

"Ree... ah..."

Reece shivered as a bead of sweat traveled down the side of her breast, tickling her, before falling onto her lover's neck. Faith's lips opened in an attempt to scream, but all that came out was a strangled gasp. Nails dug deeply into her arms as Faith arched her neck and stiffened. The club owner stilled her actions, watching the beautiful woman come because of her.

"That's mine." Reece owned this orgasm.

Faith shuddered and jerked her lower body up into Reece's groaning continuously. "Yours." She breathed out between sounds of pleasure.

Reece groaned deeply and flexed her stomach muscles. She concentrated on the feel of Faith's sex spasming on her skin. She pushed her weight forward once more after her lover stopped gyrating underneath her and grinned wildly at the gasp that she caused.

Faith was highly aware of her lover's state of mind and knew Reece probably had no idea how close she herself was. The tall woman was too wrapped up in Faith's pleasure to think about herself, but the actress knew better. She also knew to give Reece a second to regroup, but not too long, or she would be on the receiving end of another attack and she desperately wanted to see her lover succumb to the pleasure as well. Faith took this opportunity to take in the sight.

Reece hadn't budged from her position. Her breasts hovered tantalizingly close, teasing her as they swayed with Reece's great heaving breaths. Her hair stuck to her neck and face, driving Faith insane. The actress never knew that sweat could look so sexy until she met Reece; the tall woman always shone within seconds of their lovemaking. Her strong muscular arms shook slightly, but were still planted firmly over Faith's head. She looked positively delicious to the actress and although she loathed taking this sight away, but she knew it was time.

Faith slid her legs down and pulled her lover's lower body into hers. Reece's sex met Faith's and her eyes widened. The club owner's knees slid down and she readjusted her upper body, her mouth open and about to feast on a very enticing breast. Faith felt the wet heat soaking through Reece's underwear and grinned sexily up at her, "And that's mine," she whispered and thrust her hips.

Just then, a million firecrackers exploded inside the tall trembling woman. "Oh god..." the club owner's body collapsed and her head dropped onto Faith's breast, her entire body twitched with release.

Faith dug her heels into Reece's backside, groaning in empathy while her lover's weight crushed her. She was almost disappointed when Reece slid her hips down, escaping the grasp of her legs.

"You make me come... just like that," she whispered huskily before attacking the flesh at her lips.

To Faith, it felt as if Reece swallowed her whole breast. Her lips and tongue were everywhere at once; she felt the suction all the way to her toes. Her tall lover was grumbling her pleasure, making the nipple in her mouth vibrate. One strong hand burrowed underneath her, pressing her lower back into an arch, the other draped around and cradled her head, the long fingers tangled in her hair.

Faith's senses were reeling. She licked her dry lips with an equally dry tongue; she hadn't realized how hard she was panting until now.

Reece moved her mouth to Faith's other breast, giving it the same attention as the first. She could hear her lover whimpering behind closed lips, breathing heavily through her nose, thoroughly lost in the renewed pleasure she was receiving. This knowledge drove Reece on, confident that her frantic behavior was accepted, even craved.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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