RedZone (2 page)

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Authors: Timia Williams

BOOK: RedZone
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“Yo Trey, this is it man!” Bryce said excitedly. “We’re in one of the best schools on the east coast. We made it, bro!”

“Man, fuck that, we’re in THE BEST, school in the country. And we ain’t make it til we go pro!” Trey responded laughing.

  It was their first day at Football boot camp. The campus was huge. It was nestled 10 miles outside of the City of Philadelphia. It wasn’t too far from home for them, but it was far enough to enjoy their independence. The school paid for both of the young men to attend for all 4 years.

“This is like a dream to play for Booker.” Bryce said.

“That’s Coach Booker to you.” The raspy voice man said walking up behind the two of them. It was Coach Booker. The short, stocky white man was a legend. He had been coaching at S.U. for almost 20 years and had 120 wins in his career of coaching. He only recruited the best to be a part of his team. He had lost his winning streak two years prior to Bryce and Trey. He wanted to start fresh and new and start a new streak. He watched the boys highlight tapes over and over studying their every move and mistakes. He knew their weaknesses and strengths like the back of his clipboard. “I expect to see you boys first thing in the morning. 6AM sharp.”

“Damn, he scared the shit out of me!” Trey laughed at himself about being startled by the coach.

  The next day, their first college practice, the boys had awakened early. They were excited as if it was Christmas morning. They took their showers and headed for the stadium across campus. They were the first ones there so they sat in the seats waiting.

“Man this is crazy!” Bryce said turning his head observing the enormous stadium and field.

“Yeah just think, we used to watch these dudes play on Saturdays, now we’re playing with them.” Trey said.

“I know, then we’re going pro.” Bryce held his fist out to pound his friends.

“Right bro!” Trey agreed. The two of them sat in silence and absorbed the scenery of their new reality for the next 4 years.

“You boys are pretty early. I like that dedication!” Coach Booker said spotting the boys as he and his assistant brought in the practice equipment.

“Yeah our high school coach always told us to be there before the sun.” Trey laughed. The boys wanted to make a good impression with their new coach. He wasn’t just any coach in the Collegiate Sports Association he was THE BEST coach in the CSA.

“Pittman, right?” Coach booker asked Trey. “You’re the reason your school beat Lincoln High in the City game right?” He asked rhetorically. “I see I gotta keep my eye on you for the next few years!” Trey  was proud that the coach recognized his skills. He wanted to be a key player on this team and lead them to multiple championships like he did all through high school.

“Henson?” Coach asked pointing to Bryce. “Heard you were a hell of a Running back son.”

“I’m alright, Coach. I just do what needs to be done.” Bryce grinned and humbly answered.

“Well I want to see what you both got this year. I already have a TE, Pittman, but maybe you can try out for Fullback.”

“Yes Coach.” Trey wasn’t going to try out for Tight End anyway. He studied the team’s roster, the player who owned the TE position dominated and he was a junior. Trey knew the coach wasn’t going to replace him until the next year and by then, Trey had hopes of leading the team as a Running back. He knew it was Bryce’s position. He always felt he was better at it than Bryce. He thought Bryce was too slow.

  That afternoon was Trey’s chance to show his coaches that he was eligible.

  All of the players lined up on the field. The coaches were yelling out quotes like “hard work beats talent” and “Offense wins games; Defense wins Championships.” They were getting the guys pumped up and hyped. The coaches called out names and positions. When Trey’s name was called he jogged over to the coach.

“Coach Booker, I want to try out for Running back.” Coach Booker looked puzzled at his request. “Okay but you know you’re going up against your friend.” Trey looked over to Bryce and from the side of his eyes. He nodded at the coach. “Okay then.”

  Bryce went up first for his “tryout” The quarter back passed him the ball and in a matter of seconds, he ran straight up the middle and scored a touch down. The coaches were impressed. They all jotted down notes on their clipboards and continued to call up the next people to tryout.

  Trey was next to play the position. “Hike! Hike!” The Quarterback shouted. He went to pass the ball to Trey, he grabbed it and juked to the right and he immediately got tackled. Plus he dropped the ball. The coach blew the whistle and wrote something on his clipboard again.


  Trey knew he screwed up. He looked over to Bryce who gave him a head nod signaling to keep his head up. Trey dragged himself back over to the bench and watched the rest of the tryouts in shame. He didn’t say anything going back to the locker room. He just took his damp practice uniform off and threw it on the floor in aggravation. Coach Booker spotted the scene.

“Pittman, come into my office sir.” He called out to him. Trey and Bryce looked at each other and Bryce gave him the okay.

“Yes Coach?” Trey came in the doorway of the Coach’s office slowly like a 5 year old getting ready to be punished.

“Close the door son,” The coach demanded while looking at his notes. “Tell me why didn’t you just try out for Full Back?”

  Trey knew where Coach Booker was headed with the conversation.

“I don’t know. I’ve always wanted to play Running Back since High School.” He answered.

“But that’s Henson’s position.” Coach Booker said looking over his thick black rimmed glasses before removing them. “Me and the other coaches agreed to put you on under Bryce. Bryce is under Wesley until he leaves this year.”

“But Coach! I’ve never played behind anyone, ever!” Trey pleaded.

“I’m sorry son. You made a bad move out there. Doing what you did today could’ve cause you your career.” He said referring to the juking. “You could’ve gotten hurt bad.”

“I understand.” Trey said with tears in his eyes.

  He just had too much pride to let them hit his cheeks. He stood up and shook the coaches hand and excused himself. He didn’t even want to tell Bryce what had happened in the Coaches office. He didn’t want to tell anyone that he was starting his college career playing third string. Under Bryce.

“You didn’t do bad.” Bryce comforted him. “You just don’t need to juke so much.”

“So you know that I lost my opportunity to play any valuable position right.” Trey said throwing his gym bag on the bed.

“Trey, it’s the first year. You know how many people are probably going to leave or get hurt or...look I’m second string right now too”

“Just shut up Bryce. You’re not helping.” Trey said in disgust. “I fucked up. You know it. All the coaches know it. So you can keep ya position. You’re behind a Senior. Guess I’ll be riding the bench for the next 4 years.”


  It was the first game of their college career. Even with Trey not playing, he was excited. The stadium was packed with people wearing the school colors. People were dancing in the stands and chanting the school alma mater.

“You ready B?” Trey asked Bryce as they stretched on the field.

“I’m nervous as shit man” Bryce laughed.

Coach Booker blew his whistle and called everyone to the side. “Listen boy’s. This is a rival, we lose to them every year in the first part of the season.” he continued. “Senior’s this is your last year playing these guys, Freshman, I want you to give them a preview. Now let’s get out there and kick some ass!”

As the team roared in excitement so did the crowd.

S.U. was up by a touchdown. The team was 2nd down at the 30 yard line and it was at the end of the game. Coach Booker called the next play for Wesley Jackson, the senior RB “Give the ball to Jackson, he can run this, it’s plenty of time but I don’t want them to get the ball back.” Coach said looking at the scoreboard. It was 45 seconds left.

  The official blew the whistle and the ball was snapped. Wesley began running through the hole but it started to collaspe. He found a opening on the outside of the other player. He made it through a missed tackle and began running up the side, when suddenly, he was forced out of bounds. He was hit so hard it pushed him into the crowd and then the bench. He was hurt. The impact left him lying there holding his shoulder.

  Coach Booker and the other coaches, rushed over to him in urgency the other players on S.U. took a knee.

“Damn, man!” Bryce said looking concerned. “I hope he’s okay.” Trey nodded in agreement.

“Henson!” Coach Booker called over Bryce, “Look son Jackson broke his arm you’re going to have to finish this game.”

“Yes sir!” Bryce said snapping his helmet on. He ran over to Trey to tell him the news.

“That’s wassup.” Trey said in a plain tone.

“Looks like we have a freshman on the field taking Jackson’s place!

The announcer said.

Bryce got in his spot. He kept his eyes on the player who had injured Wesley. He sized the other player up and down. When the balled was handed to him Bryce ran toward the hole and spun out of the tackle. He dodged and leaped over every man hurdling towards him. He ran the last 15 yards in for the touchdown. The crowd and team went wild. Everyone ran onto the field lifting Bryce up and chanting his name.




  Trey waited outside of the library for Sevynn to walk out. He wanted to talk to her, he wanted to be with her. He knew when she would be tutoring that afternoon, and it would be the first time he would see her since the previous semester. He waited all summer to see her again and to finally get the nerve to talk to her, so he made sure he would be there when she left out. He got himself cleaned up, he got his locs re-twisted neatly into a French braid and shaped up. He wore one of his best shirts and fresh sneakers. When she finally came to the door, his face lit up.

She looked amazing that day. She wore her hair in a big puff ponytail, large hoop earrings, and little make up. She had on a school tee and capri’s. She looked puzzled at the site of Trey.

“Hey, may I help you?” She asked him is a feisty manner. Trey began to get nervous, but began to speak. “I’m Antonio but my peoples call me, Trey.” He said smiling.

“Bryce’s home boy right?” She asked nodding. Trey started to heat up inside.

“No, I’m Trey, Period.” He said with a little aggression.

“Oh I’m sorry!” Sevynn replied, she realized she hit a nerve. “Well what do you want? You looking for a tutor or something?”

“No, I’m just looking for a conversation, maybe a date.” He said with a shy smirk.

“A date huh?” Sevynn giggled, she found Trey amusing but cute. She never paid him any mind before she just knew him by being the friend of Bryce. She had secretly crushed on Bryce for the past 3 years but she knew he had a girlfriend. She, like other girls, thought Trey was corny and just Bryce’s sidekick. Bryce was the it man and she figured if she talked to his Trey, it could get her closer to Bryce.

“Come on! Don’t make me beg, I mean you bad and all!” Trey said trying to flatter her. She blushed and pulled out her cell phone.

“Put my number in your phone.” Trey couldn’t get  his phone out of his pocket any faster. He was stoked that she agreed to go out with him. They exchanged numbers and made plans to meet up that weekend for dinner.

Trey was a bit of a romantic. He made reservations for them at a nice restaurant down in the city.

  He also bought tickets to the African American museum in the city. He wanted to make sure the night went perfect. He wanted to be just like his mother and father. They met in college and had been married for over 24 years. They went through hell to stay together due to the differences in their ethnicity but that didn’t stop them. Trey wanted something to call his own on that campus, since he wasn’t the star football player. He wanted love and be loved and he would do whatever it took to have Sevynn.


On the night of their date he met her at her apartment outside of campus. She lived alone. He was a complete gentlemen to her, holding the door and helping her in and out of the car. They went to the museum first, it was a bit awkward at first but she started to warm up to him by the time they got to the restaurant.

“So you’re mixed?” She asked him curiously.

“Why do you think that?” He asked laughing before taking a sip of water.

“I’m assuming, you have nice hair and your features aren’t quite blackish.”

“Blackish?” He laughed at her use of words, “I am mixed. My mother is Black and my father is Italian.”

“That’s sexy!” Sevynn said with a flirtatious smile. It made Trey blush. “You’re a nice looking guy, Trey. You play football. Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

“I’ve been trying to get with you.” He admitted looking away from her.

“Me? Why?” She snickered.

“I think you’re so classy, the way you present yourself and all.” He said looking at her eyes. He thought they were so beautiful and rare for someone of her complexion.

“Wow. I’m flattered.” She said patting down the stray hairs on top of her head.

Trey wanted to know more about her. They conversed while they waited for their food. She told him about her plans for the future and her major at the university. He told her about how he and Bryce got to play for S.U., mostly Bryce playing.

“So you guys, have known each other since you were kids. That’s cool to have a friendship like that.” She said trying to get more information on Bryce. “Him and his girlfriend, high school sweethearts?”

“Nah, just since last year.” Trey changed the gears in the conversation, “enough about him, what about us.”

Sevynn giggled. “What about us?”

“So is this going to be our only date?”

“You tell me?”

“I am hoping it’s one of many. It took me this long to talk to you.” Trey answered while signing his name on the check and handing it back to the waiter.


  A few weeks had passed and Trey and Sevynn were really hitting it off. He introduced her to Bryce and his girlfriend and they even went on a double date to the aquarium one night. Sevynn got friendly with Michele. They became really good friends in the process of Sevynn and Trey dating. Bryce was happy for his friend and wasn’t ashamed of letting him know it.

“Finally man!” Bryce said one night in their room.

“Finally what?” Trey asked unsure of what his friend meant.

“You finally got a girl. Took you long enough!”

“Man, you know how hard it is to get girls on this campus, especially since they all want you.” Trey said tossing his pillow at Bryce. He laughed but internally was irritated.

“Whatever man, these jawns, know I got my baby already.” Bryce said trying to ignore Trey’s comment.

“Yeah I guess.” Trey looked down at his phone, it was a message from Sevynn. He opened it and saw her in just a pair of boy-short underwear. “Yoooooo!”

“What!?” Bryce looked over in surprise.

“She just sent me a pic!” Trey answered still looking at his phone. “I was not expecting that.”

“Damn already, you must be laying it down dog?” Bryce joked.

“Nah, we haven’t even gotten to that point.”

“Don’t she live alone off campus?” Bryce asked hinting to his friend he should go get some attention from his girlfriend.

“Yeah, but she says she isn’t ready.”

“Anyone sending ‘pics’ seem ready to me.” Trey laughed but in truth he didn’t think he was ready. He hadn’t had sex since freshman year, he had been so focused on football.

So what you trying to say?

Trey texted back to Sevynn.

‘Lol. Nothing just giving you a preview.’Don’tshow anyone, don’t want your roommate to see!

She answered. Trey was disappointed and relieved at the same time. He didn’t want to come on to her too fast, but he thought to himself
‘Bryce was right who sends pictures like that if they weren’t ready to do something? What she mean by don’t want my roommate to see?’


  Trey was spending a lot of time in the gym. He was getting sexually frustrated. Every time he attempted to flirt and make a move on Sevynn she would just say she wasn’t ready and still wanted to get to know him. The most they did was kiss but it wasn’t enough for him.

  He went to the gym to work it out and then take a cold shower or jerk off while Bryce was out of the room.

“Yo she still not trying to give it up man.” Trey mentioned to Bryce in the locker room.

“Damn for real? Maybe she on that 90 day rule thing?” Bryce added.

“I don’t know what the fuck she on but it ain’t on me.” The two laughed. Trey was starting to wonder if Sevynn was even attracted to him. He figured he would leave her alone for a couple of days and see if she would chase him around this time. He was tired of trying to pursue her and he still didn’t want to pressure her into sex. He continued to go to practice and the gym to keep his focus on the game and not the selfishness of his girlfriend.

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