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Authors: Boston George

Redrum (16 page)

BOOK: Redrum
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“Thank you so much,” she said. “I really appreciate this, and I promise I won't be here for long.”
“Take as much time as you need, baby.” Kendu noticed Crystal's busted lip and a small bruise under her eye. “What happened?” he said, nodding towards her busted lip.
“When I left here the other day,” she began, “I went home, and that fool was already inside my house waiting for me. He started questioning me about where I was coming from, and when I didn't answer, he started hitting on me.”
“You never have to worry about that clown putting his hands on you again,” Kendu promised her. “I just bought this new movie earlier. You wanna check it out?”
“Sure.” Crystal smiled. “What's the name of it?”
“It's called
No Way Out.”
“I would love to.” Crystal curled up in Kendu's arms after he sat back down, and the two watched the movie.
Chapter 16
The past two weeks for Perry's and Diamond's relationship had been rocky. Diamond was still mad because she thought Perry had another woman in their home. And Perry was fighting his own demons. He fought with himself not to kill Diamond. He wanted to trust her, but something inside of him just wouldn't let him. It was something about her that he loved, and something about her that he didn't trust.
Perry walked in the bedroom, and saw Diamond laying across the bed butt naked watching TV. He was about to tell her something, but the sight of her nice plump ass just sitting right there messed up his train of thought.
“What?” Diamond asked, when she noticed he was looking at her.
Perry didn't reply. He just walked over to her and made her get on all fours on the bed. He spread Diamond's ass cheeks open and began eating her pussy from the back, knowing that was her favorite.
“Ooooh!” Diamond moaned, throwing her face in a pillow.
Perry licked and sucked all over Diamond's clit, forcing her to come hard. He smiled as he slapped her ass. “Now get up and get dressed,” he told her. “We going out.”
“Where we going?” Diamond was drained from the sexual episode.
“To go get something to eat,” Perry answered as he started getting dressed.
An hour later Diamond stepped out the house wearing an all-red business suit, with her matching red pumps, her hair flowing in the wind as she walked to the car. Perry wore some slacks and a nice sweater.
“You driving,” he said as he slid in the passenger seat of her all-black Audi A8.
For the whole ride to the restaurant, Diamond tried to make small talk, but she could see that his mind was somewhere else. “You all right, baby?”
“I'm fine, baby,” Perry said, a fake smile on his face. “Just got a lot on my mind. Got a lot of paperwork I gotta fill out for the club.”
Diamond pulled up in the restaurant's parking lot. “I'm here if you need me, baby.”
Inside the restaurant, a waitress quickly escorted them through the restaurant over to their table. “Can I get y‘all something to drink while y'all look through the menu?” she asked politely.
“Yes, can you bring us a bottle of red wine, please.” Perry was about to say something to Diamond, but when he looked up, he saw Kendu and a fine woman being seated right across from them. “There go your boyfriend,” he said.
“What are you talking about?” Diamond said, a confused look on her face. She turned around and saw Kendu and Crystal being seated right across from them.
Kendu sat down and gave her a head nod as him and Crystal picked up their menus. Crystal shot her an evil look before picking up her menu. Diamond rolled her eyes at Crystal before focusing back on her own menu.
“Do you still love him?” Perry asked, never taking his eyes off his menu.
Diamond didn't know where all this was coming from. “Huh? Love who?”
“Don't play stupid with me! Do you still love that muthafucka or not?”
“No, baby. I only love you,” Diamond told him. “If I wanted to be with him, then I would be.”
A smirk danced on Perry's lips. “I'm not even hungry anymore. Let's go.”
Perry got up and left Diamond sitting at the table, and she quickly got up and followed behind her man.
“What is your problem?” Diamond asked Perry when she finally caught up with him in the parking lot.
“Just open the door,” Perry said, not even bothering to look at her.
Diamond sucked her teeth as she unlocked the doors and hopped in the driver's seat. Before Perry could even get his seat belt on, she stormed out the parking lot like a bat outta hell. The entire ride was filled with silence as Diamond weaved in and out of lanes on the highway until the Audi finally made it to their driveway.
“Jealous muthafucka!” she mumbled as she stormed in the house.
When Perry stepped in the house, she let him have it.
“Listen, nigga. I don't know what kind of chicks you used to dealing with, but you need to get with the program. I've never disrespected you in any way. Now if you can't deal with having a bad bitch on your arms, then let me know now, so we can stop wasting each other's—”
A backhand slap to the face shut her up.
Perry smacked the shit out of Diamond then started to strangle her, both of his hands around her throat. “Bitch, you just don't know!” he snarled through clenched teeth. He slapped her a few more times until she hit the floor.
He then dragged Diamond through the house by her hair until he reached the basement door. He grabbed the doorknob and froze. “What the fuck are you doing?” he said, catching himself. He let go of Diamond's hair and headed upstairs, leaving her crying on the floor.
Perry went upstairs and slammed his bedroom shut. He was going crazy. Never would he let a woman speak to him the way Diamond just did. He flopped down on his bed and began to think. He loved Diamond, but he was starting to see she was just like all the other beautiful women he had killed. Right then and there, his mind was made up. He knew he was going to kill her.
Dirty Black sat behind his desk bobbing his head to the Papoose mixtape that flowed through the speakers as he counted money. He separated his big bills from the small ones. “You ready?” He'd counted out one thousand singles as him and Amazon got prepared to go to the strip club.
“I'm always ready to see some ass,” Amazon replied.
Dirty Black grabbed his 9 mm and stuck it in his waistband as he stood up. He'd been so busy, he hadn't been out in a while. So tonight he decided to go out and enjoy himself, and some of his money.
Dirty Black stepped outside with his foam cup filled with Grey Goose and a pinch of orange juice in one hand. In his other, he held his cell phone up to his ear as he spoke to one of his many women. As him and Amazon strolled to Amazon's Range Rover, he looked over both shoulders before hopping in the passenger seat.
Amazon hopped in the front seat, popped a Young Jeezy CD in, then pulled out into traffic. “Did you ever holla at Kendu and see if he made it away from the police okay?”
“Yeah. I holla'd at him the other day. I gave him a few days off,” Dirty Black told him. “He been putting in mad work. I don't want to drain him, you know.”
“I can dig it.” Amazon pulled up next to two fine women at the red light. Immediately his window rolled down. “Yo', ma, where y'all headed?” he yelled out the window.
“We about to go home,” the passenger yelled back.
“Y'all want some company?”
The cars behind Amazon were beeping their horns, because he was holding up traffic now that the light had turned green.
“I don't think our boyfriends would like that,” the passenger replied.
“I can respect that,” Amazon said. “But I'ma give you my number anyway.” He reached in his compartment and removed a piece of paper. He scribbled his number down and handed the paper to the passenger. “Holla at ya boy,” he said with a wink.
He then turned to Dirty Black. “Look like she got a fat ass, right?”
“Couldn't really tell. She was sitting down. Her face was straight though.”
“Yo', fam!” an angry voice barked, coming from Amazon's left. “You holding up the muthafuckin' traffic!”
Amazon looked at the man like he was crazy. “Nigga, don't you see me talking?”
“Fuck all that!” the man huffed. “Move this shit now, or it's going to be problems!”
Dirty Black smiled and looked at Amazon. “Handle your business.”
Amazon hopped out the Range and fucked the man up like he was a woman. After he knocked the guy out, he stomped him out until his leg got tired, leaving the guy laid out in the street a bloody mess.
“Bitch-ass nigga got a lot of nerve,” Amazon huffed as he slid back in the driver's seat and pulled off.
For the rest of the ride Amazon and Dirty Black laughed about how bad he had beat the man up in the middle of the street.
Ten minutes later they pulled up in the strip club's parking lot. Amazon quickly drove past two men talking to two women outside in the parking lot.
“Hold on. That looked like that nigga Big Time.” Dirty Black turned around to get a better look.
Amazon slowed the truck down, so he could look too.
“I think that's him,” Dirty Black said as he pulled his 9 mm from his waistband. “Circle this bitch. We gon' ride around and air this whole shit out.”
Amazon sat his MAC-10 on his lap as he drove around the building.
Big Time and Action Jackson leaned up against his new white BMW talking to two off-duty strippers. “I'm saying, y'all trying to make some money tonight or what?” Big Time asked the ladies.
“How much money you talking about?” the dark-skinned stripper named Hershey asked.
“I'm saying we ain't no tricks or nothing, but we'll give y'all a couple dollars,” Big Time countered.
The other stripper named Almond Joy asked Action Jackson, “You don't talk?”
“I talk,” he said. “But y'all bitches ain't talking about nothing.”
“Bitches?” Hershey echoed, rolling her eyes. “Don't disrespect us like that. We just out here trying get our money like everybody else.”
“He ain't mean it like that, baby.” Big Time noticed a Range Rover pull up into the club's parking lot. At first he didn't think nothing of it, but when he saw the truck slow down then circle around the building, he knew something was up.
He looked over at Action Jackson, who was on point, his hands on his twin .45s.
“Yo', come give me a hug,” Big Time said, pulling Hershey close to him.
As soon as he saw the Range Rover bend the corner, he quickly threw Hershey in a choke hold from behind as he pulled his .40-cal from the small of his back and began firing at the truck.
Amazon and Dirty Black quickly ducked down as the bullets ripped through their windshield. Dirty Black quickly hopped out the truck and fired four shots in Big Time's direction before he took cover behind the Range Rover. Two of the four shots hit Hershey in the chest, killing her instantly.
Amazon aimed his MAC-10 at the two men from the driver's seat and let it spit,
Pat! Tat! Tat! Tat! Tat! Tat!,
firing shots from the inside of the truck.
Action Jackson ran through the parking lot popping shots from his twin .45s, not caring who he hit. When Big Time heard the machine gun ring out, he also took off running, ducking down behind cars.
Dirty Black sprung up from behind the Range Rover and sent five more shots in Big Time's direction.
“Yo', we out!” Dirty Black yelled as he hopped back in the passenger seat of the Range.
Once Dirty Black was back in the truck, Amazon threw the truck in reverse, and backed up out of the parking lot, going full speed.
When Action Jackson saw the Range Rover start to back up, he ran toward the truck popping shot after shot, trying to take off a head or two.
Once the Range Rover was out of sight, Action Jackson quickly turned to Almond Joy and popped her head off right in the parking lot, getting blood all over his face. She had seen his face, so she had to go.
Action Jackson then quickly jogged to the awaiting BMW just as people began coming out the strip club to see what had just happened. Big Time peeled off, leaving tire marks throughout the parking lot.
“I tried to take that nigga head off!” Amazon said as he pulled over on a side road. He hopped out the Range Rover. He removed all the papers from out of the glove compartment and wiped away all of their fingerprints before he abandoned the truck. It wasn't in his name, so he could care less.
Dirty Black reloaded his 9 mm before he left the Range, just in case they bumped into Big Time and his man again. “You got more bullets?”
“Nah, my shit empty,” Amazon replied as him and Dirty Black walked over to the corner and flagged down a cab.
Kendu and Crystal sat at the kitchen table eating some steak and mashed potatoes that she had whipped up. “I'm so glad Jessica is over at my mom's house for the night.” Crystal took a sip of wine.
“Can I ask you a serious question?” Kendu asked, looking down at his plate.
“Sure.” Crystal gave him her full attention. “What's on your mind?”
“Your baby father, the next time I see him, I'm going to kill him. I just hope—”
BOOK: Redrum
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