Redemption FinalWPF6 7 (15 page)

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Authors: L. E. Harner

BOOK: Redemption FinalWPF6 7
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Without giving either of them a chance to speak, Gabe turned
to her and continued. “Dee, I knew Melody was feeding you a lie, but I also
knew there would be a grain of truth in her words.”

“Oh, Gabe,” she said. “I’m so sorry I listened to her. I
knew better, I really did. You wouldn’t hurt someone that way. It’s not in you.
But when I came to find you and tell you…” she trailed off, as her eyes filled
with tears.

Gabe raked his fingers through his hair with his free hand.
“Don’t apologize, Diane. I could have explained, but I didn’t want to face her.
I didn’t want to face you. What I wanted more than anything else was a drink. I
was probably already at the bar before you even got to your room.”

Her heart felt bruised at his words. She remembered the
feeling so well. She pressed her hand over the top of his, joining the three of
them together.

“I might have said the right words when we were in the
bottom of the canyon but I didn’t feel them. I hadn’t hit rock bottom yet. I
was passed out when Marcus brought me to Phoenix that night. We came right
here. When I finally sobered up and realized I’d chosen a drink over a chance
at love with the two of you, the real truth of my addiction hit me. My friends were
all right here waiting for me when I finally emerged from the guest room. My
head hurt like a bitch, my hands were shaking, and I would have sworn my eyes
were going to fall out at any minute. They did a classic intervention and told
me how much they loved me but they wouldn’t watch me hurt myself anymore. We
left that day for the clinic and I spent the next six weeks drying out and
getting counseling.

“Today, I am dry and I am sober but I’m still an alcoholic.
I always will be. At this moment, I don’t think I’ll ever drink again, but I
also know that there may be days that I fight every single minute to remain

“You wanted to know why I walked away? Because I wanted a
drink. Why did I stay away? Because the two of you fit. You belong together. There
is so much love between you that adding anything else might dilute your
relationship. You deserve each other and you deserve a chance at happiness. So
while I’m glad you’re here, and I’m glad we’ve had this chance to talk, I can’t
be with you.”

“Well thank you very fucking much, Dr. Gabriel,” Uriah
snapped, pulling his hand from theirs as if burned.

Diane winced at Uriah’s harsh tone, but she was relieved to
see he was angry. That was an improvement over the kicked puppy attitude that
he’d often had in the months since Gabe left them.

“So that’s it? You were sick? You’re an addict? How does
that make you the one to decide the future for all of us? At first, I thought
I’d done something wrong, that maybe you blamed me for Joe’s suicide, like some
kind of do no harm shit. Finally, I realized you just didn’t love us, you
didn’t want us.” No one moved while Uriah seemed to fight with himself for

“You marked me, Gabe. There isn’t anything I can do to get
you out of my head. I love Diane, I always have. But without you…that love is
broken. She deserves more than that, more than just me. If we can’t find a way
for the three of us to be together, then I have to find a way to walk away from
both of you. I can’t have just one without the other.”

Diane gasped, her heart split right in two at the thought of
Uriah walking away from her. She’d already lost Gabe once and now Uriah would
leave her?
Oh hell no
. There was way too much love between the two men,
between all three of them.
I will not let this happen.

Swiftly, she moved to her knees and put a hand on each man’s
waist. Looking up, she cleared her throat and with no more time to plan her
words, she started to talk as though her life depended on it. “We have a chance
at something special but we have to overcome some things in our past. I don’t
think we‘ve had much of a problem forgiving each other’s flaws; it’s forgiving
ourselves for past mistakes that seems to get in our way. Gabe, you promised
that you would try this with us…try to be in a relationship. Uriah and I have
talked this over and we accept. We want to be in a relationship with you. It’s
why we’re here. We’re not going to let you push us out of your life, because we
know you love us.”

Gabe’s mouth opened and she thought he might intend to
protest, so she continued without giving him the opportunity. “Your friends
Marcus and Max know you pretty well—

“They don’t know everything…” Gabe said, then trailed off.

“They said you needed us, still want us. We believed them and
that’s why we’re here. We’re not leaving.”

Gabe snorted, and Diane paused, waiting for him to speak.

“What do you think, you’re gonna just moved here to Phoenix…get
new jobs? Plan to enroll in ASU, Uriah?”

“I graduated last semester,” Uriah said. “I got my degree in
accounting and I’ve already got a job. Max hired me to work for him.”

Gabe’s head whipped from Uriah back to Diane and she wanted
to laugh at how wide his eyes were. She nodded. “And I’m working for Enwright
Security. Michael is a really nice guy and Jo hooked me up. They needed a
fitness trainer and now that’s me. So we’re here. Now the question remains,
what are you going to do about it?”

“You moved here? You have jobs and you moved here to be with

“Yes, Gabe. We really do want to be with you. We have a lot
to learn, but I think we all have a pretty good idea of what we’re capable of
at the bottom end of the relationship scale. I’m looking forward to seeing just
how far we can go.”

Abruptly standing, Uriah looked down at them, and Diane’s
mouth suddenly went dry with desire at the heat she saw in his eyes. “You
know,” he said, “you two talk an awful damn lot. Gabe, how about you show us to
your bedroom?”


Uriah'd done a lot of thinking about things since the last
time the three of them had been together. He’d been the least experienced in
the trio and he appreciated the care that they’d taken. Especially Gabe. The
one idea that he couldn’t get out of his head was Gabe’s promise that someday they
were going to take Diane together. Just the thought of his cock in her ass
while Gabe was in her pussy made him hard, and he knew Dee wanted it, too.
Tonight he was going to get his wish. He hated the change he felt in Gabe. His
lover seemed less certain, unwilling to take charge. Well, Diane had taken a
big risk and he would, too. If Gabe needed someone else to be strong for a bit,
then Uriah would do that for him. For them.

The first thing he did was pull the blankets from the
queen-sized bed and drop them on the floor. “We’ll worry about awkward later,
everybody get naked.”

Gabe and Diane laughed, but joined in taking off their
clothes and dropping them to the floor. Before anyone could say anything, Uriah
swooped in, grabbed Diane in a full body hug and tumbled with her onto the
mattress. She gave a laugh and a squeal and landed flat on her back with her
legs splayed.

“Oh, yes. I see you know exactly what I have in mind,” he
said. He stretched out alongside her and cupped a breast, massaging and savoring
the heavy weight of it in his hand. Just before he moved in to swipe a nipple
with his tongue, he looked up into Gabe’s hungry face. “Do you remember what
you promised me?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Good. Get the lube and condoms and join me.” Then his mouth
closed over her pebbled nub, and he drew her deep, stopping just short of her
pain threshold. They had learned a lot about each other over the last several
months…Gabe had some catching up to do. Uriah kissed his way up to take Diane’s
mouth. Her tongue met his, hot and demanding. Threading his fingers into her
soft brown hair, he pulled tight against her kiss. With the promise of what was
yet to come, he slid his tongue in and out of her mouth while Diane sucked hungrily.

From the way her back arched and the quick inhalation of
breath, he knew the exact moment Gabe joined him in feasting from Diane’s body.
Alternating licks and kisses, Uriah trailed down her neck and tasted the
sweetness of her. Like a cat, she stretched and purred into their touches. Gabe
moved between her legs to lean over, his mouth lightly skimming over Dee’s
goose-pebbled skin, before he scrapped his teeth lightly on the underside of
her breast. Uriah was mesmerized as he watched the other man nip and bite along
the sensitive skin. Uriah knew Dee would dance on the edge of pleasure and pain.
How had Gabe learned them so well in such a short amount of time?

Diane made little noises in the back of her throat and it
was sexy as hell to know Gabe was with him and together they would bring her pleasure
like she’d never known. Uriah slid a hand over Diane’s sculpted belly and felt
the underlying strength of her toned body. She was sleek and strong, all woman and
hot as hell. He cupped the breast that Gabe was working. Gabe’s hand mirrored
his and it was as if they were feeding each other from the delectable Diane.
Her breasts were swollen and the rose-colored nipples peaked to hard points. He
remembered Gabe’s promise to have Uriah’s nipples pierced. Would they get Diane’s
pierced, too? That was too fucking hot, and he moaned at the image in his mind.

Gabe smiled at Uriah, as if he knew the direction his thoughts
had taken, then Gabe made a little growl in the back of his throat and reached
for Uriah to take his mouth in a quick, claiming kiss that seared him to his
toes. Gabe pulled back with a sharp nip at Uriah’s lower lip, then returned to
lick and kiss his way toward Diane’s hips. She writhed beneath his attention,
pushing her hips up to meet his mouth. He shifted her slightly so that she
rolled up on her hip and he was able to drape one of her legs over Gabe's shoulder,
opening her up.

Uriah ran his hand along her spine, down the curve of her
waist, and back up over the flair of hip. Her beautiful, firm ass was right in
front of his face and it was just exactly what he wanted. He bit hard enough
that he heard her sharp intake of air. Then he kissed her tenderly to soothe
the sting. Exploring her ass with his mouth, he made long slow sweeps with his
tongue over her fevered skin. He pulled her cheeks apart and began flicking his
tongue quickly against the small pucker of her anus. Both of their heads so
close together in the vee of Diane’s core, Gabe and Uriah’s mouth met and they
kissed, sharing the heat of desire, sharing the taste of Diane.

Gabe squeezed a generous amount of lube on Uriah’s fingers,
and Uriah pressed the tip of one finger against her tight opening. “I’m going
to fill you here, Diane,” he said. Then he slipped one finger inside and Diane
shuddered around him.

Gabe laughed, a decidedly wicked laugh that sent shivers
down his spine. “Did you wait to try this until I was with you, Uriah?”

Their gazes locked and Uriah’s lips curved at the memory of
Gabe’s fingers. The he used a variation of the words he’d replayed a hundred
times in his head. “Just relax for me, Diane, baby. Gabe took care of me and
I’m going to take care of you.”

“We’re both gonna take care of you,” Gabe whispered.

“Oh God, please I want you now. Both of you.” Diane’s breath
came in short sharp pants.

Looking at his slick hand, Uriah realized he should’ve put
on his condom before the lube made his hands too slippery. He glanced up and
found Gabe watching him with a half smile.

“Let me do that for you,” Gabe said. He quickly rolled the
condom down Uriah’s throbbing cock, and then sheathed himself.

“How do we do this, who goes first?”

“You go first, Uriah. Come on, Dee, honey. Lay over the top
of me.” Gabe helped lift Diane, bending her knees and spreading her thighs. Her
ass was spread invitingly toward Uriah. “Give me a little more lube, Gabe.”

Gabe cupped Diane’s face. “We want to make you feel good,
sweetheart. We want to bring the three of us together the closest way possible.
You tell us if it’s too much, and we’ll stop.” The nerves that had strung Uriah
up so tight relaxed in the comfort of knowing Gabe was now going to
orchestrate. He dreaded the thought of hurting Diane. He squirted more lube and
was pleased when two fingers slid in easily. When he added a third, Diane moaned
and pressed her hips back toward him. Slowly, he pumped, massaging her from the
inside until the tight muscle relaxed.
As ready as I can make her.
his fingers with the tip of his cock Uriah applied a steady pressure until he
slipped through the puckered opening.

“Nice and slow, Uriah. Give her plenty of time to adjust.”

Nothing had ever felt like this before, Uriah thought. Her
channel was hot and silky, and oh-so-fucking-tight. When she pushed back he was
suddenly buried balls deep and Diane let out a sharp moan.

“Easy, Dee, don’t hurt yourself. We’ve got plenty of time,”
Uriah said. Looking over her shoulder, into the steady hazel eyes of their
lover, he was suddenly sure that was the truth. They had time.


On a gasp, Diane pushed her hips back and took all of Uriah
as deeply she could. His size took her breath away and she moaned at the sudden
sharp stretching. He gripped her hips and held her still but Diane wanted more.
She wanted Gabe. She wanted to be filled with her two men. Pressing again back
toward Uriah she leaned down and skimmed lips, teeth, tongue over Gabe’s chest,
as he murmured words of encouragement.

Blowing out a breath, and shivering under Gabe’s soothing
touch, Diane began to move on Uriah’s cock as he started a slow, steady stroke
from behind.

“Christ, Dee…you’re so tight, I never felt…fuck. Gabe,

“Yes…now, pay attention, college boy. We have our woman to
love. You ready, Dee?”

Pulling away from Gabe slightly, her back bowed and she moaned
her pleasure. Placing one hand over Uriah’s to hold him firmly against her
hips, Diane leaned forward and positioned herself over Gabe’s cock. He slipped
the head between her labia and slowly pressed himself inside.

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