Redeemed Book 2: A Military Stepbrother Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Redeemed Book 2: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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My mind to a blank, and I stood there in front of him, not sure what to say. I wanted to help but… suddenly I knew what I could do. It was so obvious! “I can tell you my side of the story, right? That should help, no?”

Officer Stallman’s eyes widened. “You were there? You saw the fight?”

“Of course I was there. They were fighting over me.”

Officer Stallman took this information in such a way that spoke volumes. He didn’t know I was there Friday night. Steve must have told him quite the story. “This changes everything. I need to take your statement, Miss Gold. You have a few moments? Please come with me.”

Without waiting for my reply, Officer Stallman turned and walked back towards the front desk. I followed, and saw him tell the officer on duty we were going to use a conference room before leaving me back into the offices.

The offices looked less like something out of a TV show or movies, and more like any random office in any random building. Officer Stallman guided me into a conference room third from the end, and offered me a chair to sit down. He closed the door behind us and sat down at the other side of the table.

The room was small, fit for only four people maximum to sit inside. Between us was a rectangular table with a recording device sitting off to one side.

“Can I get you a drink? Coffee, soda, water, anything?”

“Just water for me, thank you.”

“Stay right here, I’ll be right back. I watched as Officer Stallman stood up and left the room. I looked around the blank walls, and saw a camera in one of the corners looking down at the table and anyone sitting at it. Now this part was more familiar. My television cop show experience would come in handy here.

A couple minutes later, Officer Stallman came back in carrying two paper cups full of water. He set one down in front of me and sat back down himself, taking a long sip before focusing on me.”Okay, Miss Gold. Please start from the top and tell me everything that happened Friday night. Bear in mind,” he leaned forward and turned on the recorder, “that I am recording your statement for the record. Do you understand?”

I sat straight up, putting my hands both on the table, ignoring the couple of water in front of me. “Yes, officer, I understand.”

“Then, for the record, this is the statement of Miss Laurel Gold. The night in question was Friday, December 20, 2014. Officer Sam Stallman in the room. Please proceed, Miss Gold.”

I started telling my side of the story, starting from leaving Harrison’s homecoming party at our parents house with Maggie. From there, I talked about the Crown. Officer Stallman stopped me in a couple places to confirm some times and specific locations, but for the most part he let me speak.

After describing getting to the Crown, I moved things along till I got to meeting Steve.

“I’m going to stop you right there, Miss Gold, if that’s alright,” Officer Stallman said as he sat up in his chair. I nodded. “Describe Steve Clausen for me. Tell me what you thought of him.”

I described Steve physically. “He was really cute. You know, the all-american look? That’s exactly him. I liked him at first sight, though I don’t normally go for that type.” I felt my cheeks blossom. “Oh, I don’t know if I’m supposed to say that kind of stuff.”

Officer Stallman waived his hand away. “Don’t worry about it, say whatever you like, whatever comes to mind. Please continue, you’re doing fine.”

“Okay,” I said, buoyed by his kind words. “ We met at the bar, and then he came to the table Maggie and I shared and sat down with us for a few minutes. We talked a little bit, seem to be getting along pretty well, and…” I trailed off, getting to the part of the story that was a little embarrassing.

Officer Stallman reached over and paused the recording, before leaning forward and fixating on me. “This gold, I can tell you’re hesitating because you don’t want to say anything embarrassing. Let me tell you right now not to worry about that. I understand that everybody does things that they are sometimes not proud of. I’ve done them myself many times.” He grinned. “No one else will hear this recording, except officers doing their jobs. We are not here to embarrass or shame you, we just want to know what happened.”

I sighed, feeling so relieved. That really took a weight off. I nodded to Officer Stallman, and he on paused the recording. “We were getting along pretty well, and then he invited me out to his truck to get something.”

“Did Mr. Clausen say what he was getting from his truck?”

“No he never said what it was.” I paused. “I kind of got the impression In the moment that he really just wanted to get me away from Maggie and the crowd at the Crown.”

“And how did that make you feel?”


“I was fine with it. I liked him. I wanted to be alone with him.” Officer Stallman’s reassuring words from a minute ago rang through my ears. If I really wanted to help Harrison, I would tell the truth and not be afraid of any potential embarrassment. It wasn’t like my statement was going to be shared on Facebook or anything.

I kept going with the story, describing how Steve and I stepped outside, away from everyone else, kissed a little against the side of the building, and then walked towards his truck. I wasn’t afraid anymore, I told Officer Stallman how excited I was to see where things would go with Steve.

“When we got to his truck, he looked around for some stuff in there, or at least pretended to. Then he…”

“Please be frank, Miss Gold. Tell me everything that happened next.”

“He pressed me up against his truck and we started kissing again. It felt really good, and I was enjoying myself, at first.”

“And then?” Officer Stallman was interested, but not in a lewd way at all. He just knew that my statement was getting to the important parts.

“And at first I was okay with him being a little aggressive.” I described how he touched me. “And then I asked him to stop.”

“And what did Mr. Clausen do?”

“He didn’t stop. He kept being just as aggressive with me as before. I didn’t like it, I wasn’t having any fun anymore.”

“Please continue. Where do need to take a break?”

“No, thank you, I’m fine. I’d like to keep going.” Officer Stallman nodded and I continued, Describing my attempts to get Steve Clausen off me, And how unsuccessful I was. “And then, someone else showed up.”

“Harrison Troy.”

“Yes, Harrison Troy, but at the time I didn’t know that. He stood outside the light, and told Steve Clausen to get off me and leave me alone.”

“And what happened next?”

“At first Steve didn’t listen. At first Steve tried to get Harrison to leave us alone, but of course Harrison wouldn’t do that. Even before he was a soldier, Harrison wouldn’t have let that happen.” Of course, I didn’t know that part for a fact, but I’d like to think that even at his worst, Harrison would never let that happen to anybody Without stepping in.

“And then?”

“Harrison wouldn’t take no for an answer, and came forward, and fought with Steve.” I described the fight in as much detail as I could remember, making sure to stress that Harrison only got into the fight to make sure I was okay, And that Steve wouldn’t let it go, or let me go.

After I was finished, Officer Stallman had one more question. “So, it is your statement, truthful to the best of your knowledge, that Harrison Troy assaulted Steve Clausen on Friday, two nights ago, because Steve Clausen was in the process of sexually assaulting you when Harrison Troy came across both of you?”

“Yes, officer Stallman, that is my statement. It is the truth. Harrison Troy was defending me from Steve Clausen. That is why they got into the fight.”

“All right, thank you very much Miss Gold. This statement is terminated.” Officer Stallman reached over and stopped the recording. He looked at me. “Thank you very much for giving us that statement, Miss Gold. I understand that it couldn’t have been easy for you. Would you stay right here for a few minutes?”

I nodded, and Officer Stallman stood up and left the room, closing the door behind him.I was alone again, alone in the interrogation room with the now dredged up memories of two nights ago.

I was surprised that I felt better about it already. What Steve Clausen had done to me was terrible, but Harrison had arrived in the nick of time and saved me. I know that going out to the parking lot with Steve just so soon after meeting him was not the brightest idea, but that didn’t excuse what he did, not at all. I would make better decisions in the future, but right now the important thing was making sure Harrison didn’t get in trouble just for saving his stepsister.

I don’t know how long I sat there, because I didn’t check my phone when I came in, and there were no clocks that I could see. Probably a good interrogation tactic, to leave the suspect with no way of telling time. I wonder if Harrison was sitting in a similar room right now. Maybe one of the other two after this one in the hallway.

I felt good that I had told the police about what happened on Friday. It felt good to tell the story, to get it off my chest, and not to sweep it under the rug. I had heard from friends back in New York City about times when dates with guys had gotten a little aggressive before they were ready, and I knew that it was almost never reported to the police. Women just didn’t want the shame of talking to the police, of admitting to bad decisions, of looking like maybe they wanted it, or something and how they dressed or acted was asking for it. That was never the case.

And I felt good for standing up for myself and telling the police about it. I wondered why I’d gone the entire day yesterday without thinking to do so. What did it say about me that I would only stick up for myself is meant helping someone else?

I was still mulling this over when the door opened, and Officer Stallman piqued his head inside. “Miss Gold, would you come with me for a second, please?”

I stood up and picked up the paper cup, full of water forgotten until now. Suddenly finding myself very thirsty, I grounded in one large sip, and threw it in the trash can next to the table. Then I followed Officer Stallman’s head into the hallway.

The other officer from last night stood one door over, and watched this approach. “Hello again, Miss Gold.” The younger officer greeted me, Just as cold as the night before.

“Hello officer,” I said as sweetly as I could, “I don’t remember your name.”

“Officer Jefferson. That’s okay, we didn’t get much chance to talk last night.”

“That’s right, you were too busy arresting my step brother in our house.”

His face dropped for a moment, then he regained his steely composure. “That would have gone… a little easier if your stepbrother hadn’t been so aggressive.”

I left it at that, looking up at both of them expectantly. “Well, what can I do for you both? Do you have any questions about my statement?”

“No,” started Officer Stallman. “Your statement was fine, thank you for being so forthcoming. We wanted to talk to you about your stepbrother, and where things would go from here.”

He said it without any warmth, any of the good feeling he’d used earlier in the interrogation room. My heart sank this couldn’t be good. Whatever I had said, whatever my statement had been, clearly it wasn’t enough.

Harrison will was going to jail, and he would go to jail for the crime of helping his stepsister. I couldn’t believe it. I just wanted this to be over. I wanted to pick up Harrison, and take them home, and we can forget all about the last 12 hours, and get back to more of the three hours that happen before it. Was that too much to ask?

“Okay, officers. Let me have it. What’s he looking at? Where do we go from here?” I didn’t think the answer was going to be good, and if it wasn’t, I didn’t really want to hear it, but I also knew the only way out is this was forward. We have to go deeper into the tunnel before we could escape.

I just hoped I had the strength.

“You know what? When we speak to both of you at the same time. That’ll make this easier.” Officer Jefferson nodded, and reached for the door. When he opened it, I cautiously looked inside, and was overjoyed to find Harrison sitting at the table, just like I had in the other room.

Chapter 18 - The Interrogation

Harrison was wearing the same clothes as last night, the only difference was that his hands were still cuffed together. The shout that he let out when he first saw me is something I’ll never forget. It was a mixture of happiness and frustration all mixed into one.

I had to stop myself from rushing forward and throwing my arms around him, and I managed to keep it to just stepping in as casually as I could. “Harrison, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Laurel. You shouldn’t have Come. I didn’t want to get you involved.”

“You know I am involved, Harrison. This was all about me and we both know it. You can’t keep me safe from everything.” I wrapped my arms around him and we hugged. Well, as much of a hug as you can complete with one person in handcuffs.

“Not when you don’t let me.” I could tell he was relieved, but also annoyed with me, like I didn’t trust him to take care of himself or me.

“I’m here now, though, and I’m involved. Can we just let it go at that?”

Harrison looked tired and strained, and like he wanted to argue some more. He leaned his head forward and looked around me, noticing Stallman and Jefferson still in the doorway.

He sighed, closing his eyes and pointing his face to the ceiling. “Fine,” he breathed. “I’m glad you’re here, even if I’m not doing a good job of showing it.”

At least that was something. I guess I could call that a good start. For Harrison, though, it probably took all the effort he could muster after spending the night in a jail cell.

I wasn’t sure if it was his first time doing so, but I had a strong hunch it wasn’t. He looked a little too comfortable in his present surroundings for this to be totally new to him.

A twinge of anger ran through me, making me shiver out of reflex. Anger at Harrison for living his life in such a way that he’d frequent police stations; anger at myself for not seeing and appreciating enough just how much Harrison was trying to fix his life.

I couldn’t hold back any longer, and despite stopping myself earlier, I reached forward, leaning over, and threw my arms around his strong neck. Harrison still looked at the ceiling, and when I pulled myself close to him he turned to me in surprise, almost banging our heads together. I didn’t care, I just wanted him to know how much I missed him, how bad the last 12 hours had been for me too, even if I wasn’t able to put it in to words with the police officers around.

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