Red Tide: The Flavel House Horror / Vampires of the Morgue (The Ian McDermott, Ph.D., Paranormal Investigator Series Book 2) (12 page)

Read Red Tide: The Flavel House Horror / Vampires of the Morgue (The Ian McDermott, Ph.D., Paranormal Investigator Series Book 2) Online

Authors: David Reuben Aslin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Vampires, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Red Tide: The Flavel House Horror / Vampires of the Morgue (The Ian McDermott, Ph.D., Paranormal Investigator Series Book 2)
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“Okay, now get your butt up from that chair and follow me back to the massage room,” Zoey said with a commanding voice that would accept no arguments.

Ian got up from the chair and they both headed for the back room. Ian noticed that Zoey had gotten some dark hair-dye on her clothes.

“Zoey … Oh, Christ, I’m sorry. I see some of the hair dye on the left sleeve of your …” Ian exclaimed while pointing to the area of concern.

Zoey examined the sleeve. “Damn it.” she blurted out. “Oh, well. What the hell. This thing’s old anyway. I should have known better and changed out of it.” She continued staring at the dark, Rorschach-test looking spot. “Well, I should at least try dousing it real good with Spray-n-Wash and throw it in the washer before the stain totally sets in.”

Ian nodded his head in agreement as he spoke. “Zoey, I’m really sorry.”

Zoey replied, “No biggy. Totally my fault!” She took a deep breath, then spoke. “Ian, go ahead back to the massage room. It’s the room behind the first set of hanging beads. If you pass through a second set, you’ve gone too far. That’s our little laundry and kitchen. Anyway, the light switch is just to the left. Go ahead and get undressed. You can cover yourself with a sheet.” Zoey looked at Ian and giggled, “That is, if you’re shy. You’ll see a stack of folded sheets in an open-face wall cabinet just off to the right of the massage table. When you’re ready, lay face down on the table. You’ll see where your face goes: in the hole.” Ian’s mind boggled at the possibilities of Zoey’s last words.

He was speechless, but went ahead and followed her instructions, or rather, orders. He mused,
Get more undressed than I am already? Okay, I guess.

Zoey headed towards the back of the shop ahead of him. Just to the far left side of the room, about ten feet before the center beaded doorway, was a door that she opened, revealing a staircase. Zoey turned her head back towards Ian as she began heading upstairs.

“I’ll be quick. I’m gonna just get out of these clothes so I can get it washing right away.” Ian smiled as he continued on past her, heading towards the beaded doorway.

Everything in the massage room was as Zoey had described. Ian found the light switch and switched it on. He started to get undressed, then remembered that his shoes were still near the front of the shop where he’d initially gotten out of his wet clothes. Ian walked briskly back to where he’d left them, grabbed them up, and carried them back to the massage room. He then proceeded to get further undressed. Ian laid his boxer shorts, t-shirt, and socks on the floor on top of his shoes underneath the massage table. The room was neatly decorated with wicker furniture, chair, and an open-face shelved wicker cabinet that was filled with, besides white towels, an impressive assortment of oils, lotions, and potions. Suspended from the ceiling, directly above the massage table, was a banana leaf-styled ceiling fan.

The wall across from the initial beaded entryway was wallpapered in a picturesque tropic surf and sea motif similar to one Ian had once seen on the wall of a travel agency.

Sitting on top of a two-shelved, nightstand-type wicker desk adjacent to the room’s only chair was an ornate brass Buddha incense burner and a box of incense sticks. On the second shelf below that was a small boom-box stereo. Ian chuckled as he thought,
Probably gonna have me listening to the sounds of whales copulating.

Ian climbed onto the table and lay face down. He managed with a little difficulty from the awkward position he was in to adequately cover himself with a white sheet. Ian placed his face down into the padded facial hole.

Ian began feeling overwhelmingly silly, but just when he considered getting up from the table, Zoey parted the beads. “Let me just get my clothes started in the wash, and I’ll be right with you.”

Moments later, Ian heard the washing machine start up. Next he heard the gentle sound of the beads being disturbed yet again. He lifted his head and turned it sideways to see Zoey, who was now standing above him. She had already squeezed out some lotion into her hand from a bottle that she then sat down onto the table beside the incense burner.

Zoey was wearing only a loose-fitting men’s white knit tank top, which revealed her totally tattooed left arm, all done in Asian-pictorials. Ian had never been much into tattoos, especially on women. But he noticed instantly how beautifully the body art had been done by what had to have been a master tattoo artist. All the ink on her arm, its colors and designs, reminded Ian of a movie he’d once seen that featured members of the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza.

Ian noticed almost immediately that the arm holes in the shirt Zoey wore were much larger than any woman of her small stature would require for proper fit. They vividly revealed with nearly each movement of her arms the sides of her firm breasts. Zoey was additionally wearing pink sweatpants that Ian thought revealed a perfect, athletic-like, firm hind end. Printed across the back of the pants in bold white letters was the word
. Her bare feet revealed that her painted toenails exactly matched her black fingernails.

Zoey’s nose had a small, round, silver stud affixed to it. Ian guessed her ears had at least a half-dozen small silver loops on each, and he could see through her thin shirt that she had a small pin through her navel. Whenever Zoey turned her back to Ian and bent over slightly, Ian could see that the small of her back sported a tattoo comprised of a black and white Yin and Yang symbol that was semi-encircled by two symbolically contrasting black and white arrows. Ian would normally regard Zoey’s body piercings and body art as superfluous at best, but somehow, they all seemed natural on her.

Zoey began massaging Ian’s neck. At first, it was as painful to Ian as relieving, but after a few minutes, his neck began to loosen up just a bit.

“Stress has really done a number on you.” Zoey said while working.

“Yeah, I guess. Well, in my profession, I have to keep a lot of things bottled up,” Ian said while thinking to himself,
The secrets I keep. God, if she only knew.

“Well, Ian, like a good bartender, you can tell your masseuse in confidence all your dirty little secrets.” Zoey then giggled, “but don’t say a word to your hair-dresser. They’re gossipy as hell.” They both laughed.

Ian thought to himself for a second of what Zoey had just said. He immediately related it to the Yin and Yang tattoo
on the small of her back. To Ian, metaphorically, that was Zoey. Somewhat an enigma of polarized contradiction. Ian mused as her hands continued working their occasionally painful magic,
A little hard on the outside but very soft on the inside.

Ian exclaimed, “Wow! You’re really good. If I live through this, I think it’s really gonna have helped.”

Zoey laughed as she replied, “Yeah, well you know what they say.
No pain, no gain.”

After about fifteen minutes of working on Ian’s neck and back, Zoey issued another order. “All right, time for the flip side. Turn over.”

Ian suddenly became embarrassed. He’d become aroused by Zoey’s looks and healing hands.

“Oh … um … Ya know, I don’t think that will be necessary. I mean, my neck’s feeling much better and …”

Zoey interrupted, “Turn your ass over so I can get to the sides of your neck and front of your shoulders. It’s all connected. It’s all part of the same series of muscles that are spasming.”

By her tone and insistence, Ian knew, to his chagrin, that Zoey would accept no further arguments to the contrary. So he very slowly turned over, all the while trying desperately to mentally deflate his present condition by thinking of anything he could that was sexually repulsive. It didn’t work.

Oh … God.
Ian thought as he laid there with his knees both bent, a feeble attempt at trying to conceal his arousal.

Zoey had witnessed this maneuver by men in Ian’s condition more than once, but she intentionally concealed her knowledge with a poker face that could have rivaled even the most prolific gambler. She decided to play with him. “Ian, you’re simply gonna have to lay your legs down. They’ve got to be positioned perfectly straight in order for me to do a good job of rubbing all that stiffness out … from your neck.” Zoey had to turn her head away from Ian for a second, so he wouldn’t catch her giggling. Realizing that the situation was unavoidable, Ian began slowly lowering his legs.

Zoey spoke, “Now, there’s a good boy. I’m going to rub long and hard. Up and down … on your neck and shoulders. Gotta get all that tension released.” Once again, she had to turn her head away to regain her composure.

Ian could no longer stand not knowing how apparent his condition was. Reluctantly, he looked down towards his lower self. “Oh, Jesus. I’m sorry!” he blurted out.

Zoey laughed. “Relax, Ian. It’s only natural.” She began rubbing the sides of Ian’s neck. “Your neck … There’s a knot right here.” She began concentrating her efforts on the left side of Ian’s neck and shoulder. She continued, “The muscle right along here is really in spasm. By comparison to the other side of your neck, it actually feels a little swollen. Are you sure you haven’t injured it recently?”

Ian thought about the wrestling around he’d done back at Harmony Falls. “Yeah, come to think of it, I did take a bit of a nasty fall up in the woods the other day.”

Zoey shook her head, indicating that she thought it was more than just tension. “Try to relax as much as possible. This might hurt more than just a little while I try and work the knot out.”

Zoey bore down on what she felt was the epicenter of the problem and Ian winced from the pain. She then walked to the head of her table. When Ian looked up at her, Zoey looked directly into his eyes with a sly grin on her face. She said, “You know, if you’d like, when I’ve finished working on your neck and shoulders, I could help reduce the swelling in your other problem as well.” Ian was speechless as he gazed up into her deep, jade green eyes.


One hour later


Ian stood next to Zoey at the opened front door of her shop. The rain had stopped a while ago as abruptly as it had begun. Ian, not knowing exactly what to say, cleared his throat then began to speak. “Well, um … my … uh … neck …” His speech was interrupted as they both couldn’t help but laugh.

Ian continued, “Uh, yeah. Well anyway, my neck … ha! Yeah, it feels much better. And, um, thanks for drying my clothes.”

Zoey giggled slightly, “My pleasure, Ian. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Then she got serious. “Now, a couple of things. Are you going to tell me your real name? I could tell by the way my uncle introduced you, by the tone of his voice, that your name … he like invented it. Like a name from a character in one of his books. Or am I wrong?” Before Ian could say a word, Zoey continued, “That and … how about tomorrow? What time do you want to pick me up? We’re gonna have to go to Astoria. There’s nothing like what you’re going to need here in town.”

Ian was both startled and impressed by Zoey’s calm, casual demeanor when asking him about his name.
She certainly is perceptive.
After an uncomfortable pause, he answered, “Yes. Yes, of course. Going to Astoria works. It would be great. I’ve got an appointment over there at around ten, so say around nine? Would that work?” Zoey nodded. But then she lifted her eyebrows and crossed her arms, clearly indicating that she was still waiting for her initial question to be answered.

Ian continued, “As far as my name. Okay. My name really is Ian. Clayton came up with the last name McBride. My real last name’s McDermott.”

Zoey smiled. “Well, Ian McDermott, if that is your name? Nice to meet the real you.” she laughed.

Ian smiled. “No really. I swear! I’ll show you my driver’s license if you don’t believe …”

Zoey held up her right hand with her palm facing Ian. She laughed as she spoke, “Stop. I believe you.”

Ian continued, “Okay. Now that that’s out of the way, great. Until tomorrow then. You have a good night. Uh … bye.” Almost instinctually, Ian leaned forward to kiss her, but he caught himself before it was too obvious. He didn’t want to be presumptuous, so he opted to just turn and walk out into the night across the street to his Jeep.








When Ian arrived back at his trailer, Scout was very glad to see him. But Scout didn’t bark, almost as if he knew that it was late, and he didn’t want to wake their fellow campers. Instead, Scout wagged his tail feverishly and began leaning against Ian, nearly demanding that Ian take a few minutes to pet him. Ian was glad to oblige.

After paying some much deserved attention to his four-legged friend, Ian got undressed down to his boxers. He set the alarm on his cell phone to go off at 8:00 a.m. the next morning, then placed his phone on top of the cabinet next to the sink. He reached up and switched off the overhead light and climbed into bed. After a few seconds, Ian gently patted his hand on the bed beside him, signaling Scout to hop on and join him. Scout instantly did just that. Within minutes, they both were fast asleep.

8:00 a.m. came way too soon for Ian. The alarm’s incessant buzzing reverberated in his head. Ian first tried ignoring it by covering his head with his pillow, but that offered little to muffle the noise. Finally, after a few very uncomfortable minutes had passed, Ian made the long reach over to the counter. He snatched his phone, checked the time, then switched the phone’s alarm off.

Ian slowly stood up and began stretching out his back and shoulders. He had even more than his usual morning aches and pains that he’d grown accustomed to. Ian thought,
This damp, coastal climate isn’t doing my arthritis any favors.
He pulled on a heavily-wrinkled, khaki-colored, cotton polo shirt and the jeans that he’d worn the day before … and the day before that … he then sat down on the edge of his bed and put on his at one time fresh socks and tennis shoes.

“Well, Scout, it’s a good thing I’m going clothes shopping today ‘cause if I don’t buy some new threads, and if we don’t make it to a Laundromat soon, I’m gonna have to use my clothes as camp-fire starter.” Ian laughed at his attempt at humor. Scout barked twice.

After Ian and Scout had both finished with their typical morning routines, they climbed into the Jeep to embark on the day’s adventures.

“Scout, what a beautiful morning. It can’t rain all the time.” Ian said as they drove out of the RV park’s driveway onto the main road. Remembering a large advertising billboard when he’d first driven into Astoria that proclaimed radio station 97.8 AM - KNUZ to be the number one talk and news radio station for Astoria and the surrounding area, he promptly switched his Jeep’s radio on and dialed it to AM 97.8.

The morning news broadcast was in progress, coming over his radio with excellent clarity. Ian proclaimed to Scout, “Boy, I tell ya, seems even when nothing else will come in, you can always get Christian or talk radio. I guess neither God nor the news will be denied.”

Ian was half-listening to the local weather forecast when news came on that immediately caught his attention.

A man fishing in the Columbia River near Warrington found a body floating near shore. Astoria and Seaside Police both responded to a 911 call from the fisherman, who placed the call by cell phone just moments after discovering the body.

The yet-to-be-identified body was reported to be that of a young woman in her early twenties. The body was severely mutilated. Due to the body matching the same general condition of others, now seven in total, all nearly absent of all vital organs and blood, the women appear to have fallen victim to the serial killer or killers … now dubbed the Vampire Slayer... or Slayers.

The bodies of the victims found over the last few weeks have been discovered in the water and on the banks of the Columbia as far up river as Clathlamet, Washington, and now as far down river as Warrenton, Oregon.

We will continue bringing you up to the hour reports on this headline story as it unfolds.

Ian switched off his radio, frowning and shaking his head. The weight and magnitude of what he was about to get directly involved in finally had become real to him. He couldn’t have been more impacted by what he’d just listened to if he’d been hit over the head with a ton of bricks.

After ten minutes of driving south on the peninsula, they arrived at the downtown Long Beach business core. They drove a couple of blocks further on Main Street, then proceeded to pull over into a parking spot directly adjacent to Zoey’s shop. Ian checked his cell phone. It was 8:52 a.m.

Just as Ian started to unbuckle his seat belt, he spied Zoey exiting her shop. She smiled and waved as she looked over at Ian, then crossed the street and walked directly up to the passenger-side of his Jeep. Ian had already climbed out and was waiting for Zoey curbside.

“Hi, uh, good morning,” Ian said somewhat sheepishly.

“Hi yourself.” Zoey cheerfully replied. Due to her apparent good mood, Ian’s confidence immediately elevated.

“Well, Zoey, are you ready for the day’s adventure?”

With a large grin, she replied without hesitation, “You bet’cha Ian. I’m always up for shopping … and spying.”

Ian and Zoey smiled at each other, and he opened the car door for her. She got in and immediately buckled herself up. Scout, who had been lying down in the back seat, suddenly leaned his head over Zoey’s left shoulder, which startled her. Scout soon put her to ease by panting and gently nudging her shoulder, clearly indicating that all he wanted was for her to affectionately acknowledge him, which she did at first with a reluctant pat on Scout’s head; soon, that led to Zoey gently stroking Scout’s head and husky chest.

Ian slowly walked around his Jeep from the curb to the driver’s side of his rig, opened the car door, and slid into the driver’s seat. He smiled as he saw Zoey was now actively petting Scout, who had nearly worked himself into the front of the cab, semi-laying between the two front seats and draping himself over the center console.

“I see that you’ve met Scout,” Ian said pridefully.

Zoey looked up from Scout and smiled at Ian. “Well, we haven’t been properly introduced.” Then she looked directly at Scout. “Hi, Scout, my name’s Zoey.”

Scout barked once almost as if he was proclaiming that he understood her introduction. A couple of seconds later, Scout barked two more times as if he were reciprocating Zoey’s courtesy with his own self-introduction.

Ian exclaimed as he pulled the Jeep away from the curb and began their trip to Astoria, “Oh, I didn’t tell you, Zoey. Scout here’s a genius.” Ian and Zoey both laughed, but Ian meant what he’d said.

Ian continued, “Zoey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve got to meet up with a guy, Officer Ned Parker, one of Astoria’s finest, up at … well, up at the Astoria Column of all places. The Column’s become sort of our rendezvous spot.”

Zoey paused before she replied, “Good spot. I mean to meet and talk with your connection. Nobody can sneak up on ya. You know, that you can’t see coming.”

Ian continued to be intrigued by Zoey’s rapid ability to connect dots though he still wasn’t quite ready to tell her everything.

“Well, it’s not as ominous as it sounds. Ned’s just helping me a bit with some information and the like.”

Zoey smiled, shrugging her shoulders and rolling her eyes just a little as she interjected, “Whatever. It’s cool by me.”



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