Red Sea

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Authors: Diane Tullson

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Text copyright © 2005 Diane Tullson

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National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

Tullson, Diane, 1958-
Red Sea / Diane Tullson.

ISBN 1-55143-331-1

I. Title.

PS8589.U6055R42 2005      jC813'.6     C2005-903271-5

First published in the United States, 2005
Library of Congress Control Number
: 2005927692

: After being attacked by Red Sea pirates, fourteen-year-old Libby is left alone on a hostile sea, far from home, to fight for survival.

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For Brendan

Thanks to the usual suspects,
Shelley Hrdlitschka and Kim Denman,
and to Susan Goguen for
their help with the manuscript.


is paved but dusty, and my sandals atomize small clouds that sift over my pant legs, my shirt, my chin and nose and eyebrows, then every strand of my hair until I'm dun-colored and faceless. I can taste it, Djibouti dust. It's like particles of people and animals and African desert as old as anything is on earth, mixed with crumbling plaster and car exhaust. I draw attention; anyone new or different draws attention in these places, especially a girl, alone. Not that it bothers me. Guys here are not much different than guys at home. I know it bothers my mother that I'm alone, and that's reason enough to do it. It's the
only time I have to myself, living on a sailboat with her and Duncan. I've seen walk-in closets bigger than our boat, but it could be the
Queen Mary
and still not be big enough.

Below me, along the seawall, the sailboats jostle at the dock lines, not so much from the breeze as from all the activity on the boats. It's pre-passage frenzy: crates of fresh food from the market stacked three-high by the boats, jerry cans of water and diesel line the seawall. We've waited here three weeks for the right weather for this Red Sea passage. Duncan's boat is moored near the end of the line. I can see him and Mom on the deck of the boat fussing with the mainsail. I can tell from the bony hunch of Duncan's shoulders that he's stressed. At his age, he should think about his heart. Mom stands next to him, trying to look like she knows what she's doing. She has more experience sailing than I do—about five days more. She took a crash course, so to speak, when they decided to take a year off from their college teaching jobs and fulfill Duncan's later-than-midlife crisis.

Two boats over, Emma is scrubbing the deck of her boat with a long-handled brush. She looks up, sees me and waves. It's not actually her boat. She and her brother, Mac, are delivery skippers. I like Emma. She's younger than most of this sailing crowd, twenty-eight, and she looks younger than that. She's wearing a ball cap, backward, and a bikini, her standard attire when she's working on the boat. Unlike the other women on these boats, Emma can actually wear a bikini. Slipping off my daypack, I rummage for the can of beans I've found for her, then wave it over my head. She
shades her eyes to see, then gives me a thumbs-up. Emma likes beans for breakfast. She's British. She calls us Canadians
. Smiling, I head down to her boat.

She's dropped her brush and meets me on the plank suspended between the stern of her boat and the seawall. When I step toward her, she holds up a hand to bar me from the plank.

I say, “I'll take my shoes off.”

She shakes her head. “You're all dust, Lib. You'll make mud.”

“Well, I guess you don't want the beans very badly.”

With a sigh she says, “Alright. But brush yourself off.”

I do as she says, kick off my sandals and climb into the boat. Under the cockpit awning, the shade is cool refuge. I settle onto the cushioned bench and peel off my hat. “Why are you washing the decks when tomorrow they'll be covered in salt?”

Emma drinks from a water bottle, then tosses it to me. “I always clean the boat before a passage.”

I empty the bottle. I never used to drink water at home. “So, it's some sailors' superstition?”

Emma flops down across from me. “Maybe. It's been lucky so far. Main reason though is that cleaning the boat is a good way to check things over. So, you found me some beans?”

I lob the can to her. She says, “Where did you find it? No, don't tell me. I don't care.” She blows the dust off the top. “No bulges, no rust. Bonus.”

“You'd probably eat them anyway.”

She laughs. “Mac would.”

We met Emma and Mac in Australia. Duncan bought his boat there, and Emma and Mac were picking up this one to deliver to Tel Aviv. In Djibouti we joined up with a couple of other boats to travel north, up the Red Sea to the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean. Mom wants to sail in Italy, the Isle of Capri and all that. Italy is still a long ways away.

I say, “Where's Fanny?”

Emma thumbs toward the side of the boat. “Feline terror. She dumped my basil plant last night, so we threw her overboard.” She laughs at my reaction. “Put your eyebrows back, you know we didn't. She's sleeping. I rigged her up a basket hammock that she quite likes. Hopefully, she won't get seasick.”

Fanny is a seawall kitten Emma and Mac adopted from here, one of hundreds that live off the town garbage. You never see an old seawall cat. I would have brought home a dozen by now except Duncan says he's allergic to cats. Right.

“Can I go see her?”

Emma feigns exasperation. “Who do you really come visit, the cat or me?”

“I brought you beans, didn't I?”

She shrugs. “I don't suppose you found chocolate?”

“On the next shipment from Paris, not that I could afford it anyway. I'd have to marry a Somali general and bear him ten brown babies.”

“Steep price to pay even for chocolate, Lib, and it would only melt.” She gets up and heads through the small door to the companionway below. “Come on, you can help me plot our course for tomorrow.”

I follow her down the steps into the boat. “That sounds too much like school.”

“Have you done any schoolwork today?”

“No, Mother.”

Inside, the boat curtains are drawn against the heat of the sun. I blink as my eyes adjust to the dimness. “Although I did find an Internet café and read two newspapers from home. It's snowing there.”

Emma shudders. “It always snows in Canada.”

“Technically, somewhere, like the polar ice cap maybe. Not in Vancouver, even in winter. In Vancouver when it snows they close the schools. It's like a gift.”

“And you checked your e-mail?”

I know what she's asking. She's asking if Ty has written me. It's almost three months now I've been gone. I e-mail him every day when we're in port.

I say to Emma, “I heard from my friend Jesse and she says Ty is moping.” Actually, what she said is that school is boring and Mr. Waring, the
teacher, is up on charges of sexual misconduct and that she has a new boyfriend, like that's news. “Ty is probably too sad to write.”

The gray tabby kitten is curled asleep on a scrap of toweling in a round basket that Emma has suspended over the seating area. Emma rocks the basket gently. “She has the best berth in the boat.” Reaching in, I gather the kitten into my hands. The kitten startles, then stretches and yawns. I cradle it under my chin. Emma says, “Fickle thing likes you best.”

The kitten purrs as I stroke it. Some of the seawall kittens
are too feral to hold. This one was born to live with people. “I'm going to miss you while we're sailing, Fanny.”

Emma snorts. “We should be under a week to Port Sudan. I think you two can be apart that long.”

I try to make my voice sound like I'm joking and say, “I could sail with you and Mac. I could be your crew.”

Emma might laugh at the thought of me as crew, but she doesn't. “Your mother needs you. And Duncan does too.”

The kitten rests its paws over my shoulder and gazes longingly at the top of the cupboards. When I scratch it behind the ears, it drools. “Mom and Duncan don't need me. They only dragged me on this trip because they couldn't trust me at home on my own.”

“You're fourteen, Lib, never mind your gorgeous face and long red hair. I wouldn't have left you either.”

“Right.” She's been at sea too long. “I could have stayed with my dad. It's not like I would have been totally alone.” Not that Dad was jumping up and down to take me. Every other weekend is more of me than he can handle. “I have an aunt, or my grandparents would have taken me.” They would have, except they live a two-hour drive away from Ty, so what would be the point? “Duncan is probably endangering our lives.”

Emma waves me off. “I'd sail with Duncan in a heartbeat. He's a flawless navigator, he maintains his boat in perfect condition, he sails better than a lot of racing skippers—”

I cut her off. “And I'd be fine on my own back home. Weren't you only a couple years older than me when you left home?”

Emma nods. “I was sixteen. But it was different for me.” She pauses, looks at me. “Duncan seems to me to be a good man.”

Now I snort. “So you win.
had the worst stepfather.”

“I didn't mean that. You've got a different notion about Duncan. I'm just saying that I like him.”

The kitten bats at a strand of my hair. “I have no idea what my mother sees in him.”

Emma laughs. “Maybe he's good in the rack.”


“He's quite fit, you know, for someone his age. So limber.” She lifts her eyebrows suggestively.

I set the kitten down on the floor where it proceeds to hunt imaginary prey. “Maybe you'd like to have Duncan.”

She smiles. “Ooh, I might. I've always loved tall, dark, handsome men.”

“Duncan is totally gray and wears glasses.”

“Exactly right. He's nothing like my old boyfriends, and that has to be good.” She laughs. “Why did you choose Ty?”

I shake my head. “I didn't. He chose me. Last year it was Taryn Talbot. Year before that it was Ashley Somebody.”

“What, like a term position? He turns in the girlfriend with his textbooks?”

I smile. “He's not in school anymore, and any time with Ty is worth it, for as long as it lasts.”

Emma rolls her eyes. “You're telling me exactly nothing about this guy. Let me guess, he has a car.”

“He does, actually.”

“And he's drop-dead gorgeous.”

“He is.”

“Bet he doesn't have a library card.”

“He likes car magazines.”

“Reads them for the pictures. Does he have engine grease under his nails?”

“No. And he chews with his mouth closed and doesn't scratch himself in public.”

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