Red Moon Rising (24 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Red Moon Rising
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“I’d like it if you called me mama.”  Avery brushed her hair
back from her face.  “Unless you would rather not?”

Bree blinked back the tears threatening and shook her head. 
“No, I – I would like that very much.”

“Good.”  Avery hugged her again before James tugged Bree
towards him. 

He pulled her on to his lap, and she put her arms around his
shoulders and grinned happily at him.  “I believe your family is more excited
about this wedding than we are.”

“Aye.  They do love a good party.”  James laughed but Bree’s
face had paled.  She was staring at the doorway to the kitchen.

He followed her gaze, his grip tightening about her waist
when he saw Kaden standing in the doorway.

“You’re marrying him?”  He said hoarsely as the others

Bree stood up and took a few steps towards him, stopping
when he backed away.  “Yes, I am.” 

“When were you going to tell me?”  He gave her a look of
hurt, and she made a soft soothing sound.

“I’m sorry Kaden.  I should have told you first.” 

“How could you Bree?”  He whispered.  “How could you marry a

“I love him.  You know that.”  She took another few cautious
steps forward and he held up his hand.

“Don’t come near me Bree.  I – I don’t even know who you are

“I’m still your sister and I love you.”  She replied.  She
held out her hand.  “Come for a walk with me Kaden.  We’ll talk and – “

“No.  I need to be alone.”

She gave him a pleading look.  “Promise me you won’t leave
Kaden.  You promised you would stay two weeks.”

His gaze flickered briefly to Sophia.  “Aye, a promise I now

He turned and stormed from the kitchen.  Bree made a low cry
of distress and chased after him.  He banged out the front door and ran across
the yard to the barn, disappearing inside of it.  Before Bree could follow him,
James had caught up to her.  He tugged gently on her arm, pulling her to a
stop.  She stared up at him, shivering in the cold air, and he pulled her into
his embrace.

“Give him some time Bree.  It’s a shock to him that’s all. 
He’ll come around.”

“Will he?”  She said softly.  “I’m not so sure James.”

“He will.”  He replied firmly.  He rubbed her arms and
kissed her forehead gently.  “You learned to trust us and so will he.”

“If he leaves and Draken finds him…”  She trailed off,
giving him a look of misery.

“We’ll convince him to stay.  We Lycans can be very loveable
when we put our minds to it.”  He paused.  “Well, most of us.  Maybe Nicky and
I should stay away from him for the first little while.”

She laughed in spite of herself, and he grinned and kissed
her lightly once more.  “Come little one.  It’s cold out and you have a wedding
to plan.”

“Aye, I do.”

He took her hand and led her back to the house.  “Do not
worry little one.  It will all work out in the end.  Your brother will accept
us, and we’ll be married soon.  Trust me alright?”

She nodded.  “I trust you.”  She hesitated.  “But James,
what about Draken?  He’s still out there and he knows where we are.  What if he
comes back?”

He squeezed her hand firmly.  “If he’s smart he’ll never set
foot on our lands again.  But if he does, we’ll be waiting for him.”

As he led her towards the house, he smiled down at her. 
“Come little one, this is a day to celebrate with my family – our family now.”

She smiled up at him.  “Aye, our family.”



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* * * *


Please enjoy a sample chapter of the next novel
in the Red Moon Second Generation Series:


“Dark Moon”


Chapter 1


“He is a handsome man, is he not?”

“I hadn’t really noticed.”

Avery smiled at her oldest daughter and stroked Sophia’s
dark hair.

“Dani seems quite taken with him.”

“Aye, she does.”  Sophia stared out her bedroom window. 
Kaden and Dani were standing next to the barn, and she watched as Dani threw
her head back and laughed before resting her hand on Kaden’s arm.

“It’s driving your Uncle Marshall crazy.”

“Why?  He is married to a human.  Why should he be bothered
that his child is infatuated with a human?”  Sophia asked.

Avery shrugged.  “I think it’s the fact that Kaden hates

“Dani is as human as he is.”

“True.  But her father and her brother are not.”

Sophia didn’t reply.  Kaden’s sister Bree was engaged to her
half-brother James and like it or not, Kaden would soon have a very close
relationship with the Lycans.  She sighed.  She understood why Kaden hated the
Lycans.  He and Bree had been kept as slaves by a Lycan named Draken.  James
and Nicky had stumbled onto Bree in the forest after she had been attacked and
hunted for sport by Draken and his pack, and James had used his healing powers
to save her life.

It had not taken long for Bree and James to fall in love and
when Draken had come after her, bringing Kaden with them, Bree had offered
herself in exchange for Sophia’s sister Leta.  The young girl had been captured
by the powerful Lycan, and Draken had quickly agreed to the exchange. Kaden had
been stabbed and left for dead by Draken but James and Avery had healed him. 
Once he was healed, they had set out after the pack of Lycans to save Bree.

Sophia shivered.  It had only been two weeks since she had
nearly died at the hands of Draken and she couldn’t seem to shake her fear.

Everything had gone according to their plan.  Kaden had
offered Sophia in exchange for his sister and Draken, instantly taken with
Sophia and eager to make her the mother of his pups, had agreed.  Once Bree and
Kaden were safe, James and the others had attacked the Lycan’s camp and saved

That’s not exactly true.  Kaden saved your life.  He
killed the Lycan about to tear your throat out, and stopped you from shifting
with that silver collar around your neck.  If it hadn’t been for him, you’d be
dead right now.

“Sophia?  Are you alright my love?”  Avery’s warm hand
stroked her back through her shirt and Sophia took comfort from her touch.

“Aye, I am fine.”

“Are you sure?  Leta said she heard you crying out last

Leta’s bedroom was next to hers, and Sophia forced herself
to smile at her mother.  “I’m fine mama.  I just had a bad dream.”

Avery squeezed her waist.  “Tell me about it.”

Sophia hesitated.  The dream had been awful.  She had been
back with Draken, the hideous silver collar around her neck, and his hot breath
blowing on her face as he had leaned over her.

“You’re mine Sophia.”  He had smiled down at her as his
teeth lengthened and sharpened.  “You’re mine.”

She had woken from the dream, sweating and afraid, and
couldn’t fall back asleep.  She had lain in her bed, staring out the window as
the darkness faded and the sun rose in the sky.  She supposed it didn’t help
that Draken had escaped before they could kill him.  The Lycan was out there
somewhere and it would be foolish to think that he would not attempt to take
his revenge.

She shook her head.  “No mama.  It was nothing.”

She watched, her stomach tightening with what she refused to
admit was jealousy, as Dani took Kaden’s arm.  He glanced briefly at the house,
she could have sworn he was staring directly at her, and then followed Dani
into the barn.  Sophia had kissed Kaden in that very barn, had felt his
erection against her abdomen and his hand on her breast, and try as she might
she couldn’t forget the way it had felt.

It was ridiculous.  The man hated Lycans and she had never
once mated with a human.  Not that she was opposed to the idea of mating with a
human; she had just never met one that interested her.

Kaden interests you.

She snorted angrily.  That might be true, but Kaden had made
it perfectly clear he wanted nothing to do with her.  He had kissed her in the
barn because she had practically thrown herself at him.  It hadn’t taken him
long to come to his senses, and since the moment he had pushed her away he
hadn’t spoken a single word to her.

She realized Avery was still watching her and she cleared
her throat.  “Dani will be upset when Kaden leaves tomorrow.”

“If he leaves.”  Avery said quietly.

Sophia stared at her.  “He will mama.”

Avery shrugged.  “He may not.  He loves his sister very
much.  He may find it more difficult to leave her than he realizes.  He has
been here two weeks, and even he would have to admit that Bree is very happy
with us.  He has seen for himself that not all Lycans treat humans the way that
Draken did.”

“He hasn’t spent any time with us.  The last two weeks he’s
been with Bree or Dani, or in the barn helping Ian with the horses.  He’s been
actively avoiding anything to do with our family.”

“That’s true.”  Avery sighed.  “But the last few days, Bree
has gotten him to agree to eat dinner with us.  It’s a step in the right

Sophia snorted.  “He stares at his plate, eats his dinner,
and leaves.  He won’t speak a word to any of us unless he has to.”

“He just needs more time.  You remember how Bree was the
first month she was here.  She was terrified of anyone she thought to be a

“Aye, but she was only frightened of us.  Kaden hates all of

“Does he?  I’m not so sure about that.”  Avery replied.

Sophia frowned at her.  “What do you mean?”

Avery stared thoughtfully at Sophia.  She had seen the way
Kaden looked at her child when he believed no one else was watching.  And
Sophia might avoid Kaden more than any of them, but Avery wasn’t blind.  The
others had attempted to gain Kaden’s trust over the last two weeks, even Nicky
had been friendly and polite, but Sophia hadn’t bothered.  In fact, to anyone
watching, she projected a clear dislike for the large human. 

Avery smiled a little.  Sophia might have fooled her father
and her brothers but she couldn’t fool her mother.  The slight reddening of her
cheeks, the frequent subtle glances at Kaden whenever he was near her, and the
way her eyes darkened when she watched Dani and Kaden together were
unmistakeably clear to Avery.  Something had happened between Sophia and Kaden,
and both of them were doing their best to keep it from the others.

“What do you mean mama?” Sophia repeated herself.

“Nothing, my sweet.  Only that perhaps Bree will still be
able to change his mind.”  Avery stretched up to kiss Sophia’s forehead. 
“Come, it’s almost dinner.  Let us join the others.”

* * *


Kaden smiled at the young girl standing next to him.  He
liked Dani, she had a happy, bubbling personality that was infectious, but he
was growing distinctly uncomfortable with the way their relationship seemed to
be turning. 

She touched him at every opportunity, just small presses of
her hand against his arm or his back, but he recognized it for what it was.  Last
night at dinner she had wormed her way into a seat beside him and spent the
entire meal brushing her thigh against his.  He had subtly shifted further and
further to his left until he was practically sitting on his sister’s lap.

Bree had given him an odd look but rather than try and
explain with Dani’s father staring suspiciously at him across the table, he had
just hurriedly finished his meal and excused himself to the barn.

He grinned a little to himself.  It was painfully obvious
that Dani’s father Marshall did not approve of his daughter’s crush.  Kaden was
almost tempted to sleep with the girl just to anger the Lycan. 

He stared down at Dani’s pretty face.  Who was he trying to
fool? The girl was an innocent, and he wasn’t the type of man who would use a
woman in that manner.  Besides, pretty as she was, she wasn’t his type.  Her
slender body and blonde hair did nothing to stir his lust.  He liked his women
dark haired, with full and lush curves a man could get lost in.  Wide hips to
hang on to when the sex got frantic and rough, and full breasts that overflowed
in his hands. 

Sophia’s face flashed in his head and he automatically
looked at the wall of the barn.  He had pushed her back against that wall, had
kissed her full mouth and ground his cock against her.  He could still remember
the feel of her breast in his hand, the way her nipple had tightened against
his palm, and her low voice moaning his name.

He looked away quickly as his cock started to harden in his
pants.  Gods, he was going crazy.  Thinking about having sex with a Lycan was
pure madness.  Besides, he was leaving tomorrow.  He would never see the Lycan

Dani was chattering to him and he smiled and nodded, only
half-listening as his thoughts turned to Bree.  He had been unable to convince
her to leave with him.  He had, in fact, known it was useless after the first
few days and had stopped pressuring her fairly quickly.

Bree loved the redheaded Lycan and, as much as Kaden hated
to admit it, it was obvious that James loved her.  Bree had been spending much
of her time the last two weeks with Kaden, and he had been surprised by James’
lack of objection.  He had given Bree her space and her freedom to visit with
her brother and Kaden had no sense that the Red was doing it as a way to win
his favour.

He had told Sophia that James was trying to control his
sister, but he had realized his mistake after only a few days.  It was clear,
even to him, that the Lycan would do anything his sister asked.  It would have
amused Kaden to no end that his tiny baby sister had such a powerful Lycan
wrapped around her finger, had it not been for his deep-seated hatred for
Lycans in general.

And fear
, a voice deep inside his head whispered. 
can deny it all you want, but you fear them as well.

He nodded at something Dani said and stared down at her
blankly.  He did fear the Lycans.  He hated that he did, knew that it made him
weak, but he had spent two years as their slave and his entire body was proof
of their cruelty.  His chest, back and thighs were covered with the reminders
of their whips and their claws.  Even now, away from Draken’s home, he could
feel a shudder run through him at the memory of being chained to the pole like
a dog. 

His hand came up and he rubbed at the skin on his throat.  The
band of pale skin, the only reminder of the collar he had worn around his neck
for over two years, was still there.  He wondered if it would ever go away or
if it would brand him forever as a Lycan slave.


He realized Dani was staring at him oddly and he made
himself smile at her.  “Yes?”

“Were you listening to me?”

“I’m sorry, I was um – “

He was saved from replying by the appearance of Leta at the
barn door. 

“Uncle Marshall is looking for you.”  She announced to
Dani.  She was holding Tia in her arms and she frowned when the small dog
barked excitedly and wiggled from her grip.  Tia ran to Kaden and he scooped
her up, petting her head roughly as she wagged her tail and licked at his

Dani sighed.  “What does he want?”

Leta shrugged.  “I don’t know.  He just asked me to come
find you.”

Dani frowned and then turned to Kaden.  “I’ll see you at


She hesitated and before Kaden could step back, she stood on
her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the cheek.  Blushing a little, she hurried
towards Leta who stepped out of the way but didn’t follow her out of the barn.

She kept a careful distance from Kaden and stared at him
warily.  “I still don’t like you.”  She said suddenly.

He grinned.  “No?  Why not?  I’m not taking Bree away from

She glared at him.  “I know!  Bree would never leave me –
she loves me.  And my brother.”  She added as an afterthought.

His grin widened.  Despite the fact that she was half-Lycan,
he liked the girl.  Other than Sophia, she was the only Lycan who had made no
effort with him at all in the last two weeks.  Although she refused to leave
Bree’s side the first few days, she had spent most of the time glowering at him
as he visited with his sister.

After a few days she had mysteriously disappeared and he had
questioned Bree about it.  His sister had smiled a little.  “She’s in trouble
for being rude to you.  Avery and Tristan aren’t allowing her to spend time
with us until she learns better manners.”

He had laughed.  “How long before she cracks and starts
being nice to me?”

Bree had giggled.  “You have no idea how stubborn Leta is. 
When her parents told her what they expected of her, I guess she vowed she
would never be kind to you and that she couldn’t wait until you left and she
never had to see your ugly human face again.”

He had snorted laughter as Bree poked his side in a friendly
way.  “She lost horse-riding privileges for a week and was sent to her room
without supper for that little outburst.”

“So that’s why I haven’t seen her glaring at me in the barn
lately.”  He had grinned.

Now, he crossed his arms across his chest and arched one
eyebrow at her.  “Why such a dislike for me young Leta?”

She pursed her lips together and stared silently at the
ground.  He had decided she wasn’t going to answer when she suddenly blurted,
“Because you’re making Bree sad.”

He frowned.  Bree hadn’t said a word to him about leaving. 
She had seemed to make her peace with the fact that he wouldn’t stay and she
had not appeared upset to him.  Her acceptance had hurt his feelings and in a
way, made it easier for him to leave.

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