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Authors: Carrie Aarons

Red Card (20 page)

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Two Years Later

ows and rows
of vineyard grapes gleamed in the afternoon sun for as far as the eye could see. The leaves blew in a gentle breeze, and at the top of the hill on Viali Vineyard and Winery, I stood in a black tuxedo waiting for my bride.

The guests, about 50 or so, sat in white chairs with navy bows hanging off the back. Leah's mum sat front row center, three chairs next to her waiting patiently for her two daughters, who would proceed Leah down the aisle, and her husband, who would walk arm and arm with his daughter before handing her off to me.

On the other side, my mum sat in the front row. Over the last two years Leah had tried hard to make a family for us here in Europe with the only remaining people I had left. It still surprised me how my mum took to her, but I was glad she was here for such a special moment in my life.

As for me, I was solid. I'd expected anxiety or nerves...maybe a wonky feeling or two. But I was calm as a pitch before a match. I was unwavering, at peace. This was where I was meant to be all along. Waiting for her, ready to commit in the most permanent way possible. Ready to start the next chapter of our lives together.

It only made sense that we get married here, on the vineyard. I'd proposed down the hill, on the veranda of our Florence house a little over a year ago. It was a warm June night and Leah and I were summering here after Windingham had ended the season as Premier League Champions. We'd been out on the patio, her sitting on my lap as I fed her sips of wine from my glass, and I knew exactly at that moment it had to be then. I'd had the ring for weeks, going back and forth with myself. But I cut the rubbish then, got down on one knee, and sealed the deal. I'd told her how much she meant to me, how she'd brought me back to life and expanded it more than I could have ever imagined. I told her how I wanted to love and cherish her forever, and someday when she was ready we could have a family of our own.

That was a big one for me. It was something Leah and I had fought about a couple of times. I was bloody scared to try and have a baby again, and my fear made me lash out at her. But then I pictured a little girl with snowy blonde hair, running around kicking a football and my heart melted.

The violins started up, the traditional Canon in D ringing out over the perfect, sunny day on the winery. Delilah and Katie walked elegantly down the aisle one after the other in floor length navy dresses that Leah had picked out. I'd let her pick out whatever she wanted. I wanted today to be everything she wanted and more. I didn't care about cakes and ruffles. All I wanted was her.

The crowd stood and I felt my heart start to sprint in my chest, and tears prick the corner of my eyes. Before I'd met Leah, I was a shell of a man. I was hanging on to life by a thread, only going through the motions. Happiness back then was a foreign concept. But now? Every single minute of every single day was full of it. She had saved me, she had saved my life. Forever couldn't come soon enough.

And then there she was. Moving down the aisle on her father's arm. She looked like an angel, a princess. She didn't even look real. Leah looked like a dream. She had on a lace gown that flared out from her tiny hips, and it had no straps. I could see her beautiful collar bone, the swell of her breasts. Her long legs were hidden from me, and already I couldn't wait to get her back to our house down the hill and pull that material from her body until she was begging me to be inside of her.

He brought her towards me, and I saw the long, white-blonde curls floating around her face and shoulders. She was so beautiful it took my bloody breath away.

Her father kissed her and took her hand and put it in mine. I felt her soft fingers over mine, the way our skin flickered and caught fire, sending flames licking up both of our arms and into our hearts. I knew she felt it too, because I heard the tiny gasp leave that pouty mouth. It was always like this with us.

“Hi.” She whispered.

“You look incredible.” I whispered back.

If the minister hadn’t cleared his throat and begun the ceremony, I think I would have stood there holding her hand and looking into her eyes for the rest of eternity.

He went through his spiel about how marriage was a sacred vow, a commitment, blah blah blah. Yes that was all bloody brilliant, but I wanted him to speed up to the part where I got to kiss my woman, making her mine forever.

“The couple has prepared their own vows.” The minister looked in my direction, but all I could feel was Leah’s hands gripping mine, all I could see was her shining, smiling face staring into mine.

I took a deep breath, feeling a knot form in my throat.

“Leah. To say that you saved my life would be an understatement. We never really know just how meaningless our lives are until that person, the exact person who is meant to find us, walks into our world and completely upends it. For me, that was you. And so I promise to keep upending your world. I promise I will never let things get boring, and that I’ll be a bloody twit as much as you’ll put up with it. I promise to treat you with compassion, and to always foster your drive because that is what makes you unique and wonderful. I promise to nurture your dreams, because through them your soul shines. I promise to help shoulder our challenges and take the pain when you aren’t able to. But most of all, I promise to love you every single day of our lives without hesitation, because as long as we have love, there is nothing we cannot face.”

By the time I finished, my eyes were misty, but her tears were streaming down her face. She mouthed “I love you” to me and tried to blink her eyes to clear the emotion from them. The minister motioned to her.

“Killian. I met you at a point in my life where I did not believe in soulmates. But it turned out, I just hadn’t met mine yet. And as time went by, your love made me believe. I feel truly blessed because I've found a love that transcends continents, grows through the years and will now stand the test of time. I see these vows not as promises but as privileges: I get to laugh with you and cry with you, or yell at you for being a twit. I get to care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you, maybe not as fast as you can but you know I’ll try to keep up and you will try to slow down. And I will build with you and live with you for all the days of our lives. I love you Killian, and I’m looking forward to all of these privileges with you.”

Now I could feel the wetness on my cheeks as she finished her vows. There was nothing left to say. She’d said it all perfectly.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

I was cautious not to muss her up, but I placed one hand on her hip, the other on her cheek. We pressed our lips together, meeting in the middle, and it was as if electricity crackled between them. This moment was the definition of perfection, absolute completeness. I’d found my soulmate, and now she was officially, legally and spiritually, mine.

We grinned like fools as we walked down the aisle and made our way over to the reception space. A big outdoor space with thousands of twinkling lights on strings made up the faux roof, and big oak tables overflowing with white roses. It was simple, rustic and beautiful. Kind of like my wife.

“Hi husband.” She smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck as we joined together on the dance floor for our first dance.

“Cheerio wife.” I whispered in her ear as the first chords of La Vie En Rose started to play.

The crowd faded away, the only two people in the whole world were Leah and I, dancing as close as two people physically could. And I sang to her.

“Hold me close and hold me fast, the magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose.”


here are so
many people to thank that I could probably write an entire novella just expressing my immense gratitude.

First, to the readers. You are such an amazing community of women (and the few men too!). Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love, and wouldn’t have amazing people to talk to and discuss fictional characters with. There is no greater joy than hearing from others who connect with my books and characters on an emotional level. Seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To Nina, whose sassy southern voice plays in my head with each plot line I introduce. You kick my ass, force me to be a better writer, and have become one amazing friend. Love you!

To Heather, Jenn and all of the other amazing publicists at Social Butterly, you are all amazing. Thank you for taking this novice, naive writer and showing her how to become an author. Your knowledge, guidance and friendship are such vital parts of my life, and I don’t know how I would be doing this without you.

To Michele, thank you for the beautiful cover and teasers. You are a graphic genius!

To all of the bloggers, especially The Literary Gossip, the Bookalicious Babes, Obsessed With Myself and the Dirty Laundry girls, thank you, thank you, thank you for every single thing you do on a daily basis. I know you’re calendars are jam-packed, your Kindles are full and you have requests out the wazoo, but you are always kind and receptive whenever I reach out. And your reviews and recommendations keep my TBR list stocked!

To my author friends, thank you so much for inspiring me each and every day. Your books take me to other dimensions, challenge me to write better stories and only further ensure that I am in the place I was meant to find. Your friendship and support has gotten me through some tough days, and I am so grateful for all of you.

To my parents, who even though I won’t let them read a single word of my books, are so supportive it’s insane. Especially my dad, who texts me almost every day to tell me he likes an inappropriate teaser on my author page that he wasn’t supposed to see.

And last, to my husband. Because you’re the person who sees me at the end of the day, when I’m fried from writing or editing. Because you make us dinner and always remember my vitamins when I’m locked in the writing cave on a deadline. Because you don’t mind when I spend all weekend on the computer with my characters. That could just be because you get to watch football uninterrupted. Either way, I love you my sir. Always.

Also by Carrie Aarons
Pitching to Win (Over the Fence, Book 1)

hat do
you do when the town golden boy, who never noticed you in high school, decides to make a play for your heart?

For Minka Braxton, high school has been anything but easy. After a humiliating scandal sophomore year, she's avoided the social scene and anything having to do with boys, especially of the popular variety. But with senior year approaching, Minka decides it's time to take life back into her own hands. That is, until Owen Axel, the type of guy she's always avoided, decides he wants her in his hands.

Owen Axel is the definition of popular. Good looks, all-star worthy pitching arm and a former pro-athlete father make him Mitchum's town God. Returning from college for the summer, his plan is simple. Beach, booz, and beautiful girls. But one look at Minka Braxton and he knows what he wants. He just doesn't count on her not wanting him.

As the summer unfolds, both must decide how much to reveal, how deep they should fall, and what might happen if they strike out.

Hitting to Win (Over the Fence, Book 2)

After a lifetime of neglect and sorrow, Miles Farriston has hit rock bottom after his lying ex-girlfriend proves that no one in his life sticks around. On the outs with his friends, in jeopardy of losing his baseball career and this close to getting kicked out of Kappa Eta Sigma, Miles is forced to compete in the Greek Life dance competition. What he didn't bank on was getting bright, cheery Chloe Trabucco as a partner.

Ballet, friends and her sorority. The only three things Chloe Trabucco wants to focus on and excel at. So when she is asked to compete, as a freshman, in the popular Greek dance competition, she couldn't be happier. That is, until she learns Miles is her partner. The same Miles she's had a huge crush on for half of her life, and the same guy who made it clear months ago that he wants nothing to do with her.

Her positivity and patience annoy him. His attitude and anger finally drive her to the breaking point. Can they hit a home run, both on and off the dance floor, or will they go down swinging?

Catching to Win (Over the Fence, Book 3)

Kelsey O'Brien is the definition of a free spirit. She goes where she wants, when she wants, and takes to bed who she wants. And when she arrives back at Grover University after eight months on an African animal preserve, its her newly hunky best friend that has caught her eye. As their friendship turns physical, Kelsey begins to form feelings she swore she'd never have for anyone. But when the past she's not ready to face finds her, she must make a decision whether to stop running, or confront the truth.

The first time Clint Bellows laid eyes on Kelsey, he fell hard. Too bad she looked right through him. A year and countless hours in the gym later, she's back and hardly recognizes him and his new body. After a drunken encounter takes them over the line of friendship, Clint agrees to Kelsey's proposal of a benefits-added relationship. Only he's playing for keeps, and is willing to round all of the bases trying to score the self-proclaimed gypsy.

She's running from her demons. He's committed to winning her over. Can he catch her in time, or will she be out of his grasp before he can blink?

BOOK: Red Card
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