Recon Marines II: Marine's Heiress, The (19 page)

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Authors: Susan Kelley

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #space opera, #science fiction, #genetic engineering, #futuristic, #sci fi, #sensual, #marines, #intergalactic adventure

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Unless it’s something
brand new, which I doubt they would have access to, I’ve been
inoculated against everything out there.” Vin pulled a tiny metal
spoon out of his pocket. “I’ll pick them up with this and drop them
into the cylinder. After I get the last one, I’ll drop the spoon in
with them so it gets sterilized too. After they cook for a few
days, I’ll encase the entire oven in salt and bury it in the deep

It took them two hours to find all the
pellets. Vin found a dozen more the searchers had missed in their

Where are you going to
put that thing so it’s safe?” Vannie asked.

Vin gestured with his chin. “On the
roof of my shop. It’s high enough to get good sun exposure and no
one should blunder into it. I’ll let it there until the next rain

Vannie put his hand on Vin’s shoulder.
“Lad, I don’t know what brought you here, but we’d be hurting
without your help this last month. I don’t have the proper words to
thank you but come to dinner with me at the café tonight and I’ll
try to find them.”

Vin didn’t quite follow Vannie’s
meaning but he was hungry. “I’ll be there for dinner.”

After he set the oven on the roof, Vin
took a shower in his small bathing room. He hadn’t slept for more
than a few hours all together for over two days. He fell into bed,
thinking he wouldn’t be able to sleep with Emma’s scent on his
bedding. Instead, his body relaxed and his mind slipped eagerly
into dreams of her soft kisses and warm eyes.

* * * *

Vin woke exactly one hour before dark
as he had planned. After dressing, he checked the AI. It still
searched for a way into the mining information systems.
Disappointing but not unexpected. He should have taken the time to
look closer at their system but then he might have been too late
getting back for Julie. Civilian life had more complicated choices
than serving in the military had. But civilian life also had better
food, especially Emma’s food.

Most of the tables in the café already
held two or more customers. Vannie sat by himself at the table
closest to the curtained kitchen entrance. He beckoned for Vin to
join him. Warm scents of roasted meat and fresh bread drifted from
beyond the curtain.

Before Vin settled into the hard wooden
chair, the other men in the room started coming over to him. Many
spoke words of thanks, some shook his hand and others only nodded.
After the last one returned to his meal, Vin looked to Vannie. “Why
did they do that?”

Vannie guffawed. “You saved Julie’s
life and Billy’s before that.”

It wasn’t that

Maybe not to you, but
you’re military. These guys are good, strong men, and they work
hard for their livings. But they’re not the fighting type. They
wouldn’t know how to sneak into an enemy camp and steal something
away.” Vannie leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Did you have
to kill anyone? I know those bastards have armed guards to protect
the fortune they’re digging out of the ground.”

I infiltrated without
being spotted, and they only caught a glimpse of me when I exited
their perimeter.”

Infiltrated?” Vannie
leaned back.

Vin sensed a question behind the single
word but what was it? Emma saved him from answering as she swept
out through the curtain carrying two steaming plates. She set one
in front of Vannie and the other in front of Vin. “I thought I
heard you out here. I’ll bring you some water, Vin.”

She returned immediately and set the
mug in front of Vin. She smiled, brushing against his arm before
returning to the kitchen.

Vin watched the curtain, listening to
the clanging of pots and dishes and the running of water. What did
the smile mean?

Vannie frowned. “I think she gave you
my plate.”

Vin looked down at the plate steaming
in front of him. A large slice of roast moose swam in dark gravy
with a dozen potatoes. Alongside sat a generous serving of green
vegetables sprinkled with crushed nuts. His stomach growled with

Switch me then, lad.”
Vannie’s plate held a serving half the size of Vin’s.

Vin picked up his knife and fork. The
meat tasted as delicious as it smelled.

After a bit more grumbling, Vannie
attacked his meal. Emma appeared with a plate of warm, sliced
bread, already covered with a sweet, fruity spread. She whisked
away to deliver a similar plate to another table.

Vin took his time, relishing the rich
flavor of the gravy and the tender juiciness of the steak. The
potatoes had absorbed the hearty broth and melted in his mouth.
What would it be like to eat meals like this one every day for the
rest of his life? The bread topped the meal off, filling the last
empty space in his belly.

But the time Vannie and Vin finished
off the bread, the café had emptied. Moe stalked out through the
curtain, allowing Vin a quick glimpse of Emma elbow deep in flour.
Vin wondered, but only for a moment, about the glare Moe sent his
way before slamming out through the door and into the

Swallowing the last of his bread, Vin
considered taking the empty plates back to the kitchen, a very
clever excuse to see Emma alone. Or should he wait in his seat for
her to come out to him? Vannie’s presence would destroy any chance
at an intimate moment. Before he could decide, Vannie gathered up
the plates and carried them all in one of his big paws through the
curtain. He murmured something to Emma before rejoining

Vin’s thoughts scattered as he tried to
think of another excuse to linger behind and speak with Emma.
Speaking be damned, he wanted to make sure she intended to spend
the night in his bed again. He would even share more of his revenge
plans if it drew her into his arms. She seemed determined to
understand him though he believed it was a simple matter. He was a
wronged man set on vengeance, but he could be distracted by her
attentions for as long as she wanted to give them to

I hear you have more
inventions underway in your shop,” Vannie said. “Come show me what
you’re cooking up.”

I don’t cook anything in
the shop.” Vin searched desperately through his limited knowledge
of civilians and women in particular for another strategy to wait
in the café for Emma.

Vannie laughed, the sound a little odd,
and wrapped his hand around Vin’s arm. He tugged Vin to his feet.
“Let’s have a look at what you have over there.”

Vin let himself be led out the door not
because he wanted to show Vannie any of his work but because no
logical reason came to him to remain. The night had cooled but had
taken on the humidity of the surrounding jungle as it did on the
last few days leading up to the rain. They walked side by side to
Vin’s dark shop.

As soon as Vin stepped through his
door, he sensed the presence waiting to his left. He heard the man
breathing and smelled … food? Though nothing but a faint glow from
the AI lit the room, Vin saw the fist coming his way. He ducked and
moved further into the room so he had space to maneuver.

Moe stumbled as the momentum of his
missed blow carried him forward. Vannie bumped into him as he
walked into the room and slammed the door shut behind him. Both men
cursed, using some profanity Vin had never heard before, and he had
no idea of its meaning.

One of the men swept his hand along the
wall beside the door and turned on the overhead light. They fixed
unfriendly glares at Vin.

What had he done? Only moments ago
Vannie had been heaping thanks upon Vin and praising his
contributions to Hovel Port. Had he completely missed the real
intentions of these men toward him?

She’s not for you,
soldier boy,” Moe spat, balling his hands into fists twice the size
of some men. “We don’t ask many questions of those that settle
here, but now you’re taking advantage of our girl. You answer to us
or we’ll throw you out the gates into the dark.”

Vin kept his hands at his side, trying
for cooperative and nonthreatening. Despite Moe’s vow, the two men
couldn’t defeat Vin in a contest of hand to hand combat. And even
if they could throw him out, they couldn’t keep him out unless he
wanted to stay out. Silence stretched, the two men growing tenser
with each passing minute.

Vannie finally growled a question.
“Well, give us your answers.”

You’ve asked no

Don’t start the dumb
act.” Moe took a step forward.

I’m not dumb.” Vin
thought they might want long answers. Civilians often rambled on in
conversations. “I have an above average intelligence

Son of a bitch,” Vannie
said. “Don’t play with words. You’ve tricked me up until

The confusing conversation opened a
well of ache for his brothers. With them at his side, he wouldn’t
be so alone in this world that made so little sense. He asked a
question of his own. “How does one play with words?”

Moe cursed and leveled a punch at Vin’s
face at the same time. Avoiding it took little effort, a small step
back and a bit of a lean.

Vannie grabbed Moe’s arm before he
swung again. “Listen, Vin, we don’t know your business, but Emma
has been under our protection since she arrived here. We let you
have your secrets but you’ve stepped over a line when you seduce
our sweet girl. It can be a lonely life out here for such as her.
We won’t have a wandering warrior taking advantage of her giving

Vin knew what seduce meant. Had he
taken advantage of Emma? Hadn’t any reluctance been his? The Recon
Marines had stopped taking blame when innocent a while ago. “I
didn’t seduce her.”

Then how did she wind up
in your bed? She’s turned away the attentions of pretty men
before.” Moe lifted his fist and shifted his weight as if getting
ready to attack. “You’ve been sniffing after her since the day you
helped her with Russ.”

Her cooking smells
delicious. Everyone who eats in your café sniffs it.”

Moe took another ineffectual swing and
then followed it with a looping hook that Vin retreated

Vin heard her footsteps outside before
the door opened. Emma strode in and then froze in place. Her eyes
widened. “Vannie, Moe, what are you doing here?”

The two men glared at Vin and remained
silent. They didn’t even turn toward Emma, very disrespectful
behavior toward the women they claimed to protect.

Vin answered for them, glad he
completely understood a question. “I think they were informing me
that I need their permission to have you in my bed. But they’re
wrong that I seduced you by helping Russ. I don’t know why it’s
wrong, but they’re angry that I sniff the wonderful aromas of your

Moe dropped his hands, relaxing his
fists. He shook his head and turned to Vannie. “Either he’s the
best actor I’ve ever met, or he speaks a different

I speak many languages,
but I have excellent comprehension and deliverance of the common
tongue you use.” Vin wondered if Moe had a disability.

Emma slammed the shop door closed and
sauntered around her friends to Vin’s side. She placed her hands on
her hips and faced them. “I’m sure Vin must have misunderstood. You
two didn’t trap him in his shop and try to intimidate him into
staying away from me, did you?”

I don’t feel trapped,
Emma, nor do I feel intimidated.” Vin wondered at the heat in her
voice though it seemed directed at Moe and Vannie.

Have you ever felt
intimidated, Vin?” But Emma kept her glare on the other

Not by other

Emma, dear, you know we
only want what’s best for you,” Vannie said. “Did you just hear how
he talked? There’s something not right about this man. We don’t
even know why he’s on Merris Five. He’s inserted himself into every
working of this town, made himself useful, and managed to stay
close to you.”

I know that.”

The men looked from Emma to Vin and
back again. Finally Moe spoke. “You know he came here to get close
to you?”

I appreciate how you two
have set yourselves as my guardians even though I never asked for
your protection. But I’m not a fluff-headed young girl. I’m an
experienced doctor and I figured out who Vin is and why he’s here a
little while ago.”

You did?” Vannie asked.
“You didn’t share that with us?”

Emma sighed, and her angry posture
relaxed. “Vin’s secrets are his to keep or not. He did come here
because of me but not for me.”

Moe shook his head. “That makes no
sense. Did the admiral hire him or not?”

Emma looked toward Vin, and he
understood the question in her eyes. A warm spurt of joy followed
that understanding. He’d been able to share unspoken communications
with his brothers and for a little while with Yalo. Only people
sharing a closeness of spirit could do that.

Vin switched his gaze to the two men
who didn’t return his smile. “I’m looking for the admiral for my
own reasons. I haven’t been able to find him, but I learned he had
mounted a wide search for his stepdaughter, Emma. I found her and
decided to wait at her side until the admiral comes for

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