Recklessly Royal (13 page)

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Authors: Nichole Chase

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Contemporary

BOOK: Recklessly Royal
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“I’d like that.” He flashed that charming smile and my heart picked up just a little more.

When I closed the bedroom door I caught a glimpse of my hair and makeup-free face in a mirror and frowned. I needed to do something about that and quickly. Reporters would be camped outside the hospital waiting for my arrival. Not to mention David would be with me. I was vain enough to admit that I wanted to look nice for him. So I threw my bag on the bed and got started. As a royal there were certain things expected of me, and looking nice was one of them. I enjoyed yoga pants and T-shirts as much as the next girl, but it would send the wrong image to people if I showed up to visit a beloved aide looking like I had just been to the gym.

I also didn’t want to look too professional or serious, so a suit or dress was out of the question. Instead I opted for a designer top and jacket to pair with jeans and my boots. The key to packing an emergency bag was to include pieces that would work well for different occasions and things that you could mix and match.

And if there was one thing I knew how to do, it was to look the part of a princess.


Alex out of the country and on a private island, the paparazzi had nothing better to do than hound me and Max. It was frustrating, but also a part of life I’d come to expect. There would always be someone wanting my picture, and there would always be another person hoping for something embarrassing.

Security had been deployed at the hospital to make sure patients were able to enter and leave as needed without being harassed. It was a sad day when you had to tell television vans to move out of the ambulance lane, but today was one of those days.

Chadwick and David had ridden in a separate car, while Tabitha, Max, and I rode together. I hadn’t been able to find time to speak with my new, temporary assistant, but I would soon.

“I think you should take a minute to address the crowd.” Tabitha flashed me a large smile. Her sweet voice made the words sound innocent, but I didn’t like being told what I should and shouldn’t do.

“I had planned on it.” I shot Max a look and he shrugged.

“Excellent. I’m sending you some key points now. Check your e-mail.”

I froze, unable to find words for a moment. I knew she was trying to be helpful, but that was a bit over the line. “Thank you, but I already know what I am going to say.”

“You should look them over, just in case. These cover every contingency or possible question.” She explained her reasoning slowly and I felt myself growing even more annoyed. I wasn’t stupid, I just didn’t need her help for this.

“Tabitha, I know you mean well, but I’ve been speaking to the media for a very long time.” I ground my teeth before continuing. “The only thing they need to know is that Selene is in good hands and making positive movement toward recovery. I’ll express our pain and sorrow at seeing such a close friend in so much pain and then walk on. Nothing else matters at this point.”

“I released a statement explaining that you saved Selene’s life in the car, so it’s well known that you were a big part of her survival. I’m sure there will be questions about what you did.”

“You what?” My voice was much louder than I had intended. Max stilled in his seat and I could see the anger working behind his eyes. “You released a statement without consulting me?”

“I didn’t want to bother you, but time was of the essence. Besides, it’s my job to do that stuff.” Tabitha cocked her head to the side. “Don’t worry, I made sure that you looked good.”

“That I looked good?” My hands shook in my lap. I was so angry I was vibrating in my seat. I’m sure she meant well, but this was inexcusable. I opened my mouth to tell her off, but Max beat me to it.

“Your job is to do what Her Royal Highness directs you to do.” Max’s deep voice cut through the car. “Your job is to make sure she’s awake at a time she sets. Your job is to follow her orders and to make prudent suggestions when the time calls for it. Your job is
to make assumptions or to do what you think is right without asking Catherine first.”

Silence filled the car and I tried to keep the shock from my face. Max was never one to mince words, but I’d never heard him correct someone so thoroughly.

“I apologize.” Tabitha frowned, her eyes going wide. “I was only trying to handle things the way Selene would.”

“Selene and I have worked together for a long time now and have a better sense of each other.” I searched for diplomatic words. “Suggesting that I saved Selene’s life is not true. It also diverts the attention from those who truly deserve the praise; like the doctors, nurses, and other staff. They are the ones who saved Selene and they are the ones who will benefit from the praise. It would instill trust from the surrounding community in their medical team. Pretending that I saved Selene will do nothing for me, but make me look as if I’m asking for a pat on the back, when all I really care about is my friend healing.” I took a deep breath. “Besides all of that, if Jameson had not walked me through it over the speakerphone, I would have had no idea what to do for Selene.”

“I see.” Tabitha adjusted her skirt and I fought the urge to shake her. She was hurt by being corrected, but if she had come to me first, all of this would have been avoided. Her chin jutted forward and her eyes took on a hard gleam.

Not only had I just responded to her mistake as kindly as possible, I was not taking out my anger on her. Despite my growing desire to do so. For a brief moment I had a mental image of Sam’s face if Tabitha had done this to her. It went a long way to cooling my anger. Watching my new sister tear her a new asshole would be satisfying. Too bad I didn’t have it in me to do it as well. All I could hope was that the media would understand that she was new to her current position and take that into consideration.

Mark was out of the car and opening my door as soon as we pulled up to the hospital. The press moved close as I exited the vehicle with Max’s help.

“Princess Catherine, how is your aide?”

“Princess, will your friend make it?”

“Highness, how does it feel to know you saved your assistant’s life?”

Taking a deep breath, I turned and pulled my sunglasses off so that the reporters would be able to see the honesty in my eyes as I responded to their questions. Max moved to stand behind me, but what was truly surprising was that David had also moved to flank me. The logical part of my mind knew that people would draw conclusions about his relationship with me, based solely on the fact he was standing near me. The emotional part of my brain simply enjoyed the fact that he was showing his support for me during a difficult time.

“The last day has been very trying for everyone involved. My dear friend Selene is still recuperating after a very serious health issue and surgery, but seems to be doing much better. All of the credit for her current situation belongs to the wonderful doctors, nurses, and staff that work here. I’ll never be able to thank them enough.” I smiled softly, careful not to show any teeth. “I’d also like to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. They mean a great deal to all of us.” I waited for a moment, while the photographers took pictures.

After a moment, Max guided me through the automatic doors and past the throngs of people that had gathered inside to see my statement. It was mainly people waiting to see doctors or waiting on family members to have their appointments. Tabitha walked beside and slightly behind me as we made our way down the hallways. She was quiet and I wasn’t sure if I cared that she was upset. No, that wasn’t true. I didn’t want her to hurt or be angry, but I also wanted her to stop trying to be Selene.

Just thinking of my longtime assistant sent a pang through my heart. The closer we got to Selene the more anxious I felt. Talking to the media didn’t make me sweat, but the worry for my friend made me feel short of breath.

There was a guard at her door, which I appreciated. Selene wasn’t royalty, but because she worked so closely with me she could easily be targeted by royal stalkers, news reporters, treasure hunters, and random nosy people. A nurse was taking notes when we walked in and motioned for us to be quiet. Selene was sleeping and I was shocked by how frail she looked lying in the hospital bed. It was painful to see and I turned around to hug Max, but bumped into David instead.

His arms didn’t hesitate as they wrapped around me, and the warmth of his chest seeped through his shirt to warm my cheek. With one hand he tucked my head under his chin and murmured reassuring words that I didn’t quite understand in his deep Southern American accent. It was sweet, though, to have him comfort me when he barely knew me.

But he was trying—trying to get to know me, even after I had hastily thrown myself at him. And I liked what I was learning about him.

Once I had myself under control I let go of David and turned to watch the nurse change the IV bag before checking Selene’s pulse.

“She’s doing really well,” the nurse told me in Lilarian.

“Will she wake?” I moved to touch her arm.

“Oh yes. She’s just tired. Her body needs rest.” The nurse smiled at me before bobbing a quick curtsy. “Your friend is in good hands here.”

“I have no doubts.” I turned back to Selene and sat down in the chair next to the bed. “There are a ton of flowers in here. I didn’t realize you had so many friends.” The joke was my sad attempt to keep from crying, even though it was true. There were so many flowers stuck around the cramped room, it felt more like a floral shop than a critical care unit.

“Stop frowning.” Selene’s voice was a weak croak. She rolled her head to the side and looked at me with half-lidded eyes.

“Hey there.” I smiled down at my longtime friend. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.”

“That is a matter of opinion.” She frowned. “I feel like I was hit by a wine truck.”

“A wine truck?”

“Drunk and hurt.” Her eyes fluttered shut for a minute. “Sorry. Still tired.”

“Sleep. I’ll be here.” I squeezed her hand.

I turned the television to something other than the news and sat for a while, holding my friend’s hand while she snored softly. It wasn’t until the third episode of a nature show came on that she stirred in her bed.

“Go eat.” Her voice took on a stern sound.

“What?” My eyebrows lifted.

“You don’t eat when you’re worried. Eat something.” Her head rolled to the side gently. “Real food.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I couldn’t help my chuckle. Even now when she was recovering from a near-death experience she was trying to take care of me. I leaned over and kissed her forehead but she didn’t stir. She was already sound asleep once again.

“Cath, I’m going to go. I have some engagements to take care of, but I believe Chadwick and David will be staying for a little while.” Max touched my shoulder. Leaning down he whispered in my ear, “Maybe your new friend is hungry too. Chadwick could stay and watch Selene while you eat.”

“Thanks.” I reached up and touched his hand. I had a feeling that Max was picking up even more slack now that this had happened with Selene.

“Be careful with Tabitha.” With that last sentence, he squeezed my shoulder and left the room.

“Want to find the cafeteria?” David asked.

“Sure.” It was well after lunch and I still hadn’t eaten. Selene was right, I lost all interest in food when I was worried or stressed, but I’d try to eat something.

Chadwick settled into my seat as I left with David. I realized this was the first time we had been alone since he had asked for our date. Well, if you didn’t count the bodyguards following a few steps behind or the fact that Tabitha was probably lurking somewhere just out of eyesight.

“So does this count as a date?”

“I’m not sure.” He scratched his chin again and I wondered if he realized he did that when he was thinking. “Not exactly an ideal place.”

“Nah. There’s food, flowers, and zombies everywhere.”

“Are zombies a qualification for a good date?” He chuckled.

“Well, I hear that scary movies give you a reason to fake being scared and cuddle close.” I batted my eyes at him and he laughed.

“I have a feeling that you would be the last person in the theater to be scared.”

“I said fake being scared,” I replied. “Of course I wouldn’t be scared. A good axe to the head of the zombie and you’re fine.”

“Wow. That’s a bit violent, Your Highness.” His shoulder bumped into mine and I realized he was as close to me as he could be without actually having his arm around my shoulders.

“Well, a good shovel would work too. Something with reach, but not too long. You don’t want to waste time swinging something longer than you are tall.” I mimed swinging a bat.

“You’ve done your fair share of research on this, I see.”

“I grew up with two older brothers. They thought it would be funny to scare their little sister with horror movies, but the joke was on them. I wasn’t the one up with nightmares.” I nodded my head.

“No, I bet you slept with an arsenal next to your bed.”

“A big polo stick. They never snuck into my room again.” I laughed, remembering them running and tripping over each other as I swung my weapon. Mother had been furious, but Father had simply winked at me.

“Despite everything, it seems like you had some really normal moments growing up.”

“Despite everything.” I snorted. “There was a lot of normal in my life. I just also had to learn how to behave when visiting dignitaries stayed at our home.” I shrugged. “Sort of like when other people are on their best behavior because Aunt Beatrice comes for the holidays.”

“Okay, I can see that, I think.” He pointed to a sign leading to the cafeteria. “Our food, madam.”

“Excellent. I was in the mood for cold turkey and day-old salad.” I rubbed my hands together.

“I do aim to please.”

We took our trays from the end of the line and pretended not to notice the people staring at us as we chose our food and drinks. I was used to ignoring everyone, but I could tell David had to work at it. When we reached the cash register at the end of the line, I pulled one of my cards from my pocket, but David stopped me.

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