Reckless With Their Hearts (10 page)

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Authors: Terri Anne Browning,Anna Howard

BOOK: Reckless With Their Hearts
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“Yes.” He pulled her onto his lap, her thighs straddling his waist
so that she was facing him. “I want you with me every minute of every day. Sometimes I dread going to work—which has never happened before—simply because I want to spend the entire day with you…And not just here in bed.” He dropped a caressing kiss on her mouth. “I enjoy just being with you. I don’t feel smothered, or stifled. What I feel is this emptiness in my gut when I am not with you.”

Her breath caught.
“Bastian.” She hugged him to her chest, kissing his recently cut hair. “I feel the same way, my love.”

“Then why are
pulling away? Am I smothering you?” His blue eyes looked troubled.

“No! I’m not pulling away. I love you, Sebastian. It was you that I was worried about.” She kissed his cheek, his chin,
his lips.

“There is nothing to be worried about
, babe.” He pulled her closer, letting her breasts rub against his bare chest. “So you will come with me to California?”

“I can’t this time.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “I really am busy with Girl Haven.”

He blew out a frustrated sigh. “I’m only going to be gone two days. Isn’t there someone else? I want you with me, Eve.”

“The girls need me here.” She told him, raising her head. “If it were next week I could go, but not now.”

“I need you.” He muttered, sounding like a petulant child.

Grinning she kissed him. “You have me. Now stop sulking.” Her tongue licked across his bottom lip. “You have me naked on your lap. How about taking advantage of it and stop worrying about tomorrow?”

“Maybe I’m going on a strike. Maybe you won’t get any more of my special love making until I get what I want.” A small smile teased at the corners of his lips. “Unless you can convince me otherwise.”

Eve grinned. “Maybe I will accept your challenge.” She kissed his lips then nibbled a trail along his jaw and down his stubble roughened throat. Between her legs she felt his erection thickening and her core grew moist for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
She let her clit slid against his erection. “Maybe I already miss you and want to make sure that you remember why you need to finish your business as quickly as possible and get back here to me.” She whispered at his ear and felt him shudder with pleasure.

Her nails raked down his broad chest, making his muscles ripple with scorching need. Her lips followed their path, kissing every inch of skin exposed to her. She passed his naval and licked a damp trail around his pulsing, heavy erection. Her hand cradled his sac, tugging gently.
“Still on strike?”

“So far.”
But she could see that he was having trouble fighting his need to touch her.

She grinned wickedly. “Good. I always did enjoy a difficult challenge.” She turned, so that her back was to him. Her fingers grasped his thick erection and stroked once, twice until pre-cum glistened on the broad head of his cock. Her mouth watered, wanting to taste him.

Instead she lifted onto her knees and guided him. She teased herself with the head, rubbing it up and down her clit, making herself pant. But after only a few moments she traveled lower, taking him inside of her. He groaned, and she turned her head. “How’s the strike coming?”

“I…” He cleared his throat. “I am in discussion with myself on that.”

“Maybe I can help with that.” She purred and pulled him out of her soaked heat.

“No…” He moaned as she pulled away.

“I’m not done trying to convince you, Bastian.” She assured him. She gripped his long, hard cock firmly. Anticipation over what she was about to do making her ache with need. They had only experimented with this a few times, but she had enjoyed every moment of it.

He was dripping with her juices. Using it as lubricant she sat down on his cock, taking
his wide berth deep into her most forbidden of places. It took her a moment to catch her breath once she was seated to the hilt on him. His fingers bit into her waist, holding her down on him. “Strikes over.” He bit out.

She grinned. “I thought I might be able to convince you.” She wiggled her hips, need raging through her. Eve pressed her back against his chest. “
Play with me.” She commanded.

“I love being in your ass, babe.” He breathed at her ear. “God, don’t move too much or I will come.” He bit into her neck just below her ear, making her cry out. The fingers of his left hand tugged at her nipples. His right hand drifted lower until
they scraped across her distended clit.

His fingers were talented. They played her like a fine strung instrument, making her cries higher and higher with each tug, each pinch, each flick. Her hips shifted, loving the way he filled her so completely. Sebastian’s fingers grew more insistent, and her hips moved more and more. She felt him growing even harder deep inside of her. Her passage flooding with her growing release.

Eve’s arms lifted to wrap around his neck, pulling his head down to hers for a kiss. “I love you.” She whispered.

Three fingers thrust into her. She was filled from both sides now, while his thumb continued to flick across the distended ball of nerves that was her clit. His left arm anchored her to him and he began to thrust up into her from behind. “Say it again.” He commanded.

“I love you!” She cried as she fell over th
e edge and deep into her orgasm.

Seconds later he joined her. He lifted her from him just as he erupted. She whimpered at the loss of him filling her, and turned in his arms to hold on tight. Tears rolled from her eyes. “I love you.” She whispered again.

Chapter 12

It was still dark outside her window when she felt Sebastian pulling away from her. She moaned in protested and held on tighter. His tender kiss to her ear and promises of seeing her on Sunday soon had her releasing him, albeit reluctantly. “Go back to sleep, babe.” He murmured.

“Have a safe flight.” She mumbled and rolled over, cuddling his pillow close to her bare chest.

“I will call you later.” One last kiss to her lips and then he was gone…

Hours later her alarm startled her awake.
She hadn’t set it, so Sebastian must have done it for her before leaving. Groaning she smacked the top of it to shut it up and rolled off the bed. Blurry eyed she made her way to the shower. She could smell Sebastian all over her, and was almost reluctant to wash any sign of him away.

More than an hour later Benoit pulled the town car up in front of Girl Haven. She gave him a smile as he opened her door and assisted her out. “Thanks Ben.” She pulled her bag up her shoulder. “I’m going to be here all day. But you are more than welcome to come in.”

He inclined his head. “Thank you,
Patel. But I fear that my presence will not go over well with all of the young ladies.” She had to grin at his understatement. The last time he had chosen to go inside of Girl Haven with her, several of the older girls had nearly come to blows regarding him. Eve couldn’t say that she blamed them, because Dear Lord, the man was just yummy to look at.

“Then I will see you later.” She waved over her shoulder as she entered the four story old brownstone that her mother had bought years ago when she had first started up Girl Haven with Mindy Winthrop.

For a moment as she entered the building she was overcome with a sense of sadness. Both women were gone now. Mindy, having lost her life in a tragic plane accident with her husband Charles; and shortly afterwards Eve’s own mother to a drunken driver. Now Eve spent as much time as she could here, carrying on in her mother’s footsteps.

As soon as she stepped through the doors her sadness was pushed away when she was greeted by two of the girls sitting on a sofa in the waiting room.
“Hey Eve!”

“Lindsey. Rachel.” She stopped to chat with them. “How are things at home?” Both had parents that had to work two or three jobs each to provide for their families. Either one of them could have ended up in a gang or much worse, but Girl Haven had provided a place in which their parents didn’t have to constantly worry about their well-being.

“My brother is graduating in the spring.” Lindsey informed her. “And my father has arranged for him to work at the packing plant with him until he goes to college in the fall. He got a full ride thanks to his grades.”

“Congratulations to your brother!” She gave the girl a tight hug. “If you two need anything, let me know. I’m going to be here all day.”

They waved as she continued on her way. Eve was stopped a half dozen more times before she even made it to the office on the third floor. She greeted Mary, the office manager and head counselor for Girl Haven. “How are things looking for today?” She asked as she leaned against the other woman’s desk.

Mary sighed tiredly. “We have a few new girls that came in last night.
Run-aways, from Ohio. One has bruises all over her, and the other doesn’t speak much. I called Kari and asked her to send us over a doctor.”

“Good. Are they upstairs?” The top floor was for the girls that needed medical attention. Mary nodded. “
I’ll go see if I can talk to them. Anything else that needs my attention right now?”

“No.” Mary’s smile, though tired, was full of strength. A person had to be as strong as Mary to do the work she did. Eve was glad to have the woman on her team, and never had to worry if the girls were being taken care of. “I will show the doctor up when he gets here.”

Eve spent most of the morning coaxing the girls to talk to her. The older of the two girls, Missy, was fifteen. Her mother had spent the last week beating her for reasons that Missy wasn’t ready to go into yet. The younger of the two, who had to be Missy’s sister, was Cindy. Cindy was eleven and the look in her eyes was that of a person far beyond her years. Eve couldn’t help wondering at the things the little girl had to have seen in her short life to put such a look in her eyes.

The doctor arrived and Missy was quickly taken care of. She had a few scrapes as well as bruises, but thankfully had no broken bones or internal bleeding. Because of Missy’s many abrasions Cindy had to be checked over as well, but there was only a few scrapes and bruises on her arms. It was obvious that Missy had taken the biggest part of the beating.

By lunch time Eve was bone tired. This work was draining, more emotionally than physically. And she felt like she could lie down and sleep for a month. Instead she grabbed a large cup of coffee from the kitchen on the first floor and a sandwich for lunch. She had her small meal with a group of the girls already there and spent an hour catching up with them and what was going on in their lives. Two asked to speak to her privately later in the day, and she assured them that her door was always open for them.

Eve dropped down behind the desk in her small office and rubbed at her eyes much later in the afternoon. Her cellphone chimed letting her know that she had a text message and she grabbed it. Sebastian told her that he had landed safely and that he would be in meetings for the rest of the day, but that he would call her later. She sent him a kissy face and heart in return and tossed the phone aside just as her door opened with barely a tap on it.

Sasha, a pretty little nine year old came in sobbing. “Eve…”

She was around her desk and pulling the little girl into her arms within a matter of seconds. “Sasha, sweetheart what’s wrong?” She soothed the little girl, wiping at her tears with a tissue from her desk.

“I’m…I’m dying!” She sobbed and tightened her arms around Eve’s waist.

Concerned Eve coaxed her to sit in the chair in front of her desk. She let Sasha get her crying out of her system then once the sobbing turned into little hiccups she asked the girl to explain. “I…I’m bleeding and it won’t stop.” She mumbled. “
It’s been two days and it keeps getting worse. And it hurts! I have never felt so much pain…”

Eve bit her lip, immediately understanding what was going on with Sasha. The girl had no mother figure in her home life. Her father had lost custody of her
due to his drug problem, but Sasha was lucky enough to have an older brother who had been old enough to take over as her guardian. He was a great guy, but had little time left over after working three jobs to support him and Sasha. It was little wonder that the poor girl didn’t understand what was happening to her, and Eve doubted her brother knew to even have such a talk with her.

“Sasha, baby. You aren’t dying.” Sasha’s head snapped up, hope lighting her big brown eyes. “This is something that all girls go through.”

“Really? You promise?”

Eve smiled. “I promise.” She stood and held out her hand to the little girl. “Let’s go to the ladies room and I will tell you all about it.”

Later, after Sasha was gone, with her own personal supply of feminine products to take home with her Eve started to pack up for the day. She could remember her own first experience with Mother Nature’s curse. She had been scared to death, but her mother had been awesome telling her about it all long before her very first period…

Eve gasped and fell down into her chair, her knees shaking to the point that they could no longer hold her up. From her very first period she had had the most regular cycle of all of her friends…But she couldn’t remember the last time she had been visited by the cursed Mother Nature. Fingers trembling she reached for her phone and pulled up the calendar. She always pu
t in a little reminder on the first day of her cycle.

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