Read Reckless Heart Online

Authors: Barbara McMahon

Tags: #The Harts of Texas Book 3

Reckless Heart (12 page)

BOOK: Reckless Heart
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“What I want or don’t want to do on my hours off is none of your business,” she said, slapping his hands away and letting the belt slide free. When he reached for her arm, she slapped at him again. “Don’t touch me!”

She turned to Lance, annoyed to find his amusement so blatant. “Thank you again.”

“Good night, Molly. Sleep well.” He trailed a finger down her cheek.

Josh stood by her door, ramrod straight, anger roiling off him in waves.

Molly avoided touching him as she walked to the house, her head held high.

He walked beside her like a guard.

“Where were the two of you?” he growled.

“Out,” she replied, marching up the steps and into the kitchen. Not pausing a beat, she continued toward the stairs and her room.


“Not that it is any of your business—we went to The Last Roundup. Where I met a lot of nice people and had a grand time.” She ended almost shouting.

He wasn’t the only one to get angry. Who did he think he was? Her father?

“Not that it’s any of your business. I didn’t ask about your date.”

“It wasn’t a date. Was that what you and Lance had, a date?”

“Define date. If you pick up some woman and take her to a party, then bring her home, isn’t that a date?”

“I told you to stay away from Lance!”

“What, stay home like a dutiful daughter while you’re out carousing? I think not.”

He exhaled deeply.

“Is that what this is about? You’re jealous of me taking Gillian to that party? She asked me to go with her several weeks ago. Long before I even met you.”

She shrugged and continued toward the stairs. “I don’t need any explanations. Your life is yours to lead as you wish. As is mine.”

“While you work for me you'll do as you’re told. Stay away from Lance and the other men on this ranch.”

“Or?” She turned and glared at him.

“Or you’re fired.”

She held his gaze, seeing the implacable determination in it.

So mad she wanted to burst, Molly took a deep breath. She wouldn't lose her job over a man who meant nothing to her beyond friendship, yet she refused to let Josh run roughshod over her like this. It reminded her too much of her father. She was her own person and would fight to retain that.

“Who died and left you in charge?” she said between clenched teeth. “I’ll see whomever I wish on my free time. Where do you come off dictating to me? Do you do that with everyone on the ranch? It’s a wonder you can keep anyone.”

He ran his hands through his hair and the anger seemed to dissipate. He lowered his hands and stared at her.

“You’re right. I apologize. It is none of my business. You’d think I’d learn.”

Dumbfounded, Molly’s own anger evaporated. Was this a trick? “What do you mean?”

He turned and walked slowly across the kitchen to close the back door.

“What you do with your life is your business. I have no right to tell you to stay away from Lance. I tried interfering before with disastrous results. I told my brother-in-law to stay away from my sister. She found that hard to forgive. I thought I’d learned a lesson from that. You can see whomever you wish, of course, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your work or his.” His back still turned toward her, he fiddled with the key in the door.

Knowing they never locked the place, Molly recognized a stalling tactic when she saw one.

“Go to bed, Molly,” he said.

She didn’t want to leave. Something blossomed in her heart as she watched him fiddle with the door, unwilling to turn and face her. And she remembered his offer on the porch.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me good-night?”

He whirled, his eyes blazing.

“So you thought about my offer?”

She nodded. She wouldn't tell him she'd thought about it almost nonstop since he'd suggested it.


“I’m still not sure.” She wanted guarantees and knew there'd be none. Except when she left, she'd never see Josh again.

“Then we’ll wait on any kisses until you are.”

She licked her lips wishing she were brave enough to fling caution to the wind and commit.

“We’ll only go as far as you want.”

She nodded, her skin feeling too tight for her body. He looked at her and she almost flung herself against him to assuage the longings that rose so fiercely. She wanted to feel his kisses, to feel the length of his hard body pressed against her softer one. But she was afraid. Would her emotions get out of control? Could she play at love and then walk away unscathed?



Chapter Seven



“Go to bed,” he said softly.

Still she hesitated. She wished she dare agree to his outrageous plan. Wished she didn’t feel so inadequate and uncertain. Wished most of all she didn’t feel this pull of attraction with this sexy cowboy. She was so fascinated by him. She didn’t like it, but there it was.

“Tonight, at the country and western place, I met a lot of nice people. When I told them I was writing a romance novel, they had tons of ideas on what they considered romantic.”

He watched her, his eyes steady and calm. Slowly he leaned against the back door and crossed his arms over his chest.


“So, I thought maybe I should take a poll or something, find out what people find romantic and incorporate that in my book.”

“You could, but I don’t think you need to.”

“Why not?” She was surprised.

“You’re a woman, write what you find romantic.”

“But what about what a man finds romantic?”

“I told you, I’m available for the time you’re here.”

“To tell me what you find romantic?”

He shrugged. “If you like. If that’s all you want.”

“I thought you wanted more.”

“I do. But if you draw the line at words only, I’ll abide by it. You have to make up your own mind, Molly. I’m not going to do it for you.”

That was a switch. She couldn’t imagine her dad or Marc saying that. She stared at him for another moment, knowing the next step had to come from her. And she knew what she wanted to do. Her senses clamored for him. She wanted to feel that electricity that charged through her whenever he touched her, wanted to revel in the sensations that lit her up like nothing else ever had. But she was wary of herself, and of Josh. She hesitated.

“I could poll the men here on the ranch. Just ask questions.”


She tilted her chin. “Why not?”

“Too disruptive.”

“I’m not disruptive. I would just ask questions and note their answers at dinner. We are already together then and they're not working.”


“Give me a reason.”

“I told you.”

“If I spoke to them on their off time, I wouldn't disrupt their work.”


She wanted to scream in frustration. “You remind me of my father. Issuing edicts with no real reason to back them up. Very well, I won’t ask any of the men anything while we are on the Rafter C.”

He eyed her suspiciously. “Or off.”

She smiled triumphantly. “You can’t control our actions when we are away from the Rafter C. Next time Lance asks me to go into town with him, I’ll go and ask him questions all the way there and back.”

Josh pushed away from the door and strode across the room to her. Excitement and anticipation shimmered just below the surface as Molly held her ground, watching him storm over to her at her provocative remarks. Did she want to provoke him?

“What’s your game, Molly? Are you trying my patience deliberately or is it unintentional? Why are you here? You say you want to write a book and be on your way, yet you haven’t sat down once as far as I can tell to do any work on it. And you flirt with my men, ask questions about the success of the ranch. What for? To test your wiles with these men? Or are you looking for a meal ticket?”

She shook her head, something dying inside her. He’d misinterpreted everything.

“No,” she whispered. “I want to write a book. In the meantime, I need to make a living. I was pushing, I’m sorry.”

How could she explain the urge that almost overwhelmed her to push and push until he gave? She didn’t understand it herself, how could she make him understand?

“Go to bed,” he repeated for the third time.

“Good night.” She turned and hurried to her room before she gave in to the impulses that pounded through her. She wanted his kiss, but without the agreement he’d asked for. She wasn’t ready to make the kind of decision he demanded.

Josh watched her hurry away and frowned. She hadn’t a clue how disruptive she could be. She upset his equilibrium every time he came around her. What was her real reason for taking the job? For being so damned provocative?

He wanted her. More than he had wanted anyone in a long time. Yet he didn’t trust her an inch. He'd thought Jeannie honest and sincere, only to discover she’d been more interested in the money the ranch brought in than in building a life with him.

Molly appeared to be different. Or was she? It didn’t matter.

If she agreed to his terms, they’d explore the sensuality between them and call it quits when she left. He liked being with her. He found her wide-eyed wonder at the things on the ranch refreshing. Even her daydreaming intrigued. He should be mad she wasn’t better attuned to the real world, but he found it enchanting. Not the burned meals, or wet clothes, but the way she tuned everything out and gazed off into space. Her return to reality was always amusing.



Though Saturday was technically her day off, and though she hadn’t gone to bed until almost three o’clock, Molly rose to fix breakfast at the usual time. She hadn't slept well. Maybe she’d take a nap in the afternoon. In the meantime, she wanted breakfast; it didn’t prove to be that much extra trouble to prepare it for everyone.

She cooked French toast and sausage, putting everything in the oven to keep warm. The men drifted in one at a time. Billy never did show up. Nor did Josh. Molly wondered where he was. Sleeping in?

The others appreciated her efforts and thanked her.

Excited to have the rest of the day to herself, she cleaned up the kitchen and headed for the office. Turning on the computer, she pulled up the last chapter she'd worked on and reread what she’d written. It seemed flat. Sighing, she began to edit, trying to get some spark that would reach out and grab her.

But she couldn’t concentrate. Gazing out the window, she thought about all Josh had said, and suggested. Unbidden, Gillian’s voice echoed in her mind. How friendly was Josh with Gillian? Had he made arrangements with Gillian for more dates?

Where did that leave her? He had said he’d abide by her guidelines. Could she take what he had to offer and set some limits? Like, not going to bed together? She wanted love and some commitment before going that far. Yet his kisses inflamed her, set her body spinning like nothing else ever had. She longed to ruffle his hair, trace those sleek muscles, taste him again. Have the right to touch.

And if she could capture some of the feelings that spilled through her every time he came near, she’d find the spark she missed in her book.

It was time to make a decision. Did she want to live life to its fullest, or stay safe and secure as her father had taught her?

“The words won’t type themselves,” Josh said, amusement lacing his voice.

She spun around, her heart beating rapidly at the mere sight of him. He looked wonderful.

“I was thinking.”

“Yeah, I know.” He walked into the office, his loose-legged gait like poetry in motion. His eyes never left hers. “If you want to see some of the ranch, come on. I’m riding out and you can go with me.”

“Great!” Without a thought to her manuscript, she flicked off the computer and rose.

“I need to get my boots.”

“Right. I’ll meet you in the barn. Do you have a hat?”

She shook her head.

“I’ll find you one. Hurry up.”

“Did you get breakfast?” she asked as she passed him on the way to the stairs.

“Yes. Thanks for fixing it. You didn’t have to, Saturday's your day off.”

“Wasn’t much bother. I’ll be right there.” She ran up the stairs, her thoughts spinning. Josh had asked her to go with him today. She'd get to spend as much time with him as she wanted, and learn more about ranching.

Excitement spilled through her like warm wine. She could hardly wait.

In only a short time the two of them rode away from the homestead and out to the open range. The grass grew high, making a swishing sound as the horses walked through. The sky spread from horizon to horizon in a clear deep blue, the distant mountains shone brilliant in the morning sun. The air was still.

“It’s beautiful,” Molly said breathlessly as she matched her horse’s gait with Josh’s.

“I’ve never wanted to live anywhere else,” Josh acknowledged.

“Well, trust me, I’ve been all around and this is the prettiest place I’ve seen.”

BOOK: Reckless Heart
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