Reckless Curves

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Authors: Sienna Stapleton

BOOK: Reckless Curves
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Sienna Stapleton


"Sienna Stapleton debuts with an exhilarating ride of curves and domination. A recommended read for lovers of BBW and BDSM." – Christa Wick (Author of Smoke and Curves)





Recognition and Thank You

To fellow authors Michelle Fox and Christa Wick

Thank you both for all of your encouragement and support.  You have no idea how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me.


This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. E-books containing adult content are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Advertising executive Shannon Meyers isn’t happy when she receives an emergency call from her
company’s biggest client Hague Motor Sports.  With her business partner Marcy out on maternity leave, Shannon has no choice but to handle the situation, despite her dislike of motorsports.  However, the moment she sees Brent Hague, all preconceived notions Shannon held about the sport dissolve in a pool of lust. 

Brent isn’t any happier about his advertising rep being on maternity leave, but his mood changes the moment he meets her replacement.  Shannon’s lush curves, combined with a girl next door look stir Brent’s long dormant libido and ignites a desire he hasn’t felt in years.

Emotionally scarred from a past relationship, Shannon’s leery to get involved with anyone.  Being a big girl she’s come to terms with the fact that a happily ever after isn’t in her future.  Brent on the other hand, believes in love at first site and makes his intentions crystal clear.  If he has his way, he’ll not only have her in his bed, but also as a permanent part of his life before the weekend is over.

* * *

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Chapter 1


Racing fuel and exhaust hung heavy in the mid-afternoon air, assaulting my nose while a cacophonous blend of roaring engines and shouts abused my eardrums. The scenario triggered long buried memories of my ex-husband and I stifled the need to cringe as I worked my way through the maze of people milling about.

Can you smell that Shannon?
That’s the smell of success.

My ex’s
scratchy voice echoed in my ears stirring feelings of sadness and inadequacy until they bubbled to the surface. I wanted to leave, to run as fast as my plump legs could carry me.

Instead, I lowered my gaze and continued walking. No matter how ugly my memories might be, I had a job to do.
With my business partner Marcy on maternity leave and my other partner Kayla handling the accounting for our little company, I didn’t have much choice. Hague Motor Sports was our biggest account. 

Without it, our business
could flounder and we’d worked too hard to let that happen. When the owner Brent Hague called saying he had an emergency, it was a big deal. Marcy insisted the best way to handle Brent Hague was face to face. She also thought it would be good for me to face down my demons.

Knowing nothing about the representation side of the business or how to be an agent, I sucked up my personal feelings and hopped the
next flight to Charlotte.

After a very late night arrival at my hotel, a fitful night’s sleep, and a slow crawl through traffic just to reach the track I was…


Out of my element…

Trying desperately to hide from the ghost of a wrecked marriage…

And I had no idea where to find my client.

Doing my best to put my ex out of my mind, I lifted my sunglasses and scanned my surroundings, taking in the nearly empty grandstands and the high curve of the track. Even with the empty stands, an undercurrent of excitement filtered through the air and slowly seeped into my pores. Regardless of my severe aversion to stock car racing, I couldn’t help but feel a certain amount of anticipation begin to build and slowly replace the dread. Maybe Marcy was right. I needed this experience as a way to completely flush what my ex did from my system. After all, I shouldn’t really condemn an entire sport simply due to the actions of one man right?

I pondered that thought as I walked along the row of car haulers
in search of my client. When Wayne left, he’d hadn’t so much taken my heart as my confidence. For years he talked of joining NASCAR as a pit crew member. While his life was consumed with racing and he constantly worked the pits at local tracks, I’d never actually expected him to reach his dream job.

Oh sure, I’d spent many a Friday
and Saturday night stuck sitting in the uncomfortable grandstands watching midget racing, open wheel, and sprint cars, supporting Wayne while he worked as a substitute pit crew member for various teams. However, I’d never expected him to be good enough for the big leagues of racing. He generally wasn’t the most ambitious man and, when he wasn’t working at the track, he spent his time lying around watching racing on television or sleeping. Outside of his NASCAR dreams, Wayne did virtually nothing. So when he’d sat me down to tell me he’d gotten a job with a NASCAR team, I hadn’t actually believed he would leave.

Maybe I was naïve. Maybe I’d closed my eyes to the truth in an attempt to save my fragile ego. In the end, nothing I did had mattered. He’d
used me for money, broken me with his words and actions, then gone off to follow his dreams and left me alone to pick up the pieces of my sorry life.

Wayne’s cruel words resurfaced, reopening old wounds.

I’m in NASCAR now. I don’t need to fuck your fat ass. I can have any girl I want. A beautiful one – just like the one in our bed right now.

I swallowed down another lump while I searched for the red and white car hauler belonging to my client. Walking around aimlessly was only feeding my neuroses and I’d promised myself never to let Wayne hurt me again or know how badly he’d hurt me that night. No matter how vulnerab
le I suddenly felt, I was damn well going to keep that promise. I would start by finding my client and quick.

I approached a man dressed in a green uniform with a battery company name on the back. “Excuse me.”

He turned and the smile on his face faded as he quickly assessed me. “Yes?”

Ignoring the repulsion that appeared in his eyes, I continued. “Can you direct me to the Hague Motor Sports hauler?”

The man arched a brow as his gaze raked over me yet again, then a look of disgust finally settled across his face. Heat flushed through my body as I struggled not to react. Yes, I was a big girl, but that didn’t mean I deserved to be judged like some farmer’s prize pig.

Turning away, he angled a thumb in the direction of a group of tractor-trailers beyond the garage area. “It’s that way. If you’re looking for Calen I think he’s out on the track right now.”

He appeared as if he wanted to say more. Instead, he returned to his task without another word.

“Thank you,” I murmured, remembering my manners despite wanting to slap him across the face for his quick leap to judgment. So what if I had bigger curves than most of the woman who were currently roaming the infield? My size wasn’t some measuring stick for how nice I was or whether I deserved to be treated with respect. Besides, it wasn’t as if I enjoyed being overweight. I exercised and tried to eat right, but still the pounds wouldn’t come off.
 Pushing thirty years old, I’d finally resigned myself to the fact that I would never be the skinny girl I was back in school.

Angry at myself for being shamed by his reaction, I proceeded in the direction he’d pointed. Worrying over what I
couldn’t control would get me nowhere. I forced my thoughts back to where they belonged…my client Brent Hague and his rock star driver, Calen Callaghan.

I’d heard rumors about Calen’s
panache for partying during his off hours and his affinity for the ladies. From what little I’d read on the man, he apparently oozed confidence and sex appeal. If the comments from the man in the green uniform were any indication, the rumors were true.

Not that it mattered to me. Based on the pictures I’d seen of Calen, he liked his women thin and willowy, which meant he probably wouldn’t look twice at me. That was fine.
 The only person I was interested in dealing with was Brent Hague. The sooner I spoke with him about what he was looking for in a sponsor and how much money was involved, the sooner I could find him what he needed and return to New York.

Just thinking about Brent Hague conjured images of some fifty something businessman,
with a receding hairline and a pot belly, smoking a cigar. Since Marcy gave me little information about the account, except to say I needed to learn as much about the sport as possible, I had to fill in the blanks. I could only hope the owner of Hague Motorsports wouldn’t have the same reaction to me as Mr. Green Uniform. If I ended up spending the entire weekend being ignored, or, worse yet, stared at in disgust, Marcy was going to owe me big time.

I passed nearly a dozen trucks before finally stumbling upon
the Hague Motors Sports hauler. The back gate was open with the ramp down, the car or cars that should have been parked inside already gone. A man dressed in a white and red uniform stood over what appeared to be a workbench built into the trailer wall.

Steeling my nerves
, I inhaled and stepped onto the ramp. “Excuse me-”

’m sorry but fans are not allow back here,” the man interrupted without even looking up.

“I’m not a fan. I’m looking for Brent Hague.”

He put down the piece of equipment he was working on and turned his attention to me. An eerie feeling of Deja vu settled over me as I studied him. Did I know him and, if so, where did I know him from?

He leaned over and inspected the track pass around my neck. “So you’re the
rep from New York City that’s taking Marcy’s place?”

At least he’d had the courtesy to not look disgusted
by my presence. “Guilty as charged.” I extended a hand to shake. “Shannon Meyers, at your service.”

The man stared at me for a moment before his eyes lit up with recognition. “Shannon Meyers?
 Not the same Shannon Meyers who grew up in Dakota, Virginia?”

My heart skipped a beat.
How did he know that?
Maybe I did know him after all.

I pulled off my sunglasses to get a better look at him. “That would be me.”

His smile turned wry. “You don’t remember me do you?”

 I’m sorry. You do look familiar, but…” Childhood memories flooded my mind. Fuzzy images of high school parties, my brother and his best friend. “Oh My God. Tony Chapman?”

His grin widened. “The one and only.”

“How have you been?” Excitement and relief flooded through me as I stepped up and wrapped my arms around him. It felt so good to know somebody.

“I’m good. How’s your brother? I haven’t talked to him in years.”

I stepped back and smiled. “Shawn’s good. He’s a service manager at the Dodge dealer back in Dakota.”


I shook my head. “Not yet, but if his fiancé has anything to say about it he will be by next year.”

“That’s great.
 You’ll have to tell him I said hello.”

“I will. He’ll be really happy to hear from you.”

“Well.” Tony raked a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh. “I suppose you’d like me to take you to Brent, huh?”

“That would be nice.”

Tony nodded. “Then follow me.”

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