Reckless: A Bad Boy Sport Romance (14 page)

BOOK: Reckless: A Bad Boy Sport Romance
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“It's okay, relax.” Feeling his hot mouth grazing against the flesh of my thighs, my whole body softened. “I just wanna make you feel good...”

He eased the length of the flashlight into my lips slowly. I yelped, clutching onto the sheets. Even with the layer of latex, I could still feel how cool the hard metal was inside of me. But as he tapped his finger along my clit, pumping the flashlight in and out of me, the stinging slowly dwindled.

“Fuck, it's so hot watching you get stretched out up close,” said Ace gruffly behind me. His voice was so low, it was almost as if he was unaware he was saying it out loud.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I twisted my head back to watch him. He stared hard at my cunt with narrow, brooding eyes, vigorously wetting his lips as he handled me. There was this carnal look flashing in his eyes, yet the eager way he explored my cunt was so tender at the same time. I could feel how bad he wanted me. I could feel how good he wanted me to feel...

Ace pulled the flashlight out of me. He leaned in, biting one of my butt cheeks before scrambling back to his feet. I groaned in surprise at the sharp, sore spot forming on my butt, but before I could react any further, his fingers dug into my cheeks and forced them apart with one hand. And when he started to reach for a fresh condom, I grabbed his wrist.

“Wait. I wanna feel you – and I mean, really feel what it's like to have you inside of me. Just for a little bit.”

He didn't need to be told twice. Grabbing hold of his cock, he pressed his warm, pink head against my glistening cunt. I moaned, giving him a weak nod of approval as I lowered my head back onto the bed. The lips of my yearning cunt pulsed. But he continued to tease me, pushing the tip of his cock between my lips and just keeping them there. I squirmed under him, purring breathlessly. I couldn't take much more of this. I just wanted him inside of me now...

Ace was enjoying every little bit of my torturous ecstasy. Reaching out between my legs, I begun massaging his balls, tickling the strip of his taint. Just as expected, he finally cave in. He slid the entire length of his cock inside me all at once. I clenched my thighs, tightening my trembling walls around his hard, powerful length.

It was like a switch had flipped. Ace seized me by the waist and started ramming himself in and out of me. I snatched up one of his pillows and pulled it against my face, my loud moans stifled by the lumpy feathers. My breasts and swollen-stiff nipples swung back and forth from his rough, rhythmic momentum.

And that was when we heard it – the sound of bulky tires rolling up the driveway.

“Shit!” Ace yanked himself out of me. He pulled on his boxers hastily as he stumbled towards the window. “My dad's home early.”

I leaped out of his bed and picked up the loose pieces of my cheerleading outfit littered across the floor. Ace's face clouded with dread. Pulling on an old Blink-182 shirt and some green jersey shorts, he headed for the door.

“Stay here,” said Ace sullenly as he opened the door. “Lemme try to distract him, then I'll come back up and get you and sneak you out the back door. I'm sorry –”

“That's okay. I get it.”

As Ace hurried down the stairs, I quickly got dressed and crept towards the door. I squatted down and twisted the doorknob as delicately as I could. I left the door just slightly ajar, just enough to get a little earful of what was going on downstairs.

Mr. Warner's heavy boots clunked up the steps of the front porch. Then, I heard the sound of jingling keys, followed by the slam of the door. I could feel the tension inside the living room from all the way up here, and it was suffocating.

Hey, Dad. You're back early.
” I noted the cool, collected tone in Ace's voice. This was obviously not his first predicament. “
How was –

Don't give me none of that noise
,” Mr. Warner snarled back at him. “
I saw her car parked across the street. Where is she?

Alright, alright. Keep it down – she'll hear you. She's upstairs. What's the big deal –

Aren't you supposed to be at practice?”

“Practice was canceled today – Coach called in sick this morning and they couldn't find a last minute substitute. Call the school if you don't believe me –

So why aren't you picking up extra shifts at Wally's?

Wally didn't need me today. It's Tuesday. It's a slow day. And is it really too much to ask for one day off –

“I don't want you getting your priorities all screwed up over some cheerleader. These rich, country club types – they'll never take you seriously –

Jesus, Dad, you don't even know her.”

I know girls like her. I'm sure she's a nice girl, but she's not like us. Girls like her get everything handed to them. What do you think's gonna happen when she gets tired of you?”

I shifted uncomfortably in place. My panties were still clinging to my damp limps and I was sweating through my uniform. Not only did I feel extremely guilty about eavesdropping on the father and son, it was excruciating to have to listen to any of this. But I just couldn't stop.

It's like I said, you know nothing about her. You don't know how hard she works – not everyone's a goddamn reflection of their parents –

Don't you talk back to me!
” I jumped at the sound of Mr. Warner's thunderous voice. “
Don't you get it? Football's your only chance to get your ass out of this crap hole, your chance to make something of yourself. A chance my old man never gave me –

Dad, keep it down. I get it, I do –

No, you don't. If you only knew of what hell I went through just to get custody of you when she abandoned you, the kind of hell I go through everyday out on that road with my back killing me just to put food on the table. Just to make life a little easier for you...

That was all I could take. I closed the door quietly and flattened up against the wall. It was like someone had let out all the air inside of me. I slunk down to the floor, the numb prickles in my chest flowing down to my palms.

As hurtful and personal as Mr. Warner's statements were, there may be just an inkling of truth to them, after all...

Chapter Ten:




As the rest of the kids cleared out of the studio doors, I walked over to the speaker system and began collecting my things. I noticed Courtney lingering by the door, watching Aiden as she suggestively sucked on a lollipop, but I kept my head down. Aiden appeared oblivious, his back turned to her as he changed out of his dance clothes and back into his school uniform.

“So, like, what's your deal?” Courtney crept up behind Aiden. She leaned against the ballet barre mounted on the wall mirror, twirling a lock of her magenta highlights.

“My deal?” Aiden repeated in his usual deadpan voice, glancing up at her as he slipped on his loafers.

“Yeah, like, you got a girlfriend?” Courtney asked him brazenly, swirling the lollipop around in her mouth. She crossed her arms, her cleavage deepening.

“Nope.” Aiden didn't seem to notice her rather overt attempt at his attention. He slipped into a striped black-and-gray sweater and put on his hood, all with his back turned to her.

“Cool.” The lollipop slipped out of Courtney's lips with an audible pop, her tongue and mouth stained with the red candy. “You're really quiet, aren't you? Anyway, a bunch of us are heading to the food court. You wanna come with? Or, you know, maybe we could hang out somewhere else, just you and me –”

“No, but thanks.”

I couldn't lie – I was a little taken aback by his answer. Courtney was one of the prettiest girls in class, with her long legs, thick, full lips, and a secret affinity for ballroom dancing. It took almost a month before the guys stopped getting all googly-eyed and distracted from staring at her during practice.

“Cool – oh.” Courtney blinked, seemingly stunned at the rejection. But she quickly recovered, shrugging as she strutted out the door. “Okay. I guess I'll see you around.”

“See ya.”

Before Aiden left, I ran up behind him. Aiden was clearly not the most outgoing of the kids, but he'd been acting even more reserved than usual. He chose to dance alone, standing at least 10 feet away from the last row, and insisted on keeping his hood on the whole time.

“Aiden, Aiden wait up!”

He halted at the door with one foot in front of him, staring straight ahead.

“What's up, Ms. C? I don't wanna be rude, but I gotta get home.”

“Yeah, of course, I just wanted to ask...”

When I saw Aiden's face, my words trailed off. There were a few fresh gashes on his nose and neck, but it was the ugly purplish patch around his swollen left eye that rendered me speechless. He tugged at the sides of his hood with his equally cut-up, black-and-blue knuckles.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm good, Ms. C. Really. It's not as bad as it looks.” He gave me a slight nod and stepped out the door. “I'll see you next practice.”

I was tempted to chase him down, but I restrained myself. Whatever it was, it was getting worse. But I needed to stay patient and build his trust. I needed him to come back next practice.




“I'm home!” I called out as I hung up my purse behind the door. “Tab? Tab, you here?”

The humming of the air conditioning behind the closed door of the guestroom was my only answer. I kicked off my shoes and hung my jacket next to my purse, but when I walked into the living room, my face turned sour. The kitchen was a disaster zone.

A mountain of dirty dishes caked with half-eaten food was piled high on the sink. Empty food packaging, spilled milk, oatmeal crumbs, and other unidentifiable stains sullied the white marble counters. What looked like ¾ of a stick of butter had been left out on the stove top for hours and was now a yellow, greasy puddle, dribbling down the edge of the stove and onto the floors.

“Holy crap,” I fumed under my breath. “Really?”

The rest of the house was no better. It looked like Tabitha's suitcases had thrown up all over the living room. Dresses in varying shades of black ate up most of my sofa set. In the bathroom, Tabitha had taken all of my toiletries and placed them on the top of the toilet bowl, replacing the shelves with her hair iron and makeup products. There were smudges of foundation, black eyeliner, and curly beard trimmings stuck all over my white sink. Worst of all, the shower had been used with the curtains dangling outside of the tub, and the bath rugs were blackened with foot prints and scrunched up in the corners.


When I stomped out of the bathroom, the guestroom door flung open. Tabitha plodded out of the room, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Her nightie was turned inside-out, one of the straps hanging off her shoulders.

“Brooks?” Tabitha stuffed a fist in her mouth, breaking her second yawn. “Will you keep it down with all the slamming and banging out here – what are you, trying to wake the dead?”

“What the hell happened in here?” I demanded, sticking a hand on my hip.

“Sorry, I guess it got a little wild in here.” Tabitha poked her head into the bathroom and paced around the kitchen slowly. “Shawn – or was it Shane? Anyway, he spent the night.”

“That's one thing, but would it kill you to clean up after yourself around here?” I went off at her. Before I could stop myself, I was on a roll. “You said you'd clean up the crap in the kitchen 2 days ago! You know I love you, Tab, but this is getting out of hand. The last thing I want to do when I get home from a long day at work is to deal with –”

“Okay, Mom,” Tabitha snapped, shaking her head. “I said I was sorry.”

“And I don't know what's gotten into you – I don't mind you bringing some guy home once in a while, but there's been a different stranger hogging my bathroom every morning this week! It's insane, not to mention dangerous–”

“Fine.” Tabitha narrowed her eyes, her jaw tightening. She dropped the tone of her voice, viciously enunciating every one of her words. “Whatever. I knew I should've stayed at a hotel, anyway. Don't you worry, I'll be out of your hair by tomorrow morning.”

“Tabitha, that's not what I –”

Before I could finish my sentence, the door banged shut, followed by the definitive click of the lock.

Chapter Eleven:



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