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Authors: S.C. Stephens

Reckless (2 page)

BOOK: Reckless
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Looking over my shoulder at him, I couldn’t contain my smile. Gavin Carter was Kellan’s biological father. Kellan had put off meeting the man for months; he’d been terrified to
see him. But they’d finally met yesterday, and now Kellan was going to try and have a relationship with the person who’d helped create him.

Twisting in his arms, I slung mine around his neck. Running my fingers through the back of his hair, I gave him a soft kiss. “I’m sure he’ll understand that your wedding night
ran a little long.”

Kellan sighed and cinched me tight to him. His body flush to mine was hard and unyielding. My fingers itched to feel the curves of his defined physique, but that always led to him exploring
mine, which usually led to a long, drawn-out lovemaking session . . . and we really did have to leave. Practicing as much restraint as I could, I kept my fingers tightly tangled in his hair.

Kellan kissed my head. “I still can’t believe you’re my wife.”

Nuzzling my face against his chest, I felt like my heart was going to burst open onto the floor. God, I loved him. Desire for him started building in me as we held each other, and I again had to
repress the urge to express my love for him physically. Pulling back, I frowned. “You’re right, we should go.”

Kellan smirked at my expression. “You want to have sex again, don’t you?”

Flushing, I pushed his chest away from me. “I think we broke enough records last night . . . and this morning.” I felt the heat in my cheeks and averted my eyes.

Squatting in front of me, Kellan grabbed my chin and made me look at him. “Do you want to have sex with me?” he asked, not a hint of a tease in his voice.

His question was so direct that I found it difficult to keep my eyes trained on his. I instinctively wanted to look away. I didn’t, though. I made myself stare into his dark blue depths as
I whispered, “Yes.”

Kellan gave me a prideful grin. “Was that so hard to admit?” he asked, a gleam in his eyes.

I started to close my eyes, but stopped myself. He wanted me to not be embarrassed around him. And he wasn’t trying to tease me right now; he was trying to help me grow. Locking gazes with
him, I nodded again. “Actually, yeah, that was a little mortifying.”

Pursing his lips, Kellan shifted away from me. “I want you to ask me to have sex with you . . . right now.”

My mouth dropped open. “Kellan . . .” Feeling self-conscious, I covered my chest with my arms. As I was still wearing the tight, slinky dress my sister, Anna, had let me borrow for
my graduation ceremony, there was a lot of skin to cover up. “I’ve asked you for sex before. . . . Why are you purposely embarrassing me?”

Sighing, he leaned down again to meet my eye. “You’ve asked me in the heat of the moment, when we were heading in that direction anyway. I want you to feel comfortable enough to ask
me anytime, anywhere.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Anywhere?”

Kellan gave me an impish smile. “

Knowing he wasn’t going to drop this, I huffed out a disgruntled breath. Dropping my hands to my sides, I counted to ten. Really, this wasn’t so hard. I should be able to ask him to
have sex with me. I’ve certainly used my body to ask him on several occasions. Bluntly saying it was different, though. It made me feel a lot more vulnerable.

Lifting my chin, I confidently asked, “Kellan, will you have sex with me?” Well, I meant to say it confidently, but my voice came out high and squeaky—anything but sexy.

But by the look on Kellan’s face, you’d think I’d just given him a lap dance. His burning eyes slid down my body, igniting me. They lingered on my lips, my chest, my hips, and
even though he wasn’t touching me, my body responded like he was. When his bedroom eyes finally returned to mine, he took a step forward. His hip brushed against me and I gasped. Leaning
down, his breath hot against my skin, he murmured in my ear, “That is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

My eyes fluttered closed. I felt like I was vibrating, waiting for him to touch me. Every sensitive spot on me buzzed with anticipation. All he had to do was touch his lips to mine, brush a
thumb over my breast, or cup my backside, and I would explode . . . I was sure.

His lips closed over my earlobe and a low moan escaped me. “But we have to go.” With those words he grabbed my hand and yanked me forward. Startled at the sudden movement, my eyes
flew open. His grin was amused as he backed toward the exit . . . and not the bed.

I frowned at him as he laughed. “I’m sorry, Kiera, but you’ll just have to be unsatisfied for a while.” Cocking his head, his smile grew wider. “That’s sort
of . . . karma . . . for all the times you’ve left me aroused and alone.”

Guilt crept toward me, but I pushed it back. Our past wasn’t relevant anymore. “You’re mean,” I muttered.

He kissed my cheek. “Hmmm, maybe I am.” Stepping into me, he grabbed my backside and pulled my hips into his. Fire swept through me instantly and I groaned a little before I
controlled myself. Running his nose along my jaw, he husked out, “Because I’m really looking forward to teasing you all day.”

Irritated at how turned on I was, I pushed him back. “You suck.”

He laughed as he opened the door. Grabbing my purse, I looked back at the rumpled bed that screamed
A passionate romp happened here!
“Wait, Kellan. Should we make the bed before
we go?”

Kellan bunched his brows as he looked between my face and the twisted sheets. Shaking his head at me, he murmured, “You’re so adorable.” His loving grin turned into amusement
as he looked back at the bed. “No, we’re leaving the room like it is. I want the world to know what happened here . . . on the night we consummated our marriage,” he said,
returning his eyes to mine.

I sighed, moved by his words. Then he added, “Besides . . . it’s hot.”

Rolling my eyes, I followed him out of our hotel room.

The woman at the front desk kept her eyes on Kellan the entire time he checked us out. I saw her gaze flick down to his wedding ring when he handed her his credit card, but by the sparkle of
interest in her eyes, I don’t think she much cared that Kellan was married.

Kellan was a breathtaking man, and gorgeous men attracted attention when they walked into a room. I was used to the reaction by now, and it didn’t really bother me anymore. Well, at least
it didn’t bother me as much as it used to.

The eager hotel employee frowned as she handed Kellan his receipt. By the flash of disappointment in her eyes when Kellan thanked her without even looking at her, I think she’d been hoping
he would ask her to join him upstairs. I refrained from smiling when her eyes finally shifted to me. She may have been hoping for a quick hookup with the hot man about to exit her lobby, but Kellan
didn’t do hookups anymore.

Snuggling into Kellan’s side, I politely thanked her for the pleasant stay. I giggled after I said it, still a little high from my wedding night. Kellan kissed my head as he turned us
toward the exit. “When we get home, I’ll call Gavin and have him come over to our house for brunch. Might as well have our two families formally meet, right?” he said.

Kellan’s smile was content and it warmed my heart. He’d referred to his father as “family.” That was a far cry from when he hadn’t wanted anything to do with him.
“Yeah, sounds great.” I cringed. “My parents are going to kill me, though.” I flashed my ring. “And then kill you.”

Kellan only shrugged at my comment as he led us to his car in the parking lot. Gallantly opening my door for me, he gave me a peck on the cheek as I slid inside the Chevelle. He sprinted around
to the driver’s side with a huge grin on his face. He looked so happy to finally have me as his wife, to know that I was his and I wasn’t going anywhere. I’d always hoped that the
man I married would love me beyond reason, but Kellan . . . loved me beyond anything. The depth of his love sometimes overwhelmed me, but my love for him was just as powerful. He was everything to

As he stepped into the vehicle, I moved across the bench seat so I could be as close to him as possible. He grinned as he draped his arm over my shoulder. “Miss me?” he asked, his
voice low and husky.

Nodding, I leaned up to kiss him. Kellan eagerly returned my affection, his hand coming up to cup my cheek. I lightly flicked my tongue against his and he groaned, then pushed me back.
“Hey, I’m supposed to be teasing you today, not the other way around.”

He had an adorable pout on his face, and I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped me. “Sorry, I learned from the master.”

Kellan let out a dramatic exhale and removed his arm from around my shoulder so he could start his car. “Serves me right, I suppose.” The hearty engine growled to life, and
Kellan’s content expression returned.

My face was a mirror image of his as I lay my head on his shoulder. Even though the hotel receptionist had blatantly ogled my husband, even though my dad was going to try and ground me when I
saw him again, and even though Kellan’s newly discovered father was going to be dropping by for a visit this afternoon, today was a perfect day; nothing was going to squelch my happiness.

We turned onto Kellan’s cramped street, and a feeling of homecoming came over me. I had enjoyed our night away, but I was glad to be back at our place. And I was
glad that
I had moved back in a few weeks ago. When Kellan pulled up to his white, two-story home, a car was parked in the driveway. Kellan glanced over at the bright red sporty Jetta and frowned. Curious
about who was here, I looked over as well; the car didn’t belong to anyone I knew.

Shutting off the Chevelle’s engine, Kellan muttered, “Hmmm,” and cracked his door open. I opened mine as well, wondering if maybe Gavin and his kids were here. He was visiting
from out of town. Maybe he’d rented the car? Although I found it hard to believe that Gavin would show up without asking Kellan if he could come by first. Plus, he would have needed
directions to Kellan’s house. And I really doubted that a rental car would have a bumper sticker on it that read:
If you’re gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair.

Knowing the driver was female and probably one of Kellan’s many, many ex-whatevers, I reluctantly followed Kellan to the front door. God, if some chick had shown up wearing only a long
coat while my parents were here . . . I was going to die.

The front door was unlocked and Kellan stepped through. Reaching back for my hand, he escorted me into our entryway. Kellan’s home wasn’t the largest. From the front door you could
turn right to go upstairs to the bedrooms, turn left to head into the kitchen, or go straight ahead to the living room. My parents were currently sitting on Kellan’s lumpy living room couch,
a deep scowl fixed on my father’s face. My mother was trying to contain it, but I could tell she wasn’t happy either.

I wasn’t sure if their disappointment was over my impromptu elopement or if they were irritated by the person lounging on Kellan’s comfortable chair, a chair that held a large amount
of sentimental value for me since Kellan had given it to me when we’d broken up. It meant a lot to me that Kellan had cared enough to think of me at a time when I really didn’t deserve
his kindness. Some strange girl sitting on it sideways, dangling her high heeled legs over the armrest, made my stomach tighten.

Hearing our entrance, the girl tilted her head back so she could see the door. When Kellan got a good look at her, he muttered, “Shit,” and glanced down at me with a worried
expression. The tightness in my stomach shifted to ice as I wondered who this girl was.

Clenching my hand, Kellan walked into the living room so we could greet the new arrival. When we came into her view, she looked up at Kellan and narrowed her eyes. She had long black hair with
equally dark eyes. She made them seem even darker by covering her lids with smoky gray eye shadow. Her lips were painted bright red and were pursed in an irritated, but erotic, pout. She was
gorgeous, but I’d been expecting that. Most of Kellan’s conquests were.

Her face full of contempt, her voice low and husky, she bit out, “Well, fuck me, Kellan Kyle.” Amused at herself, she smiled and added, “Oh, wait, you already did.” As
her scowl returned, my expression darkened; I already disliked this person.

Ignoring her comment, Kellan acknowledged my parents first. “Martin, Caroline.” Then he shifted his gaze back down to the rude girl lounging on my favorite chair.

My brows shot up my forehead as I stared at the girl glowering at Kellan. Joey? As in, the ex-roommate Joey? The girl who had lived here just a few weeks before Denny and I had moved in . . .
over two years ago? I never thought she’d come back. What the heck was she doing here now?

Face tight, Kellan echoed my thoughts, “What are you doing here?”

She hopped to her feet. Crossing her arms over her ample chest, she lifted her chin. Eyes fiery, she snarled, “Where the hell is all my stuff, Kellan?”

Kellan’s mouth dropped a little and some anger seeped into his expression. Holding my hand a little tighter, he replied, “You’ve been gone for two years. I tossed

I bit my lip to stop myself from cringing.
had actually tossed her stuff. Joey had run off in a huff after Kellan had slept with her then immediately slept with someone else. He
wasn’t always the sweet, loyal lover that he was now. Kellan had insisted that Joey didn’t care for him, that she was just possessive. He’d offended her by sharing his bed with
another woman . . . even though she’d been sharing her bed with other men.

Denny and I had used her furniture when we’d moved in. After our bad breakup, the furniture had felt tainted to me, like the ghost of my ex-relationship had somehow infused into the dark
wood. To purge the home, I’d had all of her stuff taken away. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that, since it wasn’t mine to toss, but I’d wanted it gone so Kellan and I could
start fresh. I probably should have expected that decision to bite me in the ass.

Her face theatrically outraged, Joey shoved Kellan’s shoulder back. “You what? That wasn’t yours to get rid of, asshole!”

BOOK: Reckless
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