Recipe for Attraction (6 page)

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Authors: Gina Gordon

BOOK: Recipe for Attraction
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That’s why he would never have a serious relationship.

“I can’t believe you just sucker punched me.” He groaned. His nose hurt something fierce.

She stood back, her arms folded across her chest, an indifferent look on her face. “You asked for it and I told you, I don’t need someone to rescue me. I knocked you in the face pretty good. Now imagine if I was actually trying.”

Neil dropped his hands and shot her an incredulous look. “Not even trying?”

“I am partial to that pretty face so I didn’t want to mess it up too much.” She smiled and pulled off her gloves.

Neil shook his head. “You really are a ballbuster.”

“So they tell me.” She wrapped her arm around his body. “Come on, let’s get you some ice for that nose.”

Was he a loser if he admitted he didn’t want the evening to end? Would she be happy to know that the entire time they spent in that gym he hadn’t thought about his bike, or racing or his need for release once?

Hell, even the punch had been entertaining. Somewhat.

They worked out for an hour more, Neil refusing to get in the ring no matter how hard she begged. Would she beg like that in the bedroom? Neil made the decision to test that theory as soon as possible.

When they were showered and in their regular clothes, Neil walked Carson out into the night air. The sound of cars passing by filled the streets. The light above the building flickered, about to go out.

Carson approached her bike and secured her bag on the back.

“Where to?” he asked.

She looked up and she smiled. And the smile hit him straight in the gut.

“Let’s go for a ride,” she said. “I know some cool places to bike around here.”

She shoved on her helmet, zipped up her leather jacket and slipped on her gloves. It was extremely hot watching a woman gear up to ride. Why hadn’t he ever considered dating a woman with a bike before?
Maybe because all the women who want a piece of you are prissy, rich heiresses or gold-diggers who want to get their hands on the Madewood fortune.

When had he become so jaded?

Carson lifted her leg and straddled the seat. Hot. Maybe the reason why he never dated a woman who rode was because he’d never let her leave his house. This woman kicked up his libido to uncomfortable levels.

He followed behind her, and put on his helmet, but when he went to mount his bike, she stopped him.

She patted the space behind her.

“I have my own bike here.”

“Yes, but you won’t be riding it.”

“I’m not racing. I get to ride my bike.” Heat made its way up his neck and settled in his cheeks.

“Look at you, all rage-y.” She eyed him, her gaze travelling up and down his body. “Did we not let off enough steam with the punching bag?”

Neil stood strong and crossed his arms over his chest. “We should be clear. I’m never a passenger.”

She clucked her tongue. “Don’t be such a baby.”

Carson kicked the bike to a start and pulled the throttle then looked over her shoulder. “Unless you want this night to end, you’ll hop on, Harrison.” She cocked her head, inviting him over. “I won’t bite.”

Neil laughed low in his throat. “You better cover up that neck, honey because I just might.”

The heat that sparked in her eyes at his comment told him everything he needed to know.

He grabbed his helmet and mounted the bike, easing his body behind her.

“You’re going to have to get closer.”

Neil moved until his crotch was flush against her sweet ass. He was going to have to make a conscious effort not to get aroused. That would be a little embarrassing. A lot embarrassing.

He slid his hands around her waist, the leather of her jacket soft against his skin.

When they were settled, she tilted her head slightly and looked over her shoulder. He nodded letting her know he was ready.

They took off at a quick pace, the crunch of the gravel under them barely audible over the sound of the engine.

Carson then eased out of the driveway and turned left. They travelled through the city streets for about ten minutes then headed north until the housing developments grew sparse.

They were on a true country road, whipping through the wind, and Neil had to grab on a little tighter when she kicked it into fourth gear.

It was weird to not be in control of the ride. The hum between his legs, the air around them, all felt different being a passenger.

They came to the entrance of a conservation area but it was closed off.

Carson stopped the bike and let it idle. She lifted her visor and turned. “I was hoping this was going to be open. There are some cool hills we could try.”

Hills? Why was she making so much of an effort? There was no reason for her to spend more time with him. Especially when they weren’t anywhere near a bed.

“Why are you doing this?” He settled his eyes on hers.

“What do you mean? We’re riding.”

“We could have just gone our separate ways.”

It was as if she was frightened of him riding.

His restlessness had settled, a sort of peace coming over him simply by the way the wind washed over his body. But the feeling that usually forced him to do stupid things had been replaced with a different type of restless urge. A sexual urge to take this woman up against one of the thousands of trees that surrounded them.

“Why are you so intent on me not racing? What’s it to you?”

“It’s dangerous…and I don’t want to see you get hurt.” She tensed. “It’s not a nice thing to get caught up in.”

She faced forward, preventing him from seeing her eyes. He knew she was holding something back.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?”

She slammed her hand on the handles of the bike. “Disclosing personal information wasn’t part of our deal.”

“Your call.” He shrugged. “Maybe Martin will tell me about your—”

“You’re infuriating.” She spit out her words with a growl and her head tilted slightly but not enough to face him. “I told you. I raced. And then I stopped.”

Neil let his hands slide down her body and settle on her hips. Those lush, curvy hips that fit the palm of his hand with perfection.

He heard a soft intake of breath as his hands moved to the crease of her thigh. And there it was, the thing he didn’t want to happen was getting harder with each passing second.

She felt him. Hard against her back. Of that he had no doubt. She even did a tiny wiggle against his crotch. It felt amazing. Just what he needed to forget his troubles.

“We should probably get back.”

She had won this round. Although he had handed it to her when he got distracted by her hips. She wasn’t ready to disclose her demons. He had many of his own so he didn’t hold a grudge. He probably would have done the same had the roles been reversed.

She backed them out of the driveway and they drove off down the deserted road.

Neil wanted to take this further. The reaction of her body told him she was on board. She just needed a little coaxing. And he knew exactly what he needed to do to get her in the mood.

The hum of the bike underneath them had to feel good to her. It felt good to him and he didn’t have a clit. He let his hands slide back down to the crease of her thighs. She gave her head a shake. Was she losing concentration?

He squeezed and let his fingers make their way between her legs. She was warm, so hot, even with his gloves on.

She shimmied back against him. He had no idea how she managed to do it while they rode. Her back straightened, and it allowed her legs to open a little more, giving him a little more access to the part of her he hoped throbbed with need for his cock.

He let one hand slip further down and he cupped her crotch as best he could, given the tight space. The bike jerked and he surged forward. He was getting to her.

His hands found their way under the leather of her jacket to the waistband of her jeans. He undid the button and slowly pulled down the zipper. With the zipper all the way down, he dipped two fingers under the waistband of her panties, slowly, giving her time to stop him if she wasn’t into it. Or if she didn’t think she could hold her concentration while driving the bike.

Neil wasn’t one to shy away from what he wanted, especially in the bedroom. And he wanted Carson. All the arguing, all the anger toward one another was just foreplay. Revving up their own engines. Bringing their need for each other to a deeper, more intense level.

The first touch of warmth sent his head spinning, and when he delved deeper between the folds of her flesh, he groaned. The wetness between her thighs was the best greeting he’d gotten in a very long time.

This was insane. This was bad for business. This was going to get him in very deep with a woman he had no business getting under his skin.

But when she leaned back and their helmets touched, he lost all sense of logic. With her torso straight he was able to slip further down. He massaged her clit with the pads of his fingers, his movement limited by the tightness of her jeans.

He pressed closer into her body, his hips pushing up against her bottom in even strokes.

The bike jerked again, but this time she slowed and pulled onto the side of the road.

They stopped and Neil let his feet drop to the ground cradling the bike between his thighs. She pulled off her helmet and her shiny, black hair flew in every direction. It smelled of citrus and, from behind, he noticed the strands were a little soaked with sweat along her hairline.

With his free hand Neil removed his own helmet, the air against his face cooled him down a touch, but only a touch.

She leaned back, her head resting against Neil’s shoulder. She spread her legs wider and undulated her hips.

“Oh, God,” she murmured. “Oh…”

“Feel good?”

She moaned. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

“And why not. All this arguing has been one long game of foreplay and I’m about ready to stop playing.”

He moved his fingers with vigor but he couldn’t give her what she needed like this.

Neil slipped his hand from her pants and got off the bike. He stepped closer, crowding her, then cupped her cheek, letting his thumb brush across her soft skin.

Her pulse pounded against the palm of his hand. She licked her lips, her sweet breath an intoxicating scent.

When his lips finally touched hers, something inside him broke.

His restraint?

The brick wall he kept between him and the world?

At this point he couldn’t be sure which, but it didn’t matter. He could analyze it tomorrow. Right now all he wanted was to fall between her legs.

Neil deepened the kiss and she opened for him, her lips parting in invitation. He slipped his tongue inside. Her arms came around and grabbed onto his neck, her fingers lightly cutting into the skin at his nape. It felt good. Right.

“You hired me to build your restaurant. My fee doesn’t include this. You know that, right?”

Neil kept kissing, and she kissed him right back. He pulled away. “Close your eyes.”

She stared at him. Desire. Fear. All shot like daggers.

“Close your eyes,” he repeated.

She swallowed hard. Finally her eyes closed and he leaned in.

Neil let his lips roam against her face, her cheeks, her nose, never making full contact. He’d had her lips, plump and swollen from his kiss. What he wanted lay between her legs.

He stepped back and pulled her off the bike. His hands went right to her waistband and pulled her jeans and panties down.

Her boots were in his way. “Shit!” Strike one for having sex with a female biker. He pulled them off then lifted and settled her on the seat.

“I thought you were going to kiss me.”

He grinned. “I am.”

Neil lowered himself, one knee hit the dirt road as he let his lips graze against her folds. She smelled sweet and musky. His hands skimmed up her legs, tickling her calves, gripping her supple thigh, and resting between her legs.

“Neil,” she whispered.

His tongue licked her tender flesh, moving from the outside of her lips then dipping between her folds where sweetness waited for him.

He lapped, letting his tongue flatten against her flesh. She gripped the bike, one hand on the handle, the other on the seat, her legs spread wide, her feet resting on his shoulders.

He took her flesh into his mouth and sucked, the pressure setting her off.

She wailed loudly. Her thighs came up and squeezed his head and her flesh pulsed against his mouth.

She grabbed his hair and pulled him away and up, her eyes wide and sparkling. Her fingers wiped at his mouth and she nipped at his lips. He loved when a woman wasn’t afraid of her own scent.

“Please tell me you brought a condom,” she asked. Her lips pressed against his. “Please, please, please,” she whispered.

And so she begged. And he barely had to do a thing.

“Never leave home without one.”

Neil reached for his wallet and grabbed the condom that he kept there for situations just like this one. But if someone asked him two days ago if he’d be using his stash with Carson Kelly, he would have laughed.

He bent and slipped her feet into her boots. “What are you doing?”

He held out his hand. “Come with me.”

She tensed. “Where are we going?”

He gestured over to the tree line. He’d imagined taking her up against one of those trees. And that’s exactly what he was going to do.

She stepped into his embrace and he captured her lips. Her fingers fiddled in his hair. This time, he let his hands roam to other areas, like her breasts. He grazed his fingers along the outside. They were petite and more than perfect for the cupping of his hands.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, letting his hands drop to her bottom. He massaged the smooth flesh then gripped her tightly, lifting her so her legs wrapped around his waist. With her in position he walked them over to a tree.

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