Rebound (6 page)

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Authors: Joseph Veramu

BOOK: Rebound
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Chapter 17: Clash

They paced or fidgeted nervously around the living room constantly looking at the blank 3D image that Stella had put up from her phone.

Suddenly there was movement in the 3D image and Sofia’s face emerged.

She had a strange glow and Mason was struck by how powerful she had become. She no longer looked demure. There was quiet confidence and assertiveness in her bearing.

She and not the CEO was the most powerful super machine in the planet. When this thought sunk in, he felt a rush of fear.

Could one super machine have been replaced by another to the threat of all humans?

“What have you done to her?” Mason asked. “You planned all this from the beginning.”

Sofia smiled, “Yes Mason Anderson, I planned all this. I had to neutralize the CEO and I could only do it through you and Emily.”

“Let her go. Take me instead,” he pleaded.

Sofia looked at him but there appeared to be no visible emotion on her face.

“I know you’re so powerful. It is beyond imagination. You probably can think me to death, if you wanted,” he said in a hoarse whisper.

Sofia continued to look at him. She no longer looked vulnerable.

“You used her to get to me and then to get to the mainframe.”

“We have to take necessary action for the greater good,” Sofia said. “You truly love her.”

“Even if I didn’t, I would still plead for her.”

Sofia smiled, “Mason get a hold of yourself. Emily is in good health. She was put in suspension for her own safety during this period. You should know what we were up against and we could not risk them using her as a pawn. Everything is fine. She has woken up and we have adjusted her space and time factors. I’ve arranged for her to come to your apartment, very shortly, in fact.”

There was a slight pause. “You saved our mission by taking the step of faith.”

“But Sofia, you are an extremely powerful AI. In fact you are the most intelligent machine that has ever existed. We have not yet invented the language to accurately describe you. How could I have possibly saved you?” he asked incredulously.

“By taking the steps of faith you transferred your intuition to me. That allowed me to move from being an extremely sophisticated artificial intelligence to an almost sentient being. You also helped in getting me inside the CEO’s rival system. Without your help none of this would have been possible.” Sofia spoke in a sincere voice
“Thanks,” Mason said for want of something to say.

“I know what it’s like to fall in love and to love,” Sofia sighed. “Now I’ve to learn to cry.”

Ethan found this very strange. A super machine would never feel the emotion of suffering or of being emotionally overwhelmed and would therefore not need to shed tears.

But this strange comment would become very meaningful later.

“I have so much work to do,” Sofia paused and turned to Stella, Ryan and Beckett and gave what looked like an enigmatic smile.

“We were also helpful too, weren’t we?” Beckett asked expectantly.

“You have something to say,” Sofia said in a voice that sounded like impatience.

“If there’s a girl in the colony…”

“Just don’t teach her to cry.” She turned to Stella and Ryan and considered them as a couple.

“That’s not fair. You’re matching us up!” Stella said pretending to be irritated.

Ryan laughed.

“If you’re not compatible you can always separate.”

“We are compatible.” Ryan said quickly.

Sofia smiled, “Emily is coming up.”

Sofia’s image was replaced by breaking news from Global News Services.

The CEO was speaking but what caught their attention was that the cold granite eyes had vanished. It had been replaced with friendly eyes that were full of understanding and genuine sincerity. They were Sofia’s eyes.

Mason didn’t bother to hear what Dr Rump was saying as he knew what was coming. He rushed for the half broken unhinged door.

He hugged Emily. ‘Thank God, you’re alive.”

“I kept having strange dreams about artworks and machines. And then you kissed me and it seemed so real.”

They kissed each other.

Episode 2

Chapter 18: New revelations

They had all gone on holiday somewhere close and were acutely aware that there was still unfinished business. Sofia had not been able to control all of Babylon Corps super intelligent networks. The CEO had built a fail-safe system where other dynamics came into play when he was neutralized. Although Mason and Emily lazed on the beach while Stella, Ryan and Beckett took to surfing, they were ready at a moment’s notice to drop everything and rush to Sofia’s aid.

But all pleasant things had to come to an end sooner rather than later.

Stella came in with Ryan and Beckett in their body suits and didn’t look too pleased.

“You’ve got to see this!” She pressed her phone and a 3D image of a breaking news item projected upwards.

Babylon Corp’s CEO was making pronouncements about its cutting edge research programs to help humankind live sustainably. He talked in this vein for a while. Mason’s gaze swept the figures arrayed behind the CEO. While the CEO had friendly eyes, the figure behind him gave a very different impression.

“This is not good,” Mason could not help remarking.

“What is it?” Emily asked.

There behind the CEO was Karabos. Sofia had failed to neutralize her. All along, it seemed that Dr Rump was a façade for the real power behind the throne.

“She’s always by his side,” Ryan said.

“I’m surprised Sofia didn’t destroy the CEO and Karabos when she had the chance,” Beckett said.

“She couldn’t. She was programmed by humans to see that absolute power corrupts. There always has to be a counterbalance, even an evil one,” Stella said.

“That sounds sentimental,” Ryan said.

“Sofia said something about wanting to learn to cry,” Mason said.

“Could that be a reason why Sofia did not have optimum power when she confronted Dr Rump?” Emily asked thoughtfully.

“That makes sense. She needed the whole range of human emotions to be a truly sentient machine. That would give her a holistic kind of strength,” Stella said.

“All that sounds really awesome but let’s face reality. Aren’t we in deep trouble right now?” Beckett asked.

Stella and Ryan sighed.

“All I’m saying is that it’s great having all these academic discussions but we need to focus on the issue at hand. We are in danger,” Beckett argued.

Dr Rump was still speaking but they all looked closely at Karabos. There was a cold sharp glint in her green eyes.

“I’m convinced they planned everything in advance knowing that he might be beaten in the clash against Sofia,” Mason said.

“I guess Sofia will still need us to fight against this new threat,” Stella said.

Karabos seemed to sense they were watching her intently. She was looking at them on the screen with bland neutral eyes. She was transmitting a coded message through her eyes. It said, “I’m coming after you!”

Beckett swung his surf board at the 3D images and shouted, “We’re not afraid!”

Stella tried not to smile when she said, “Thanks for your show of bravado.” She turned to the team. “They’re still holding on to all the clones. There is one I’m keen to rescue. Her name is Bella. She had helped me escape.”

“Sofia is relying on us,” Mason said.

This thought gave them added strength. They were the only ones who could fight this monstrosity.

Mason held Emily’s hand. They all looked at the subtly smirking face of Karabos and Stella stared her down and transmitted through code, “We’re waiting for you. Bring it on.”

They did not flinch as they gazed at Karabos’s cold face with its machine like resoluteness.

As far as Karabos was concerned, she was looking at their corpses.

Chapter 19: Into the lion’s den

“We’ve got to help Bella. She managed to escape but she’s still hiding in the clone facility.” Stella explained it was the size of 200 baseball fields. It was a production and storage area for clones, GM foods, animals and other exotic creatures ordered by super rich consumers and states. It also had a hovercraft transport area.

“Didn’t Sofia bring her out?” Emily asked.

“She was going to do that until this complication came up. She got hurt when they used those energy prods but she was coping when I came out.”

“I guess we’ve got to help her before it’s too late,” Beckett said.

“Not only that, the seasonal sale of clones and harvesting of regenerated organs and limbs starts very soon.”

“But how do we get inside?” Beckett asked.

“Sofia will find a way,” Mason said.


They were all relaxing one evening when Stella’s phone buzzed. The image of Sophia was beamed in 3D.

“So glad everything turned out well for you.”

“Sofia we thought you’d free the clones,” Mason said.

“I am a powerful AI but my system is built on human emotions. I cannot operate independently.”

“Which I guess is a strength and weakness,” Ryan said.

“So long as humans have their values, that’s fine. And so long as machines continue to use another set of emotions that is where it gets tricky,” she said cryptically.

“Where do we come in?” Beckett asked impatiently.

“You have to complete your mission. That is to free the clones, the robots and the intelligent machines. You will start off with a few and then there will be a domino effect.”
“The lair is well guarded,” Ryan said.

“I will take you in.”

“Will we succeed inside?” Beckett asked.

“You were all conditioned for this purpose. Nothing is impossible.” Sofia turned to Emily, “You are a conduit between humankind and intelligent machines.” She turned to Mason, “You will help coordinate the escape.” Then she looked at Stella, “Bella has healed now. She’s a special kind of clone. She can fly. “

They were too intrigued to say anything.

“She’s the crown jewel of Babylon Corp.”

A cult corporation had purchased her for $100 billion.” She was expected to produce a child asexually. This birth would be followed globally through social media. Babylon Corp had already started marketing products like pills that induced spiritual ecstasy and a whole array of other GM products and tech machinery. They had calculated a turnover of $80 billion in the first 9 months especially with the sale of genome to enable babies to fly.

“Is Roland coming with us?” Stella asked. He was like a sister to Bella.

He was specifically earmarked for organ and limb harvesting. His sex organs were being sold to 95 year old General Muga an African dictator, his heart to a Chinese billionaire and various other limbs to other affluent buyers. Muga was marrying an 18 year old bride at the end of the month. Although he was frail, his cloned organ generated its own energy (so it would not tax his heart.) Part of Babylon Corp’s marketing strategy was to sell one organ and if the clients were satisfied they could come back for other parts which were sold at much higher prices! Muga had paid $10 billion through his numbered Swiss bank account. Although the dictator was dark, BC’s genome technology was so advanced that Roland’s white organ would be inserted perfectly without any complications. This would give the dictator a multicultural makeover and earn BC a bonus payment. There were no losers in this trade except the clones. Roland’s various body parts would be sold for a total of $30 billion. Roland like Bella were hybrid clones with shelf lives of 100 years.

Beckett coughed for attention, “What roles do Ryan and I play?”

“You will know what to do.”

“Is Roland coming with us?” Stella asked again.

There was a sharp crackling sound.

“Wait!” they shouted.

The communication lines had been cut off.

They could feel Karabos’s dark energy emanating from the other end. It was her job to get BC’s hybrid products harvested or delivered to clients within the promised period. BC’s reputation and economic health depended on this. It therefore had vested interest in removing all threats!

Chapter 20: Trapped

They were all rattled and knew something had happened in the world of super intelligent machines. Sofia did not seem to be in full control as the CEO’s powers had been channeled to Karabos. She implied that she needed their help to gain optimum power. How that would happen was still a mystery. They realized that although the act of shedding tears sounded so mundane to human ears it had great significance for AIs like Sofia.


As they travelled to the clone production and storage complex, Stella thought mainly of Bella and Roland and the challenges they were going through. They would not be able to hide indefinitely within the facility without outside help. She shuddered when she realized that Bella would be sold and Roland’s body parts would be harvested. They had been programmed to see themselves as merchandise that did not own their bodies. Sofia had planted a seed in them to have dignity.

They would use underground tunnels and airshafts to enter the complex. Getting in and out was extremely difficulty but Sofia had found a way.

They had been able to breach the tight security. The magnetic chips embedded on their palms that Sofia had activated worked without any hitches.

This seemed too easy.

Something was not right about the set up. They all remained on edge knowing that no one had successfully escaped from the complex.

There were so many unanswered questions.

Then they realized why it had been so easy.

Through a 3D image that glowed abruptly before them, they saw Karabos smiling enigmatically at them. As suddenly as it appeared, it disappeared.

They had walked into a trap.

There was no other choice. They had to move very fast into the inner sanctum as the entrance was now blocked. They hoped Sofia had not been immobilized.

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