Reborn Vampire Romance: Blood Courtesans (21 page)

BOOK: Reborn Vampire Romance: Blood Courtesans
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“I’m no gentleman.” He covered my body with his and took me roughly to prove it. I shuddered under him and for once, there were no bullets, just blissful release.


hank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Reborn which is part of the Kindle Unlimited Blood Courtesans series. Reviews are always appreciated!

Don't forget to check out the other books in the series! I've licensed the Blood Courtesan world to some amazing authors and worked with them to develop some fantastic vampire romance reads. Note that this is a limited time project. The books will not be available forever so read them while you can!

Other Titles in the Blood Courtesan Series

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About the Author

Y Times and USA Today Bestselling author Michelle Fox lives in the Midwest with her husband, kids, the occasional exchange student and two, sweetly disobedient dogs. She loves fantasy and romance, which makes writing paranormal romance a natural fit. Occasionally, she goes through a maverick phase and writes contemporary romance. In her spare time, she's been known to shake her bon-bon at Zumba, make spectacular cheesecakes, hoard vintage costume jewelry and eat way too much ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra for the win!).  

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BOOK: Reborn Vampire Romance: Blood Courtesans
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